In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext sql

In [2]:
import itertools
import random
import json
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]:
sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (10, 6)})

In [4]:
list_to_string = lambda x, y: x + ", " + y

In [5]:
def get_dbconnect_string(json_path, db_interface="postgresql+psycopg2"):
    with open(json_path, "rb") as fd:
        configuration = json.loads(
    return db_interface + "://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}".format(**configuration)
db_configuration = get_dbconnect_string("database.json")

In [6]:
%%sql $db_configuration
        SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM posts

1 rows affected.
min max count
1 2900000 2867507

In [7]:
((min_id, max_id, nr_ids),) = _
print("Total posts: {} – From {} to {}".format(nr_ids, min_id, max_id))

Total posts: 2867507 – From 1 to 2900000

In [8]:
posts_columns = %sql SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'posts'

24 rows affected.

In [9]:
print("Columns in posts table:")
print(reduce(list_to_string, (x[0] for x in posts_columns)))

Columns in posts table:
id, created_at, updated_at, uploader_id, score, source, md5, rating, image_width, image_height, file_ext, parent_id, has_children, file_size, up_score, down_score, is_pending, is_flagged, is_deleted, is_banned, pixiv_id, bit_flags, file_url, scraped_at


First let's take a look at the ratings users can give to images. This is just for warming up since this is a feature that's not so much used on Danbooru.

In [10]:
scores = %sql SELECT score, COUNT(*) FROM posts GROUP BY score ORDER BY score DESC

256 rows affected.

In [11]:
worst_post = %sql SELECT id FROM posts WHERE score = (SELECT MIN(score) FROM posts)

1 rows affected.

In [12]:
best_post = %sql SELECT id FROM posts WHERE score = (SELECT MAX(score) FROM posts)

1 rows affected.

In [13]:
pd_count = scores.DataFrame()["count"]
pd_count.index = scores.DataFrame()["score"]
plt.title("Post score distribution")

Text(0.5,1,'Post score distribution')


Now we take a look at the status of the posts since we'll most likely not use deleted or banned posts. We have the following categories:

is_pending, is_flagged, is_deleted, is_banned

In [14]:
pending_posts = %sql SELECT id FROM posts WHERE is_pending = true
flagged_posts = %sql SELECT id FROM posts WHERE is_flagged = true
deleted_posts = %sql SELECT id FROM posts WHERE is_deleted = true
banned_posts = %sql SELECT id FROM posts WHERE is_banned = true

0 rows affected.
31 rows affected.
158705 rows affected.
14648 rows affected.

In [15]:
def single_column_to_set(column):
    return set(idx[0] for idx in column)
posts_with_status = map(single_column_to_set, (pending_posts, flagged_posts, deleted_posts, banned_posts))
posts_with_status = list(posts_with_status)

In [16]:
post_flag_count = np.array(list(map(len, posts_with_status)))
post_flag_count_log = post_flag_count.copy()
post_flag_count_log[post_flag_count == 0] = 1
post_flag_count_log = np.log10(post_flag_count_log)

In [17]:
rects =, post_flag_count_log)
plt.xticks(range(4), ["pending", "flagged", "deleted", "banned"])
for idx, rect in enumerate(rects):
    height = rect.get_height()
    width = rect.get_width()
    plt.text(rect.get_x() + width / 2, height, post_flag_count[idx], va="bottom", ha="center")
yticks = plt.yticks()[0][1:-1]
plt.yticks(yticks, map(lambda x: "$10^{:d}$".format(int(x)), yticks))
plt.title("Post status distribution")

Text(0.5,1,'Post status distribution')

In [18]:
print("There is a small intersection of deleted and banned posts: %d" % len(posts_with_status[2] & posts_with_status[3]))
print("What is even the difference between these two?")

There is a small intersection of deleted and banned posts: 281
What is even the difference between these two?

Wow, there are a lot of deleted posts. I think I need to check them out manually and their reason for deletion.

But first create a view filtered_posts where flagged posts are removed. Furthermore remove children and remove posts where the aspect ration is not in 1:2 to 2:1.

In [19]:
    (SELECT * FROM posts
     WHERE is_pending = false
     AND is_flagged = false
     AND is_deleted = false
     AND is_banned = false
     AND parent_id = 0
     AND (image_width >= 512 OR image_height >= 512)
     AND cast(image_width as double precision) / cast(image_height as double precision) BETWEEN 0.5 AND 2.0)


In [20]:
filtered_count = %sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM filtered_posts

1 rows affected.

In [21]:
filtered_ext = %sql SELECT DISTINCT file_ext FROM filtered_posts

8 rows affected.

In [22]:
print("Now after filtering we have %d posts left with the following file extensions:" % filtered_count[0][0])
print(reduce(list_to_string, (x[0] for x in filtered_ext)))

Now after filtering we have 2261400 posts left with the following file extensions:
gif, jpeg, jpg, mp4, png, swf, webm, zip

In [23]:
    (SELECT * FROM filtered_posts
     WHERE file_ext = 'jpeg'
     OR file_ext = 'jpg'
     OR file_ext = 'png')


In [24]:
%sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM filtered_images

1 rows affected.

How much R18 content is there on danbooru?

There are three ratings:

  • s:safe
  • q:questionable
  • e:explicit

In [25]:
rating_distribution = %sql SELECT date_trunc('month', created_at) AS month, rating, COUNT(*) FROM posts GROUP BY month, rating ORDER BY month ASC, rating DESC
rating_distribution = np.array(rating_distribution).reshape((150,3,3))
rating_distribution = pd.DataFrame(rating_distribution[:,:,2], columns=rating_distribution[0,:,1], index=rating_distribution[:,0,0],

450 rows affected.

In [26]:
plt.xlim(rating_distribution.index[0], rating_distribution.index[-1])
plt.legend(["safe", "questionable", "explicit"], title="Rating")
plt.xlabel("Date of upload")
plt.ylabel("Uploads per month")
plt.title("Distribution of uploads over time, grouped by rating")

Text(0.5,1,'Distribution of uploads over time, grouped by rating')

How much tags

This is the first interesting thing.

In [27]:
    (SELECT, tag_count.count, tags.category
        (SELECT tag_id, COUNT(post_id)
         FROM tagged INNER JOIN filtered_images ON = tagged.post_id
         GROUP BY tag_id) tag_count
        tags ON = tag_count.tag_id
    ORDER BY tag_count.count DESC)


Tags in general

In [28]:
tag_count = %sql SELECT * FROM filtered_tags LIMIT 1000

1000 rows affected.

In [29]:
def list_count(most_popular_tags):
    pop_tag_number = len(most_popular_tags)
    rank_range = list(range(1, pop_tag_number + 1))
    pop_tag_number_length = len(str(pop_tag_number))
    formatter = "{: <30}{: >10}{: >9}"
    formatter = "{: >%d}  " % (pop_tag_number_length) + formatter
    print(formatter.format("RANK", "NAME", "COUNT", "CATEGORY"))
    print("─" * (pop_tag_number_length + 2) + "──────────────────────────────┼──────────┼─────────")
    for rank, (name, count, category) in zip(rank_range, most_popular_tags):
        print(formatter.format(rank, name, count, category))

In [30]:

RANK  NAME                          │     COUNT│ CATEGORY
   1  1girl                         │   1570662│        g
   2  solo                          │   1330532│        g
   3  long_hair                     │   1010799│        g
   4  breasts                       │    643865│        g
   5  blush                         │    639725│        g
   6  short_hair                    │    631936│        g
   7  smile                         │    619523│        g
   8  multiple_girls                │    495898│        g
   9  open_mouth                    │    489534│        g
  10  looking_at_viewer             │    471852│        g
  11  touhou                        │    453860│        y
  12  blue_eyes                     │    452116│        g
  13  blonde_hair                   │    447439│        g
  14  brown_hair                    │    417002│        g
  15  skirt                         │    400779│        g
  16  hat                           │    373040│        g
  17  thighhighs                    │    356799│        g
  18  red_eyes                      │    345543│        g
  19  black_hair                    │    345461│        g
  20  2girls                        │    323153│        g
  21  large_breasts                 │    319220│        g
  22  ribbon                        │    298167│        g
  23  dress                         │    278163│        g
  24  gloves                        │    277466│        g
  25  hair_ornament                 │    275270│        g
  26  bow                           │    265775│        g
  27  original                      │    264886│        y
  28  1boy                          │    263397│        g
  29  brown_eyes                    │    261569│        g
  30  twintails                     │    257282│        g
  31  school_uniform                │    257190│        g
  32  simple_background             │    235557│        g
  33  underwear                     │    235510│        g
  34  green_eyes                    │    221588│        g
  35  monochrome                    │    216897│        g
  36  navel                         │    213990│        g
  37  blue_hair                     │    212850│        g
  38  sitting                       │    211071│        g
  39  panties                       │    203581│        g
  40  kantai_collection             │    201925│        y
  41  animal_ears                   │    201837│        g
  42  medium_breasts                │    200486│        g
  43  cleavage                      │    195339│        g
  44  highres                       │    189066│        g
  45  white_background              │    185333│        g
  46  shirt                         │    182840│        g
  47  bad_id                        │    177549│        g
  48  bad_pixiv_id                  │    176506│        g
  49  weapon                        │    175061│        g
  50  purple_eyes                   │    172128│        g
  51  jewelry                       │    171261│        g
  52  very_long_hair                │    166802│        g
  53  hair_ribbon                   │    166785│        g
  54  long_sleeves                  │    166278│        g
  55  closed_eyes                   │    164014│        g
  56  bare_shoulders                │    160870│        g
  57  nipples                       │    160053│        g
  58  comic                         │    159294│        g
  59  ponytail                      │    154448│        g
  60  bangs                         │    152521│        g
  61  purple_hair                   │    152396│        g
  62  greyscale                     │    150274│        g
  63  pink_hair                     │    148938│        g
  64  black_legwear                 │    148648│        g
  65  yellow_eyes                   │    146350│        g
  66  hair_bow                      │    141352│        g
  67  tail                          │    138327│        g
  68  flower                        │    137893│        g
  69  silver_hair                   │    137002│        g
  70  swimsuit                      │    132065│        g
  71  wings                         │    130350│        g
  72  hairband                      │    127424│        g
  73  ass                           │    127263│        g
  74  braid                         │    126649│        g
  75  pantyhose                     │    123887│        g
  76  boots                         │    123315│        g
  77  red_hair                      │    123158│        g
  78  green_hair                    │    121470│        g
  79  ahoge                         │    114770│        g
  80  glasses                       │    114374│        g
  81  serafuku                      │    113955│        g
  82  japanese_clothes              │    113283│        g
  83  one_eye_closed                │    111272│        g
  84  detached_sleeves              │    110976│        g
  85  :d                            │    108633│        g
  86  food                          │    106316│        g
  87  male_focus                    │    105690│        g
  88  heart                         │    105021│        g
  89  holding                       │    102801│        g
  90  multiple_boys                 │    101691│        g
  91  nude                          │    100683│        g
  92  necktie                       │     99315│        g
  93  full_body                     │     98903│        g
  94  barefoot                      │     98411│        g
  95  standing                      │     98391│        g
  96  lying                         │     94325│        g
  97  collarbone                    │     90710│        g
  98  bikini                        │     89913│        g
  99  sword                         │     88556│        g
 100  shoes                         │     88323│        g
 101  pleated_skirt                 │     87158│        g
 102  white_hair                    │     85481│        g
 103  jacket                        │     85398│        g
 104  tears                         │     84937│        g
 105  midriff                       │     82444│        g
 106  sweat                         │     82306│        g
 107  small_breasts                 │     82206│        g
 108  sky                           │     81894│        g
 109  striped                       │     81675│        g
 110  upper_body                    │     81541│        g
 111  elbow_gloves                  │     80400│        g
 112  short_sleeves                 │     80297│        g
 113  3girls                        │     80031│        g
 114  white_legwear                 │     78684│        g
 115  censored                      │     78282│        g
 116  eyebrows_visible_through_hair │     77927│        g
 117  frills                        │     75683│        g
 118  looking_back                  │     73862│        g
 119  earrings                      │     73327│        g
 120  fang                          │     71008│        g
 121  vocaloid                      │     69221│        y
 122  alternate_costume             │     68993│        g
 123  open_clothes                  │     68570│        g
 124  idolmaster                    │     68414│        y
 125  pointy_ears                   │     68314│        g
 126  hair_between_eyes             │     67790│        g
 127  hairclip                      │     67020│        g
 128  day                           │     66901│        g
 129  shorts                        │     66679│        g
 130  cat_ears                      │     66633│        g
 131  pussy                         │     65655│        g
 132  penis                         │     65416│        g
 133  translated                    │     62641│        g
 134  cloud                         │     62487│        g
 135  2boys                         │     62350│        g
 136  fate_(series)                 │     61959│        y
 137  tongue                        │     61950│        g
 138  choker                        │     61806│        g
 139  solo_focus                    │     60935│        g
 140  belt                          │     59819│        g
 141  pink_eyes                     │     59346│        g
 142  cowboy_shot                   │     59206│        g
 143  scarf                         │     57923│        g
 144  yuri                          │     56588│        g
 145  chibi                         │     56585│        g
 146  hetero                        │     56541│        g
 147  fingerless_gloves             │     56297│        g
 148  horns                         │     55980│        g
 149  flat_chest                    │     55545│        g
 150  cape                          │     55354│        g
 151  uniform                       │     55253│        g
 152  side_ponytail                 │     55223│        g
 153  zettai_ryouiki                │     54723│        g
 154  sketch                        │     54634│        g
 155  puffy_sleeves                 │     53606│        g
 156  closed_mouth                  │     53458│        g
 157  star                          │     53315│        g
 158  socks                         │     52378│        g
 159  kimono                        │     52234│        g
 160  hair_flower                   │     51979│        g
 161  water                         │     51794│        g
 162  aqua_eyes                     │     51708│        g
 163  white_panties                 │     51702│        g
 164  multicolored_hair             │     50624│        g
 165  twin_braids                   │     50295│        g
 166  black_eyes                    │     50131│        g
 167  armor                         │     49927│        g
 168  character_name                │     49546│        g
 169  cum                           │     49467│        g
 170  parted_lips                   │     49332│        g
 171  outdoors                      │     49288│        g
 172  artist_request                │     49013│        g
 173  white_gloves                  │     48174│        g
 174  sidelocks                     │     47714│        g
 175  spread_legs                   │     47537│        g
 176  :o                            │     47468│        g
 177  orange_hair                   │     46429│        g
 178  thighs                        │     46283│        g
 179  hatsune_miku                  │     45989│        c
 180  sleeveless                    │     45835│        g
 181  bag                           │     45474│        g
 182  bunny_ears                    │     44657│        g
 183  armpits                       │     44631│        g
 184  wide_sleeves                  │     44616│        g
 185  bra                           │     44330│        g
 186  huge_breasts                  │     44298│        g
 187  sweatdrop                     │     44151│        g
 188  necklace                      │     43866│        g
 189  on_back                       │     43603│        g
 190  apron                         │     43530│        g
 191  grin                          │     43393│        g
 192  feet                          │     42736│        g
 193  teeth                         │     42727│        g
 194  miniskirt                     │     42640│        g
 195  from_behind                   │     42209│        g
 196  covered_nipples               │     41918│        g
 197  hood                          │     41629│        g
 198  copyright_request             │     41454│        g
 199  tongue_out                    │     41399│        g
 200  book                          │     41066│        g
 201  artist_name                   │     40585│        g
 202  sex                           │     40578│        g
 203  vest                          │     40510│        g
 204  mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica    │     40037│        y
 205  military                      │     39903│        g
 206  hakurei_reimu                 │     39238│        c
 207  hug                           │     39098│        g
 208  dark_skin                     │     38667│        g
 209  aqua_hair                     │     38661│        g
 210  lips                          │     38626│        g
 211  legs                          │     38411│        g
 212  maid                          │     37994│        g
 213  4girls                        │     37959│        g
 214  white_shirt                   │     37892│        g
 215  tree                          │     37800│        g
 216  idolmaster_cinderella_girls   │     37799│        y
 217  black_gloves                  │     37768│        g
 218  bracelet                      │     37715│        g
 219  gun                           │     37687│        g
 220  kirisame_marisa               │     37635│        c
 221  grey_hair                     │     37492│        g
 222  kneehighs                     │     36737│        g
 223  two_side_up                   │     36335│        g
 224  open_shirt                    │     36012│        g
 225  pants                         │     35460│        g
 226  cat_tail                      │     35336│        g
 227  hair_over_one_eye             │     35185│        g
 228  absurdres                     │     35164│        g
 229  dated                         │     34988│        g
 230  petals                        │     34946│        g
 231  cosplay                       │     34857│        g
 232  high_heels                    │     34829│        g
 233  signature                     │     34730│        g
 234  shiny                         │     34698│        g
 235  magical_girl                  │     34531│        g
 236  kneeling                      │     34375│        g
 237  military_uniform              │     34307│        g
 238  blunt_bangs                   │     34013│        g
 239  wrist_cuffs                   │     33476│        g
 240  ascot                         │     33416│        g
 241  one-piece_swimsuit            │     33330│        g
 242  plaid                         │     33175│        g
 243  pokemon                       │     33098│        y
 244  dutch_angle                   │     32717│        g
 245  bowtie                        │     32561│        g
 246  witch_hat                     │     32238│        g
 247  vaginal                       │     31842│        g
 248  arms_up                       │     31710│        g
 249  fruit                         │     31572│        g
 250  blood                         │     31311│        g
 251  collar                        │     31103│        g
 252  nail_polish                   │     31081│        g
 253  traditional_media             │     31049│        g
 254  hand_on_hip                   │     31024│        g
 255  maid_headdress                │     30899│        g
 256  no_bra                        │     30895│        g
 257  pantyshot                     │     30882│        g
 258  sash                          │     30732│        g
 259  siblings                      │     30724│        g
 260  loli                          │     30723│        g
 261  headphones                    │     30697│        g
 262  6+girls                       │     30563│        g
 263  eyebrows                      │     30491│        g
 264  wet                           │     30384│        g
 265  no_panties                    │     30372│        g
 266  sweater                       │     30323│        g
 267  torn_clothes                  │     29553│        g
 268  remilia_scarlet               │     28868│        c
 269  striped_legwear               │     28546│        g
 270  bed                           │     28541│        g
 271  twitter_username              │     28396│        g
 272  cup                           │     28320│        g
 273  hair_tubes                    │     28078│        g
 274  holding_hands                 │     28017│        g
 275  umbrella                      │     27874│        g
 276  copyright_name                │     27769│        g
 277  alternate_hairstyle           │     27648│        g
 278  pillow                        │     27645│        g
 279  parody                        │     27501│        g
 280  underboob                     │     27482│        g
 281  looking_at_another            │     27452│        g
 282  headband                      │     27344│        g
 283  ^_^                           │     27245│        g
 284  bottomless                    │     27188│        g
 285  single_braid                  │     26955│        g
 286  mole                          │     26930│        g
 287  izayoi_sakuya                 │     26883│        c
 288  sailor_collar                 │     26839│        g
 289  orange_eyes                   │     26755│        g
 290  drill_hair                    │     26612│        g
 291  headgear                      │     26526│        g
 292  sideboob                      │     26460│        g
 293  precure                       │     26430│        y
 294  bodysuit                      │     26403│        g
 295  white_dress                   │     26285│        g
 296  arm_up                        │     26157│        g
 297  v                             │     25966│        g
 298  bat_wings                     │     25942│        g
 299  saliva                        │     25935│        g
 300  no_humans                     │     25931│        g
 301  off_shoulder                  │     25873│        g
 302  mosaic_censoring              │     25695│        g
 303  chain                         │     25641│        g
 304  indoors                       │     25638│        g
 305  capelet                       │     25591│        g
 306  :3                            │     25501│        g
 307  moon                          │     25432│        g
 308  flandre_scarlet               │     25407│        c
 309  see-through                   │     25113│        g
 310  neckerchief                   │     25094│        g
 311  double_bun                    │     25048│        g
 312  cover                         │     25034│        g
 313  groin                         │     25028│        g
 314  rose                          │     24934│        g
 315  school_swimsuit               │     24782│        g
 316  from_side                     │     24673│        g
 317  translation_request           │     24588│        g
 318  glowing                       │     24570│        g
 319  profile                       │     24491│        g
 320  lingerie                      │     24436│        g
 321  eyepatch                      │     24380│        g
 322  idolmaster_(classic)          │     24270│        y
 323  wariza                        │     24190│        g
 324  pussy_juice                   │     24160│        g
 325  jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken      │     24013│        y
 326  thigh_boots                   │     23950│        g
 327  black_panties                 │     23943│        g
 328  pubic_hair                    │     23886│        g
 329  puffy_short_sleeves           │     23833│        g
 330  mouth_hold                    │     23761│        g
 331  cameltoe                      │     23657│        g
 332  black_skirt                   │     23593│        g
