Tutorial 3 - Sampling with AdaptiveMD


In [1]:
from adaptivemd import Project

Let's open our tutorial project by its name. If you completed the first examples this should all work out of the box.

In [2]:
project = Project('tutorial')

Open all connections to the MongoDB and Session so we can get started.

An interesting thing to note here is, that since we use a DB in the back, data is synced between notebooks. If you want to see how this works, just run some tasks in Tutorial 1 or 2, then come back here and check on the change of the project contents.

Let's see where we are. These numbers will depend on whether you run this notebook for the first time or just continue again. Unless you delete your project it will accumulate models and files over time, as is our ultimate goal.

In [3]:

<StoredBundle for with 19 file(s) @ 0x1123f3c10>
<StoredBundle for with 3 file(s) @ 0x1123f3bd0>
<StoredBundle for with 1 file(s) @ 0x1123f3b90>

Now restore our old ways to generate tasks by loading the previously used generators.

In [4]:
engine = project.generators['openmm']
modeller = project.generators['pyemma']
pdb_file = project.files['initial_pdb']

Run simulations

You are free to conduct your simulations from a notebook but normally you will use a script. The main point about adaptivity is to make decision about tasks along the way.

To make this happen we need Conditions which are functions that evaluate to True or False and once they are True they cannot change anymore back to False. Like a one time on switch.

These are used to describe the happening of an event. We will now deal with some types of events.

Functional Events

We want to first look into a way to run python code asynchronously in the project. For this, we write a function that should be executed. Inside you will create tasks and submit them.

If the function should pause, write yield {condition_to_continue}. This will interrupt your script until the function you return will return True when called. An example event function here with different (some equivalent) conditions described:

In [5]:
def strategy(loops=10, trajs_per_loop=4, length=100):
    for loop in range(loops):
        # submit some trajectory tasks
        trajectories = project.new_ml_trajectory(engine, length, trajs_per_loop)
        tasks = map(engine.run, trajectories)
        # continue if ALL of the tasks are done (can be failed)
        #yield [task.is_done for task in tasks]
        #yield lambda: all([task.is_done() for task in tasks])
        yield lambda: all(map(lambda task: task.is_done(), tasks))

        # how about ANY of the tasks
        # --> some won't be included in model
        #yield lambda: any(map(lambda task: task.is_done(), tasks))

        # LESS smart since tasks might fail, so we'd get the progress
        # with task.is_done but not traj.exists
        #yield lambda: all(map(lambda tj: tj.exists, trajectories))

        # submit an analysis
        task = modeller.execute(list(project.trajectories))
        # when it is done do next loop
        yield task.is_done

and add the event to the project (these cannot be stored!)

This logical layer is implemented by the class adaptivemd.Event and is used to run the strategy function. Here we can see why this function is a generator, and needs to yield functions that return a Boolean value. The blocks between yield statements are used to generate the workflow as seen above, and the yielded functions should be used to inspect the state of the workflow.

done = False
proceed = True
while not done:
        if proceed:
            # _next is a function reference
            _next_func = next(strategy())
            proceed = False

        # val is Boolean, returned by _next_func
        val = _next_func()

        if val is True:
            proceed = True


    except StopIteration:
        done = True

When the strategy has been exhausted, the workflow is done.

In [6]:
event = project.add_event(strategy(loops=2))

What is missing now? The adding of the event triggered the first part of the code. But to recheck if we should continue needs to be done manually.

Still that is no problem, we can do that easily and watch what is happening

Let's see how our project is growing. TODO: Add threading.Timer to auto trigger.

In [7]:
import sys, time
from IPython.display import clear_output

One way to wait for an event is to use a reference to it, returned by the project.add_event method. The event objects are a False condition when completed, and True before this.

In [8]:
    while project._events:
        print('# of files  %8d : %s' % (len(project.trajectories), '#' * len(project.trajectories)))
        print('# of models %8d : %s' % (len(project.models), '#' * len(project.models)))
except KeyboardInterrupt:

# of files        16 : ################
# of models        3 : ###

Let's do another round with more loops. This time we will wait using the project's events_done condition. In the prior example, the project is manually triggered until the event is complete. By using wait_until method, the project will trigger itself.

In [9]:

And some analysis (might have better functions for that)

In [10]:
from adaptivemd import File

In [11]:
# find, which frames from which trajectories have been chosen
trajs = project.trajectories
q = {}
ins = {}
for f in trajs:
    source = f.frame if isinstance(f.frame, File) else f.frame.trajectory
    ind = 0 if isinstance(f.frame, File) else f.frame.index
    ins[source] = ins.get(source, []) + [ind]

for a,b in ins.iteritems():
    print a.short, ':', b

file://{}/alanine.pdb : [0, 0, 0]
sandbox:///{}/00000011/ : [80]
sandbox:///{}/00000006/ : [90, 20, 70, 70]
sandbox:///{}/00000019/ : [70, 60]
sandbox:///{}/00000001/ : [20, 70]
sandbox:///{}/00000013/ : [0]
sandbox:///{}/00000009/ : [50]
sandbox:///{}/00000008/ : [70]
sandbox:///{}/00000015/ : [50, 0]
sandbox:///{}/00000004/ : [80, 60]
sandbox:///{}/00000000/ : [30, 50, 100, 50, 60]


And do this with multiple events in parallel.

In [12]:
def strategy2():
    for loop in range(10):
        num = len(project.trajectories)
        task = modeller.execute(list(project.trajectories))
        yield task.is_done
        # continue only when there are at least 2 more trajectories
        print("Requiring %d trajectories for strategy2 to complete" % num)
        yield project.on_ntraj(num + 2)

In [18]:
project.add_event(strategy(loops=10, trajs_per_loop=2))

<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x112519ad0>
<adaptivemd.plan.ExecutionPlan at 0x112519390>

See, that we again reused our strategy.

In [19]:

In [21]:

In [22]:


In [23]:
# Its hard to catch this becuase the _events list
# clears when an event's finish_conditions evaluate
# to True

Requiring 44 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x109d3ca50>
Requiring 46 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x112633390>
Requiring 48 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x112633050>
Requiring 50 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x1125473d0>
Requiring 52 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x112519210>
Requiring 54 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x11262b310>
Requiring 56 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x112617f90>
Requiring 58 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x112543650>
Requiring 60 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
<adaptivemd.task.PythonTask object at 0x112623e50>
Requiring 62 trajectories for strategy2 to complete
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-23-ac3fb0fa3c47> in <module>()
      1 project.wait_until(project.events_done)
----> 2 project._events[0]._finish_conditions[0]()

IndexError: list index out of range

In [24]:

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