
In [1]:
import numpy             as np
import pandas            as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api   as sm
import seaborn           as sns
import pystan

In [2]:
my_data = pd.read_csv('./../../Catalogue/binom_reg_dataset.csv')
redshifts = my_data['Z']
index     = np.where(redshifts.values<=0.4)

logit_class = my_data['LOGIT_CLASS(1-UVUP;0-UVWEAK)'].values[index]
whan_class  = my_data['WHAN(0-NA;1-RP;2-wA;3-sA;4-SF)'].values[index]
redshift    = redshifts.values[index]
idx_na = np.where(whan_class==0)
idx_rp = np.where(whan_class==1)
idx_wa = np.where(whan_class==2)
idx_sa = np.where(whan_class==3)
idx_sf = np.where(whan_class==4)

In [62]:
red_seq=[redshift[idx_na].size, redshift[idx_rp].size, redshift[idx_wa].size, redshift[idx_sa].size, redshift[idx_sf].size]
print red_seq

[89, 205, 36, 28, 146]

In [63]:
uv_up=[np.count_nonzero(logit_class[idx_na]), np.count_nonzero(logit_class[idx_rp]), np.count_nonzero(logit_class[idx_wa]), np.count_nonzero(logit_class[idx_sa]), np.count_nonzero(logit_class[idx_sf])]
print uv_up

[29, 87, 17, 9, 68]

In [66]:
uv_wk = np.array(red_seq)-np.array(uv_up)
print uv_wk

[ 60 118  19  19  78]

STAN Model

Model for whan_class = na

In [3]:
x0    = redshift[idx_na]
y     = logit_class[idx_na]         # whether this is a galaxy with uv upturn or not
n_obs = x0.size

regression_data = {}
regression_data['K'] = 3      # number of betas
regression_data['X'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x0, x0**2)))
regression_data['N'] = n_obs
regression_data['Y'] = y
regression_data['LogN'] = np.log(n_obs)
# Data to be plotted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_obs2 = 50    
x0_sim = np.linspace(x0.min(), x0.max(), n_obs2)

regression_data['X2'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x0_sim, x0_sim**2)))
regression_data['N2'] = n_obs2
print regression_data['X2'].shape

(50, 3)

In [4]:
# Fit: STAN code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stan_code = """
    int<lower=0> N;
    int<lower=0> N2;
    int<lower=0> K;
    int Y[N];
    matrix[N,K] X;
    matrix[N2,K] X2;
    real LogN;

    vector[K] beta;

transformed parameters{
    vector[N] eta;
    eta = X * beta;

    Y ~ bernoulli_logit(eta);

generated quantities{
    /* real LLi[N2]; */
    /* real AIC; */ 
    /* real BIC; */
    /* real LogL; */
    vector[N2] etanew;
    real<lower=0, upper=1.0> pnew[N2];
    etanew = X2 * beta;
    for (j in 1:N2){
        pnew[j] = inv_logit(etanew[j]);
        /* LLi[j] = bernoulli_lpmf(1|pnew[j]); */
    /* LogL = sum(LLi); */
    /* AIC = -2 * LogL + 2 * K; */
    /* BIC = -2 * LogL + LogN * K; */
#     """

fit_0 = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_code, data=regression_data, iter=5000, chains=3, warmup=2000, n_jobs=1)

INFO:pystan:COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL anon_model_90c13bbbd691852af182d632c0477dcb NOW.

Model for whan_class = rp

In [5]:
x1    = redshift[idx_rp]
y     = logit_class[idx_rp]         # whether this is a galaxy with uv upturn or not
n_obs = x1.size

regression_data = {}
regression_data['K'] = 3      # number of betas
regression_data['X'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x1, x1**2)))
regression_data['N'] = n_obs
regression_data['Y'] = y
regression_data['LogN'] = np.log(n_obs)
# Data to be plotted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_obs2 = 50    
x1_sim = np.linspace(x1.min(), x1.max(), n_obs2)

regression_data['X2'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x1_sim, x1_sim**2)))
regression_data['N2'] = n_obs2
print regression_data['X2'].shape

(50, 3)

In [6]:
# Fit: STAN code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stan_code = """
    int<lower=0> N;
    int<lower=0> N2;
    int<lower=0> K;
    int Y[N];
    matrix[N,K] X;
    matrix[N2,K] X2;
    real LogN;

    vector[K] beta;

transformed parameters{
    vector[N] eta;
    eta = X * beta;

    Y ~ bernoulli_logit(eta);

generated quantities{
    /* real LLi[N2]; */
    /* real AIC; */ 
    /* real BIC; */
    /* real LogL; */
    vector[N2] etanew;
    real<lower=0, upper=1.0> pnew[N2];
    etanew = X2 * beta;
    for (j in 1:N2){
        pnew[j] = inv_logit(etanew[j]);
        /* LLi[j] = bernoulli_lpmf(1|pnew[j]); */
    /* LogL = sum(LLi); */
    /* AIC = -2 * LogL + 2 * K; */
    /* BIC = -2 * LogL + LogN * K; */
#     """

fit_1 = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_code, data=regression_data, iter=5000, chains=3, warmup=2000, n_jobs=1)

INFO:pystan:COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL anon_model_90c13bbbd691852af182d632c0477dcb NOW.

Model for whan_class = wa

In [7]:
x2    = redshift[idx_wa]
y     = logit_class[idx_wa]         # whether this is a galaxy with uv upturn or not
n_obs = x2.size

regression_data = {}
regression_data['K'] = 3      # number of betas
regression_data['X'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x2, x2**2)))
regression_data['N'] = n_obs
regression_data['Y'] = y
regression_data['LogN'] = np.log(n_obs)
# Data to be plotted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_obs2 = 50    
x2_sim = np.linspace(x2.min(), x2.max(), n_obs2)

regression_data['X2'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x2_sim, x2_sim**2)))
regression_data['N2'] = n_obs2
print regression_data['X2'].shape

(50, 3)

In [8]:
# Fit: STAN code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stan_code = """
    int<lower=0> N;
    int<lower=0> N2;
    int<lower=0> K;
    int Y[N];
    matrix[N,K] X;
    matrix[N2,K] X2;
    real LogN;

    vector[K] beta;

transformed parameters{
    vector[N] eta;
    eta = X * beta;

    Y ~ bernoulli_logit(eta);

generated quantities{
    /* real LLi[N2]; */
    /* real AIC; */ 
    /* real BIC; */
    /* real LogL; */
    vector[N2] etanew;
    real<lower=0, upper=1.0> pnew[N2];
    etanew = X2 * beta;
    for (j in 1:N2){
        pnew[j] = inv_logit(etanew[j]);
        /* LLi[j] = bernoulli_lpmf(1|pnew[j]); */
    /* LogL = sum(LLi); */
    /* AIC = -2 * LogL + 2 * K; */
    /* BIC = -2 * LogL + LogN * K; */
#     """

fit_2 = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_code, data=regression_data, iter=5000, chains=3, warmup=2000, n_jobs=1)

INFO:pystan:COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL anon_model_90c13bbbd691852af182d632c0477dcb NOW.

Model for whan_class = sa

In [9]:
x3    = redshift[idx_sa]
y     = logit_class[idx_sa]         # whether this is a galaxy with uv upturn or not
n_obs = x3.size

regression_data = {}
regression_data['K'] = 3      # number of beta0
regression_data['X'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x3, x3**2)))
regression_data['N'] = n_obs
regression_data['Y'] = y
regression_data['LogN'] = np.log(n_obs)
# Data to be plotted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_obs2 = 50    
x3_sim = np.linspace(x3.min(), x3.max(), n_obs2)

regression_data['X2'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x3_sim, x3_sim**2)))
regression_data['N2'] = n_obs2
print regression_data['X2'].shape

(50, 3)

In [10]:
# Fit: STAN code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stan_code = """
    int<lower=0> N;
    int<lower=0> N2;
    int<lower=0> K;
    int Y[N];
    matrix[N,K] X;
    matrix[N2,K] X2;
    real LogN;

    vector[K] beta;

transformed parameters{
    vector[N] eta;
    eta = X * beta;