 333  topless                       │     23572│        g
 334  shiny_skin                    │     23506│        g
 335  english                       │     23098│        g
 336  fate/grand_order              │     22952│        y
 337  makeup                        │     22931│        g
 338  mask                          │     22884│        g
 339  leotard                       │     22814│        g
 340  hair_bobbles                  │     22796│        g
 341  bird                          │     22740│        g
 342  sparkle                       │     22662│        g
 343  night                         │     22625│        g
 344  bell                          │     22486│        g
 345  love_live!                    │     22357│        y
 346  holding_weapon                │     22305│        g
 347  dress_shirt                   │     22254│        g
 348  leaf                          │     22143│        g
 349  hoodie                        │     22080│        g
 350  coat                          │     21808│        g
 351  hat_ribbon                    │     21751│        g
 352  side-tie_bikini               │     21742│        g
 353  skirt_lift                    │     21719│        g
 354  v-shaped_eyebrows             │     21604│        g
 355  face                          │     21527│        g
 356  blush_stickers                │     21430│        g
 357  eating                        │     21397│        g
 358  striped_panties               │     21334│        g
 359  pokemon_(game)                │     21204│        y
 360  window                        │     21188│        g
 361  turtleneck                    │     21102│        g
 362  bdsm                          │     21066│        g
 363  5girls                        │     21048│        g
 364  bare_legs                     │     20996│        g
 365  couple                        │     20931│        g
 366  eyelashes                     │     20927│        g
 367  alice_margatroid              │     20900│        c
 368  cat                           │     20873│        g
 369  plaid_skirt                   │     20861│        g
 370  shirt_lift                    │     20805│        g
 371  bound                         │     20731│        g
 372  symbol-shaped_pupils          │     20722│        g
 373  black_dress                   │     20714│        g
 374  head_tilt                     │     20505│        g
 375  patchouli_knowledge           │     20414│        c
 376  fox_ears                      │     20368│        g
 377  arm_support                   │     20349│        g
 378  leaning_forward               │     20217│        g
 379  short_twintails               │     20205│        g
 380  two-tone_hair                 │     20182│        g
 381  fox_tail                      │     19966│        g
 382  undressing                    │     19898│        g
 383  katana                        │     19878│        g
 384  formal                        │     19834│        g
 385  underwear_only                │     19812│        g
 386  younger                       │     19737│        g
 387  blue_skirt                    │     19686│        g
 388  sleeping                      │     19682│        g
 389  crossed_arms                  │     19627│        g
 390  bandages                      │     19513│        g
 391  skirt_set                     │     19442│        g
 392  back                          │     19409│        g
 393  grey_eyes                     │     19384│        g
 394  gradient                      │     19373│        g
 395  outstretched_arms             │     19228│        g
 396  fate/stay_night               │     19144│        y
 397  heterochromia                 │     19026│        g
 398  grabbing                      │     19020│        g
 399  blazer                        │     18995│        g
 400  beret                         │     18952│        g
 401  knee_boots                    │     18887│        g
 402  embarrassed                   │     18879│        g
 403  from_above                    │     18856│        g
 404  crossover                     │     18831│        g
 405  sandals                       │     18706│        g
 406  tokin_hat                     │     18675│        g
 407  stuffed_toy                   │     18654│        g
 408  frown                         │     18647│        g
 409  wavy_mouth                    │     18591│        g
 410  bondage                       │     18566│        g
 411  garter_straps                 │     18526│        g
 412  love_live!_school_idol_project│     18510│        y
 413  chinese_clothes               │     18470│        g
 414  yakumo_yukari                 │     18463│        c
 415  cirno                         │     18453│        c
 416  grey_background               │     18448│        g
 417  kochiya_sanae                 │     18422│        c
 418  k-on!                         │     18320│        y
 419  sisters                       │     18290│        g
 420  blue_sky                      │     18286│        g
 421  cum_in_pussy                  │     18161│        g
 422  polearm                       │     18117│        g
 423  tattoo                        │     18104│        g
 424  collared_shirt                │     18096│        g
 425  on_side                       │     18091│        g
 426  konpaku_youmu                 │     18088│        c
 427  chair                         │     18074│        g
 428  light_smile                   │     18061│        g
 429  anus                          │     17940│        g
 430  doujinshi                     │     17897│        g
 431  arms_behind_back              │     17764│        g
 432  happy                         │     17698│        g
 433  pokemon_(creature)            │     17655│        g
 434  wolf_ears                     │     17642│        g
 435  ocean                         │     17639│        g
 436  fingernails                   │     17535│        g
 437  mob_cap                       │     17509│        g
 438  obi                           │     17497│        g
 439  lipstick                      │     17464│        g
 440  red_bow                       │     17464│        g
 441  blurry                        │     17415│        g
 442  areolae                       │     17407│        g
 443  remodel_(kantai_collection)   │     17312│        g
 444  gradient_hair                 │     17309│        g
 445  animal                        │     17242│        g
 446  red_ribbon                    │     17180│        g
 447  gradient_background           │     17125│        g
 448  breast_grab                   │     17102│        g
 449  game_cg                       │     17095│        g
 450  genderswap                    │     17031│        g
 451  third_eye                     │     17017│        g
 452  thigh_gap                     │     16999│        g
 453  suspenders                    │     16964│        g
 454  facial_hair                   │     16956│        g
 455  cover_page                    │     16953│        g
 456  admiral_(kantai_collection)   │     16874│        c
 457  crescent                      │     16826│        g
 458  short_shorts                  │     16808│        g
 459  expressionless                │     16669│        g
 460  panty_pull                    │     16666│        g
 461  stuffed_animal                │     16638│        g
 462  casual                        │     16616│        g
 463  akemi_homura                  │     16610│        c
 464  ;d                            │     16572│        g
 465  fangs                         │     16540│        g
 466  beach                         │     16536│        g
 467  mole_under_eye                │     16485│        g
 468  child                         │     16483│        g
 469  speech_bubble                 │     16458│        g
 470  suit                          │     16446│        g
 471  cherry_blossoms               │     16413│        g
 472  helmet                        │     16391│        g
 473  bent_over                     │     16388│        g
 474  shadow                        │     16342│        g
 475  fire                          │     16328│        g
 476  crop_top                      │     16298│        g
 477  official_art                  │     16297│        g
 478  multiple_tails                │     16258│        g
 479  bike_shorts                   │     16245│        g
 480  shinkaisei-kan                │     16235│        g
 481  knife                         │     16181│        g
 482  3boys                         │     16147│        g
 483  uncensored                    │     16116│        g
 484  scan                          │     16105│        g
 485  wind                          │     16075│        g
 486  otoko_no_ko                   │     16050│        g
 487  antenna_hair                  │     16044│        g
 488  blue_dress                    │     16044│        g
 489  from_below                    │     16040│        g
 490  polka_dot                     │     15979│        g
 491  final_fantasy                 │     15926│        y
 492  instrument                    │     15926│        g
 493  hands                         │     15902│        g
 494  wavy_hair                     │     15887│        g
 495  staff                         │     15876│        g
 496  >_<                           │     15839│        g
 497  red_neckwear                  │     15825│        g
 498  fujiwara_no_mokou             │     15784│        c
 499  lyrical_nanoha                │     15761│        y
 500  black_footwear                │     15508│        g
 501  toes                          │     15424│        g
 502  hong_meiling                  │     15402│        c
 503  crossed_legs                  │     15389│        g
 504  stomach                       │     15369│        g
 505  pointing                      │     15353│        g
 506  backpack                      │     15339│        g
 507  shameimaru_aya                │     15333│        c
 508  gundam                        │     15295│        y
 509  4koma                         │     15295│        g
 510  letterboxed                   │     15288│        g
 511  facial_mark                   │     15278│        g
 512  scar                          │     15222│        g
 513  oral                          │     15166│        g
 514  short_dress                   │     15157│        g
 515  no_pants                      │     15099│        g
 516  no_headwear                   │     15030│        g
 517  flying_sweatdrops             │     15019│        g
 518  checkered                     │     15015│        g
 519  head_wings                    │     15014│        g
 520  kaname_madoka                 │     14997│        c
 521  watermark                     │     14987│        g
 522  strapless                     │     14974│        g
 523  text                          │     14968│        g
 524  convenient_censoring          │     14822│        g
 525  :<                            │     14815│        g
 526  fur_trim                      │     14764│        g
 527  looking_away                  │     14747│        g
 528  pink_panties                  │     14689│        g
 529  trembling                     │     14639│        g
 530  sleeves_past_wrists           │     14625│        g
 531  nature                        │     14622│        g
 532  detached_collar               │     14532│        g
 533  sunlight                      │     14516│        g
 534  cum_on_body                   │     14514│        g
 535  monster_girl                  │     14458│        g
 536  buttons                       │     14452│        g
 537  cleavage_cutout               │     14387│        g
 538  looking_to_the_side           │     14345│        g
 539  feathers                      │     14337│        g
 540  depth_of_field                │     14319│        g
 541  /\/\/\                        │     14292│        g
 542  covering                      │     14285│        g
 543  gauntlets                     │     14200│        g
 544  foreshortening                │     14186│        g
 545  suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu    │     14170│        y
 546  world_witches_series          │     14157│        y
 547  no_hat                        │     14149│        g
 548  table                         │     14129│        g
 549  kiss                          │     14069│        g
 550  bed_sheet                     │     14069│        g
 551  upskirt                       │     14022│        g
 552  reisen_udongein_inaba         │     14022│        c
 553  outstretched_arm              │     14017│        g
 554  ground_vehicle                │     14005│        g
 555  komeiji_koishi                │     14001│        c
 556  side-tie_panties              │     14000│        g
 557  grass                         │     13944│        g
 558  fan                           │     13887│        g
 559  girls_und_panzer              │     13876│        y
 560  tan                           │     13857│        g
 561  surprised                     │     13840│        g
 562  squatting                     │     13801│        g
 563  goggles                       │     13648│        g
 564  all_fours                     │     13648│        g
 565  mary_janes                    │     13633│        g
 566  broom                         │     13614│        g
 567  butterfly                     │     13583│        g
 568  microphone                    │     13528│        g
 569  pink_bow                      │     13487│        g
 570  blouse                        │     13466│        g
 571  adapted_costume               │     13461│        g
 572  towel                         │     13407│        g
 573  red_skirt                     │     13378│        g
 574  full_moon                     │     13370│        g
 575  pale_skin                     │     13297│        g
 576  breast_press                  │     13260│        g
 577  twin_drills                   │     13259│        g
 578  phone                         │     13257│        g
 579  on_stomach                    │     13250│        g
 580  denim                         │     13225│        g
 581  looking_up                    │     13222│        g
 582  thigh_strap                   │     13216│        g
 583  bottle                        │     13198│        g
 584  bunnysuit                     │     13197│        g
 585  pov                           │     13182│        g
 586  plant                         │     13180│        g
 587  floral_print                  │     13169│        g
 588  lace                          │     13156│        g
 589  musical_note                  │     13133│        g
 590  saigyouji_yuyuko              │     13028│        c
 591  crown                         │     13018│        g
 592  inubashiri_momiji             │     13006│        c
 593  cardigan                      │     12976│        g
 594  genderswap_(mtf)              │     12972│        g
 595  crying                        │     12926│        g
 596  granblue_fantasy              │     12911│        y
 597  covered_navel                 │     12859│        g
 598  low_twintails                 │     12850│        g
 599  artoria_pendragon_(all)       │     12811│        c
 600  peaked_cap                    │     12806│        g
 601  cross                         │     12795│        g
 602  dual_persona                  │     12768│        g
 603  komeiji_satori                │     12766│        c
 604  blue_background               │     12689│        g
 605  hair_bun                      │     12630│        g
 606  persona                       │     12609│        y
 607  bikini_top                    │     12608│        g
 608  hat_bow                       │     12485│        g
 609  ring                          │     12480│        g
 610  sheath                        │     12479│        g
 611  skindentation                 │     12374│        g
 612  angry                         │     12308│        g
 613  looking_down                  │     12289│        g
 614  muscle                        │     12216│        g
 615  red_dress                     │     12173│        g
 616  carrying                      │     12132│        g
 617  tank_top                      │     12115│        g
 618  machinery                     │     12109│        g
 619  parted_bangs                  │     12108│        g
 620  loafers                       │     12106│        g
 621  between_breasts               │     12097│        g
 622  fellatio                      │     12078│        g
 623  mecha                         │     12070│        g
 624  scrunchie                     │     12058│        g
 625  shaded_face                   │     11948│        g
 626  heart-shaped_pupils           │     11907│        g
 627  soles                         │     11902│        g
 628  lavender_hair                 │     11893│        g
 629  neon_genesis_evangelion       │     11873│        y
 630  kemonomimi_mode               │     11843│        g
 631  halterneck                    │     11807│        g
 632  front-tie_top                 │     11794│        g
 633  miki_sayaka                   │     11785│        c
 634  slit_pupils                   │     11763│        g
 635  pink_background               │     11757│        g
 636  sleeveless_dress              │     11750│        g
 637  wallpaper                     │     11720│        g
 638  open_jacket                   │     11699│        g
 639  fire_emblem                   │     11692│        y
 640  horn                          │     11690│        g
 641  one_side_up                   │     11681│        g
 642  demon_girl                    │     11680│        g
 643  headset                       │     11645│        g
 644  bob_cut                       │     11612│        g
 645  multiple_views                │     11612│        g
 646  tiara                         │     11594│        g
 647  to_aru_majutsu_no_index       │     11586│        y
 648  personification               │     11561│        g
 649  glowing_eyes                  │     11543│        g
 650  nose_blush                    │     11540│        g
 651  cellphone                     │     11499│        g
 652  star_(sky)                    │     11481│        g
 653  snow                          │     11398│        g
 654  animal_print                  │     11398│        g
 655  :p                            │     11322│        g
 656  christmas                     │     11319│        g
 657  strap_slip                    │     11276│        g
 658  frilled_skirt                 │     11257│        g
 659  ?                             │     11231│        g
 660  fate/zero                     │     11228│        y
 661  scenery                       │     11214│        g
 662  neck_ribbon                   │     11202│        g
 663  bow_panties                   │     11135│        g
 664  ribbon_trim                   │     11114│        g
 665  straddling                    │     11100│        g
 666  floating_hair                 │     11070│        g
 667  girl_on_top                   │     11021│        g
