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using PyPlot

Backtracked Armijo Linesearch

Prepared by Lars Ruthotto, 2016.


Recall, the basic outline of a descent method for solving

$$ \min_x f(x) \quad \text{ where } \quad f:R^n \to R \text{ is smooth}. $$

Assume that at the $k$th step we have the iterate $x_k$ and found a descent direction $d$. Our goal is then to find a step size $t$ that solves

$$ \min_{t>0} \phi(t)\quad \text{ where } \phi : R \to R \text{ with } \phi(t) = f(x_k + t d) $$

This problem is a univariate optimization problem. Nevertheless, the first-order necessary condition is only one (potentially complicated) equation. If we cannot solve this equation, we can easily find an approximate solution, for example, by evaluating $\phi$ for many $t$'s and using the one giving the smallest function value. However, this might be very costly in practise, when computing $f$ is computationally expensive (think about $f$ requiring non-trivial computations, e.g., solving some PDEs).

One way to avoid solving the line search problem exactly is backtracking, which is illustrated in this notebook.

Example: Rosenbrock's function

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f(x) = (1-x[1])^2 + 100*(x[2]-x[1]^2)^2
df(x) = [-2*(1-x[1])-400*(x[2]-x[1]^2)*x[1]; 200*(x[2]-x[1]^2)]
x0  = [0.5;2]
df0 = df(x0)

# plot function and starting guess
x1 = linspace(-1.5,2,101)
x2 = linspace(-0.5,3,101)
fx = [f([x1[k],x2[j]]) for k=1:length(x1), j=1:length(x2)]


        # add linesearch area
d = -2*df0/norm(df0)
t = linspace(0,1,101)
xs1 = x0[1]+t*d[1]
xs2 = x0[2]+t*d[2]

1-element Array{Any,1}:
 PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x31a278fd0>

The sufficient decrease condition

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tt= t
phi(t) = f(x0+t*d)
dphi(t) = dot(d,df(x0+t*d))

phit = [f([xs1[k];xs2[k]]) for k=1:length(tt)]
# add linearization of phi
g(t) = phi(0) + t*dphi(0)

# add backtracking function
l(t) = phi(0) + 2e-1*t*dphi(0)

# Backtracking

The above plot visualizes the sufficient decrease condition. All step sizes $t$ where the red curve is below the solid blue curve are acceptable. The blue curve is obtained by damping the linearization of $\phi$ at $0$.

The idea of backtracking is to start with $t=1$ and accept the step if $\phi(1) < l(1)$ (red dot). If not, we try $t=1/2$ which in this case gets accepted (green dot).

The condition $$ f(x_k + t d) < f(x_k) + \alpha \nabla f(x_k)^T d $$

is also called Armijo condition. You can find an implementation of this in the function armijo in the file lineSearch.jl in OptimTools.jl.

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