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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import linearsolve as ls
%matplotlib inline
packageIn general, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models are time-consuming to work with. The linearsolve
Python package approximates, solves, and simulates DSGE models.
Consider the following AR(1) specification for $\log$ TFP:
\begin{align} \log A_{t+1} & = \rho \log A_t + \epsilon_{t+1} \tag{1} \end{align}where $\epsilon_{t+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$. Let's simulate the model with linearsolve
. To do this we need to do several things:
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# 1. Input model parameters
parameters = pd.Series()
parameters['rhoa'] = .9
parameters['sigma'] = 0.001
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# 2. Define a function that evaluates the equilibrium conditions
def equilibrium_equations(variables_forward,variables_current,parameters):
# Parameters
p = parameters
# Variables
fwd = variables_forward
cur = variables_current
# Exogenous tfp
tfp_proc = p.rhoa*np.log(cur.a) - np.log(fwd.a)
# Stack equilibrium conditions into a numpy array
return np.array([
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# 3. Initialize the model
model = ls.model(equations = equilibrium_equations,
parameters = parameters)
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# 4. Have linearsolve compute the steady state numerically
guess = [1]
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# 5. Find the log-linear approximation around the non-stochastic steady state and solve
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# 6 (a) Compute impulse responses
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# 6 (b) Plot impulse responses
model.irs['eA'][['eA','a']].plot(lw='5',alpha=0.5,grid=True).legend(loc='upper right',ncol=2)
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# 6(c) Compute stochastic simulation
model.stoch_sim(seed=192,covMat= [[parameters['sigma']]])
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# 6(d) Plot stochastic simulation
model.simulated[['eA','a']].plot(lw='5',alpha=0.5,grid=True).legend(loc='upper right',ncol=2)
Now consider the following system of equations:
\begin{align} Y_t & = A_t K_t^{\alpha} \tag{2}\\ K_{t+1} & = sY_t + (1-\delta) K_t \tag{3}\\ \log A_{t+1} & = \rho \log A_t + \epsilon_{t+1} \tag{4} \end{align}where $\epsilon_{t+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$. Let's simulate the model with linearsolve
. Before proceding, let's also go ahead and rewrite the model with all variables moved to the lefthand side of the equations:
Capital and TFP are called state variables because they're $t+1$ values are predetermined. Output is called a costate variable. Note that the model as 3 endogenous variables with 2 state variables.
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# 1. Input model parameters
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# 2. Define a function that evaluates the equilibrium conditions
def equilibrium_equations(variables_forward,variables_current,parameters):
# Parameters
p = parameters
# Variables
fwd = variables_forward
cur = variables_current
# Production function
prod_fn = cur.a*cur.k**p.alpha - cur.y
# Capital evolution
# Exogenous tfp
tfp_proc = p.rhoa*np.log(cur.a) - np.log(fwd.a)
# Stack equilibrium conditions into a numpy array
return np.array([
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# 3. Initialize the model
model = ls.model(equations = equilibrium_equations,
varNames=[], # Any order as long as the state variables are named first
shockNames=[], # Name a shock for each state variable *even if there is no corresponding shock in the model*
parameters = parameters)
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# 4. Have linearsolve compute the steady state numerically
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# 5. Find the log-linear approximation around the non-stochastic steady state and solve
The previous step constructs a log-linear approximation of the model and then solves for the endogenous variables as functions of the state variables and exogenous shocks only:
\begin{align} \left[ \hat{y}_t\right] & = F \left[\begin{array}{c} \hat{a}_t \\ \hat{k}_t \end{array}\right]\\ \left[\begin{array}{c} \hat{a}_{t+1} \\ \hat{k}_{t+1} \end{array}\right] & = P \left[\begin{array}{c} \hat{a}_t \\ \hat{k}_t \end{array}\right] + \left[\begin{array}{c} \epsilon_{t+1}^a \\ \epsilon^k_{t+1} \end{array}\right]. \end{align}where $F$ and $P$ are coefficient matrices computed by the program.
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# Print the coeficient matrix P
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# Print the coeficient matrix F
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# 6 (a) Compute impulse responses and print the computed impulse responses
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# 6(b) Plot the computed impulse responses to a TFP shock
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# 6(c) Compute stochastic simulation and print the simulated values
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# 6(d) Plot the computed stochastic simulation