In this notebook, we will show how to load pre-trained models and draw things with sketch-rnn

In [0]:
# import the required libraries
import numpy as np
import time
import random
import cPickle
import codecs
import collections
import os
import math
import json
import tensorflow as tf
from six.moves import xrange

In [0]:
# libraries required for visualisation:
from IPython.display import SVG, display
import PIL
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# set numpy output to something sensible
np.set_printoptions(precision=8, edgeitems=6, linewidth=200, suppress=True)

In [0]:
!pip install -qU svgwrite

In [0]:
import svgwrite # conda install -c omnia svgwrite=1.1.6

In [5]:"TensorFlow Version: %s", tf.__version__)

INFO:tensorflow:TensorFlow Version: 1.8.0

In [0]:
!pip install -q magenta

In [0]:
# import our command line tools
from magenta.models.sketch_rnn.sketch_rnn_train import *
from magenta.models.sketch_rnn.model import *
from magenta.models.sketch_rnn.utils import *
from magenta.models.sketch_rnn.rnn import *

In [0]:
# little function that displays vector images and saves them to .svg
def draw_strokes(data, factor=0.2, svg_filename = '/tmp/sketch_rnn/svg/sample.svg'):
  min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = get_bounds(data, factor)
  dims = (50 + max_x - min_x, 50 + max_y - min_y)
  dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(svg_filename, size=dims)
  dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(0, 0), size=dims,fill='white'))
  lift_pen = 1
  abs_x = 25 - min_x 
  abs_y = 25 - min_y
  p = "M%s,%s " % (abs_x, abs_y)
  command = "m"
  for i in xrange(len(data)):
    if (lift_pen == 1):
      command = "m"
    elif (command != "l"):
      command = "l"
      command = ""
    x = float(data[i,0])/factor
    y = float(data[i,1])/factor
    lift_pen = data[i, 2]
    p += command+str(x)+","+str(y)+" "
  the_color = "black"
  stroke_width = 1

# generate a 2D grid of many vector drawings
def make_grid_svg(s_list, grid_space=10.0, grid_space_x=16.0):
  def get_start_and_end(x):
    x = np.array(x)
    x = x[:, 0:2]
    x_start = x[0]
    x_end = x.sum(axis=0)
    x = x.cumsum(axis=0)
    x_max = x.max(axis=0)
    x_min = x.min(axis=0)
    center_loc = (x_max+x_min)*0.5
    return x_start-center_loc, x_end
  x_pos = 0.0
  y_pos = 0.0
  result = [[x_pos, y_pos, 1]]
  for sample in s_list:
    s = sample[0]
    grid_loc = sample[1]
    grid_y = grid_loc[0]*grid_space+grid_space*0.5
    grid_x = grid_loc[1]*grid_space_x+grid_space_x*0.5
    start_loc, delta_pos = get_start_and_end(s)

    loc_x = start_loc[0]
    loc_y = start_loc[1]
    new_x_pos = grid_x+loc_x
    new_y_pos = grid_y+loc_y
    result.append([new_x_pos-x_pos, new_y_pos-y_pos, 0])

    result += s.tolist()
    result[-1][2] = 1
    x_pos = new_x_pos+delta_pos[0]
    y_pos = new_y_pos+delta_pos[1]
  return np.array(result)

define the path of the model you want to load, and also the path of the dataset

In [0]:
data_dir = ''
models_root_dir = '/tmp/sketch_rnn/models'
model_dir = '/tmp/sketch_rnn/models/aaron_sheep/layer_norm'

In [10]:

INFO:tensorflow:/tmp/sketch_rnn/models/ already exists, using cached copy
INFO:tensorflow:Unzipping /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/
INFO:tensorflow:Unzipping complete.

In [0]:
def load_env_compatible(data_dir, model_dir):
  """Loads environment for inference mode, used in jupyter notebook."""
  # modified
  # to work with depreciated tf.HParams functionality
  model_params = sketch_rnn_model.get_default_hparams()
  with tf.gfile.Open(os.path.join(model_dir, 'model_config.json'), 'r') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
  fix_list = ['conditional', 'is_training', 'use_input_dropout', 'use_output_dropout', 'use_recurrent_dropout']
  for fix in fix_list:
    data[fix] = (data[fix] == 1)
  return load_dataset(data_dir, model_params, inference_mode=True)

def load_model_compatible(model_dir):
  """Loads model for inference mode, used in jupyter notebook."""
  # modified
  # to work with depreciated tf.HParams functionality
  model_params = sketch_rnn_model.get_default_hparams()
  with tf.gfile.Open(os.path.join(model_dir, 'model_config.json'), 'r') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
  fix_list = ['conditional', 'is_training', 'use_input_dropout', 'use_output_dropout', 'use_recurrent_dropout']
  for fix in fix_list:
    data[fix] = (data[fix] == 1)

  model_params.batch_size = 1  # only sample one at a time
  eval_model_params = sketch_rnn_model.copy_hparams(model_params)
  eval_model_params.use_input_dropout = 0
  eval_model_params.use_recurrent_dropout = 0
  eval_model_params.use_output_dropout = 0
  eval_model_params.is_training = 0
  sample_model_params = sketch_rnn_model.copy_hparams(eval_model_params)
  sample_model_params.max_seq_len = 1  # sample one point at a time
  return [model_params, eval_model_params, sample_model_params]