 668  bare_arms                     │     11015│        g
 669  wet_clothes                   │     10996│        g
 670  long_legs                     │     10989│        g
 671  strike_witches                │     10985│        y
 672  yakumo_ran                    │     10970│        c
 673  cum_on_upper_body             │     10955│        g
 674  rumia                         │     10919│        c
 675  sunglasses                    │     10919│        g
 676  hand_up                       │     10912│        g
 677  armband                       │     10898│        g
 678  lolita_fashion                │     10850│        g
 679  leg_up                        │     10834│        g
 680  anger_vein                    │     10822│        g
 681  rope                          │     10808│        g
 682  on_bed                        │     10808│        g
 683  brooch                        │     10760│        g
 684  tareme                        │     10752│        g
 685  kaga_(kantai_collection)      │     10740│        c
 686  building                      │     10738│        g
 687  no_shoes                      │     10718│        g
 688  moriya_suwako                 │     10687│        c
 689  handgun                       │     10646│        g
 690  breast_hold                   │     10630│        g
 691  nontraditional_miko           │     10620│        g
 692  kazami_yuuka                  │     10598│        c
 693  kagamine_rin                  │     10567│        c
 694  wolf_tail                     │     10567│        g
 695  sleeveless_shirt              │     10545│        g
 696  santa_costume                 │     10539│        g
 697  hakama                        │     10484│        g
 698  corset                        │     10447│        g
 699  black_ribbon                  │     10432│        g
 700  sakura_kyouko                 │     10408│        c
 701  hand_on_own_chest             │     10397│        g
 702  wristband                     │     10395│        g
 703  dual_wielding                 │     10386│        g
 704  facial                        │     10360│        g
 705  swept_bangs                   │     10355│        g
 706  tomoe_mami                    │     10340│        c
 707  china_dress                   │     10305│        g
 708  motor_vehicle                 │     10301│        g
 709  touken_ranbu                  │     10284│        y
 710  headwear_removed              │     10267│        g
 711  saber                         │     10251│        c
 712  androgynous                   │     10240│        g
 713  drooling                      │     10212│        g
 714  pendant                       │     10212│        g
 715  candy                         │     10204│        g
 716  t-shirt                       │     10194│        g
 717  elf                           │     10189│        g
 718  curtains                      │     10166│        g
 719  konpaku_youmu_(ghost)         │     10143│        c
 720  reiuji_utsuho                 │     10106│        c
 721  crossdressing                 │     10071│        g
 722  santa_hat                     │     10052│        g
 723  kamishirasawa_keine           │     10052│        c
 724  forest                        │      9966│        g
 725  minigirl                      │      9900│        g
 726  clenched_teeth                │      9886│        g
 727  ass_visible_through_thighs    │      9878│        g
 728  multicolored                  │      9862│        g
 729  clenched_hand                 │      9855│        g
 730  bar_censor                    │      9827│        g
 731  white_bikini                  │      9826│        g
 732  skin_tight                    │      9823│        g
 733  half_updo                     │      9812│        g
 734  flying                        │      9789│        g
 735  sailor_dress                  │      9768│        g
 736  bespectacled                  │      9766│        g
 737  chen                          │      9755│        c
 738  o_o                           │      9730│        g
 739  highleg                       │      9688│        g
 740  bunny_tail                    │      9678│        g
 741  sweater_vest                  │      9651│        g
 742  rifle                         │      9636│        g
 743  gym_uniform                   │      9615│        g
 744  panties_under_pantyhose       │      9602│        g
 745  kawashiro_nitori              │      9588│        c
 746  breasts_outside               │      9574│        g
 747  puffy_nipples                 │      9571│        g
 748  veil                          │      9554│        g
 749  tsurime                       │      9545│        g
 750  new_year                      │      9545│        g
 751  6+boys                        │      9531│        g
 752  box                           │      9514│        g
 753  cross-laced_footwear          │      9495│        g
 754  licking                       │      9470│        g
 755  v_arms                        │      9450│        g
 756  claws                         │      9439│        g
 757  snake                         │      9425│        g
 758  standing_on_one_leg           │      9413│        g
 759  bow_(weapon)                  │      9387│        g
 760  night_sky                     │      9361│        g
 761  buruma                        │      9260│        g
 762  fish                          │      9234│        g
 763  bridal_gauntlets              │      9173│        g
 764  finger_to_mouth               │      9163│        g
 765  folded_ponytail               │      9152│        g
 766  gift                          │      9114│        g
 767  dress_lift                    │      9113│        g
 768  spear                         │      9112│        g
 769  teacup                        │      9096│        g
 770  red-framed_eyewear            │      9091│        g
 771  waist_apron                   │      9088│        g
 772  twins                         │      9065│        g
 773  shimakaze_(kantai_collection) │      9043│        c
 774  cloudy_sky                    │      9030│        g
 775  cuffs                         │      8999│        g
 776  hinanawi_tenshi               │      8925│        c
 777  shiny_hair                    │      8907│        g
 778  frilled_dress                 │      8895│        g
 779  tales_of_(series)             │      8887│        y
 780  turret                        │      8882│        g
 781  anal                          │      8879│        g
 782  juliet_sleeves                │      8872│        g
 783  cum_on_breasts                │      8862│        g
 784  spot_color                    │      8861│        g
 785  hair_flaps                    │      8834│        g
 786  close-up                      │      8823│        g
 787  masturbation                  │      8805│        g
 788  ball                          │      8793│        g
 789  clothes_writing               │      8791│        g
 790  hair_intakes                  │      8757│        g
 791  alcohol                       │      8753│        g
 792  bunny                         │      8736│        g
 793  fake_animal_ears              │      8728│        g
 794  doujin_cover                  │      8695│        g
 795  skull                         │      8691│        g
 796  holding_sword                 │      8687│        g
 797  bubble                        │      8684│        g
 798  naughty_face                  │      8647│        g
 799  ...                           │      8638│        g
 800  jingle_bell                   │      8628│        g
 801  kaenbyou_rin                  │      8609│        c
 802  seiza                         │      8601│        g
 803  kill_la_kill                  │      8591│        y
 804  spiked_hair                   │      8583│        g
 805  older                         │      8570│        g
 806  sneakers                      │      8568│        g
 807  monster                       │      8567│        g
 808  cake                          │      8558│        g
 809  eye_contact                   │      8552│        g
 810  semi-rimless_eyewear          │      8543│        g
 811  vertical_stripes              │      8533│        g
 812  hat_removed                   │      8532│        g
 813  high_ponytail                 │      8531│        g
 814  halloween                     │      8518│        g
 815  black_wings                   │      8495│        g
 816  messy_hair                    │      8493│        g
 817  inazuma_eleven_(series)       │      8485│        y
 818  lens_flare                    │      8478│        g
 819  partially_submerged           │      8477│        g
 820  shield                        │      8472│        g
 821  tentacles                     │      8465│        g
 822  fishnets                      │      8458│        g
 823  breath                        │      8446│        g
 824  upside-down                   │      8428│        g
 825  card_(medium)                 │      8413│        g
 826  couch                         │      8394│        g
 827  abs                           │      8386│        g
 828  dog_ears                      │      8384│        g
 829  =_=                           │      8326│        g
 830  web_address                   │      8326│        g
 831  miko                          │      8304│        g
 832  tanline                       │      8303│        g
 833  kemono_friends                │      8266│        y
 834  interlocked_fingers           │      8205│        g
 835  rain                          │      8195│        g
 836  doll                          │      8193│        g
 837  wading                        │      8176│        g
 838  ice                           │      8158│        g
 839  sarashi                       │      8126│        g
 840  houraisan_kaguya              │      8087│        c
 841  garter_belt                   │      8077│        g
 842  ribbed_sweater                │      8074│        g
 843  kongou_(kantai_collection)    │      8002│        c
 844  mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha   │      7985│        y
 845  geta                          │      7966│        g
 846  sleeves_rolled_up             │      7961│        g
 847  steam                         │      7947│        g
 848  pink_dress                    │      7943│        g
 849  innertube                     │      7893│        g
 850  ghost                         │      7887│        g
 851  camisole                      │      7869│        g
 852  outstretched_hand             │      7868│        g
 853  street_fighter                │      7862│        y
 854  hair_over_shoulder            │      7850│        g
 855  happy_birthday                │      7849│        g
 856  side_slit                     │      7840│        g
 857  ofuda                         │      7831│        g
 858  shawl                         │      7824│        g
 859  hibiki_(kantai_collection)    │      7823│        c
 860  wince                         │      7808│        g
 861  group_sex                     │      7794│        g
 862  mystia_lorelei                │      7793│        c
 863  strapless_dress               │      7782│        g
 864  koakuma                       │      7775│        c
 865  single_thighhigh              │      7772│        g
 866  black_bikini                  │      7763│        g
 867  inaba_tewi                    │      7759│        c
 868  sunset                        │      7744│        g
 869  popsicle                      │      7716│        g
 870  starry_sky                    │      7714│        g
 871  tray                          │      7705│        g
 872  ibuki_suika                   │      7699│        c
 873  gem                           │      7682│        g
 874  hug_from_behind               │      7678│        g
 875  track_jacket                  │      7656│        g
 876  border                        │      7655│        g
 877  yukata                        │      7651│        g
 878  brown_footwear                │      7649│        g
 879  wide_hips                     │      7648│        g
 880  lucky_star                    │      7646│        y
 881  bandaid                       │      7645│        g
 882  frog                          │      7598│        g
 883  bloomers                      │      7597│        g
 884  brown_legwear                 │      7593│        g
 885  side_braid                    │      7566│        g
 886  hijiri_byakuren               │      7562│        c
 887  smoke                         │      7558│        g
 888  green_skirt                   │      7532│        g
 889  megurine_luka                 │      7522│        c
 890  pantyshot_(sitting)           │      7495│        g
 891  swimsuit_under_clothes        │      7492│        g
 892  4boys                         │      7485│        g
 893  fingering                     │      7485│        g
 894  handjob                       │      7456│        g
 895  beard                         │      7456│        g
 896  inazuma_(kantai_collection)   │      7454│        c
 897  paizuri                       │      7453│        g
 898  revealing_clothes             │      7450│        g
 899  micro_bikini                  │      7433│        g
 900  hairpin                       │      7425│        g
 901  desk                          │      7393│        g
 902  fate/extra                    │      7380│        y
 903  contemporary                  │      7352│        g
 904  back-to-back                  │      7350│        g
 905  long_fingernails              │      7345│        g
 906  dog                           │      7341│        g
 907  realistic                     │      7337│        g
 908  sharp_teeth                   │      7336│        g
 909  between_legs                  │      7328│        g
 910  underwater                    │      7327│        g
 911  zoom_layer                    │      7306│        g
 912  reflection                    │      7300│        g
 913  x_hair_ornament               │      7295│        g
 914  gothic_lolita                 │      7292│        g
 915  jitome                        │      7289│        g
 916  pom_pom_(clothes)             │      7277│        g
 917  ribbon-trimmed_sleeves        │      7265│        g
 918  thick_thighs                  │      7260│        g
 919  akiyama_mio                   │      7253│        c
 920  testicles                     │      7248│        g
 921  mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_strikers│      7223│        y
 922  impossible_clothes            │      7220│        g
 923  aircraft                      │      7219│        g
 924  pencil_skirt                  │      7216│        g
 925  spread_pussy                  │      7182│        g
 926  frilled_sleeves               │      7162│        g
 927  top_hat                       │      7155│        g
 928  hitodama                      │      7154│        g
 929  low-tied_long_hair            │      7149│        g
 930  bowl                          │      7144│        g
 931  hands_on_hips                 │      7115│        g
 932  after_sex                     │      7098│        g
 933  yasaka_kanako                 │      7068│        c
 934  tress_ribbon                  │      7051│        g
 935  pajamas                       │      7041│        g
 936  thong                         │      7037│        g
 937  monogatari_(series)           │      7032│        y
 938  code_geass                    │      7028│        y
 939  gohei                         │      7010│        g
 940  tenryuu_(kantai_collection)   │      6994│        c
 941  brother_and_sister            │      6985│        g
 942  paw_pose                      │      6976│        g
 943  umineko_no_naku_koro_ni       │      6974│        y
 944  tabard                        │      6967│        g
 945  hands_together                │      6963│        g
 946  own_hands_together            │      6961│        g
 947  everyone                      │      6960│        g
 948  curvy                         │      6949│        g
 949  running                       │      6941│        g
 950  antennae                      │      6940│        g
 951  legs_up                       │      6933│        g
 952  overwatch                     │      6906│        y
 953  epaulettes                    │      6871│        g
 954  sword_art_online              │      6861│        y
 955  akagi_(kantai_collection)     │      6836│        c
 956  baseball_cap                  │      6835│        g
 957  mole_under_mouth              │      6832│        g
 958  smile_precure!                │      6818│        y
 959  persona_4                     │      6814│        y
 960  muneate                       │      6811│        g
 961  smirk                         │      6806│        g
 962  black_bra                     │      6800│        g
 963  light_brown_hair              │      6792│        g
 964  piercing                      │      6788│        g
 965  kagamine_len                  │      6777│        c
 966  hair_rings                    │      6773│        g
 967  cloak                         │      6771│        g
 968  spread_arms                   │      6767│        g
 969  white_skirt                   │      6754│        g
 970  +_+                           │      6754│        g
 971  butt_crack                    │      6746│        g
 972  |_|                           │      6744│        g
 973  mittens                       │      6737│        g
 974  curly_hair                    │      6737│        g
 975  walking                       │      6729│        g
 976  hair_down                     │      6729│        g
 977  goggles_on_head               │      6725│        g
 978  blazblue                      │      6721│        y
 979  demon_tail                    │      6717│        g
 980  quaver                        │      6711│        g
 981  cigarette                     │      6710│        g
 982  ;)                            │      6709│        g
 983  zipper                        │      6708│        g
 984  arms_behind_head              │      6700│        g
 985  injury                        │      6683│        g
 986  hand_on_another's_head        │      6682│        g
 987  striped_bikini                │      6679│        g
 988  kita_high_school_uniform      │      6665│        g
 989  yagokoro_eirin                │      6662│        c
 990  serious                       │      6657│        g
 991  angel_wings                   │      6655│        g
 992  school_bag                    │      6653│        g
 993  jumping                       │      6640│        g
 994  covering_breasts              │      6627│        g
 995  cannon                        │      6625│        g
 996  clenched_hands                │      6622│        g
 997  pose                          │      6621│        g
 998  half-closed_eyes              │      6618│        g
 999  light_particles               │      6603│        g
1000  nazrin                        │      6590│        c

In [31]:
def plot_count(most_popular_tags, steps, logx=True):
    pop_tag_number = len(most_popular_tags)
    _, pop_tag_count, _ = zip(*most_popular_tags)
    rank_range = list(range(1, pop_tag_number + 1))
    if logx:
        plt.semilogy(rank_range, pop_tag_count)
        plt.plot(rank_range, pop_tag_count)
    plt.xticks(rank_range[steps-1::steps], rank_range[steps-1::steps])
    plt.xlim(0, pop_tag_number)
    if logx:
        annotate_line = np.logspace(np.log10(pop_tag_count[steps // 4]), np.log10(pop_tag_count[-1]) * 1.1, 9)
        annotate_line = np.linspace(pop_tag_count[0] * 0.9, pop_tag_count[steps*9] * 1.1, 9)
    for logy, i in zip(annotate_line, range(0, pop_tag_number - steps, steps)):
        idx = random.randint(i, i + steps - 1)
        random_rank = rank_range[idx]
        random_count = pop_tag_count[idx]
        random_tag = most_popular_tags[idx][0]
        plt.annotate(random_tag, (random_rank, random_count), (i + steps / 2, logy),
    plt.title("Distribution of %d most popular tags" % pop_tag_number)

In [32]:
plot_count(tag_count, 100)

Very interesting! Even in log10 space these tags are not really linear distributed. Let's see if we can solve this with preprocessing or if there are some fancy tricks like weighting to take these differences in the distribution into account.

In [33]:
print("Important! These are the top 1000 tags (in descending order) where the word breast is included:")
breast_list = [tag for tag, _, _ in tag_count if tag.find("breast") >= 0]
print(reduce(list_to_string, breast_list))
print("In total these are %d tags!" % len(breast_list))

Important! These are the top 1000 tags (in descending order) where the word breast is included:
breasts, large_breasts, medium_breasts, small_breasts, huge_breasts, breast_grab, breast_press, between_breasts, breast_hold, breasts_outside, cum_on_breasts, covering_breasts
In total these are 12 tags!

In [34]:
def posts_with_tag(tagname):
    tag_id = %sql SELECT id FROM tags WHERE name = :tagname
    tag_id = tag_id[0][0]
    post_id = %sql SELECT post_id FROM tagged WHERE tag_id = :tag_id
    return post_id

In [35]:

1 rows affected.
9 rows affected.


In [36]:
artist_count = %sql SELECT * FROM filtered_tags WHERE category = 'a' LIMIT 100

100 rows affected.

In [37]:

RANK  NAME                          │     COUNT│ CATEGORY
  1  hammer_(sunset_beach)         │      3548│        a
  2  haruyama_kazunori             │      2808│        a
  3  itomugi-kun                   │      2255│        a
  4  kouji_(campus_life)           │      2020│        a
  5  yohane                        │      1908│        a
  6  ichimi                        │      1717│        a
  7  a1                            │      1702│        a
  8  carnelian                     │      1491│        a
  9  shimazaki_mujirushi           │      1419│        a
 10  kirisawa_juuzou               │      1414│        a
 11  shino_(ponjiyuusu)            │      1411│        a
 12  tonda                         │      1392│        a
 13  warugaki_(sk-ii)              │      1390│        a
 14  dd_(ijigendd)                 │      1385│        a
 15  ueyama_michirou               │      1361│        a
 16  masao                         │      1358│        a
 17  yua_(checkmate)               │      1302│        a
 18  tanaka_takayuki               │      1292│        a
 19  futa_(nabezoko)               │      1276│        a
 20  mizuki_makoto                 │      1253│        a
 21  peko                          │      1214│        a
 22  mizuhara_aki                  │      1212│        a
 23  kantoku                       │      1206│        a
 24  niiko_(gonnzou)               │      1162│        a
 25  onikobe_rin                   │      1127│        a
 26  blade_(galaxist)              │      1123│        a
 27  katahira_masashi              │      1122│        a
 28  hisahiko                      │      1115│        a
 29  gofu                          │      1105│        a
 30  agahari                       │      1071│        a
 31  tsukudani_(coke-buta)         │      1071│        a
 32  bai_lao_shu                   │      1066│        a
 33  mizumoto_tadashi              │      1065│        a
 34  tsuda_nanafushi               │      1062│        a
 35  karaagetarou                  │      1054│        a
 36  niwatazumi                    │      1049│        a
 37  yokochou                      │      1031│        a
 38  hoshizuki_(seigetsu)          │      1022│        a
 39  drawfag                       │      1012│        a
 40  zounose                       │       999│        a
 41  shichimenchou                 │       973│        a
 42  abubu                         │       967│        a
 43  tima                          │       962│        a
 44  mikage_takashi                │       960│        a
 45  tsunako                       │       957│        a
 46  minaba_hideo                  │       952│        a
 47  koto_inari                    │       945│        a
 48  maruki_(punchiki)             │       927│        a
 49  fumio_(rsqkr)                 │       925│        a
 50  otohime_(youngest_princess)   │       924│        a
 51  unya                          │       922│        a
 52  itou_noiji                    │       909│        a
 53  iesupa                        │       905│        a
 54  bkub                          │       905│        a
 55  eroe                          │       900│        a
 56  ha_akabouzu                   │       891│        a
 57  frapowa                       │       889│        a
 58  houtengeki                    │       865│        a
 59  gaoo_(frpjx283)               │       864│        a
 60  ilya_kuvshinov                │       850│        a
 61  suzuhira_hiro                 │       846│        a
 62  catstudioinc_(punepuni)       │       845│        a
 63  matsunaga_kouyou              │       844│        a
 64  creayus                       │       833│        a
 65  nishi_koutarou                │       829│        a
 66  takeuchi_takashi              │       825│        a
 67  clearite                      │       822│        a
 68  sayori                        │       810│        a
 69  tomose_shunsaku               │       808│        a
 70  meow_(nekodenki)              │       806│        a
 71  mattaku_mousuke               │       805│        a
 72  kuromiya                      │       802│        a
 73  seo_tatsuya                   │       796│        a
 74  minami_(colorful_palette)     │       789│        a
 75  mishima_kurone                │       781│        a
 76  koyama_shigeru                │       779│        a
 77  fuantei                       │       771│        a
 78  shirosato                     │       768│        a
 79  cis_(carcharias)              │       767│        a
 80  cato_(monocatienus)           │       767│        a
 81  six_(fnrptal1010)             │       764│        a
 82  gogiga_gagagigo               │       761│        a
 83  kawashina_(momen_silicon)     │       757│        a
 84  gomasamune                    │       757│        a
 85  ikari_manatsu                 │       755│        a
 86  mitsumoto_jouji               │       749│        a
 87  rebecca_(keinelove)           │       748│        a
 88  manji_(tenketsu)              │       737│        a
 89  ebifurya                      │       736│        a
 90  chado                         │       735│        a
 91  homare_(fool's_art)           │       733│        a
 92  matsuryuu                     │       728│        a
 93  bow_(bhp)                     │       727│        a
 94  yume_shokunin                 │       723│        a
 95  urushihara_satoshi            │       722│        a
 96  hamu_koutarou                 │       721│        a
 97  ameyama_denshin               │       720│        a
 98  onija_tarou                   │       717│        a
 99  kara_(color)                  │       712│        a
100  satou_kibi                    │       710│        a

In [38]:
plot_count(artist_count, 10, logx=False)

In [39]:
character_count = %sql SELECT * FROM filtered_tags WHERE category = 'c' LIMIT 100

100 rows affected.

In [40]:

RANK  NAME                          │     COUNT│ CATEGORY
  1  hatsune_miku                  │     45989│        c
  2  hakurei_reimu                 │     39238│        c
  3  kirisame_marisa               │     37635│        c
  4  remilia_scarlet               │     28868│        c
  5  izayoi_sakuya                 │     26883│        c
  6  flandre_scarlet               │     25407│        c
  7  alice_margatroid              │     20900│        c
  8  patchouli_knowledge           │     20414│        c
  9  yakumo_yukari                 │     18463│        c
 10  cirno                         │     18453│        c
 11  kochiya_sanae                 │     18422│        c
 12  konpaku_youmu                 │     18088│        c
 13  admiral_(kantai_collection)   │     16874│        c
 14  akemi_homura                  │     16610│        c
 15  fujiwara_no_mokou             │     15784│        c
 16  hong_meiling                  │     15402│        c
 17  shameimaru_aya                │     15333│        c
 18  kaname_madoka                 │     14997│        c
 19  reisen_udongein_inaba         │     14022│        c
 20  komeiji_koishi                │     14001│        c
 21  saigyouji_yuyuko              │     13028│        c
 22  inubashiri_momiji             │     13006│        c
 23  artoria_pendragon_(all)       │     12811│        c
 24  komeiji_satori                │     12766│        c
 25  miki_sayaka                   │     11785│        c
 26  yakumo_ran                    │     10970│        c
 27  rumia                         │     10919│        c
 28  kaga_(kantai_collection)      │     10740│        c
 29  moriya_suwako                 │     10687│        c
 30  kazami_yuuka                  │     10598│        c
 31  kagamine_rin                  │     10567│        c
 32  sakura_kyouko                 │     10408│        c
 33  tomoe_mami                    │     10340│        c
 34  saber                         │     10251│        c
 35  konpaku_youmu_(ghost)         │     10143│        c
 36  reiuji_utsuho                 │     10106│        c
 37  kamishirasawa_keine           │     10052│        c
 38  chen                          │      9755│        c
 39  kawashiro_nitori              │      9588│        c
 40  shimakaze_(kantai_collection) │      9043│        c
 41  hinanawi_tenshi               │      8925│        c
 42  kaenbyou_rin                  │      8609│        c
 43  houraisan_kaguya              │      8087│        c
 44  kongou_(kantai_collection)    │      8002│        c
 45  hibiki_(kantai_collection)    │      7823│        c
 46  mystia_lorelei                │      7793│        c
 47  koakuma                       │      7775│        c
 48  inaba_tewi                    │      7759│        c
 49  ibuki_suika                   │      7699│        c
 50  hijiri_byakuren               │      7562│        c
 51  megurine_luka                 │      7522│        c
 52  inazuma_(kantai_collection)   │      7454│        c
 53  akiyama_mio                   │      7253│        c
 54  yasaka_kanako                 │      7068│        c
 55  tenryuu_(kantai_collection)   │      6994│        c
 56  akagi_(kantai_collection)     │      6836│        c
 57  kagamine_len                  │      6777│        c
 58  yagokoro_eirin                │      6662│        c
 59  nazrin                        │      6590│        c
 60  houjuu_nue                    │      6464│        c
 61  nakano_azusa                  │      6441│        c
 62  ikazuchi_(kantai_collection)  │      6377│        c
 63  morichika_rinnosuke           │      6225│        c
 64  mizuhashi_parsee              │      6170│        c
 65  souryuu_asuka_langley         │      6131│        c
 66  hirasawa_yui                  │      5961│        c
 67  shanghai_doll                 │      5921│        c
 68  tatara_kogasa                 │      5915│        c
 69  shigure_(kantai_collection)   │      5896│        c
 70  nagato_yuki                   │      5860│        c
 71  kagiyama_hina                 │      5838│        c
 72  fate_testarossa               │      5837│        c
 73  kyubey                        │      5634│        c
 74  akatsuki_(kantai_collection)  │      5446│        c
 75  hoshiguma_yuugi               │      5332│        c
 76  wriggle_nightbug              │      5251│        c
 77  suzumiya_haruhi               │      5242│        c
 78  toosaka_rin                   │      5212│        c
 79  tainaka_ritsu                 │      5197│        c
 80  nagato_(kantai_collection)    │      5180│        c
 81  toyosatomimi_no_miko          │      5165│        c
 82  mononobe_no_futo              │      5014│        c
 83  haruna_(kantai_collection)    │      4953│        c
 84  yuudachi_(kantai_collection)  │      4925│        c
 85  onozuka_komachi               │      4814│        c
 86  takamachi_nanoha              │      4736│        c
 87  northern_ocean_hime           │      4720│        c
 88  fubuki_(kantai_collection)    │      4642│        c
 89  zuikaku_(kantai_collection)   │      4589│        c
 90  toramaru_shou                 │      4480│        c
 91  shiki_eiki                    │      4462│        c
 92  misaka_mikoto                 │      4381│        c
 93  nishikino_maki                │      4360│        c
 94  daiyousei                     │      4342│        c
 95  matoi_ryuuko                  │      4272│        c
 96  nagae_iku                     │      4139│        c
 97  yazawa_nico                   │      4048│        c
 98  hamakaze_(kantai_collection)  │      4039│        c
 99  kotobuki_tsumugi              │      4026│        c
100  atago_(kantai_collection)     │      4021│        c

In [41]:
plot_count(character_count, 10, logx=False)

Last but not least.

In [42]:
series_count = %sql SELECT * FROM filtered_tags WHERE category = 'y' LIMIT 100

100 rows affected.

In [43]:

RANK  NAME                          │     COUNT│ CATEGORY
  1  touhou                        │    453860│        y
  2  original                      │    264886│        y
  3  kantai_collection             │    201925│        y
  4  vocaloid                      │     69221│        y
  5  idolmaster                    │     68414│        y
  6  fate_(series)                 │     61959│        y
  7  mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica    │     40037│        y
  8  idolmaster_cinderella_girls   │     37799│        y
  9  pokemon                       │     33098│        y
 10  precure                       │     26430│        y
 11  idolmaster_(classic)          │     24270│        y
 12  jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken      │     24013│        y
 13  fate/grand_order              │     22952│        y
 14  love_live!                    │     22357│        y
 15  pokemon_(game)                │     21204│        y
 16  fate/stay_night               │     19144│        y
 17  love_live!_school_idol_project│     18510│        y
 18  k-on!                         │     18320│        y
 19  final_fantasy                 │     15926│        y
 20  lyrical_nanoha                │     15761│        y
 21  gundam                        │     15295│        y
 22  suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu    │     14170│        y
 23  world_witches_series          │     14157│        y
 24  girls_und_panzer              │     13876│        y
 25  granblue_fantasy              │     12911│        y
 26  persona                       │     12609│        y
 27  neon_genesis_evangelion       │     11873│        y
 28  fire_emblem                   │     11692│        y
 29  to_aru_majutsu_no_index       │     11586│        y
 30  fate/zero                     │     11228│        y
 31  strike_witches                │     10985│        y
 32  touken_ranbu                  │     10284│        y
 33  tales_of_(series)             │      8887│        y
 34  kill_la_kill                  │      8591│        y
 35  inazuma_eleven_(series)       │      8485│        y
 36  kemono_friends                │      8266│        y
 37  mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha   │      7985│        y
 38  street_fighter                │      7862│        y
 39  lucky_star                    │      7646│        y
 40  fate/extra                    │      7380│        y
 41  mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_strikers│      7223│        y
 42  monogatari_(series)           │      7032│        y
 43  code_geass                    │      7028│        y
 44  umineko_no_naku_koro_ni       │      6974│        y
 45  overwatch                     │      6906│        y
 46  sword_art_online              │      6861│        y
 47  smile_precure!                │      6818│        y
 48  persona_4                     │      6814│        y
 49  blazblue                      │      6721│        y
 50  tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann    │      6586│        y
 51  to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun      │      6549│        y
 52  bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon   │      6464│        y
 53  rozen_maiden                  │      6462│        y
 54  tiger_&_bunny                 │      6055│        y
 55  league_of_legends             │      5763│        y
 56  shingeki_no_kyojin            │      5706│        y
 57  danganronpa                   │      5682│        y
 58  pokemon_sm                    │      5547│        y
 59  the_legend_of_zelda           │      5462│        y
 60  higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni     │      5367│        y
 61  inazuma_eleven_go             │      5342│        y
 62  saki                          │      5115│        y
 63  ore_no_imouto_ga_konna_ni_kawaii_wake_ga_nai│      5078│        y
 64  fate/apocrypha                │      5016│        y
 65  dragon_quest                  │      5011│        y
 66  macross                       │      4949│        y
 67  naruto                        │      4846│        y
 68  touhou_(pc-98)                │      4789│        y
 69  splatoon                      │      4613│        y
 70  yuu-gi-ou                     │      4568│        y
 71  guilty_gear                   │      4425│        y
 72  pokemon_bw                    │      4404│        y
 73  idolmaster_million_live!      │      4365│        y
 74  persona_3                     │      4328│        y
 75  re:zero_kara_hajimeru_isekai_seikatsu│      4294│        y
 76  rebuild_of_evangelion         │      4269│        y
 77  tsukihime                     │      4210│        y
 78  gochuumon_wa_usagi_desu_ka?   │      4193│        y
 79  neptune_(series)              │      4173│        y
 80  to_heart_2                    │      4111│        y
 81  bakemonogatari                │      4075│        y
 82  mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_a's│      3990│        y
 83  little_busters!               │      3976│        y
 84  macross_frontier              │      3971│        y
 85  dokidoki!_precure             │      3951│        y
 86  yuru_yuri                     │      3947│        y
 87  axis_powers_hetalia           │      3919│        y
 88  the_king_of_fighters          │      3901│        y
 89  vampire_(game)                │      3896│        y
 90  love_live!_sunshine!!         │      3860│        y
 91  one_piece                     │      3821│        y
 92  heartcatch_precure!           │      3795│        y
 93  pixiv_fantasia                │      3793│        y
 94  splatoon_1                    │      3743│        y
 95  clannad                       │      3730│        y
 96  black_rock_shooter            │      3683│        y
 97  fire_emblem_if                │      3661│        y
 98  ragnarok_online               │      3612│        y
 99  puzzle_&_dragons              │      3591│        y
100  gundam_00                     │      3579│        y

In [44]:
plot_count(series_count, 10)

Filter out some more tags

There are some tags than can not be easily inferred from just looking on the images, that do not correspont with the use cases I have in mind or that train on useless features. Better to either remove such posts or just remove these tags.

I looked through the first 500 tags from the list above and took note of the following ones:

  • monochrome
  • comic
  • greyscale
  • alternate_costume
  • translated
  • artist_request
  • sketch
  • character_name
  • copyright_request
  • artist_name
  • cosplay
  • dated
  • signature
  • parody
  • twitter_username
  • copyright_name
  • alternate_hairstyle
  • no_humans
  • translation_request
  • english
  • gradient
  • crossover
  • doujinshi
  • genderswap
  • remodel_(kantai_collection)
  • game_cg
  • cover_page
  • official_art
  • scan
  • text
  • 4koma
  • traditional_media
  • 3d
  • photo
  • lowres

It might also be a good idea to remove the tags for series (category y) because I don't know why this would be useful. The same for artists but since these are not in the TOP 1000 it should be no problem either way.

Some more filtering

And now get a list of all the images without the bold marked tags from the last section.

Furthermore we need information about the distribution of the remaining tags etc. and we need to write them into some easily parsable format for further processing with our neural networks.

In [45]:
FROM filtered_images
    (SELECT DISTINCT post_id
     FROM tagged
     WHERE tag_id
        (SELECT id as tag_id FROM tags
         WHERE name = 'comic'
         OR name = 'no_humans'
         OR name = '4koma'
         OR name = 'photo'
         OR name = '3d'))


In [46]:
final_posts = %sql SELECT id, rating, file_ext FROM final_posts

2061570 rows affected.

In [47]:
SELECT,, tag_count.count
    SELECT tagged.tag_id, COUNT(tagged.post_id)
    ON = tagged.post_id
    GROUP BY tagged.tag_id
    HAVING COUNT(tagged.post_id) >= 10000
) tag_count
ON tag_count.tag_id =
WHERE tags.category = 'g'
ORDER BY tag_count.count DESC

615 rows affected.
id name count
4 1girl 1523817
36 solo 1314438
18 long_hair 951022
210 breasts 628220
8 blush 601991
59 smile 587298
184 short_hair 581007
20 looking_at_viewer 466356
412 open_mouth 451815
69 blue_eyes 442677
94 blonde_hair 436842
10 brown_hair 404691
180 multiple_girls 394516
35 skirt 379425
134 thighhighs 348087
28 red_eyes 337376
100 hat 334600
93 black_hair 332624
225 large_breasts 311943
30 ribbon 278870
169 2girls 270690
785 gloves 266168
45 dress 264096
99 hair_ornament 256368
427 brown_eyes 255377
9 bow 246489
114 twintails 241604
31 school_uniform 229344
87 underwear 229247
34 simple_background 226689
90 1boy 225371
407 green_eyes 217244
124 navel 210300
574 blue_hair 207161
383 sitting 201977
81 panties 198803
281 medium_breasts 195581
1344 cleavage 191663
606 animal_ears 188988
37 white_background 180013
289 shirt 173592
2285 highres 171385
20892 bad_id 171383
46537 bad_pixiv_id 170385
55 purple_eyes 169097
789 jewelry 165226
557 weapon 163563
438 very_long_hair 162347
232 nipples 156102
484 bare_shoulders 155967
147 hair_ribbon 154948
19 long_sleeves 154779
329 purple_hair 148267
6 black_legwear 146693
197 bangs 145232
465 pink_hair 145095
934 yellow_eyes 142528
84 ponytail 141141
358 closed_eyes 137079
57 silver_hair 133115
2496 flower 131860
649 tail 130156
14 hair_bow 129047
1649 swimsuit 128628
68 ass 124217
667 boots 120821
501 red_hair 119591
917 wings 119431
151 pantyhose 118776
74 green_hair 117396
1207 hairband 116572
526 braid 114917
491 one_eye_closed 106445
7818 male_focus 103141
305 ahoge 102941
2331 detached_sleeves 102704
97 glasses 101661
4902 japanese_clothes 100950
826 monochrome 99525
395 :d 99338
6166 heart 98451
183 serafuku 97791
48 holding 97469
46 full_body 97074
198 barefoot 96782
404 food 96370
462 nude 96132
61 standing 94281
953 necktie 92022
21 lying 90858
619 collarbone 88468
1629 bikini 88331
588 multiple_boys 87310
416 shoes 86116
555 sword 83992
3492 white_hair 82783
6546 jacket 80592
1896 midriff 80587
335 small_breasts 80370
153 pleated_skirt 79969
646 striped 79775
340 upper_body 78486
137 white_legwear 77954
784 elbow_gloves 77537
334 sky 76060
315 eyebrows_visible_through_hair 75110
813 censored 74547
4447 frills 74022
290 short_sleeves 73655
1139 tears 72525
79 looking_back 72269
783 earrings 71109
245 sweat 70034
1233 open_clothes 67010
4423 pointy_ears 65306
879 fang 65213
595 shorts 64656
314 day 64169
220 hair_between_eyes 63336
830 pussy 63318
616 cat_ears 62933
4764 alternate_costume 62731
1782 hairclip 61823
1994 penis 61295
243 solo_focus 60048
2100 choker 59712
653 tongue 58902
269 cowboy_shot 58741
2809 belt 58393
718 pink_eyes 58038
313 cloud 57784
445 3girls 57062
1025 flat_chest 54366
10907 fingerless_gloves 54178
2698 scarf 54034
571 2boys 53787
300 zettai_ryouiki 53402
1989 hetero 52955
833 sketch 52683
267 closed_mouth 51480
4275 cape 51471
43 chibi 51200
106 socks 51162
499 puffy_sleeves 51093
664 aqua_eyes 51051
138 white_panties 51044
6367 horns 50403
108 star 50212
474 yuri 50155
999 greyscale 49676
9202 hair_flower 49547
473 water 49137
4903 kimono 48663
669 character_name 48579
7024 black_eyes 48500
327 parted_lips 48245
792 multicolored_hair 48127
2117 cum 47573
471 side_ponytail 47377
3320 white_gloves 47275
521 armor 46953
308 artist_request 46541
1108 spread_legs 46403
326 outdoors 46101
652 thighs 45909
2066 twin_braids 45612
493 orange_hair 45183
5734 uniform 45086
193 :o 44368
481 armpits 44031
33 sidelocks 43666
4901 huge_breasts 43414
505 sleeveless 43263
1227 bra 43061
2504 necklace 42420
219 feet 42258
1399 on_back 42141
12081 wide_sleeves 41855
92 bag 41559
782 covered_nipples 41440
1711 bunny_ears 41309
282 miniskirt 41249
2631 grin 40882
817 from_behind 40402
38413 copyright_request 39663
654 tongue_out 39622
963 apron 39467
965 artist_name 38708
7435 hood 38492
759 aqua_hair 38093
1549 legs 38060
229 lips 37976
2711 sex 37944
1962 teeth 37883
296 vest 37558
9811 dark_skin 37475
733 book 37328
6153 black_gloves 36969
299 white_shirt 36928
13686 bracelet 36870
670 grey_hair 35648
175 hug 35567
1234 open_shirt 35375
16 kneehighs 35356
950 maid 34570
5380 gun 34476
1490 petals 34434
820 high_heels 34309
4919 shiny 34163
34460 absurdres 33894
15835 pants 33879
618 cat_tail 33645
532 dated 33587
1783 kneeling 33426
2345 two_side_up 33413
1870 signature 33193
391 tree 33158
2379 hair_over_one_eye 33100
2269 wrist_cuffs 32788
2053 one-piece_swimsuit 32646
338 translated 32514
3846 magical_girl 32308
4371 dutch_angle 32257
579 cosplay 31680
597 sweatdrop 31677
26 plaid 31418
264 blunt_bangs 31135
3664 nail_polish 30819
2637 no_bra 30487
8952 military 30471
352 bowtie 30430
2276 arms_up 30403
765 pantyshot 30268
2124 loli 30055
1307 hand_on_hip 29964
793 no_panties 29923
2714 vaginal 29892
8096 headphones 29813
4346 collar 29769
3037 ascot 29654
4918 sash 29632
406 fruit 29513
254 wet 29248
537 eyebrows 29152
1674 witch_hat 29106
1739 sweater 28799
185 siblings 28719
839 traditional_media 28518
8474 striped_legwear 27994
951 maid_headdress 27684
2343 torn_clothes 27679
529 copyright_name 27170
2091 underboob 27164
13655133 twitter_username 26538
3865 holding_hands 26532
2659 bottomless 26514
1167 sideboob 26124
310 blood 26082
8953 military_uniform 26078
2975 4girls 26074
201 bed 26060
1670 orange_eyes 25987
1210 pillow 25837
869 umbrella 25751
2723 bodysuit 25709
21821 white_dress 25590
2430 mole 25515
2274 alternate_hairstyle 25396
11320 off_shoulder 25339
509 v 25260
307 arm_up 25232
1992 mosaic_censoring 25163
7179 groin 24803
4584 see-through 24789
9635 chain 24705
6549 looking_at_another 24699
968 cup 24660
4898 headband 24622
429 hair_tubes 24580
33514 sailor_collar 24550
402 drill_hair 24451
3443 rose 24446
2699 single_braid 24185
12 capelet 24069
530 cover 23897
1403 saliva 23859
890 moon 23851
1230 lingerie 23837
316 from_side 23764
702 wariza 23740
1421 black_panties 23674
837 thigh_boots 23584
2059 school_swimsuit 23582
3104 6+girls 23560
224 indoors 23525
1096 cameltoe 23437
2252 bat_wings 23382
1194 mouth_hold 23261
4921 shiny_skin 23245
2796 pussy_juice 23227
2328 black_skirt 23054
237 pubic_hair 23012
976 profile 22999
1435 parody 22811
252 topless 22747
1987 double_bun 22625
3307 leotard 22540
280 makeup 22440
900 puffy_short_sleeves 22313
10137 glowing 21971
1644 side-tie_bikini 21528
548 holding_weapon 21463
1616 skirt_lift 21163
2630 dress_shirt 21057
2849 :3 21003
648 striped_panties 20993
4081 bell 20976
8255 night 20969
283 neckerchief 20926
98 hair_bobbles 20867
2332 eyepatch 20698
2500 leaf 20687
846 ^_^ 20660
28071 headgear 20636
8086 bare_legs 20619
16217 coat 20580
7436 hoodie 20477
857 hat_ribbon 20454
2181 turtleneck 20443
199 bdsm 20423
77462 eyelashes 20403
119 bird 20375
2087 shirt_lift 20368
1779 face 20323
19118 mask 20238
4475 black_dress 20113
5 arm_support 20078
319 head_tilt 19999
8468 plaid_skirt 19870
206 bound 19819
4452 leaning_forward 19788
24972 symbol-shaped_pupils 19669
3458 english 19428
85640 two-tone_hair 19419
8152 couple 19402
1877 underwear_only 19341
1482 fox_ears 19246
690 blue_skirt 19238
1765 sparkle 19234
1547 katana 19119
15934715 v-shaped_eyebrows 19064
7904 back 18988
1250 undressing 18922
986 window 18694
6169 knee_boots 18610
2943 grey_eyes 18596
2281 gradient 18579
1483 fox_tail 18531
3568 heterochromia 18387
818 garter_straps 18311
1063 from_above 18301
12075 skirt_set 18287
2355 cat 18195
1959 short_twintails 18189
3670 sandals 18158
311 blush_stickers 18143
2759 grey_background 18077
204 bondage 18034
6599 eating 17978
1693 outstretched_arms 17941
2324 bandages 17891
111 stuffed_toy 17879
4481 formal 17859
693 light_smile 17849
15838 tattoo 17733
6538 blazer 17708
457 grabbing 17626
272 frown 17596
25 on_side 17549
10827 beret 17469
1892 crossed_arms 17460
2756 cum_in_pussy 17435
187 sisters 17240
196 arms_behind_back 17231
3048 chinese_clothes 17195
195 areolae 17182
70536 blue_sky 17167
15102 lipstick 17153
9816 fingernails 17143
373 red_bow 17074
3503 game_cg 17065
4365 blurry 17046
1348 embarrassed 17012
5741 anus 16964
1511 polearm 16899
4911 obi 16881
650 thigh_gap 16843
903 red_ribbon 16745
136030 tokin_hat 16736
268 collared_shirt 16732
594 short_shorts 16551
385 sleeping 16517
1533 happy 16507
786 gradient_hair 16423
72416 wolf_ears 16422
2282 gradient_background 16413
1163 panty_pull 16317
531 cover_page 16126
1574 crossover 16125
9346 beach 16001
1420 bent_over 15988
109 stuffed_animal 15964
9127 crop_top 15952
4494 younger 15945
450 breast_grab 15915
2851 ;d 15905
1479 cherry_blossoms 15904
1702 translation_request 15820
889 mob_cap 15753
1327 uncensored 15733
357 chair 15719
270 expressionless 15691
2186 wind 15679
13636 from_below 15671
18751 suspenders 15652
13199 ocean 15635
6151 bike_shorts 15627
2431 mole_under_eye 15582
524 blue_dress 15578
4169 official_art 15532
496 polka_dot 15524
8203 staff 15496
32 shadow 15492
37428 wavy_mouth 15489
2299 antenna_hair 15466
166327 third_eye 15460
374 red_neckwear 15449
3029 5girls 15445
2352 animal 15437
665 black_footwear 15369
4415 instrument 15286
3303 hands 15273
297 wavy_hair 15256
249 toes 15253
592 otoko_no_ko 15241
11791 stomach 15105
11936 crossed_legs 14997
10892 child 14979
8118 casual 14929
2991 crescent 14928
80 no_pants 14850
2948 knife 14840
30737 facial_mark 14824
832 short_dress 14822
15101 helmet 14796
4491 suit 14705
7031 letterboxed 14675
1648 strapless 14662
1486 multiple_tails 14585
2279 fire 14568
83 pink_panties 14524
12950 fur_trim 14410
4510 genderswap 14380
212 checkered 14375
8330 detached_collar 14333
31390752 remodel_(kantai_collection) 14268
2118 cum_on_body 14262
5459 scan 14189
454 convenient_censoring 14173
8934 cleavage_cutout 14126
9948 fangs 14112
6291 facial_hair 14107
4370 depth_of_field 14073
1937 looking_away 14006
10909 foreshortening 13944
2645 watermark 13912
11326 sleeves_past_wrists 13907
3342 feathers 13874
9326 covering 13852
12641 looking_to_the_side 13842
1993 oral 13833
11 buttons 13825
11422 backpack 13819
3545 side-tie_panties 13793
542 gauntlets 13776
113 sunlight 13761
136 upskirt 13727
18063 scar 13711
12923 head_wings 13639
2547 bed_sheet 13599
1322 tan 13502
1671 pointing 13462
39842 monster_girl 13446
6864 outstretched_arm 13435
3136 mary_janes 13366
4236 3boys 13300
413 pink_bow 13294
107 squatting 13272
34230 butterfly 13255
17550 adapted_costume 13169
1488 no_headwear 13134
8332 fan 13082
806 all_fours 13056
768 thigh_strap 13032
10743 bunnysuit 13013
29 red_skirt 13009
19656 floral_print 12969
9707 goggles 12964
1423 breast_press 12954
1812 lace 12926
7425 denim 12901
2131 pov 12879
1717 microphone 12860
2145 :< 12804
3348 pale_skin 12774
2049 covered_navel 12752
881 full_moon 12740
1529 blouse 12646
51172 cardigan 12591
4215 on_stomach 12552
4107 nature 12534
24856 looking_up 12488
1934 blue_background 12443
2941 crown 12440
3955 grass 12400
44 cross 12386
3849 pokemon_(creature) 12358
2153 broom 12336
1487 no_hat 12319
20861 skindentation 12308
84687 bikini_top 12246
472 towel 12208
1634 dual_persona 12169
9680 sheath 12149
3507 plant 11982
1927 twin_drills 11959
17892 red_dress 11955
3683 bottle 11865
36789 between_breasts 11851
1066 loafers 11830
361 ground_vehicle 11820
2008 hair_bun 11817
12642 low_twintails 11796
16151 soles 11762
1857 front-tie_top 11680
13999 halterneck 11650
556 text 11617
4511 genderswap_(mtf) 11615
19574 ring 11614
17803 looking_down 11568
6547 kiss 11562
1070 pink_background 11548
636 parted_bangs 11509
18715 lavender_hair 11506
2514 wallpaper 11475
24967 heart-shaped_pupils 11472
2102 demon_girl 11469
111143 headset 11442
9579 tank_top 11428
4014 multiple_views 11353
6527 tiara 11348
16056 open_jacket 11278
7027 bob_cut 11233
8160 muscle 11220
21763 phone 11189
24561 sleeveless_dress 11180
626 kemonomimi_mode 11162
7923 strap_slip 11158
2946 hat_bow 11126
4948 scrunchie 11121
1988 fellatio 11119
23079 frilled_skirt 11090
7319 :p 11079
1750 animal_print 11078
7726 christmas 11063
891 one_side_up 10959
23905 floating_hair 10950
1718 musical_note 10932
2238 long_legs 10925
5268 carrying 10904
981 table 10850
613 bow_panties 10819
31155946 shinkaisei-kan 10784
483 bare_arms 10782
10368 personification 10777
2120 cum_on_upper_body 10768
1439 straddling 10719
28541 leg_up 10672
11539 wet_clothes 10664
12144 slit_pupils 10658
8260 ribbon_trim 10641
4650 trembling 10567
23 no_shoes 10553
3634 armband 10551
3525 girl_on_top 10544
3364 lolita_fashion 10541
131 snow 10526
4038 breast_hold 10456
24 nose_blush 10452
74616 tareme 10450
32000 star_(sky) 10444
1339 >_< 10371
275 hand_up 10361
28500 on_bed 10278
1573 corset 10233
26556 black_ribbon 10206
6128 brooch 10177
3315 santa_costume 10152
5045 rope 10122
5384 handgun 10116
12687 wristband 10081
2742 facial 10054
248992 wolf_tail 10052
10138 glowing_eyes 10046
174 hand_on_own_chest 10003

In [48]:
final_tag_count = _

In [49]:
final_posts = np.array(list(map(tuple, final_posts)),
                       dtype=[("id", np.int32), ("rating", "<U1"), ("file_ext", "<U4")])
final_tag_count = np.array(list(map(tuple, final_tag_count)),
                           dtype=[("id", np.int32), ("name", '<U29'), ("count", np.int32)])

In [51]:
pd.DataFrame(final_posts).to_hdf("metadata.h5", "posts", mode="a", complevel=9, complib="bzip2")
pd.DataFrame(final_tag_count).to_hdf("metadata.h5", "tag_count", mode="a", complevel=9, complib="bzip2")