Massimo Nocentini

June 9-17, 2016: Parallelogram Polyominoes: shapes generation,
isomorphisms, heuristics, pretty printing
May 31, 2016: trying to add randomization, Polyomino's order
May 25, 2016: Polyominoes
May 23, 2016: n-Queens

This document collect some applications of backtracking techniques.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%run ../python-libs/
%run ../python-libs/
%run ../python-libs/
%run ../python-libs/

In [2]:
import sys


The following code implements a backtracking function that yields a sequence of tiling of a given board, possibly containing some forbidden cells, according to a set of available shapes.

In [3]:
import math, random

def polyominoes(dim, shapes, availables='ones', max_depth_reached=None, 
                forbidden=[], simulated_annealing={'enabled':False, 'energy':lambda s: 0, 'scheduler':None}, 
                nogood=lambda shape_placement, fewer_positions, iso, availables: False,
                pruning=lambda coord, positions, shapes: False):
    Returns an iterable of arrangements for the Polyominos problem.
    rows, cols = dim
    sol = []
    if not availables or availables == 'ones':
        availables = { for s in shapes} #[1]*len(shapes) 
    elif availables == 'inf': 
        availables = { for s in shapes} #[-1]*len(shapes) # trick: represent ∞ piece availability by decreasing negative numbers
    def place(S, positions):
        for r, c in positions:
            S = clear_bit(S, r + rows*c)
        return S
    initial_temperature = sum(availables[] for s in shapes)
    schedulers = {'cauchy': lambda t: initial_temperature/(t),
                  'standard':lambda t: initial_temperature*.95**t,
                  'log':lambda t: initial_temperature/math.log(t),}
    def simulated_annealing_choice(step, competitors, temperature_scheduler, boltzman_const=1):
        candidate, outsider = competitors
        energy = simulated_annealing['energy']
        delta = energy(outsider) - energy(candidate) # in this way it is always positive
        if delta > 0: return outsider
        elif not delta: return candidate if random.random() > 0.5 else outsider
        # therefore: delta < 0
        prob = math.exp(delta/(boltzman_const * temperature_scheduler(step)))
        return outsider if random.random() < prob else candidate
        freq = int(prob*accuracy)
        population = ([o]*freq) + ([s]*(accuracy-freq))
        return random.choice(population)
    def gen(positions, attempts):
        p = low_bit(positions)
        c, r = divmod(p, rows)
        if pruning((r,c), positions, {s for s in shapes if availables[]}): 
            raise StopIteration()
        for i, s in enumerate(shapes):
            if not availables[]: continue
            if simulated_annealing['enabled']:
                left_shapes = {s for s in shapes if availables[]} - {s}
                annealing_shape = left_shapes.pop() if left_shapes else s

                s = simulated_annealing_choice(step=sum(availables[] for s in shapes), 
                                               competitors=(s, annealing_shape),
            for j, iso in enumerate(s.isomorphisms(r, c)):

                if all(0 <= rr < rows and 0 <= cc < cols and is_on(positions, rr + rows*cc) for rr, cc in iso):

                    fewer_positions = place(positions, iso)
                    if nogood((s,p), fewer_positions, iso, availables): continue

                    availables[] -= 1
                    sol.append((s, positions, (r,c), iso),)

                    yield from [sol] if not (fewer_positions and attempts) else gen(fewer_positions, attempts-1)

                    availables[] += 1
    return gen(place(set_all(rows*cols), forbidden), max_depth_reached or -1)

Parallelogram Polyominoes

In [127]:
import math, random

def polyominoes_bidirectional(dim, shapes, availables='ones', max_depth_reached=None, 
                forbidden=[], simulated_annealing={'enabled':False, 'energy':lambda s: 0, 'scheduler':None}, 
                nogood=lambda shape_placement, fewer_positions, iso, availables: False,
                pruning=lambda coord, placement, shapes: False):
    Returns an iterable of arrangements for the Polyominos problem.
    rows, cols = dim
    sol = []
    if not availables or availables == 'ones':
        availables = { for s in shapes} #[1]*len(shapes) 
    elif availables == 'inf': 
        availables = { for s in shapes} #[-1]*len(shapes) # trick: represent ∞ piece availability by decreasing negative numbers
    def coord_in_alternative(current_cell):
        r, c = current_cell
        return rows-1-r, cols-1-c
    def place(positions, iso):
        current_positions, alternative_positions = positions
        for cell in iso:
            r, c = cell
            current_positions = clear_bit(current_positions, r + rows*c)
            ar, ac = coord_in_alternative(cell)
            alternative_positions = clear_bit(alternative_positions, ar + rows*ac)
        return current_positions, alternative_positions
    initial_temperature = sum(availables[] for s in shapes)
    schedulers = {'cauchy': lambda t: initial_temperature/(t),
                  'standard':lambda t: initial_temperature*.95**t,
                  'log':lambda t: initial_temperature/math.log(t),}
    def simulated_annealing_choice(step, competitors, temperature_scheduler, boltzman_const=1):
        candidate, outsider = competitors
        energy = simulated_annealing['energy']
        delta = energy(outsider) - energy(candidate) # in this way it is always positive
        if delta > 0: return outsider
        elif not delta: return candidate if random.random() > 0.5 else outsider
        # therefore: delta < 0
        prob = math.exp(delta/(boltzman_const * temperature_scheduler(step)))
        return outsider if random.random() < prob else candidate
        freq = int(prob*accuracy)
        population = ([o]*freq) + ([s]*(accuracy-freq))
        return random.choice(population)
    def gen(positions, attempts, insertion_side):
        current_positions, alternative_positions = positions
        p = low_bit(current_positions)
        c, r = divmod(p, rows)
        if pruning((r,c), positions, {s for s in shapes if availables[]}): 
            raise StopIteration()
        for i, s in enumerate(shapes):
            if not availables[]: continue
            if simulated_annealing['enabled']:
                left_shapes = {s for s in shapes if availables[]} - {s}
                annealing_shape = left_shapes.pop() if left_shapes else s

                s = simulated_annealing_choice(step=sum(availables[] for s in shapes), 
                                               competitors=(s, annealing_shape),
            for j, iso in enumerate(s.isomorphisms(r, c)):

                can_be_place_in_current = all(0 <= rr < rows 
                                              and 0 <= cc < cols 
                                              and is_on(current_positions, rr + rows*cc) 
                                              for rr, cc in iso)
                can_be_place_in_alternative = all(0 <= rr < rows 
                                                  and 0 <= cc < cols 
                                                  and is_on(alternative_positions, rr + rows*cc)
                                                  for rr, cc in map(coord_in_alternative, iso))
                if can_be_place_in_current and can_be_place_in_alternative:

                    fewer_positions = place(positions, iso) # `place` consumes and produces a pair of bitmasks
                    fewer_current_positions, fewer_alternative_positions = fewer_positions
                    if nogood((s,p), fewer_current_positions, iso, availables): continue

                    availables[] -= 1
                    placed_iso = iso if not insertion_side else list(map(coord_in_alternative, iso))
                    sol.append((s, positions, max(placed_iso), placed_iso),)

                    swapped_fewer_positions = fewer_alternative_positions, fewer_current_positions
                    holes_left = fewer_current_positions and fewer_alternative_positions
                    yield from [sol] if not (holes_left and attempts) else gen(swapped_fewer_positions, 

                    availables[] += 1
    current_positions = set_all(rows*cols)
    for r, c in forbidden:
        current_positions = clear_bit(current_positions, r + rows*c)
    initial_positions = current_positions, set_all(rows*cols)
    return gen(positions=initial_positions, 
               attempts=max_depth_reached or -1, 

In the following cell we define a function that generates all parallelogram polyominoes with semiperimeter sp.

In [33]:
def parallelogram_polyominoes(sp):
    Returns the set of shapes denoting all *parallelogram polyominoes* of semiperimeter `sp`.
    The relation to the main problem is $sp = n + 2$, where the board edge is $2^{n}$.
    import itertools
    steps = [(1,0),  # go to cell below
             (0,1),] # go to cell on the right
    # we assume the canonical ordering inside a board, namely ascending
    # order from top to bottom, and from left to right, as in cells above.
    # first of all build Catalan paths that have no intersection point,
    # using only vertical and horizontal steps (here we do not distinguish
    # among upward/downward vertical steps, what is important is to remain
    # consistent to board ordering).
    initial_prefix = [(0,0)] # always start placing cell at anchor coordinate (r, c)
    prefixes = {tuple(initial_prefix)}

    candidates = set()
    n = sp - 2
    while prefixes:
        prefix = prefixes.pop()
        if len(prefix) > n: 
        last_row_offset, last_col_offset = prefix[-1]
        dominating_prefixes = [(last_row_offset + ro, last_col_offset + co) for ro, co in steps]
        dominated_prefixes = [(last_row_offset + ro, last_col_offset + co) for ro, co in steps]
        for sub, dom in [(sub,dom) for sub, dom in zip(dominated_prefixes, dominating_prefixes) if sub <= dom]:
            prefixes.add(prefix + (sub,))
            prefixes.add(prefix + (dom,))
    parallelograms = {(tuple(dom), tuple(sub)) for sub, dom in itertools.product(candidates, repeat=2) 
                      if sub[-1] == dom[-1]}
    polyominoes = {frozenset(fst) | frozenset(snd) for fst, snd in parallelograms}
    def fill(polyomino):
        r_max, c_max = max(r for r,_ in polyomino), max(c for _,c in polyomino)
        filled = set()
        for coord in itertools.product(range(1, r_max), range(1, c_max)):
            if coord in polyomino: continue
            row = [(rr, cc) for rr, cc in polyomino if coord[0] == rr]
            column = [(rr, cc) for rr, cc in polyomino if coord[1] == cc]
            if (min(column, default=coord) < coord < max(column, default=coord) and
                min(row, default=coord) < coord < max(row, default=coord)):
                #print("filled: ", polyomino, polyomino | filled)
        return polyomino | filled
    return {fill(p) for p in polyominoes}

Isomorphisms: mirrors and rotations

In [34]:
def rotate_clockwise(shape):
    Returns a shape rotated clockwise by π/2 radians.
    clockwise = [(c, -r) for r, c in shape] # by matrix multiplication for rotations
    co, ro = min((c, r) for r, c in clockwise)
    #print(ro, co)
    return frozenset((r-ro, c-co) for r, c in clockwise)

def rotate_clockwise_isomorphisms(isos):
    rotations = set()
    for i in isos:
        rotating = i
        rotating = rotate_clockwise(rotating)
        rotating = rotate_clockwise(rotating)
        rotating = rotate_clockwise(rotating)
    #print(isos | frozenset(rotations))
    return isos | rotations


def vertical_mirror(shape):
    m = max([c for r, c in shape])
    return frozenset((r, m-c) for r, c in shape)

def vertical_isomorphism(isos):
    return isos | frozenset(vertical_mirror(i) for i in isos)


def make_shapes(primitive_polyos, isomorphisms=lambda isos: isos):
    prefix = "polyo"
    def o(j, isos):
        return shape_spec(name='{}{}'.format(prefix, j),
                          isomorphisms=lambda r, c: [ [(r+ro, c+co) for ro, co in iso] for iso in isos])
    return [o(j, isomorphisms({p})) for j, p in enumerate(primitive_polyos)]

Sandbox to test:

In [35]:
c = frozenset({(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3)})
c = rotate_clockwise(c)
c = rotate_clockwise(c)
c = rotate_clockwise(c)

frozenset({(1, 2), (0, 0), (1, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1)})
frozenset({(0, 1), (0, 0), (3, 0), (2, 0), (1, 0)})
frozenset({(0, 1), (1, 3), (0, 0), (0, 3), (0, 2)})
frozenset({(0, 1), (-2, 1), (0, 0), (-1, 1), (-3, 1)})

A tiling game from Del Longo, Pinzani et al.

