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using PyPlot
using OptimTools

Solving Laplace Equation with Steepest Descent

Prepared by Lars Ruthotto, 2016.


In this notebook, we use the steepest descent method (code sd from OptimTools.jl with exact line search for solving the Laplace equation, that is,

$$ - \Delta u = b \quad \text{ with } \quad u(0,x_2)=u(1,x_2)=u(x_1,0)=u(x_1,1)=0. $$

Let $Q_h$ be a discretization of the Laplace operator on some grid, where the parameter $h>0$ corresponds to the mesh size. We can phrase this problem as an optimization problem

$$ min_{u} \frac{1}{2} u^\top Q_h u - u^\top b. $$

We have seen that convergence of the steepest descent method depends on the condtion number of the Hessian of the objective function, which is in our case $Q_h$. Thus, we expect slower convergence on grids with finer resolution (refer to your favorite text on numerical analysis for details).


We first discretize the Laplacian and some test image (replace it with a more interesting one if you like).

In [6]:
function getLaplacian(n)
#      dx = spdiagm((-ones(n-1),ones(n-1)),0:1,n-1,n)
     dx = spdiagm((-ones(n),ones(n)),-1:0,n+1,n)
     dx[1,1] = 2
     dx[end,end] = -2
     dx ./= n
    GRAD = [kron(speye(n),dx); kron(dx,speye(n))]
    return GRAD'*GRAD

function getRHS(n)
    x1 = linspace(0,1,n)
    x2 = linspace(0,1,n)
    rhs  = float([(.2*(x-0.5)^2 + (y-0.5)^2<0.04)*1.0 +  (.2*(x-0.5)^2 + (y-0.5)^2<0.01)*10.0 for x=x1,y=x2])
    return rhs

getRHS (generic function with 1 method)

Solve using SD for different grid sizes

Lets now use steepest descent on a coarse and a fine mesh. Note that we overload the standard line search in sd by an exact line search (see slides for derivation). To make the example a little bit more interesting, we also add some noise to the right hand side.

In [3]:
n1 = 32;
Q = getLaplacian(n1)
b = vec(getRHS(n1)+randn(n1,n1))
f(x)  = 0.5*dot(x,Q*x) - dot(b,x)
df(x) = Q*x - b
x0 = zeros(n1^2)
lineSearch(f,J,fk,dfk,xk,pk) = (-dot(pk,dfk)/dot(pk,Q*pk),1)
x1,flag1,his1 = sd(f,df,x0,maxIter=1000,atol=1e-4,lineSearch=lineSearch);

n2 = 64;
Q = getLaplacian(n2)
b = vec(getRHS(n2)+randn(n2,n2))
f(x)  = 0.5*dot(x,Q*x) - dot(b,x)
df(x) = Q*x - b
x0 = zeros(n2^2)

lineSearch(f,J,fk,dfk,xk,pk) = (-dot(pk,dfk)/dot(pk,Q*pk),1)
x2,flag2,his2 = sd(f,df,x0,maxIter=1000,atol=1e-4,lineSearch=lineSearch);

sd iterated maxIter (=1000) times but reached only atol of 1.78e+00 instead of tol=1.00e-04
sd iterated maxIter (=1000) times but reached only atol of 6.20e+01 instead of tol=1.00e-04

In [4]:
legend(("coarse mesh","fine mesh"))

PyObject <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x320f066d0>


Convergence of steepest descent depends on mesh size. This is to be expected from the fact that the condition number of $Q_h$ grows as $h\to 0$. Since the number of iterations needed to obtain a certain accuracy increases as $h\to0$ we conclude that SD shows mesh dependent convergence for this problem.

View results

Display right hand side and results from both meshes.

In [5]:
title("SD, coarse mesh")
title("SD, fine mesh")

title("right hand side")

PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x321621a10>

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