In [12]:
[train_set, valid_set, test_set, hps_model, eval_hps_model, sample_hps_model] = load_env_compatible(data_dir, model_dir)

INFO:tensorflow:Loaded 7400/300/300 from aaron_sheep.npz
INFO:tensorflow:Dataset combined: 8000 (7400/300/300), avg len 125
INFO:tensorflow:model_params.max_seq_len 250.
total images <= max_seq_len is 7400
total images <= max_seq_len is 300
total images <= max_seq_len is 300
INFO:tensorflow:normalizing_scale_factor 18.5198.

In [13]:
# construct the sketch-rnn model here:
model = Model(hps_model)
eval_model = Model(eval_hps_model, reuse=True)
sample_model = Model(sample_hps_model, reuse=True)

INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = True.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/magenta/models/sketch_rnn/ calling reduce_mean (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) with keep_dims is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
keep_dims is deprecated, use keepdims instead
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/magenta/models/sketch_rnn/ calling reduce_sum (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) with keep_dims is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
keep_dims is deprecated, use keepdims instead
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/magenta/models/sketch_rnn/ softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits (from tensorflow.python.ops.nn_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:

Future major versions of TensorFlow will allow gradients to flow
into the labels input on backprop by default.

See @{tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2}.

INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.

In [0]:
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

In [15]:
# loads the weights from checkpoint into our model
load_checkpoint(sess, model_dir)

INFO:tensorflow:Loading model /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/aaron_sheep/layer_norm/vector.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/aaron_sheep/layer_norm/vector

We define two convenience functions to encode a stroke into a latent vector, and decode from latent vector to stroke.

In [0]:
def encode(input_strokes):
  strokes = to_big_strokes(input_strokes).tolist()
  strokes.insert(0, [0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
  seq_len = [len(input_strokes)]
  return, feed_dict={eval_model.input_data: [strokes], eval_model.sequence_lengths: seq_len})[0]

In [0]:
def decode(z_input=None, draw_mode=True, temperature=0.1, factor=0.2):
  z = None
  if z_input is not None:
    z = [z_input]
  sample_strokes, m = sample(sess, sample_model, seq_len=eval_model.hps.max_seq_len, temperature=temperature, z=z)
  strokes = to_normal_strokes(sample_strokes)
  if draw_mode:
    draw_strokes(strokes, factor)
  return strokes

In [32]:
# get a sample drawing from the test set, and render it to .svg
stroke = test_set.random_sample()

Let's try to encode the sample stroke into latent vector $z$

In [33]:
z = encode(stroke)

In [34]:
_ = decode(z, temperature=0.8) # convert z back to drawing at temperature of 0.8

Create generated grid at various temperatures from 0.1 to 1.0

In [35]:
stroke_list = []
for i in range(10):
  stroke_list.append([decode(z, draw_mode=False, temperature=0.1*i+0.1), [0, i]])
stroke_grid = make_grid_svg(stroke_list)

Latent Space Interpolation Example between $z_0$ and $z_1$

In [36]:
# get a sample drawing from the test set, and render it to .svg
z0 = z
_ = decode(z0)

In [44]:
stroke = test_set.random_sample()
z1 = encode(stroke)
_ = decode(z1)

Now we interpolate between sheep $z_0$ and sheep $z_1$

In [0]:
z_list = [] # interpolate spherically between z0 and z1
N = 10
for t in np.linspace(0, 1, N):
  z_list.append(slerp(z0, z1, t))

In [0]:
# for every latent vector in z_list, sample a vector image
reconstructions = []
for i in range(N):
  reconstructions.append([decode(z_list[i], draw_mode=False), [0, i]])

In [47]:
stroke_grid = make_grid_svg(reconstructions)

Let's load the Flamingo Model, and try Unconditional (Decoder-Only) Generation

In [0]:
model_dir = '/tmp/sketch_rnn/models/flamingo/lstm_uncond'

In [0]:
[hps_model, eval_hps_model, sample_hps_model] = load_model_compatible(model_dir)

In [53]:
# construct the sketch-rnn model here:
model = Model(hps_model)
eval_model = Model(eval_hps_model, reuse=True)
sample_model = Model(sample_hps_model, reuse=True)

INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.