In [36]:
def describe(semiperimeter, polyominoes):
    from IPython.display import Markdown    
    n, catalan = semiperimeter - 2, semiperimeter - 1

    area = 0
    for p in polyominoes:
        area += len(p)
    theoretical_area = 4**n
**Problem instance**: 
   - using {pp} parallelogram polyominoes, which is the catalan number $c_{catalan}$ (0-based indexing)
   - each polyomino has semiperimeter $sp$ equals to {sp}, so let $n=sp-2={n}$
   - board edges have size $2^{n}={size}$ each
   - theoretically, area is known to be $4^{n}={fa}$, which *is {pred}* equal to counted area {ca}'''.format(
        sp=semiperimeter, n=n, size=size, pp=len(polyominoes), fa=theoretical_area, 
        pred='not' if theoretical_area != area else '', ca=area, catalan=catalan)
    return Markdown(code), n, catalan, polyominoes, theoretical_area, area, size

Using function describe above, we state the problem instance clearly with:

In [37]:
semiperimeter = 6
description, *facts = describe(semiperimeter, parallelogram_polyominoes(semiperimeter))
n, catalan, polyos, theoretical_area, area, size = facts



Problem instance:

  • using 42 parallelogram polyominoes, which is the catalan number $c_5$ (0-based indexing)
  • each polyomino has semiperimeter $sp$ equals to 6, so let $n=sp-2=4$
  • board edges have size $2^4=16$ each
  • theoretically, area is known to be $4^4=256$, which is equal to counted area 256

The order in which shapes are provided is very important since it affects the quality of backtracking:

In [38]:
#shapes = make_shapes(pp, isomorphisms=vertical_isomorphism)#, isomorphisms=lambda isos: vertical_isomorphism(rotate_clockwise_isomorphisms(isos)))
shapes = make_shapes(polyos)#, isomorphisms=lambda isos: vertical_isomorphism(rotate_clockwise_isomorphisms(isos)))

def convex_hull(iso):
    lower_row, lower_col = min(iso)
    greatest_row, greatest_col = max(iso) # find the "convex hull" respect to the cell at the bottom-right most location
    return [(r, c)
            for r in range(lower_row, greatest_row+1) 
            for c in range(lower_col, greatest_col+1)] # convex hull area

def area_key(s, weights={0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:1}):
    import random
    isos = s.isomorphisms(0,0) # place the shape somewhere, the origin is pretty good
    iso = isos.pop() # all isomorphisms, of course, have the same are, therefore pick the first one
    filled_area = len(iso) # since a piece is represent as an iterable of coordinates `(r, c)`
    convex_hull_area = len(convex_hull(iso))
    #key = filled_area*(weights['filled'] + weights['convex']/convex_hull_area) + weights['bias']*random.random() # return the ratio of the filled area respect the convex hull
    #key = 0*max(iso)[1] + filled_area * convex_hull_area / max_convex_hull
    def key(x):
        max_r, max_c = max(iso)
        max_convex_hull = (semiperimeter-1)**2
        #return max_r + max_c*x + (filled_area * convex_hull_area / max_convex_hull)*x**2
        return (weights[0]*random.random()*x**0 +
                weights[1]*max_r*x**1 + 
                weights[2]*max_c*x**2 + 
                weights[3]*filled_area*x**3 + 
                weights[4]*(convex_hull_area / max_convex_hull)*x**4)
    return key(2)

shapes = sorted(shapes, key=area_key, reverse=True)

Represent all available parallelogram polyominoes:

In [39]:
polyominoes_boards = [symbols_pretty([(shape, None, (0,0), iso)], 
                                     (semiperimeter, semiperimeter), 
                                     joiner=lambda board: board,
                      for i, shape in enumerate(shapes) for iso in shape.isomorphisms(0,0)]

for i in range(0, len(polyominoes_boards), group):
    for k in range(semiperimeter+2):
        grouped_board = []
        for j in range(i, i + group):
            if j >= len(polyominoes_boards): break
        print(' '.join(grouped_board))

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  • proceed by iterative deepening
  • at $C_{n}-1$ level it seems that a hole (one empty cell surrounded by filled ones) occurs, where $C_{n}$ is the relative Catalan number to the problem instance under study
  • possible pruning if a hole is found after piece placement
  • add a keyword argument to require the check about the discover of a solution: if a solution is found ensure that a predicate on the available array holds (for instance, that every piece has been used so that no pieces left for each solution)

In [204]:
###############  DIRTY  ######################################

dim = (size, size)

def nogood_predicate(placed_shape, fewer_positions, iso, fringe, availables):
    if not fewer_positions:
        return False
    shape, p = placed_shape
    #print("given fringe ", fringe)
    c,r = divmod(p, rows)
    #if r == rows-1 or c == size-1: return True
    def cell_fringe(cell):
        r, c = cell
        return {(r, c-1)}#, (r+1, c)}
        #return {(r, c-1),(r-1, c),(r+1, c),(r, c+1),} # this is the complete fringe
    max_iso_cell_r, max_iso_cell_c = max(iso)
    fringe_iso = {(rr, cc) 
                  for cell in iso
                  for (rr,cc) in cell_fringe(cell) 
                      if 0 <= r <= rr < max_iso_cell_r + 1
                      and 0 <= c-1 <= cc < max_iso_cell_c 
                      and is_on(fewer_positions, rr + rows*cc)}
    #if max_iso_cell_r+1 == rows-1 and is_on(fewer_positions, max_iso_cell_r+1 + rows*(max_iso_cell_c-1)):
    #    fringe_iso.add((max_iso_cell_r+1, max_iso_cell_c-1),)
    if False:
        for rr, cc in iso:
            if cc == size-1:
                if rr-1 >= 0 and is_on(fewer_positions, rr-1 + rows*cc):
                    fringe_iso.add((rr-1, cc),)
                if rr+1 < rows and is_on(fewer_positions, rr+1 + rows*cc):
                    fringe_iso.add((rr+1, cc),)
    #print("standard fringe_iso ", fringe_iso)
    hole = set()
    for rr, cc in fringe_iso:
        back_cc = cc
        while back_cc >= c and is_on(fewer_positions, rr + rows*back_cc):
            hole.add((rr, back_cc),)
            back_cc -= 1
    if hole:
        min_c, min_r = min((c, r) for r, c in hole)

        chances = {s for s in shapes
                   if s != shape
                   and availables[]
                   and all(is_on(fewer_positions, rr + rows*cc)
                           for rr, cc in s.isomorphisms(min_r, min_c).pop())}
                   #and len(set(s.isomorphisms(0,0).pop())) <= len(hole)}

        return not chances
        return False
    if not fringe_iso: return False # `iso` placement fills a hole exactly

    min_c, min_r = min((c, r) for r, c in fringe_iso)
    min_cell = min_r, min_c
    fringe_iso = {(rr,cc) for (rr,cc) in fringe_iso if rr != min_r} | {min_cell} # discard any cell occurring more than one on the row where the min cell lies
    #print('doubles-free fringe ', fringe_iso)
    class unbounded_area(Exception): pass
    def ant(cell, remaining_steps):
        r, c = cell
        free = is_on(fewer_positions, r + rows*c)
        if not remaining_steps:
            return set()
            return {cell} if free else set()
        covered_bottom = ant((r+1, c), remaining_steps-1) if r < rows-1 else set()
        covered_right = ant((r, c+1), remaining_steps-1) if c < rows-1 else set()
        return {cell} | covered_bottom | covered_right
    for cell in fringe | fringe_iso:
        rr, cc = cell
        covered = ant(cell, semiperimeter-1)
        #print("covered ", covered)
        filling_shapes = {s for s in shapes 
                          if s != shape 
                          and availables[] 
                          and set(s.isomorphisms(rr, cc).pop()) <= covered}
        if not filling_shapes:
            #print("not filling")
            return True
    #print("updated fringe ", fringe)
    return False
    #if r == rows-1: return True
    latest_placed_greater_row, latest_placed_greater_col, = max(iso)
    if latest_placed_greater_row == rows-1: # the latest shape has its greatest cell on the last row
        for q in range(0, semiperimeter-1):
            if latest_placed_greater_col-q > 0 and is_on(fewer_positions, rows*(latest_placed_greater_col-q)-1):
                return True
    columns_ahead = 1
    for ahead in range(p+1, rows*(c+1+columns_ahead)): # look ahead up to the end of the column where last shape has been placed
        if not is_on(fewer_positions, ahead): continue
        next_free_col, next_free_row, = divmod(ahead, rows)
        if next_free_row == rows-1 and next_free_col > columns_ahead:
            return True
        """if next_free_row == rows-1:
            for q in range(2, semiperimeter):
                if not is_on(fewer_positions, rows*(next_free_col+q)-2):
                    return True
        if not (is_on(fewer_positions, (next_free_row+1) + rows*next_free_col) or
                is_on(fewer_positions, next_free_row + rows*(next_free_col+1))):
            return True
    return False

