LightFM is probably the only recommender package implementing the WARP (Weighted Approximate-Rank Pairwise) loss for implicit feedback learning-to-rank. Generally, it perfoms better than the more popular BPR (Bayesian Personalised Ranking) loss --- often by a large margin.
It was originally applied to image annotations in the Weston et al. WSABIE paper, but has been extended to apply to recommendation settings in the 2013 k-order statistic loss paper in the form of the k-OS WARP loss, also implemented in LightFM.
Like the BPR model, WARP deals with (user, positive item, negative item) triplets. Unlike BPR, the negative items in the triplet are not chosen by random sampling: they are chosen from among those negatie items which would violate the desired item ranking given the state of the model. This approximates a form of active learning where the model selects those triplets that it cannot currently rank correctly.
This procedure yields roughly the following algorithm:
While this is fairly hand-wavy, it should give the correct intuition. For more details, read the paper itself or a more in-depth blog post here. A similar approach for BPR is described in Rendle's 2014 WSDM 2014 paper.
Having covered the theory, the rest of this example looks at the practical implications of using WARP in LightFM.
Let's first get the data. We'll use the MovieLens 100K dataset.
In [6]:
import time
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lightfm import LightFM
from lightfm.datasets import fetch_movielens
from lightfm.evaluation import auc_score
movielens = fetch_movielens()
train, test = movielens['train'], movielens['test']
In [7]:
alpha = 1e-05
epochs = 70
num_components = 32
warp_model = LightFM(no_components=num_components,
bpr_model = LightFM(no_components=num_components,
warp_duration = []
bpr_duration = []
warp_auc = []
bpr_auc = []
for epoch in range(epochs):
start = time.time()
warp_model.fit_partial(train, epochs=1)
warp_duration.append(time.time() - start)
warp_auc.append(auc_score(warp_model, test, train_interactions=train).mean())
for epoch in range(epochs):
start = time.time()
bpr_model.fit_partial(train, epochs=1)
bpr_duration.append(time.time() - start)
bpr_auc.append(auc_score(bpr_model, test, train_interactions=train).mean())
Plotting the results immediately reveals that WARP produces superior results: a smarter way of selecting negative examples leads to higher quality rankings. Test accuracy decreases after the first 10 epochs, suggesting WARP starts overfitting and would benefit from regularization or early stopping.
In [8]:
x = np.arange(epochs)
plt.plot(x, np.array(warp_auc))
plt.plot(x, np.array(bpr_auc))
plt.legend(['WARP AUC', 'BPR AUC'], loc='upper right')
In [9]:
x = np.arange(epochs)
plt.plot(x, np.array(warp_duration))
plt.plot(x, np.array(bpr_duration))
plt.legend(['WARP duration', 'BPR duration'], loc='upper right')
WARP is slower than BPR for all epochs. Interestingly, however, it gets slower with additional epochs; every subsequent epoch takes more time. This is because of WARP's adaptive samling of negatives: the closer the model fits the training data, the more times it needs to sample in order to find rank-violating examples, leading to longer fitting times.
For this reason, LightFM exposes the max_sampled
hyperparameter that limits the number of attemps WARP will carry out to find a negative. Setting it to a low value and repeating the run shows that the run time actually decreases with every epoch: this is because no updates happen when a violating example cannot be found in the specified number of attempts.
In [10]:
warp_model = LightFM(no_components=num_components,
warp_duration = []
warp_auc = []
for epoch in range(epochs):
start = time.time()
warp_model.fit_partial(train, epochs=1)
warp_duration.append(time.time() - start)
warp_auc.append(auc_score(warp_model, test, train_interactions=train).mean())
x = np.arange(epochs)
plt.plot(x, np.array(warp_duration))
plt.legend(['WARP duration'], loc='upper right')
x = np.arange(epochs)
plt.plot(x, np.array(warp_auc))
plt.legend(['WARP AUC'], loc='upper right')