    Y ~ bernoulli_logit(eta);

generated quantities{
    /* real LLi[N2]; */
    /* real AIC; */ 
    /* real BIC; */
    /* real LogL; */
    vector[N2] etanew;
    real<lower=0, upper=1.0> pnew[N2];
    etanew = X2 * beta;
    for (j in 1:N2){
        pnew[j] = inv_logit(etanew[j]);
        /* LLi[j] = bernoulli_lpmf(1|pnew[j]); */
    /* LogL = sum(LLi); */
    /* AIC = -2 * LogL + 2 * K; */
    /* BIC = -2 * LogL + LogN * K; */
#     """

fit_3 = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_code, data=regression_data, iter=5000, chains=3, warmup=2000, n_jobs=1)

INFO:pystan:COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL anon_model_90c13bbbd691852af182d632c0477dcb NOW.

Model for whan_class = sf

In [11]:
x4    = redshift[idx_sf]
y     = logit_class[idx_sf]         # whether this is a galaxy with uv upturn or not
n_obs = x4.size

regression_data = {}
regression_data['K'] = 3      # number of beta0
regression_data['X'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x4, x4**2)))
regression_data['N'] = n_obs
regression_data['Y'] = y
regression_data['LogN'] = np.log(n_obs)
# Data to be plotted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_obs2 = 50    
x4_sim = np.linspace(x4.min(), x4.max(), n_obs2)

regression_data['X2'] = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x4_sim, x4_sim**2)))
regression_data['N2'] = n_obs2
print regression_data['X2'].shape

(50, 3)

In [12]:
# Fit: STAN code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stan_code = """
    int<lower=0> N;
    int<lower=0> N2;
    int<lower=0> K;
    int Y[N];
    matrix[N,K] X;
    matrix[N2,K] X2;
    real LogN;

    vector[K] beta;

transformed parameters{
    vector[N] eta;
    eta = X * beta;

    Y ~ bernoulli_logit(eta);

generated quantities{
    /* real LLi[N2]; */
    /* real AIC; */ 
    /* real BIC; */
    /* real LogL; */
    vector[N2] etanew;
    real<lower=0, upper=1.0> pnew[N2];
    etanew = X2 * beta;
    for (j in 1:N2){
        pnew[j] = inv_logit(etanew[j]);
        /* LLi[j] = bernoulli_lpmf(1|pnew[j]); */
    /* LogL = sum(LLi); */
    /* AIC = -2 * LogL + 2 * K; */
    /* BIC = -2 * LogL + LogN * K; */
#     """

fit_4 = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_code, data=regression_data, iter=5000, chains=3, warmup=2000, n_jobs=1)

INFO:pystan:COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL anon_model_90c13bbbd691852af182d632c0477dcb NOW.

Extracting the outputs of the fit, including the posteriors

In [13]:
output_0     = np.array(str(pystan.misc._print_stanfit(fit_0, digits_summary=4)).split('\n'))
output_1     = np.array(str(pystan.misc._print_stanfit(fit_1, digits_summary=4)).split('\n'))
output_2     = np.array(str(pystan.misc._print_stanfit(fit_2, digits_summary=4)).split('\n'))
output_3     = np.array(str(pystan.misc._print_stanfit(fit_3, digits_summary=4)).split('\n'))
output_4     = np.array(str(pystan.misc._print_stanfit(fit_4, digits_summary=4)).split('\n'))

In [14]:
new_output_0 = output_0[5:-6]                                                        # removing header and footer
new_output_1 = output_1[5:-6]
new_output_2 = output_2[5:-6]
new_output_3 = output_3[5:-6]
new_output_4 = output_4[5:-6]

In [15]:
print new_output_0.size, new_output_1.size, new_output_2.size, new_output_3.size, new_output_4.size

192 308 139 131 249

In [ ]:
# posteriors = list(fit.extract(u'beta').items()[0])

In [ ]:
# betas = posteriors[1]

In [ ]:
# beta0 = betas[:,0]
# beta1 = betas[:,1]
# beta2 = betas[:,2]
# beta3 = betas[:,3]

Posteriors' plots

Using the same y axis

In [ ]:
# plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20,7), sharey=True)

