In [1]:
from pymodelica import compile_fmu
from pyfmi import load_fmu
from pylab import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 14, 8
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
In [2]:
# Specify Modelica model and model file (.mo or .mop)
model_name = 'SimpleBuilding.Room'
mo_file = '/home/docker/modelica/SimpleBuilding/'
# Compile the model and save the return argument, which is the file name of the FMU
my_fmu = compile_fmu(model_name, mo_file)
The model takes as input weather data such as the outside air temperature and the solar radiation. There are two files
The data is in CSV format and is loaded in a numpy array with named columns. Please note that the column names of the CSV file match the names of the input of the model.
In [3]:
fname = "/home/docker/modelica/SimpleBuilding/SFO_weather_data_summer.csv"
#fname = "/home/docker/modelica/SimpleBuilding/SFO_weather_data_winter.csv"
with open(fname, "r") as f:
col_names = f.readlines()[0].rstrip().split(",")
print "Read from file {} the following columns".format(fname)
for c in col_names:
print " - {}".format(c)
wd = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1, delimiter=",", dtype=[(n, np.float) for n in col_names])
In [4]:
model = load_fmu(my_fmu)
u_traj = np.transpose(np.vstack((wd["time"], wd["timeOfYear"], wd["T_dry_bulb"], wd["dir_rad"], wd["diff_hor_rad"])))
input_object = (['timeOfYear', 'T_dry_bulb','dir_rad', 'diff_hor_rad'], u_traj)
In [5]:
ONE_HOUR = 3600
# Get/set options
opts = model.simulate_options()
opts["ncp"] = ONE_WEEK / ONE_HOUR
opts["CVode_options"]["atol"] = 1e-6
opts["CVode_options"]["rtol"] = 1e-4
opts["filter"] = ["Tair*", "Troom*", "Twall*", "T_*", "SolRad*", "Q*"]
# Simulate
res = model.simulate(final_time=ONE_WEEK, input=input_object, options=opts)
In [6]:
plt.plot(res["time"]/ONE_DAY, res["Troom"], 'r', label="$T_{room}$")
plt.plot(res["time"]/ONE_DAY, res['T_dry_bulb'], 'b', label="$T_{air}(t)$")
for i in range(4):
plt.plot(res["time"]/ONE_DAY, res['Twall[{}]'.format(i+1)], 'k', alpha=0.5, label="$T_w^{}(t)$".format(i+1))
plt.xlabel("Time [days]")
plt.ylabel("Temperature [C]")
In [7]:
plt.plot(res["time"]/ONE_DAY, res["Qcool"], 'b', label="$Q_{cool}$")
plt.plot(res["time"]/ONE_DAY, res["Qheat"], 'r', label="$Q_{heat}$")
plt.xlabel("Time [days]")
plt.ylabel("Heating / Cooling power [W]")
In [8]:
plt.plot(res["time"]/ONE_DAY, res["SolRadWall"], label="$\dot{Q}_{sun}^{wall}$")
plt.plot(res["time"]/ONE_DAY, res["SolRadWindow"], label="$\dot{Q}_{sun}^{window}$")
plt.xlabel("Time [days]")
plt.ylabel("Solar gains [W]")