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Given a RoadRunner instance, you can get an SBML representation of the current state of the model using getCurrentSBML. You can also get the initial SBML from when the model was loaded using getSBML. Finally, exportToSBML can be used to export the current model state to a file.

In [3]:
from __future__ import print_function
import tellurium as te
%matplotlib inline
import tempfile

# load model
r = te.loada('S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1 = 0.1; S1 = 10')
# file for export
f_sbml = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".xml")

# export current model state

# to export the initial state when the model was loaded
# set the current argument to False
r.exportToSBML(, current=False)

# The string representations of the current model are available via
str_sbml = r.getCurrentSBML()

# and of the initial state when the model was loaded via
str_sbml = r.getSBML()

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Created by libAntimony version v2.9.3 with libSBML version 5.15.0. -->
<sbml xmlns="" level="3" version="1">
  <model id="__main" name="__main">
      <compartment sboTerm="SBO:0000410" id="default_compartment" spatialDimensions="3" size="1" constant="true"/>
      <species id="S1" compartment="default_compartment" initialConcentration="10" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false"/>
      <species id="S2" compartment="default_compartment" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false"/>
      <parameter id="k1" value="0.1" constant="true"/>
      <reaction id="_J0" reversible="true" fast="false">
          <speciesReference species="S1" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <speciesReference species="S2" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <math xmlns="">
              <ci> k1 </ci>
              <ci> S1 </ci>


Similar to the SBML functions above, you can also use the functions getCurrentAntimony and exportToAntimony to get or export the current Antimony representation.

In [4]:
import tellurium as te
import tempfile

# load model
r = te.loada('S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1 = 0.1; S1 = 10')
# file for export
f_antimony = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".txt")

# export current model state

# to export the initial state when the model was loaded
# set the current argument to False
r.exportToAntimony(, current=False)

# The string representations of the current model are available via
str_antimony = r.getCurrentAntimony()

# and of the initial state when the model was loaded via
str_antimony = r.getAntimony()

// Created by libAntimony v2.9.3
// Compartments and Species:
species S1, S2;

// Reactions:
_J0: S1 -> S2; k1*S1;

// Species initializations:
S1 = 10;
S2 = ;

// Variable initializations:
k1 = 0.1;

// Other declarations:
const k1;


Tellurium also has functions for exporting the current model state to CellML. These functionalities rely on using Antimony to perform the conversion.

In [5]:
import tellurium as te
import tempfile

# load model
r = te.loada('S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1 = 0.1; S1 = 10')
# file for export
f_cellml = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".cellml")

# export current model state

# to export the initial state when the model was loaded
# set the current argument to False
r.exportToCellML(, current=False)

# The string representations of the current model are available via
str_cellml = r.getCurrentCellML()

# and of the initial state when the model was loaded via
str_cellml = r.getCellML()

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<model xmlns:cellml="" xmlns="" name="__main">
<component name="__main">
<variable initial_value="10" name="S1" units="dimensionless"/>
<variable name="S2" units="dimensionless"/>
<variable initial_value="0.1" name="k1" units="dimensionless"/>
<variable name="_J0" units="dimensionless"/>
<math xmlns="">
<variable name="time" units="dimensionless"/>
<math xmlns="">
<math xmlns="">
<relationship_ref relationship="encapsulation"/>
<component_ref component="__main"/>


To export the current model state to MATLAB, use getCurrentMatlab.

In [7]:
import tellurium as te
import tempfile

# load model
r = te.loada('S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1 = 0.1; S1 = 10')
# file for export
f_matlab = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".m")

# export current model state

# to export the initial state when the model was loaded
# set the current argument to False
r.exportToMatlab(, current=False)

# The string representations of the current model are available via
str_matlab = r.getCurrentMatlab()

# and of the initial state when the model was loaded via
str_matlab = r.getMatlab()

%  How to use:
%  __main takes 3 inputs and returns 3 outputs.
%  [t x rInfo] = __main(tspan,solver,options)
%  tspan - the time vector for the simulation. It can contain every time point, 
%  or just the start and end (e.g. [0 1 2 3] or [0 100]).
%  solver - the function handle for the odeN solver you wish to use (e.g. @ode23s).
%  options - this is the options structure returned from the MATLAB odeset
%  function used for setting tolerances and other parameters for the solver.
%  t - the time vector that corresponds with the solution. If tspan only contains
%  the start and end times, t will contain points spaced out by the solver.
%  x - the simulation results.
%  rInfo - a structure containing information about the model. The fields
%  within rInfo are: 
%     stoich - the stoichiometry matrix of the model 
%     floatingSpecies - a cell array containing floating species name, initial
%     value, and indicator of the units being inconcentration or amount
%     compartments - a cell array containing compartment names and volumes
%     params - a cell array containing parameter names and values
%     boundarySpecies - a cell array containing boundary species name, initial
%     value, and indicator of the units being inconcentration or amount
%     rateRules - a cell array containing the names of variables used in a rate rule
%  Sample function call:
%     options = odeset('RelTol',1e-12,'AbsTol',1e-9);
%     [t x rInfo] = __main(linspace(0,100,100),@ode23s,options);
function [t x rInfo] = __main(tspan,solver,options)
    % initial conditions
    [x rInfo] = model();