# plot01 = plt.subplot(1,4,1)
# sns.kdeplot(beta0, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{0}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.ylabel(r"Kernel Density", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.subplot(1,4,2, sharey=plot01)
# sns.kdeplot(beta1, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{1}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.subplot(1,4,3, sharey=plot01)
# sns.kdeplot(beta2, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{2}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.subplot(1,4,4, sharey=plot01)
# sns.kdeplot(beta2, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{2}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.tight_layout()
# plt.savefig('./../Model/Results/posterios_sharey_3d_teste.pdf', dpi=100)

Not using the same y axis

In [ ]:
# plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(25,10), sharey=True)

# plot01 = plt.subplot(1,4,1)
# sns.kdeplot(beta0, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{0}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.ylabel(r"Kernel Density", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.subplot(1,4,2)
# sns.kdeplot(beta1, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{1}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.subplot(1,4,3)
# sns.kdeplot(beta2, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{2}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.subplot(1,4,4)
# sns.kdeplot(beta2, shade=True, c='#e6550d')
# plt.xlabel(r"$\beta_{2}$", fontsize=25)
# plt.tick_params('both', labelsize='20')

# plt.tight_layout()
# plt.savefig('./../Model/Results/posterios_3d_teste.pdf', dpi=100)

Checking if the columns are well split & fixing the lines with problems

In [16]:
diagnostics = []
for i in range(new_output_0.size):
    if len(new_output_0[i].split())<11:
        print i, len(new_output_0[i].split()),'\n'
        print new_output_0[i], '\n', new_output_0[i].split(), len(new_output_0[i].split())
print np.unique(diagnostics)

1 9 

beta[1]    91.382  0.8678 27.388 42.040 72.439 89.4851.084e21.498e2    996 1.0052 
['beta[1]', '91.382', '0.8678', '27.388', '42.040', '72.439', '89.4851.084e21.498e2', '996', '1.0052'] 9
2 7 

beta[2]   -1.862e2  1.9758 63.131-3.201e2-2.257e2-1.823e2-1.424e2 -73.77   1021 1.0054 
['beta[2]', '-1.862e2', '1.9758', '63.131-3.201e2-2.257e2-1.823e2-1.424e2', '-73.77', '1021', '1.0054'] 7
[7 9]

In [17]:
new_output_0[1] = 'beta[1] 91.382 0.8678 27.388 42.040 72.439 89.485 1.084e2 1.498e2 996 1.0052'
new_output_0[2] = 'beta[2] -1.862e2 1.9758 63.131 -3.201e2 -2.257e2 -1.823e2 -1.424e2 -73.77 1021 1.0054'

In [18]:
diagnostics = []
for i in range(new_output_1.size):
    if len(new_output_1[i].split())<11:
        print i, len(new_output_1[i].split()),'\n'
        print new_output_1[i], '\n', new_output_1[i].split(), len(new_output_1[i].split())
print np.unique(diagnostics)

2 9 

beta[2]    -96.46  1.2535 43.402-1.845e2-1.246e2 -96.18 -67.83 -14.10   1199 1.0041 
['beta[2]', '-96.46', '1.2535', '43.402-1.845e2-1.246e2', '-96.18', '-67.83', '-14.10', '1199', '1.0041'] 9

In [19]:
new_output_1[2] = 'beta[2] -96.46 1.2535 43.402 -1.845e2 -1.246e2 -96.18 -67.83 -14.10 1199 1.0041'

In [20]:
diagnostics = []
for i in range(new_output_2.size):
    if len(new_output_2[i].split())<11:
        print i, len(new_output_2[i].split()),'\n'
        print new_output_2[i], '\n', new_output_2[i].split(), len(new_output_2[i].split())
print np.unique(diagnostics)

1 10 

beta[1]    -46.53  1.3164 42.657-1.333e2 -74.51 -46.77 -18.08 35.696   1050 1.0008 
['beta[1]', '-46.53', '1.3164', '42.657-1.333e2', '-74.51', '-46.77', '-18.08', '35.696', '1050', '1.0008'] 10
2 6 

beta[2]   1.382e2  3.83531.263e2-1.032e2 53.8811.366e22.208e23.977e2   1084  1.001 
['beta[2]', '1.382e2', '3.83531.263e2-1.032e2', '53.8811.366e22.208e23.977e2', '1084', '1.001'] 6
[ 6 10]

In [21]:
new_output_2[1] = 'beta[1] -46.53 1.3164 42.657 -1.333e2 -74.51 -46.77 -18.08 35.696 1050 1.0008'
new_output_2[2] = 'beta[2] 1.382e2 3.8353 1.263e2 -1.032e2 53.881 1.366e2 2.208e2 3.977e2 1084 1.001'

In [22]:
diagnostics = []
for i in range(new_output_3.size):
    if len(new_output_3[i].split())<11:
        print i, len(new_output_3[i].split()),'\n'
        print new_output_3[i], '\n', new_output_3[i].split(), len(new_output_3[i].split())
print np.unique(diagnostics)

1 10 

beta[1]    14.439   1.309 44.640 -72.30 -15.47 13.304 44.0591.036e2   1163 1.0009 
['beta[1]', '14.439', '1.309', '44.640', '-72.30', '-15.47', '13.304', '44.0591.036e2', '1163', '1.0009'] 10
2 7 

beta[2]    -35.69  3.34171.158e2-2.668e2-1.113e2 -32.20 43.0631.857e2   1201 1.0009 
['beta[2]', '-35.69', '3.34171.158e2-2.668e2-1.113e2', '-32.20', '43.0631.857e2', '1201', '1.0009'] 7
[ 7 10]

In [23]:
new_output_3[1] = 'beta[1] 14.439 1.309 44.640 -72.30 -15.47 13.304 44.059 1.036e2 1163 1.0009'
new_output_3[2] = 'beta[2] -35.69 3.3417 1.158e2 -2.668e2 -1.113e2 -32.20 43.063 1.857e2 1201 1.0009'

In [24]:
diagnostics = []
for i in range(new_output_4.size):
    if len(new_output_4[i].split())<11:
        print i, len(new_output_4[i].split()),'\n'
        print new_output_4[i], '\n', new_output_4[i].split(), len(new_output_4[i].split())
print np.unique(diagnostics)

2 10 

beta[2]    65.498  1.2748 46.873 -23.10 32.794 64.984 96.8791.589e2   1352 1.0032 
['beta[2]', '65.498', '1.2748', '46.873', '-23.10', '32.794', '64.984', '96.8791.589e2', '1352', '1.0032'] 10

In [25]:
new_output_4[2] = 'beta[2] 65.498 1.2748 46.873 -23.10 32.794 64.984 96.879 1.589e2 1352 1.0032'

Shaping the results to be saved in a csv file

In [26]:
header_fit = output_0[4].split()
print header_fit

['mean', 'se_mean', 'sd', '2.5%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '97.5%', 'n_eff', 'Rhat']

In [27]:
header_addendum = 'parameter'
header_fit = [header_addendum] + header_fit
print header_fit

['parameter', 'mean', 'se_mean', 'sd', '2.5%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '97.5%', 'n_eff', 'Rhat']

In [28]:
new_data_0 = list(np.zeros(len(header_fit)))
for i in range(new_output_0.size):
    if len(new_output_0[i].split())!=11: # the length of the list must be 11, in which case we connect them directly
        print "there is a problem!"
        new_output_i = np.array(new_output_0[i].split()).reshape(1,11)
        new_data_0   = np.vstack((new_data_0, new_output_i))
new_data_0 = new_data_0[1:,:]               # removing the zeroes in the beggining

In [29]:
new_data_1 = list(np.zeros(len(header_fit)))
for i in range(new_output_1.size):
    if len(new_output_1[i].split())!=11: # the length of the list must be 11, in which case we connect them directly
        print "there is a problem!"
        new_output_i = np.array(new_output_1[i].split()).reshape(1,11)
        new_data_1   = np.vstack((new_data_1, new_output_i))
new_data_1 = new_data_1[1:,:]               # removing the zeroes in the beggining

In [30]:
new_data_2 = list(np.zeros(len(header_fit)))
for i in range(new_output_2.size):
    if len(new_output_2[i].split())!=11: # the length of the list must be 11, in which case we connect them directly
        print "there is a problem!"
        new_output_i = np.array(new_output_2[i].split()).reshape(1,11)
        new_data_2   = np.vstack((new_data_2, new_output_i))
new_data_2 = new_data_2[1:,:]               # removing the zeroes in the beggining

In [31]:
new_data_3 = list(np.zeros(len(header_fit)))
for i in range(new_output_3.size):
    if len(new_output_3[i].split())!=11: # the length of the list must be 11, in which case we connect them directly
        print "there is a problem!"
        new_output_i = np.array(new_output_3[i].split()).reshape(1,11)
        new_data_3   = np.vstack((new_data_3, new_output_i))
new_data_3 = new_data_3[1:,:]               # removing the zeroes in the beggining

In [32]:
new_data_4 = list(np.zeros(len(header_fit)))
for i in range(new_output_4.size):
    if len(new_output_4[i].split())!=11: # the length of the list must be 11, in which case we connect them directly
        print "there is a problem!"
        new_output_i = np.array(new_output_4[i].split()).reshape(1,11)
        new_data_4   = np.vstack((new_data_4, new_output_i))
new_data_4 = new_data_4[1:,:]               # removing the zeroes in the beggining

Saving absolutely everything from the fit results

In [ ]:
# new_dataframe         = pd.DataFrame(new_data)
# new_dataframe.columns = header_fit
# new_dataframe.to_csv('./Results/fit_results_3d_teste.csv', sep=',', index=False)

Saving the posteriors separately

In [ ]:
# betas = {}
# betas['beta0'] = beta0
# betas['beta1'] = beta1
# betas['beta2'] = beta2
# betas['beta3'] = beta3

In [ ]:
# betas_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(betas)
# betas_dataframe.to_csv('./Results/betas_3d_teste.csv', sep=',', header=True, index=False)

Extracting and saving ONLY what really matters for the analysis

In [42]:
parameters = new_data_0[:,0].astype(str)
pnew_idxs  = []
for i in range(parameters.size):
    if parameters[i][0:4]=='pnew':
model_results_0 = np.column_stack((new_data_0[pnew_idxs,:], x0_sim))
model_results0_df = pd.DataFrame(model_results_0)
model_results0_df.columns = header_fit + ['Z']
model_results0_df.to_csv('./Results/fit_el_fit0.csv', sep=',', header=True, index=False)

In [44]:
parameters = new_data_1[:,0].astype(str)
pnew_idxs  = []
for i in range(parameters.size):
    if parameters[i][0:4]=='pnew':
model_results_1 = np.column_stack((new_data_1[pnew_idxs,:], x1_sim))
model_results1_df = pd.DataFrame(model_results_1)
model_results1_df.columns = header_fit + ['Z']
model_results1_df.to_csv('./Results/fit_el_fit1.csv', sep=',', header=True, index=False)

In [45]:
parameters = new_data_2[:,0].astype(str)
pnew_idxs  = []
for i in range(parameters.size):
    if parameters[i][0:4]=='pnew':
model_results_2 = np.column_stack((new_data_2[pnew_idxs,:], x2_sim))
model_results2_df = pd.DataFrame(model_results_2)
model_results2_df.columns = header_fit + ['Z']
model_results2_df.to_csv('./Results/fit_el_fit2.csv', sep=',', header=True, index=False)

In [46]:
parameters = new_data_3[:,0].astype(str)
pnew_idxs  = []
for i in range(parameters.size):
    if parameters[i][0:4]=='pnew':
model_results_3 = np.column_stack((new_data_3[pnew_idxs,:], x3_sim))
model_results3_df = pd.DataFrame(model_results_3)
model_results3_df.columns = header_fit + ['Z']
model_results3_df.to_csv('./Results/fit_el_fit3.csv', sep=',', header=True, index=False)

In [47]:
parameters = new_data_4[:,0].astype(str)
pnew_idxs  = []
for i in range(parameters.size):
    if parameters[i][0:4]=='pnew':
model_results_4 = np.column_stack((new_data_4[pnew_idxs,:], x4_sim))
model_results4_df = pd.DataFrame(model_results_4)
model_results4_df.columns = header_fit + ['Z']
model_results4_df.to_csv('./Results/fit_el_fit4.csv', sep=',', header=True, index=False)

In [49]:

parameter mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat Z
0 pnew[0] 0.1494 0.002 0.0724 0.0446 0.0959 0.1372 0.1892 0.3265 1290 1.0042 0.06794
1 pnew[1] 0.1647 0.002 0.0717 0.0561 0.1119 0.1541 0.2051 0.3356 1316 1.004 0.0730702040816
2 pnew[2] 0.1809 0.0019 0.0706 0.069 0.1292 0.1723 0.222 0.3452 1350 1.0037 0.0782004081633
3 pnew[3] 0.198 0.0018 0.0691 0.084 0.1474 0.1909 0.2393 0.3548 1395 1.0035 0.0833306122449
4 pnew[4] 0.2159 0.0018 0.067 0.1014 0.1673 0.2105 0.2571 0.3641 1455 1.0032 0.0884608163265
5 pnew[5] 0.2345 0.0016 0.0646 0.1213 0.188 0.2301 0.2747 0.3749 1536 1.0029 0.0935910204082
6 pnew[6] 0.2536 0.0015 0.0619 0.1421 0.2095 0.2504 0.2929 0.3844 1647 1.0025 0.0987212244898
7 pnew[7] 0.2731 0.0014 0.0589 0.1651 0.2314 0.2709 0.3112 0.3961 1801 1.0021 0.103851428571
8 pnew[8] 0.2927 0.0012 0.0558 0.1886 0.2538 0.2913 0.3294 0.4081 2154 1.0017 0.108981632653
9 pnew[9] 0.3123 0.0011 0.0527 0.213 0.2757 0.3111 0.3474 0.4199 2505 1.0013 0.114111836735
10 pnew[10] 0.3316 0.0009 0.0499 0.2371 0.297 0.3307 0.3653 0.4325 3185 1.0009 0.119242040816
11 pnew[11] 0.3506 0.0007 0.0474 0.2606 0.3179 0.3498 0.3827 0.4457 4653 1.0005 0.124372244898
12 pnew[12] 0.369 0.0006 0.0453 0.2829 0.3378 0.3683 0.3997 0.46 5981 1.0002 0.12950244898
13 pnew[13] 0.3867 0.0005 0.0438 0.3039 0.3562 0.3861 0.4161 0.4756 6551 1.0 0.134632653061
14 pnew[14] 0.4036 0.0005 0.0428 0.322 0.3739 0.4028 0.4327 0.4898 6815 1.0 0.139762857143
15 pnew[15] 0.4195 0.0005 0.0424 0.3389 0.3904 0.4188 0.4479 0.5042 6739 1.0001 0.144893061224
16 pnew[16] 0.4344 0.0006 0.0424 0.3533 0.4057 0.4334 0.4629 0.5182 5775 1.0003 0.150023265306
17 pnew[17] 0.4481 0.0006 0.0428 0.3662 0.4192 0.4474 0.477 0.5334 4864 1.0006 0.155153469388
18 pnew[18] 0.4607 0.0007 0.0434 0.3775 0.4318 0.4601 0.4902 0.5467 4129 1.0009 0.160283673469
19 pnew[19] 0.472 0.0008 0.0441 0.387 0.4425 0.4717 0.5021 0.56 3107 1.0012 0.165413877551
20 pnew[20] 0.4822 0.0009 0.0448 0.3951 0.4517 0.4815 0.5125 0.5712 2757 1.0014 0.170544081633
21 pnew[21] 0.491 0.0009 0.0455 0.4028 0.4604 0.4903 0.5215 0.581 2538 1.0016 0.175674285714
22 pnew[22] 0.4987 0.0009 0.0461 0.4092 0.4677 0.4979 0.5294 0.5898 2400 1.0017 0.180804489796
