The current notebook born with the aim to collect introductory material, references, tutorial, code snippet and challenging problems around the topic of bit manipulation techniques. It follows to fullfil our need to get a deep understanding of this topic to be competitive in programming (contests).
First of all a collection of general references follows:
On the other hand, the following pages have a spirit toward programming contests:
A focused application about compressed representation can be found here:
Blog posts that inspired this document are the following:
In this section we study this introductory document, where the first paragraph reads:
Suppose you have a set of objects and you want some way to represent which objects to pick and which ones not to pick. How do you represent that in in a program? More generally, how do you represent a subest of a set? We can represent whether an object is picked or not by a single bit! Using a boolean to represent this is an overkill in terms of memory usage. However, neither C++ nor Java has any data type representing a single bit, so how can we cut down the memory usage? The answer is to use an integer! We know an integer is just a bunch of bits stringed together, so why don’t we use the integer to represent the entire set?
For example, suppose in a set of 5 objects, we have picked the 1st, 3rd, and 4th object. The bitmask to represent this in binary is 01101 or 13 in decimal (in the notes, the 1st bit will always be the least significant bit and will always appear at the very right). We have just cut down the memory usage from five booleans to a single integer!
Then follows a list of basic manipulations, which we coded in this Python module, loaded in the next cell; two functions deserve attention, namely subsets
and subsets_of
, read the docstring for info.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%run ../python-libs/
%run ../python-libs/
%run ../python-libs/
%run ../python-libs/
Previous doc finishes with an first application of bitmasking, here the request:
Bitmask is an efficient and convenient way to represent subsets. For example, given a set of numbers, we want to find the sum of all subsets. This is easy to code using bitmasks. Furthermore, we can use an array to store all the results (imagine storing the results when you are using an array to represent the subset)!
The following cell contains a pythonic implementation of their code, which is given in C
: generator subsets
yields subsets one by one, such that a successor subset s
is computed by a previous subset p
by increment, namely s = p + 1
In [2]:
def subsets_sums(S):
Returns a map of `(s, v)`, where `s` is a subset of `S`, and `v` is `sum(i in S & s)`.
n = len(S)
sums = [0 for _ in range(1 << n)]
for s in subsets(n):
for j, v in enumerate(S):
sums[s] += is_on(s, j, return_int=True) * v
return sums
As a first experiment, let S
be a list of 4 random integers, each one less than $2^{8}$.
In [3]:
from random import randrange
S = [randrange(1 << 8) for _ in range(1 << 2)]
We time the execution of the function subsets_sums
applied to S
and bind sums
to the resulting mapping:
In [4]:
with timing(lambda: subsets_sums(S)) as (sums, start, end):
print("Elapsed time: {:.5} secs".format(end-start))
Have a look at results, after the definition of the pretty printing utility pretty_dict
In [5]:
def pretty(sums):
Utility pretty printer.
return {pretty_mask(j, coding='little', width=len(S)): v for j, v in enumerate(sums)}
In [6]:
In [7]:
def plotter(do, n):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def doer(i):
Repeat the previous experiment with lists of integers lengths `i`.
S = [randrange(1 << 8) for _ in range(i)]
with timing(lambda: do(S)) as (sums, start, end):
return end - start
l = range(n)
line, = plt.plot(l, list(map(doer, l)), '--', linewidth=2)
Moreover, we repeat the above experiment for lists of integers with different lengths to understand the exponential complexity of subsets enumeration: the longer list will have 24 integers and it took aproximately 5 minutes to return an answer.
In [13]:
plotter(subsets_sums, n=25)
Another order of generation can be used for subsets, namely we see each subset as a Gray code. In this way we know that consecutive subsets differs exactly by one bit, which is the same to say that they have the same objects but one, so one object goes away or comes in.
Here is the a new function subsets_sums_gray
that uses two hooks; given two consecutive subsets and p
is the position of the bit b
that toggles, if b
switches off then off
hook removes the corresponding value S[p]
from the sum cumulated up to now, otherwise add
hook adds S[p]
to the sum.
In [8]:
def subsets_sums_gray(S):
Returns a map of `(s, v)`, where `s` is a subset of `S`, and `v` is `sum(i in S & s)`.
return list(high(gray_codes(length=len(S)),
on= lambda p, r: r + S[p],
off=lambda p, r: r - S[p],
We time the new experiment applying it to the same list of integers S
In [9]:
with timing(lambda: subsets_sums_gray(S)) as (res, start, end):
print("Elapsed time: {:.5} secs".format(end-start))
sums_gray = [0 for _ in range(1 << len(S))]
for o, s, p, r in res:
sums_gray[s] = r
and we pretty print the subsets sums
In [10]:
checking that the answers are the same
In [11]:
assert sums == sums_gray
We repeat the experiment for lists of integers of different lengths as done before:
In [12]:
plotter(subsets_sums_gray, n=25)
using this order of subsets generations we gain approximately a 10-factor respect the "usual" generation order.
In [129]:
from sympy import IndexedBase, Eq, solve, init_printing, Xor
from math import sqrt, ceil
from itertools import product
from collections import defaultdict
def prefix_dictionaries(n, indexes): # be the integer under study, we would like to decide if is a *prime* or not
x, y = indexes
ones = ones_of(n) # is the list of positions in the binary representation of `n` where bits are 1
bits = ones[-1] + 1 # bits is the number of bits necessary to represent `n` in binary
for prefix in range(ceil(sqrt(bits)), bits):
compl = bits - prefix
pairs = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for i, j in product(range(0,prefix+1), range(0,compl)): # compl
pairs[i+j] += x[i]*y[j]
yield compl, pairs
def prefix_systems(n, dicts, init={}):
for compl, dictionary in dicts:
yield { (k, compl) : Eq(is_on(n, k, return_int=True), v).subs(init)
for k, v in dictionary.items() if k}
def rec(eqs, subscripts_sum, substitutions):
if not eqs: yield substitutions
eq = eqs.pop(subscripts_sum)
substitutions[y[subscripts_sum]] = 0
subst_eq = eq.subs(substitutions)
if not subst_eq:
yield False
elif subst_eq == True:
yield from rec(dict(eqs), subscripts_sum + 1, substitutions)
sol = solve(subst_eq, x[subscripts_sum]).pop()
new_substitutions = dict(substitutions)
new_substitutions[x[subscripts_sum]] = sol.rhs % 2
def diofantine(systems):
for s in systems:
for sol in solve(s):
for (k, compl), v in sol.items():
for i in range(1, compl):
eq = v[i, compl]
substitutions = {y[i]:1}
if not v.is_integer: break
yield sol
def factorize(n, sols, indexes, init={}):
x, y = indexes
for sol in sols:
working_sol = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
p, q = 0, 0
for i in range(n.bit_length()):
p = set_bit(p, i) if working_sol[x[i]] else clear_bit(p, i)
q = set_bit(q, i) if working_sol[y[i]] else clear_bit(q, i)
yield p, q
In [126]:
x, y = IndexedBase('x'), IndexedBase('y')
n = 35
g = prefix_dictionaries(n, (x,y))
In [45]:
In [127]:
init = {x[0]:1, y[0]:1}
eqs = prefix_systems(n, g, init)
In [128]:
In [125]:
sols = diofantine(eqs)
In [ ]:
In [404]:
factors = factorize(n, sols, (x,y), init)
In [ ]:
<span xmlns:dct="" property="dct:title">Bitmasking tutorial</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Massimo Nocentini</a> is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at <a xmlns:dct="" href="" rel="dct:source"></a>.