This example shows how the Hodgkin-Huxley potassium current (IK) toy model can be used.
This model recreates an experiment where a sequence of voltages is applied to a giant axon from a squid, and the resulting potassium current is measured. For information on the science behind it, see the original 1952 paper.
In [1]:
import pints
import pints.toy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
model = pints.toy.HodgkinHuxleyIKModel()
We can get an example set of parameters using the suggested_parameters()
In [2]:
x_true = np.array(model.suggested_parameters())
The voltage protocol used in the model has a fixed duration, which we can see using suggested_duration()
In [3]:
And it can also provide a suggested sequence of sampling times:
In [4]:
times = model.suggested_times()
Using the suggested parameters and times, we can run a simulation:
In [5]:
values = model.simulate(x_true, times)
This gives us all we need to create a plot of current versus time:
In [6]:
plt.plot(times, values)
The voltage protocol used to generate this data consists of 12 segments, of 100ms each. Each segment starts with 90ms at the holding potential, followed by a 10ms step to an increasing step potential. During this step, a current is elicited, while the signal at the holding potential is almost zero.
A common way to represent this data is to show only the data during the step, and to fold the steps over each other. This can be done using the fold()
In [7]:
for t, v in model.fold(times, values):
plt.plot(t, v)
This recreates Figure 3 in the original paper.
Now we will add some noise to generate some fake "experimental" data and try to recover the original parameters.
In [10]:
# Add noise
values += np.random.normal(0, 40, values.shape)
# Create an object with links to the model and time series
problem = pints.SingleOutputProblem(model, times, values)
# Select a score function
score = pints.SumOfSquaresError(problem)
# Select some boundaries above and below the true values
lower = [x / 1.5 for x in x_true]
upper = [x * 1.5 for x in x_true]
boundaries = pints.RectangularBoundaries(lower, upper)
# Perform an optimization with boundaries and hints
x0 = x_true * 0.98
optimiser = pints.Optimisation(score, x0, boundaries=boundaries, method=pints.CMAES)
found_parameters, found_score =
# Compare parameters with original
print('Found solution: True parameters:' )
for k, x in enumerate(found_parameters):
print(pints.strfloat(x) + ' ' + pints.strfloat(x0[k]))
We can then compare the true and fitted model output
In [11]:
# Evaluate model at found parameters
found_values = problem.evaluate(found_parameters)
# Show quality of fit
for t, v in model.fold(times, values):
plt.plot(t, v, c='b', label='Noisy data')
for t, v in model.fold(times, found_values):
plt.plot(t, v, c='r', label='Fit')