23 pnew[23] 0.505 0.001 0.0467 0.4143 0.4737 0.5046 0.5366 0.5969 2327 1.0018 0.185934693878
24 pnew[24] 0.5101 0.001 0.0471 0.4188 0.4782 0.5099 0.5418 0.6019 2309 1.0018 0.191064897959
25 pnew[25] 0.514 0.001 0.0475 0.4216 0.4816 0.5139 0.5462 0.6065 2345 1.0018 0.196195102041
26 pnew[26] 0.5165 0.001 0.0478 0.4238 0.4837 0.5164 0.5488 0.6095 2439 1.0017 0.201325306122
27 pnew[27] 0.5179 0.0009 0.0482 0.4252 0.4852 0.5179 0.5509 0.612 2603 1.0015 0.206455510204
28 pnew[28] 0.5179 0.0009 0.0486 0.4245 0.4849 0.5182 0.5513 0.6149 2876 1.0013 0.211585714286
29 pnew[29] 0.5168 0.0009 0.0493 0.4228 0.4835 0.5166 0.5503 0.6139 3247 1.001 0.216715918367
30 pnew[30] 0.5143 0.0008 0.0502 0.4185 0.4801 0.5142 0.5484 0.6127 4412 1.0007 0.221846122449
31 pnew[31] 0.5106 0.0007 0.0514 0.4123 0.4756 0.5104 0.5452 0.6121 5192 1.0004 0.226976326531
32 pnew[32] 0.5056 0.0007 0.0532 0.404 0.4692 0.5055 0.5414 0.6109 6092 1.0002 0.232106530612
33 pnew[33] 0.4994 0.0007 0.0555 0.3927 0.4611 0.4994 0.5369 0.6084 6914 1.0 0.237236734694
34 pnew[34] 0.492 0.0007 0.0585 0.3794 0.4516 0.4917 0.532 0.608 7741 0.9999 0.242366938776
35 pnew[35] 0.4834 0.0007 0.0621 0.3633 0.4404 0.483 0.5258 0.6058 7519 0.9998 0.247497142857
36 pnew[36] 0.4735 0.0008 0.0664 0.3448 0.4281 0.4729 0.5187 0.6051 6555 0.9999 0.252627346939
37 pnew[37] 0.4625 0.0009 0.0712 0.3254 0.4141 0.4612 0.5113 0.6041 5745 1.0 0.25775755102
38 pnew[38] 0.4504 0.0011 0.0767 0.3025 0.3979 0.4488 0.502 0.6026 4974 1.0001 0.262887755102
39 pnew[39] 0.4373 0.0013 0.0826 0.2797 0.3811 0.436 0.4922 0.6025 4321 1.0003 0.268017959184
40 pnew[40] 0.4233 0.0014 0.0889 0.2552 0.3622 0.4213 0.4824 0.6029 3802 1.0005 0.273148163265
41 pnew[41] 0.4084 0.0016 0.0955 0.229 0.3418 0.4055 0.4716 0.6032 3358 1.0007 0.278278367347
42 pnew[42] 0.3928 0.0018 0.1021 0.2032 0.321 0.3888 0.4602 0.6049 3049 1.0009 0.283408571429
43 pnew[43] 0.3766 0.0021 0.1087 0.1794 0.2991 0.3706 0.4487 0.6033 2806 1.0011 0.28853877551
44 pnew[44] 0.36 0.0023 0.1152 0.1565 0.277 0.352 0.4351 0.6041 2611 1.0013 0.293668979592
45 pnew[45] 0.343 0.0025 0.1215 0.1345 0.255 0.3328 0.4223 0.605 2453 1.0015 0.298799183673
46 pnew[46] 0.3259 0.0027 0.1274 0.1145 0.2317 0.3131 0.4083 0.6069 2299 1.0017 0.303929387755
47 pnew[47] 0.3088 0.0028 0.1328 0.0959 0.2092 0.2933 0.3938 0.609 2192 1.0018 0.309059591837
48 pnew[48] 0.2919 0.003 0.1378 0.0794 0.1868 0.2728 0.3784 0.6079 2104 1.002 0.314189795918
49 pnew[49] 0.2752 0.0032 0.1422 0.0649 0.1657 0.2527 0.3632 0.607 2029 1.0021 0.31932

In [ ]: