The idea of artistic style transfer is to apply a style of one image (i.e., brush strokes) to another image (i.e., a cat picture) while keeping its content (i.e., shapes).
This notebook shows how to do the artistic style transfer step by step.
The code is based on Francois Chollet's Neural Style Transfer notebook code [1].
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import keras
import keras.backend as K
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
%matplotlib inline
We load the content image [2], onto which we want to transfer the style of another image.
In [2]:
def show_image(image, figsize=None, show_shape=False):
if figsize is not None:
if show_shape:
In [3]:
cat_img = plt.imread('../images/cat.835.jpg') # the image source is the reference [4]
show_image(cat_img, show_shape=True)
We load the style image [3] with which we use to modify the content image.
In [4]:
hokusai_img = plt.imread('../images/Tsunami_by_hokusai_19th_century.jpg')
show_image(hokusai_img, show_shape=True)
The image size of the style image is different from the content image. As we perform feature by feature comparison, we need to resize the style image to the same as the content image size.
In [5]:
TARGET_SIZE = cat_img.shape[:2]
hokusai_img = sp.misc.imresize(hokusai_img, TARGET_SIZE) # resize the style image to the content image size
show_image(hokusai_img, show_shape=True)
We use VGG16 [4]. It is pre-trained and available in Keras. We need to prepare input into the format expected by VGG16.
In [6]:
def preprocess(img):
img = img.copy() # copy so that we don't mess the original data
img = img.astype('float64') # make sure it's float type
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) # change 3-D to 4-D. the first dimension is the record index
return keras.applications.vgg16.preprocess_input(img)
We need three inputs:
In [7]:
def make_inputs(content_img, style_img):
content_input = K.constant(preprocess(content_img))
style_input = K.constant(preprocess(style_img))
generated_input = K.placeholder(content_input.shape) # use the same shape as the content input
return content_input, style_input, generated_input
We concatenate the three inputs into one input tensor and give to the VGG16 model.
In [8]:
content_input, style_input, generated_input = make_inputs(cat_img, hokusai_img)
input_tensor = K.concatenate([content_input, style_input, generated_input], axis=0)
The input_tensor
's shape is (3, height, width, channels or filters).
holds the content_input
holds the style_input
holds the generated_input
We generate the generated_input
by manipulating the copy of the content image (i.e., cat image) so that it has the style of the style image (i.e., Hokusai).
The VGG16 model takes the input_tensor
as input. The include_top
is set to False
as we are only interested in the convolutional layers which are the feature extraction layers.
In [9]:
model = keras.applications.vgg16.VGG16(input_tensor=input_tensor, include_top=False)
We are ready to feed forward these three inputs in VGG16, and then compare generated feature values by using multiple cost functions so that we can adjust the generated image input to apply the style while keeping the content intact.
In [10]:
We pick one of the higher layers for the representation of the content of the image such as shapes. We want to keep the generated image close to the content image. In other words, we want the generated image to have the same content (i.e., shapes) as the original image.
As such, we define a cost function to keep the content similarity between the content image and the generated image. The content cost is the sum of squared differences between the generated features and the content features.
In [11]:
def calc_content_loss(layer_dict, content_layer_names):
loss = 0
for name in content_layer_names:
layer = layer_dict[name]
content_features = layer.output[0, :, :, :] # content features
generated_features = layer.output[2, :, :, :] # generated features
loss += K.sum(K.square(generated_features - content_features)) # keep the similarity between them
return loss / len(content_layer_names)
In [12]:
layer_dict = { for layer in model.layers}
# use 'block5_conv2' as the representation of the content image
content_loss = calc_content_loss(layer_dict, ['block5_conv2'])
Suppose a matrix $C$ contains $n$ column vectors $\hat{c_1}, \hat{c_2}, ...,\hat{c_{n}}$, the Gram matrix of $C$ is $C^TC$ which is a $n \times n$ matrix. A Gram matrix tells us how column vectors are related to each other. Say , if two vectors has positive dot product, they are pointing to the similar direction. If the dot product is zero, they are orthogonal. If it is negative, they point to opposite directions.
We use the Gram matrix to see how each filter within a layer relate to each other.
For example, the block1_conv1 layer has 64 filters. We flatten all 64 filters (matrices) into 64 vectors: $\hat{v_1}, \hat{v_2}, ...,\hat{v_{64}}$. Then, we calculate the dot products of every combination of the vectors. Each of the dot product tells us how strongly the filter combination (i.e., their activations) is related. This produces a Gram matrix of size 64 by 64.
In [13]:
def gram_matrix(x):
features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1))) # flatten per filter
gram =, K.transpose(features)) # calculate the correlation between filters
return gram
When a style image goes through VGG16 convolutional layers, each layer produces a list of feature matrices. For example, the block1_conv1 produces 64 matrices, each of which is a feature matrix produced by applying a convolution operation on the input image. The same goes for the generated image.
In short, each layer contains a list of feature matrices. For the style image, we say we have style features in each layer, and for the generated image, we have generated features in each layer. They are nothing but a list of matrices generated as part of activations for each filter in each layer.
When style features and generated features have similar Gram matrices, they have similar styles because the Gram matrices are generated from the flatten vectors of feature matrices. If they have similar Gram matrices, the filters are having similar relationships in the same layers.
So, we calculate two Gram matrixes for each layer: one for the style features and the other for the generated features and calculate the sum of the sqaured differences (with some denominators to adjust the values).
For example, the block1_conv1 layer, we calculate one Gram matrix for the style features and another Gram matrix for the generated features. We calculate the sum of the squared element wise differences between the two Gram matrices (divided by a denominator which depends on the size of the feature matrices). This tells us how similar the style features and the generate features are in the block1_conv1 layer.
In [14]:
def get_style_loss(style_features, generated_features):
S = gram_matrix(style_features)
G = gram_matrix(generated_features)
channels = 3
return K.sum(K.square(S - G)) / (4. * (channels**2) * (size**2))
We choose a list of layers as the representatives of the image style. Then, for each layer, we calculate the Gram matrices: one for the style filters and one for the generated fitlers. We add them up to calculate the style loss.
If the style loss is low, the two image has similar style.
In [15]:
def calc_style_loss(layer_dict, style_layer_names):
loss = 0
for name in style_layer_names:
layer = layer_dict[name]
style_features = layer.output[1, :, :, :] # style features
generated_features = layer.output[2, :, :, :] # generated features
loss += get_style_loss(style_features, generated_features)
return loss / len(style_layer_names)
In [16]:
style_loss = calc_style_loss(
In [17]:
def calc_variation_loss(x):
row_diff = K.square(x[:, :-1, :-1, :] - x[:, 1:, :-1, :])
col_diff = K.square(x[:, :-1, :-1, :] - x[:, :-1, 1:, :])
return K.sum(K.pow(row_diff + col_diff, 1.25))
In [18]:
variation_loss = calc_variation_loss(generated_input)
In [19]:
loss = 0.8 * content_loss + \
1.0 * style_loss + \
0.1 * variation_loss
grads = K.gradients(loss, generated_input)[0]
calculate = K.function([generated_input], [loss, grads])
generated_data = preprocess(cat_img)
for i in tqdm(range(10)):
_, grads_value = calculate([generated_data])
generated_data -= grads_value * 0.001
To display the generated image, we need to do the reverse of the preprocessing.
In [20]:
def deprocess(img):
img = img.copy() # copy so that we don't mess the original data
img = img[0] # take the 3-D image from the 4-D record
img[:, :, 0] += 103.939 # these are average color intensities used
img[:, :, 1] += 116.779 # by VGG16 which are subtracted from
img[:, :, 2] += 123.68 # the content image in the preprocessing
img = img[:, :, ::-1] # BGR -> RGB
img = np.clip(img, 0, 255) # clip the value within the image intensity range
return img.astype('uint8') # convert it to uin8 just like a normal image data
In [21]:
generated_image = deprocess(generated_data)
show_image(generated_image, figsize=(10,20))