In [40]:
dim = (size, size)

def nogood_predicate(placed_shape, fewer_positions, iso, availables):
    if not fewer_positions:
        return False
    shape, p = placed_shape
    c,r = divmod(p, rows)
    max_r, max_c = max(iso) 
    if False and (max_r == rows-2 or max_c == size-2):
        return True
    for (rr, cc) in iso:
        closing_downward = cc and is_on(fewer_positions, rr+rows*(cc-1)) and (rr+1==rows or not is_on(fewer_positions, rr+1+rows*(cc-1)))
        closing_upwards = rr and is_on(fewer_positions, rr-1+rows*cc) and (cc+1==size or not is_on(fewer_positions, rr-1+rows*(cc+1)))
        if closing_downward or closing_upwards:
            return True
    #return False
    for i in range(size):
        if not fewer_positions:
        ahead, fewer_positions = low_bit_and_clear(fewer_positions)
        next_free_col, next_free_row, = divmod(ahead, rows)
        if next_free_row >= r and next_free_col > c:
        #if next_free_row == rows-1 and not is_on(fewer_positions, (next_free_row-1) + rows*next_free_col):
        #    return True
        #if next_free_row+1 == rows or next_free_col+1 == size:
        #    return True
        if not (is_on(fewer_positions, (next_free_row+1) + rows*next_free_col) 
                or is_on(fewer_positions, next_free_row + rows*(next_free_col+1))):
            return True
        if all(not is_on(fewer_positions, next_free_row+1+rows*cc) 
               for cc in range(next_free_col, next_free_col+3) if cc < size):
            return True
    return False

In [41]:
energy=lambda item: area_key(item, weights={0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:1, 4:0, })

def not_insertion_on_edges(coord, positions, shapes):
    r, c = coord
    if r >= size-1 or c >= size-1:
        return True

    return False

    for s in shapes:
        iso = s.isomorphisms(r, c).pop()
        max_r, max_c = max(iso)
        if max_r < size and max_c < size:
        return True
    return False

# 114 in 1'56'' for sp=7
polys_sols = polyominoes(dim, shapes, availables="ones", forbidden=[], max_depth_reached=38,
                         simulated_annealing={'enabled':False, 'energy':energy, 'scheduler':'cauchy'},
                         nogood=nogood_predicate, pruning=not_insertion_on_edges)

pretty_tilings = markdown_pretty(polys_sols, dim, shapes, raw_text=True)

In [54]:

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: generator 'polyominoes.<locals>.gen' raised StopIteration
Solution $s_{12}$ computed in __0:00:01.158257__ time, respect last solution elapsed time (which is 0 if the current is the very first one):
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|   |     |     |   | | |_ _    |
|_  |_    |_ _  |   | |   | |_ _|
| |_ _|_ _|_  |_|_  | |_  |   |● 
|_  |_    | | |_  |_|_ _|_|   |● 
| |_ _|_  | |_ _| |   | | |_ _|● 
|_ _  | |_|_ _ _| |   | |     |● 
|   |_|   |_    |_|   | |_ _ _|● 
|_ _  |_ _ _|   | |_ _| | |   |● 
|   |_|_ _  |_ _| |_  |_| |_  |● 
|     |   | |_  |_  |   |   | |● 
|_ _ _|   |_| |_  |_|_ _|_ _|_|● 
|     |_ _ _|_  |_|_ _ _ _ _|● ● 
|     |       | |     |_    |● ● 
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _|_|_ _ _ _|_ _ _|● 
| |_ _ _  |   |_ _  |_      |● ● 
|_ _ _ _|_|_ _ _ _|_ _|_ _ _|● ● 

and pretty print some experiments:

In [ ]:
symbols = lower_greek_symbols() + capital_greek_symbols() + latin_symbols()
symbols_map = {[i] for i,s in enumerate(shapes)}
count = 0
with open('sp_6.txt', 'a') as f:
    for s in polys_sols:
        f.write('sol index {}:\n{}\n'.format(count, ppretty(s, dim, symbols_map)))
        count += 1

<span xmlns:dct="" property="dct:title">Backtracking tutorial</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Massimo Nocentini</a> is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at <a xmlns:dct="" href="" rel="dct:source"></a>.