In [0]:
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

In [55]:
# loads the weights from checkpoint into our model
load_checkpoint(sess, model_dir)

INFO:tensorflow:Loading model /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/flamingo/lstm_uncond/vector.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/flamingo/lstm_uncond/vector

In [0]:
# randomly unconditionally generate 10 examples
N = 10
reconstructions = []
for i in range(N):
  reconstructions.append([decode(temperature=0.5, draw_mode=False), [0, i]])

In [57]:
stroke_grid = make_grid_svg(reconstructions)

Let's load the owl model, and generate two sketches using two random IID gaussian latent vectors

In [0]:
model_dir = '/tmp/sketch_rnn/models/owl/lstm'

In [59]:
[hps_model, eval_hps_model, sample_hps_model] = load_model_compatible(model_dir)
# construct the sketch-rnn model here:
model = Model(hps_model)
eval_model = Model(eval_hps_model, reuse=True)
sample_model = Model(sample_hps_model, reuse=True)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# loads the weights from checkpoint into our model
load_checkpoint(sess, model_dir)

INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Loading model /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/owl/lstm/vector.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/owl/lstm/vector

In [60]:
z_0 = np.random.randn(eval_model.hps.z_size)
_ = decode(z_0)

In [61]:
z_1 = np.random.randn(eval_model.hps.z_size)
_ = decode(z_1)

Let's interpolate between the two owls $z_0$ and $z_1$

In [0]:
z_list = [] # interpolate spherically between z_0 and z_1
N = 10
for t in np.linspace(0, 1, N):
  z_list.append(slerp(z_0, z_1, t))
# for every latent vector in z_list, sample a vector image
reconstructions = []
for i in range(N):
  reconstructions.append([decode(z_list[i], draw_mode=False, temperature=0.1), [0, i]])

In [63]:
stroke_grid = make_grid_svg(reconstructions)

Let's load the model trained on both cats and buses! catbus!

In [0]:
model_dir = '/tmp/sketch_rnn/models/catbus/lstm'

In [65]:
[hps_model, eval_hps_model, sample_hps_model] = load_model_compatible(model_dir)
# construct the sketch-rnn model here:
model = Model(hps_model)
eval_model = Model(eval_hps_model, reuse=True)
sample_model = Model(sample_hps_model, reuse=True)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# loads the weights from checkpoint into our model
load_checkpoint(sess, model_dir)

INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Loading model /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/catbus/lstm/vector.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/catbus/lstm/vector

In [73]:
z_1 = np.random.randn(eval_model.hps.z_size)
_ = decode(z_1)

In [77]:
z_0 = np.random.randn(eval_model.hps.z_size)
_ = decode(z_0)

Let's interpolate between a cat and a bus!!!

In [0]:
z_list = [] # interpolate spherically between z_1 and z_0
N = 10
for t in np.linspace(0, 1, N):
  z_list.append(slerp(z_1, z_0, t))
# for every latent vector in z_list, sample a vector image
reconstructions = []
for i in range(N):
  reconstructions.append([decode(z_list[i], draw_mode=False, temperature=0.15), [0, i]])

In [79]:
stroke_grid = make_grid_svg(reconstructions)

Why stop here? Let's load the model trained on both elephants and pigs!!!

In [0]:
model_dir = '/tmp/sketch_rnn/models/elephantpig/lstm'

In [81]:
[hps_model, eval_hps_model, sample_hps_model] = load_model_compatible(model_dir)
# construct the sketch-rnn model here:
model = Model(hps_model)
eval_model = Model(eval_hps_model, reuse=True)
sample_model = Model(sample_hps_model, reuse=True)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# loads the weights from checkpoint into our model
load_checkpoint(sess, model_dir)

INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = False.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Model using gpu.
INFO:tensorflow:Input dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Output dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Recurrent dropout mode = 0.
INFO:tensorflow:Loading model /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/elephantpig/lstm/vector.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/sketch_rnn/models/elephantpig/lstm/vector

In [82]:
z_0 = np.random.randn(eval_model.hps.z_size)
_ = decode(z_0)

In [84]:
z_1 = np.random.randn(eval_model.hps.z_size)
_ = decode(z_1)

Tribute to an episode of South Park: The interpolation between an Elephant and a Pig

In [0]:
z_list = [] # interpolate spherically between z_1 and z_0
N = 10
for t in np.linspace(0, 1, N):
  z_list.append(slerp(z_0, z_1, t))
# for every latent vector in z_list, sample a vector image
reconstructions = []
for i in range(N):
  reconstructions.append([decode(z_list[i], draw_mode=False, temperature=0.15), [0, i]])

In [0]:
stroke_grid = make_grid_svg(reconstructions, grid_space_x=25.0)

In [87]:
draw_strokes(stroke_grid, factor=0.3)

In [0]: