In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
print("Loading the training, test and store data")
types = {'CompetitionOpenSinceYear': np.dtype(int),'CompetitionOpenSinceMonth': np.dtype(int),'StateHoliday': np.dtype(str),'Promo2SinceWeek': np.dtype(int),'SchoolHoliday': np.dtype(float),'PromoInterval': np.dtype(str)}
train = pd.read_csv("inputs/train.csv", parse_dates=[2], dtype=types)
test = pd.read_csv("inputs/test.csv", parse_dates=[2], dtype=types)
store = pd.read_csv("inputs/store.csv")
In [2]:
Q1 = np.percentile(train['Sales'], 25)
Q3 = np.percentile(train['Sales'], 75)
step = step = 1.5 * (Q3 - Q1)
print "Data points considered outliers-"
#display(train[~((train['Sales'] >= Q1 - step) & (train['Sales'] <= Q3 + step))])
i=train[~((train['Sales'] >= Q1 - step) & (train['Sales'] <= Q3 + step))].index
print "Number of outliers in sales =", len(i)
Q1 = np.percentile(train['Customers'], 25)
Q3 = np.percentile(train['Customers'], 75)
step = step = 1.5 * (Q3 - Q1)
#display(train[~((train['Customers'] >= Q1 - step) & (train['Customers'] <= Q3 + step))])
j=train[~((train['Customers'] >= Q1 - step) & (train['Customers'] <= Q3 + step))].index
print "Number of outliers in customers =", len(j)
common_outliers = set(i).intersection(j)
print "Number of common outliers =", len(common_outliers)
print "Dropping common outliers..."
train = train.drop(train.index[list(common_outliers)]).reset_index(drop = True)
print float(len(common_outliers))*100/float(train.shape[0]), "% of data dropped"
In [3]:
def preprocess(features, data):
# remove NaNs-
data.fillna(0, inplace=True)
#take the store as open if no value given-
data.loc[data.Open.isnull(), 'Open'] = 1
#only process stores which are open, otherwise whats the point:
data = data[data["Open"] != 0]
# Use some properties directly
features.extend(['Store', 'CompetitionDistance', 'Promo', 'Promo2', 'SchoolHoliday'])
# Label encode some features
features.extend(['StoreType', 'Assortment', 'StateHoliday'])
mappings = {'0':0, 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4}
data.StoreType.replace(mappings, inplace=True)
data.Assortment.replace(mappings, inplace=True)
data.StateHoliday.replace(mappings, inplace=True)
features.extend(['DayOfWeek', 'Month', 'Day', 'Year', 'WeekOfYear'])
data['Year'] = data.Date.dt.year
data['Month'] = data.Date.dt.month
data['Day'] =
data['DayOfWeek'] = data.Date.dt.dayofweek
data['WeekOfYear'] = data.Date.dt.weekofyear
# Calculate time competition open time in months
data['CompetitionOpen'] = 12 * (data.Year - data.CompetitionOpenSinceYear) + (data.Month - data.CompetitionOpenSinceMonth)
# Promo open time in months
data['PromoOpen'] = 12 * (data.Year - data.Promo2SinceYear) + (data.WeekOfYear - data.Promo2SinceWeek) / 4.0
data['PromoOpen'] = data.PromoOpen.apply(lambda x: x if x > 0 else 0)
data.loc[data.Promo2SinceYear == 0, 'PromoOpen'] = 0
# Indicate that sales on that day are in promo interval
month2str = {1:'Jan', 2:'Feb', 3:'Mar', 4:'Apr', 5:'May', 6:'Jun', 7:'Jul', 8:'Aug', 9:'Sept', 10:'Oct', 11:'Nov', 12:'Dec'}
data['monthStr'] =
data.loc[data.PromoInterval == 0, 'PromoInterval'] = ''
data['IsPromoMonth'] = 0
for interval in data.PromoInterval.unique():
if interval != '':
for month in interval.split(','):
data.loc[(data.monthStr == month) & (data.PromoInterval == interval), 'IsPromoMonth'] = 1
return features, data
In [4]:
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action = "ignore")
train = pd.merge(train, store, on='Store')
test = pd.merge(test, store, on='Store')
features = []
features, train= preprocess(features, train)
#Drop rows where sales are zero
train = train[train["Sales"] > 0]
In [5]:
from sklearn import cross_validation
# TODO: Shuffle and split the dataset into the number of training and testing points above
X_train, X_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(train, test_size=0.25)
# Show the results of the split
print "Training set has {} samples.".format(X_train.shape[0])
print "Testing set has {} samples.".format(X_test.shape[0])
In [6]:
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from time import time
def train_regressor(rgr, X_train, y_train):
''' Fits a regressor to the training data. '''
# Start the clock, train the regressor, then stop the clock
start = time(), y_train)
end = time()
# Print the results
print "Trained model in {:.4f} seconds".format(end - start)
def predict_labels(rgr, features, target):
''' Makes predictions using a fit regressor based on mean_squared_error '''
# Start the clock, make predictions, then stop the clock
start = time()
y_pred = rgr.predict(features)
end = time()
# Print and return results
print "Made predictions in {:.4f} seconds.".format(end - start)
#return mean_squared_error(target.values, y_pred)
return np.sqrt(((y_pred - target.values) ** 2).mean())
def train_predict(rgr, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
''' Train and predict using a regressor based on F1 score. '''
# Indicate the regressor and the training set size
print "Training a {} using a training set size of {}. . .".format(rgr.__class__.__name__, len(X_train))
# Train the regressor
train_regressor(rgr, X_train, y_train)
# Print the results of prediction for both training and testing
print "mean_squared_error for training set: {:.4f}.".format(predict_labels(rgr, X_train, y_train))
print "mean_squared_error for test set: {:.4f}.".format(predict_labels(rgr, X_test, y_test))
In [7]:
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
rgr_A = DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=0)
rgr_B = KNeighborsRegressor()
rgr_C = GradientBoostingRegressor()
In [8]:
train_predict(rgr_A, X_train[features], i, X_test[features], j)
In [9]:
train_predict(rgr_B, X_train[features], i, X_test[features], j)
In [11]:
train_predict(rgr_C, X_train[features], i, X_test[features], j)
In [15]:
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
i=i[X_train[features].index] #to avoid indexing error
param_grid = {"min_samples_split": [20, 15, 30],
"max_depth": [None, 2, 5, 10],
"min_samples_leaf": [12, 8, 10]
grid_search = GridSearchCV(rgr_A,param_grid=param_grid)[features],i)
x=predict_labels(grid_search, X_test[features], j)
print "The best parameters values are:", grid_search.best_params_
print "RMSE value after grid search =",x
In [13]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
importances = rgr_A.feature_importances_
# return the indices that would sort the importance, decreasing
indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1]
print("Feature ranking:")
for f in range(15):
print("%d. feature %d :%s (%f)" % (f + 1, indices[f],X_train.columns[indices[f]], importances[indices[f]]))
plt.title("Feature importances"),10), importances[indices[range(1,10)]])
plt.xlim([-1, 10])
In [14]:
p, test= preprocess(p, test)
i=i[train[features].index] #to avoid indexing error
rgr_A = DecisionTreeRegressor(min_samples_split= 20, max_depth= None, min_samples_leaf= 8)[features], i)
#train over complete dataset and predict test-
pred =rgr_A.predict(test[features])
p_Sales =rgr_A.predict(test[features])
test['p_Sales'] = np.expm1(p_Sales)
test.to_csv("prediction.csv", index=False)