    % initial assignments

    % assignment rules

    % run simulation
    [t x] = feval(solver,@model,tspan,x,options);

    % assignment rules

function [xdot rInfo] = model(time,x)
%  x(1)        S1
%  x(2)        S2

% List of Compartments 
vol__default_compartment = 1;		%default_compartment

% Global Parameters 
rInfo.g_p1 = 0.1;		% k1

if (nargin == 0)

    % set initial conditions
   xdot(1) = 10*vol__default_compartment;		% S1 = S1 [Concentration]
   xdot(2) = 0*vol__default_compartment;		% S2 = S2 [Concentration]

   % reaction info structure
   rInfo.stoich = [

   rInfo.floatingSpecies = {		% Each row: [Species Name, Initial Value, isAmount (1 for amount, 0 for concentration)]
      'S1' , 10, 0
      'S2' , 0, 0

   rInfo.compartments = {		% Each row: [Compartment Name, Value]
      'default_compartment' , 1

   rInfo.params = {		% Each row: [Parameter Name, Value]
      'k1' , 0.1

   rInfo.boundarySpecies = {		% Each row: [Species Name, Initial Value, isAmount (1 for amount, 0 for concentration)]

   rInfo.rateRules = { 		 % List of variables involved in a rate rule 


    % calculate rates of change
   R0 = rInfo.g_p1*(x(1));

   xdot = [
      - R0
      + R0

function z = pow (x,y) 
    z = x^y; 

function z = sqr (x) 
    z = x*x; 

function z = piecewise(varargin) 
		numArgs = nargin; 
		result = 0; 
		foundResult = 0; 
		for k=1:2: numArgs-1 
			if varargin{k+1} == 1 
				result = varargin{k}; 
				foundResult = 1; 
		if foundResult == 0 
			result = varargin{numArgs}; 
		z = result; 

function z = gt(a,b) 
   if a > b 
   	  z = 1; 
      z = 0; 

function z = lt(a,b) 
   if a < b 
   	  z = 1; 
      z = 0; 

function z = geq(a,b) 
   if a >= b 
   	  z = 1; 
      z = 0; 

function z = leq(a,b) 
   if a <= b 
   	  z = 1; 
      z = 0; 

function z = neq(a,b) 
   if a ~= b 
   	  z = 1; 
      z = 0; 

function z = and(varargin) 
		result = 1;		 
		for k=1:nargin 
		   if varargin{k} ~= 1 
		      result = 0; 
		z = result; 

function z = or(varargin) 
		result = 0;		 
		for k=1:nargin 
		   if varargin{k} ~= 0 
		      result = 1; 
		z = result; 

function z = xor(varargin) 
		foundZero = 0; 
		foundOne = 0; 
		for k = 1:nargin 
			if varargin{k} == 0 
			   foundZero = 1; 
			   foundOne = 1; 
		if foundZero && foundOne 
			z = 1; 
		  z = 0; 

function z = not(a) 
   if a == 1 
   	  z = 0; 
      z = 1; 

function z = root(a,b) 
	z = a^(1/b); 

Using Antimony Directly

The above examples rely on Antimony as in intermediary between formats. You can use this functionality directly using e.g. antimony.getCellMLString. A comprehensive set of functions can be found in the Antimony API documentation.

In [5]:
import antimony
antimony.loadAntimonyString('''S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1 = 0.1; S1 = 10''')
ant_str = antimony.getCellMLString(antimony.getMainModuleName())

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<model xmlns:cellml="" xmlns="" name="__main">
<component name="__main">
<variable initial_value="10" name="S1" units="dimensionless"/>
<variable name="S2" units="dimensionless"/>
<variable initial_value="0.1" name="k1" units="dimensionless"/>
<variable name="_J0" units="dimensionless"/>
<math xmlns="">
<variable name="time" units="dimensionless"/>
<math xmlns="">
<math xmlns="">
<relationship_ref relationship="encapsulation"/>
<component_ref component="__main"/>