Modern Network :: Pre-Trained for ImageNet

This example demonstrates using a network pretrained on ImageNet for classification. This image recognition task involved recognising 1000 different classes.

The Model 'inception v3'

This model was created by Google, and detailed in "Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision", and was state-of-the-art until Dec-2015.

The model parameter file is licensed Apache 2.0, and has already been downloaded into the ./data/inception_v3 directory. The parameter file is ~80Mb of data. And that's considered small for this type of model.

In [ ]:
import lasagne

from lasagne.layers import InputLayer
from lasagne.layers import Conv2DLayer, Pool2DLayer
from lasagne.layers import DenseLayer
from lasagne.layers import GlobalPoolLayer
from lasagne.layers import ConcatLayer
from lasagne.layers.normalization import batch_norm

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
def bn_conv(input_layer, **kwargs):
  l = Conv2DLayer(input_layer, **kwargs)
  l = batch_norm(l, epsilon=0.001)
  return l

def inceptionA(input_layer, nfilt):
  # Corresponds to a modified version of figure 5 in the paper
  l1 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[0][0], filter_size=1)

  l2 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[1][0], filter_size=1)
  l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][1], filter_size=5, pad=2)

  l3 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[2][0], filter_size=1)
  l3 = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][1], filter_size=3, pad=1)
  l3 = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][2], filter_size=3, pad=1)

  l4 = Pool2DLayer(input_layer, pool_size=3, stride=1, pad=1, mode='average_exc_pad')
  l4 = bn_conv(l4, num_filters=nfilt[3][0], filter_size=1)

  return ConcatLayer([l1, l2, l3, l4])

def inceptionB(input_layer, nfilt):
    # Corresponds to a modified version of figure 10 in the paper
    l1 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[0][0], filter_size=3, stride=2)

    l2 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[1][0], filter_size=1)
    l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][1], filter_size=3, pad=1)
    l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][2], filter_size=3, stride=2)

    l3 = Pool2DLayer(input_layer, pool_size=3, stride=2)

    return ConcatLayer([l1, l2, l3])

def inceptionC(input_layer, nfilt):
    # Corresponds to figure 6 in the paper
    l1 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[0][0], filter_size=1)

    l2 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[1][0], filter_size=1)
    l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][1], filter_size=(1, 7), pad=(0, 3))
    l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][2], filter_size=(7, 1), pad=(3, 0))

    l3 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[2][0], filter_size=1)
    l3 = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][1], filter_size=(7, 1), pad=(3, 0))
    l3 = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][2], filter_size=(1, 7), pad=(0, 3))
    l3 = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][3], filter_size=(7, 1), pad=(3, 0))
    l3 = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][4], filter_size=(1, 7), pad=(0, 3))

    l4 = Pool2DLayer(input_layer, pool_size=3, stride=1, pad=1, mode='average_exc_pad')
    l4 = bn_conv(l4, num_filters=nfilt[3][0], filter_size=1)

    return ConcatLayer([l1, l2, l3, l4])

def inceptionD(input_layer, nfilt):
    # Corresponds to a modified version of figure 10 in the paper
    l1 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[0][0], filter_size=1)
    l1 = bn_conv(l1, num_filters=nfilt[0][1], filter_size=3, stride=2)

    l2 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[1][0], filter_size=1)
    l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][1], filter_size=(1, 7), pad=(0, 3))
    l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][2], filter_size=(7, 1), pad=(3, 0))
    l2 = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][3], filter_size=3, stride=2)

    l3 = Pool2DLayer(input_layer, pool_size=3, stride=2)

    return ConcatLayer([l1, l2, l3])

def inceptionE(input_layer, nfilt, pool_mode):
    # Corresponds to figure 7 in the paper
    l1 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[0][0], filter_size=1)

    l2 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[1][0], filter_size=1)
    l2a = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][1], filter_size=(1, 3), pad=(0, 1))
    l2b = bn_conv(l2, num_filters=nfilt[1][2], filter_size=(3, 1), pad=(1, 0))

    l3 = bn_conv(input_layer, num_filters=nfilt[2][0], filter_size=1)
    l3 = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][1], filter_size=3, pad=1)
    l3a = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][2], filter_size=(1, 3), pad=(0, 1))
    l3b = bn_conv(l3, num_filters=nfilt[2][3], filter_size=(3, 1), pad=(1, 0))

    l4 = Pool2DLayer(input_layer, pool_size=3, stride=1, pad=1, mode=pool_mode)

    l4 = bn_conv(l4, num_filters=nfilt[3][0], filter_size=1)

    return ConcatLayer([l1, l2a, l2b, l3a, l3b, l4])

def build_network():
  net = {}

  net['input'] = InputLayer((None, 3, 299, 299))
  net['conv']   = bn_conv(net['input'],    num_filters=32, filter_size=3, stride=2)
  net['conv_1'] = bn_conv(net['conv'],   num_filters=32, filter_size=3)
  net['conv_2'] = bn_conv(net['conv_1'], num_filters=64, filter_size=3, pad=1)
  net['pool']   = Pool2DLayer(net['conv_2'],   pool_size=3, stride=2, mode='max')

  net['conv_3'] = bn_conv(net['pool'],   num_filters=80, filter_size=1)

  net['conv_4'] = bn_conv(net['conv_3'], num_filters=192, filter_size=3)

  net['pool_1'] = Pool2DLayer(net['conv_4'], pool_size=3, stride=2, mode='max')
  net['mixed/join'] = inceptionA(
      net['pool_1'], nfilt=((64,), (48, 64), (64, 96, 96), (32,)))
  net['mixed_1/join'] = inceptionA(
      net['mixed/join'], nfilt=((64,), (48, 64), (64, 96, 96), (64,)))

  net['mixed_2/join'] = inceptionA(
      net['mixed_1/join'], nfilt=((64,), (48, 64), (64, 96, 96), (64,)))

  net['mixed_3/join'] = inceptionB(
      net['mixed_2/join'], nfilt=((384,), (64, 96, 96)))

  net['mixed_4/join'] = inceptionC(
      nfilt=((192,), (128, 128, 192), (128, 128, 128, 128, 192), (192,)))

  net['mixed_5/join'] = inceptionC(
      nfilt=((192,), (160, 160, 192), (160, 160, 160, 160, 192), (192,)))

  net['mixed_6/join'] = inceptionC(
      nfilt=((192,), (160, 160, 192), (160, 160, 160, 160, 192), (192,)))

  net['mixed_7/join'] = inceptionC(
      nfilt=((192,), (192, 192, 192), (192, 192, 192, 192, 192), (192,)))

  net['mixed_8/join'] = inceptionD(
      nfilt=((192, 320), (192, 192, 192, 192)))

  net['mixed_9/join'] = inceptionE(
      nfilt=((320,), (384, 384, 384), (448, 384, 384, 384), (192,)),

  net['mixed_10/join'] = inceptionE(
      nfilt=((320,), (384, 384, 384), (448, 384, 384, 384), (192,)),

  net['pool3'] = GlobalPoolLayer(net['mixed_10/join'])

  net['softmax'] = DenseLayer(net['pool3'], num_units=1008, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)

  return net

Load the model parameters and metadata

In [ ]:
net = build_network()
output_layer = net['softmax']
print("Defined Inception3 model")

In [ ]:
import pickle
params = pickle.load(open('./data/inception3/inception_v3.pkl', 'rb'), encoding='iso-8859-1')
#print("Saved model params.keys = ", params.keys())
#print("  License : "+params['LICENSE'])   # Apache 2.0
classes = params['synset words']
lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(output_layer, params['param values'])
print("Loaded Model")

from model import inception_v3  # This is for image preprocessing functions

Trying it out

On pre-downloaded images

NB: If this is running on a single CPU core (likely in a VM), expect each image to take ~ 15 seconds (!)

NB: So, since there are 4 images, that means expect a full 1 minute delay ...

In [ ]:
image_files = [

import time
t0 = time.time()
for i, f in enumerate(image_files):
    #print("Image File:%s" % (f,))
    im = inception_v3.imagefile_to_np(f)
    prob = np.array( lasagne.layers.get_output(output_layer, inception_v3.preprocess(im), deterministic=True).eval() )
    top5 = np.argsort(prob[0])[-1:-6:-1]    

    for n, label in enumerate(top5):
        plt.text(350, 50 + n * 25, '{}. {}'.format(n+1, classes[label]), fontsize=14)
print("DONE : %6.2f seconds each" %(float(time.time() - t0)/len(image_files),))

On some test images from the web

We'll download the ILSVRC2012 validation URLs and pick a few at random

In [ ]:
import requests

index = requests.get('').text
image_urls = index.split('<br>')

image_urls = image_urls[:5]


Process test images and print top 5 predicted labels

(uses image pre-processing functions from ./model/

In [ ]:
import io

for url in image_urls:
        ext = url.split('.')[-1]
        im = plt.imread(io.BytesIO(requests.get(url).content), ext)
        prob = np.array( lasagne.layers.get_output(output_layer, inception_v3.preprocess(im), deterministic=True).eval() )
        top5 = np.argsort(prob[0])[-1:-6:-1]

        for n, label in enumerate(top5):
            plt.text(350, 50 + n * 25, '{}. {}'.format(n+1, classes[label]), fontsize=14)
    except IOError:
        print('bad url: ' + url)

In [ ]: