In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
%matplotlib inline

Class 14: Introduction to Business Cycle Modeling (Continued)

A Baseline Real Business Cycle Model

Consider the following business cycle model: \begin{align} Y_t & = A_t K_t^{\alpha} \tag{1}\\ C_t & = (1-s)Y_t \tag{2}\\ I_t & = K_{t+1} - ( 1- \delta) \tag{3}\\ Y_t & = C_t + I_t \tag{4} \end{align} where: \begin{align} \log A_{t+1} & = \rho \log A_t + \epsilon_t, \tag{5} \end{align} reflects exogenous fluctuation in TFP. The endogenous variables in the model are $K_t$, $Y_t$, $C_t$, $I_t$, and $A_t$ and $\epsilon_t$ is an exogenous white noise shock process with standard deviation $\sigma$. $K_t$ and $A_t$ are called state variables because their values in period $t$ affect the equilibrium of the model in period $t+1$.

The non-stochastic steady state

In the (non-stochastic) steady state: \begin{align} \epsilon_t & = 0 \end{align} and \begin{align} K_t & = 0 \end{align} for all $t$. So we drop the $t$ subscripts and write the steady state solution solution to the model as: \begin{align} A & = 1\\ K & = \left(\frac{sA}{\delta}\right)^{\frac{1}{1-\alpha}}\\ Y & = AK^{\alpha}\\ I & = Y - C \end{align}

In [ ]:
# Define parameters
s = 0.1
delta = 0.025
alpha = 0.35

# Compute the steady state values of the endogenous variables
Kss = (s/delta)**(1/(1-alpha))
Yss = Kss**alpha
Css = (1-s)*Yss
Iss = Yss - Css

print('Steady states:\n')
print('capital:    ',round(Kss,5))
print('output:     ',round(Yss,5))
print('investment: ',round(Iss,5))

Stochastic simulation

Now, you will simulate how the model behaves in the presence of a set of random TFP shocks. The simulation will run for $T+1$ periods from $t = 0,\ldots, T$. Suppose that $T = 100$.

  1. Initialize an array for $\epsilon_t$ called eps that is equal to a $T\times 1$ array of normally distributed random variables with mean 0 and standard deviation $\sigma = 0.006$. Set the seed for the Numpy random number generator to 192. Plot $\epsilon_t$.

  2. Initialize an array for $\log A_t$ called logA that is equal to a $(T+1)\times 1$ array of zeros. Set $\rho = 0.75$ and use the simulated values for $\epsilon_t$ to compute $\log A_1, \log A_2, \ldots, \log A_T$. Plot $\log A_t$.

  3. Create a new variable called A that stores simulated values of $A_t$ (Note: $A_t = e^{\log A_t}$). Plot $A_t$.

  4. Initialize an array for $K_t$ called K that is a $(T+1)\times 1$ array of zeros. Set the first value in the array equal to steady state capital. Then compute the subsequent values for $K_t$ using the computed values for $A_t$. Plot $K_t$.

  5. Create variables called Y, C, and I that store simulated values for $Y_t$, $C_t$, and $I_t$.

  6. Construct a $2\times2$ grid of subplots of the simulated paths of capital, output, consumption, and investment.

  7. Compute the log deviation of each variable from its steady state ($(X_t - X_{ss})/X_{ss}$) and store the results in variables called: k_dev, y_dev, c_dev, and i_dev.

  8. Construct a $2\times2$ grid of subplots of the impulse responses of capital, output, consumption, and investment to the technology shock with each variable expressed as a deviation from steady state.

  9. Save the simulated data in a DataFrame called data_simulated with columns output, consumption, investment, and tfp.

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# Step 1: simulate eps

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# Step 2: simulate and plot log(TFP) logA

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# Step 3: compute and plot TFP A

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# Step 4: Compulte and plot capital K

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# Step 5: Compute Y, C, and I

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# Step 6: Create a 2x2 plot of y, c, i, and k
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))

ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)
ax.plot(Y,lw=3,alpha = 0.7)


In [ ]:
# Step 7: Compute y_dev, c_dev, i_dev, and k_dev to be the log deviations from steady state of the 
# respective variables

y_dev = np.log(Y) - np.log(Yss)

In [ ]:
# Step 8: Create a 2x2 plot of y_dev, c_dev, i_dev, and k_dev
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))

ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)
ax.plot(100*y_dev,lw=3,alpha = 0.7)
ax.set_ylabel('% dev from steady state')


In [ ]:
# Step 9: Save the simulated data in a DataFrame called data_simulated

Evaluation of the model

We've already examined business cycle data and computed the standard deviations and correlations of the cyclical components of output, consumption, investment, and TFP. Let's compute the same statistics for the simulated data a compare.

In [ ]:
# Create a DataFrame with actual cyclical components of output, consumption, investment, and TFP
data_actual = pd.read_csv('',index_col=0)
data_actual = pd.DataFrame({'output':np.log(data_actual.gdp/data_actual.gdp_trend),



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# Compute the standard deviations of the actual business cycle data

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# Compute the standard deviations of the simulated business cycle data


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# Compute the coeficients of correlation for the actual business cycle data

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# Compute the coeficients of correlation for the actual business cycle data