The purpose of this notebook is to compare a small number of Tractor catalogs from DR5 against the version of the pipeline we hope to use for DR7. Some of the major changes include:
In [1]:
import os, warnings, pdb
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import fitsio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
In [3]:'seaborn-talk')
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
def read_tractor():
"""Read the old and new Tractor catalogs."""
# First read the pre-DR7 catalogs.
dr7dir = '/global/cscratch1/sd/ioannis/dr7test2'
dr7files = glob('{}/tractor/???/tractor-*.fits'.format(dr7dir))
cat = []
for ii, dr7file in enumerate(dr7files):
if (ii % 100) == 0:
print('Read {:03d} / {:03d} pre-DR7 Tractor catalogs.'.format(ii, len(dr7files)))
cat.append(Table(, ext=1, lower=True)))
dr7 = vstack(cat)
# Now read the corresponding DR5 catalogs.
dr5dir = '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr5'
dr5files = [ff.replace(dr7dir, dr5dir) for ff in dr7files]
cat = []
for ii, dr5file in enumerate(dr5files):
if (ii % 100) == 0:
print('Read {:03d} / {:03d} DR5 Tractor catalogs.'.format(ii, len(dr5files)))
cat.append(Table(, ext=1, lower=True)))
dr5 = vstack(cat)
dr5 = dr5[dr5['brick_primary']]
dr7 = dr7[dr7['brick_primary']]
return dr5, dr7
In [5]:
%time dr5, dr7 = read_tractor()
print('Read {} DR5 and {} pre-DR7 sources.'.format(len(dr5), len(dr7)))
In [6]:
m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(dr7['ra'], dr7['dec'], dr5['ra'], dr5['dec'], 1./3600.0, nearest=True)
in_dr7_not_dr5 = np.delete(np.arange(len(dr7)), m1)
in_dr5_not_dr7 = np.delete(np.arange(len(dr5)), m2)
In [7]:
def qa_radec():
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax1.hexbin(dr5['ra'], dr5['dec'], mincnt=1)
ax1.set_title('All DR5 Sources (N={})'.format(len(dr5)))
ax3.hexbin(dr5['ra'][in_dr5_not_dr7], dr5['dec'][in_dr5_not_dr7], mincnt=1)
ax3.set_title('In DR5, not DR7 (N={})'.format(len(in_dr5_not_dr7)))
ax2.hexbin(dr7['ra'], dr7['dec'], mincnt=1)
ax2.set_title('All DR7 Sources (N={})'.format(len(dr7)))
ax4.hexbin(dr7['ra'][in_dr7_not_dr5], dr7['dec'][in_dr7_not_dr5], mincnt=1)
ax4.set_title('In DR7, not DR5 (N={})'.format(len(in_dr7_not_dr5)))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02, hspace=0.2)
In [8]:
In [9]:
def qa_brightstars(magcut=10):
istar = np.logical_or(dr7['ref_cat'] == 'T2', dr7['ref_cat'] == 'G2')
ibright = np.logical_and(istar, dr7['gaia_phot_g_mean_mag'] < magcut)
instar = dr7['brightstarinblob']
print('Found {} m<{:.1f} (bright) stars.'.format(np.sum(ibright), magcut))
print('Found {} sources around all {} Gaia/Tycho-2 stars.'.format(np.sum(instar), np.sum(istar)))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(dr7['ra'][ibright], dr7['dec'][ibright], s=50,
label='Bright Stars (m<{:.1f})'.format(magcut))
ax.scatter(dr7['ra'][instar], dr7['dec'][instar], s=2, alpha=0.7,
label='Sources around All Stars')
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
print('Sources in and around bright stars have type(s) = {}'.format(', '.join(np.unique(dr7['type'][instar]))))
In [10]:
In [11]:
def write_viewer_file(cat, objtype='EXP', dr='DR7'):
outfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'needles-{}-{}.fits'.format(objtype.lower(), dr.lower()))
out = Table()
out['ra'] = cat['ra']
out['dec'] = cat['dec']
out['name'] = cat['objid']
print('Writing {}'.format(outfile))
out.write(outfile, format='fits', overwrite=True)
In [12]:
def get_ba_radius_rmag(cat, objtype='EXP'):
if objtype == 'EXP':
radius = cat['shapeexp_r'].data
e1, e2 = cat['shapeexp_e1'].data, cat['shapeexp_e2'].data
elif objtype == 'DEV':
radius = cat['shapedev_r'].data
e1, e2 = cat['shapedev_e1'].data, cat['shapedev_e2'].data
raise NotImplementedError
ell = np.hypot(e1, e2).squeeze()
ba = (1 - ell) / (1 + ell)
rmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(cat['flux_r'].data)
# surface brightness
with warnings.catch_warnings():
sb = rmag + 2.5 * np.log10( np.pi * radius**2 )
return ba, radius, rmag, sb
In [13]:
def get_needles(cat, objtype='EXP', dr='DR7', ba_cut=0.1, radius_cut=25):
if objtype == 'EXP':
these = (cat['type'] == 'EXP ') * (cat['flux_r'] > 0)
if dr == 'DR7':
these = these * (cat['brightstarinblob'] == 0)
elif objtype == 'DEV':
these = (cat['type'] == 'DEV ') * (cat['flux_r'] > 0)
if dr == 'DR7':
these = these * (cat['brightstarinblob'] == 0)
raise NotImplementedError
ba, radius, rmag, sb = get_ba_radius_rmag(cat[these], objtype=objtype)
indx = np.where( (ba < ba_cut) * (radius > radius_cut) )[0]
needles = cat[these][indx]
print('Found {} {} needles in {} with b/a<{:.2f} and radius>{:d} arcsec.'.format(
len(needles), objtype, dr, ba_cut, radius_cut))
write_viewer_file(needles, objtype=objtype, dr=dr)
qa_needles(cat[these], needles, objtype=objtype, dr=dr)
return needles, ba[indx], radius[indx], rmag[indx], sb[indx]
In [14]:
def qa_needles(cat, needles, objtype='EXP', dr='DR7'):
"""Try to identify needles based on their size and ellipticity (or b/a ratio).
ba, radius, rmag, sb = get_ba_radius_rmag(cat, objtype=objtype)
ba_needles, radius_needles, rmag_needles, sb_needles = get_ba_radius_rmag(needles, objtype=objtype)
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16, 3))
ax1.scatter(rmag, ba, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax1.scatter(rmag_needles, ba_needles, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax2.scatter(radius, ba, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax2.scatter(radius_needles, ba_needles, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax3.scatter(rmag, radius, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax3.scatter(rmag_needles, radius_needles, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax4.scatter(rmag, sb, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax4.scatter(rmag_needles, sb_needles, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax1.set_xlabel('r (AB mag)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Minor-to-Major Axis Ratio)')
ax2.set_xlabel('Half-light Radius (arcsec)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Minor-to-Major Axis Ratio)')
ax3.set_xlabel('r (AB mag)')
ax3.set_ylabel('Half-light Radius (arcsec)')
ax4.set_xlabel('r (AB mag)')
ax4.set_ylabel(r'$\mu$ (mag / arcsec$^{2}$)')
ax1.set_xlim(14, 26)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 1)
ax2.set_xlim(0, 155)
ax2.set_ylim(0, 1)
ax3.set_xlim(14, 26)
ax3.set_ylim(0, 155)
ax4.set_xlim(14, 26)
ax4.set_ylim(35, 15)
fig.suptitle('{}: Type = {}'.format(dr, objtype), fontsize=16)
In [15]:
dev_needles_dr7, dev_needles_ba_dr7, dev_needles_radius_dr7, dev_needles_rmag_dr7, dev_sb_dr7 = get_needles(
dr7, objtype='DEV', dr='DR7')
In [16]:
dev_needles_dr5, dev_needles_ba_dr5, dev_needles_radius_dr5, dev_needles_rmag_dr5, dev_needles_sb_dr5 = get_needles(
dr5, objtype='DEV', dr='DR5')
In [17]:
exp_needles_dr7, exp_needles_ba_dr7, exp_needles_radius_dr7, exp_needles_rmag_dr7, exp_needles_sb_dr7 = get_needles(
dr7, objtype='EXP', dr='DR7')
In [18]:
exp_needles_dr5, exp_needles_ba_dr5, exp_needles_radius_dr5, exp_needles_rmag_dr5, exp_needles_sb_dr5 = get_needles(
dr5, objtype='EXP', dr='DR5')
In [19]:
def get_cutouts(cat, nperrow=5, dr='dr7', zoom='15'):
baseurl = ''
nrow = np.ceil(len(cat) / nperrow).astype('int')
jpgsplit = list()
for ii in range(nrow):
i1 = nperrow*ii
i2 = nperrow*(ii+1)
if i2 > len(cat):
i2 = len(cat)
#print('Splitting the sample into {} rows with {} mosaics per row.'.format(nrow, nperrow))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, nperrow, figsize=(3*nperrow, 3*nrow))
ii = 0
for jj, jpgrow in enumerate(jpgsplit):
print('Row {}:'.format(jj+1))
for obj in jpgrow:
thisax = ax.flat[ii]
url = '{}jpeg-cutout?ra={:.9f}1&dec={:.8f}&zoom={}&layer=decals-{}-model'.format(
baseurl, obj['ra'], obj['dec'], zoom, dr.lower())
baseurl, obj['ra'], obj['dec'], zoom, dr.lower()))
img =
ii += 1
In [20]:
get_cutouts(dev_needles_dr7[:25], dr='DR7')
In [22]:
get_cutouts(exp_needles_dr7[:25], dr='DR7')
In [23]:
def qa_largegals(cat, largegals, objtype='EXP', dr='DR7'):
"""Try to identify needles based on their size and ellipticity (or b/a ratio).
ba, radius, rmag, sb = get_ba_radius_rmag(cat, objtype=objtype)
ba_largegals, radius_largegals, rmag_largegals, sb_largegals = get_ba_radius_rmag(largegals, objtype=objtype)
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16, 3))
ax1.scatter(rmag, ba, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax1.scatter(rmag_largegals, ba_largegals, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax2.scatter(radius, ba, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax2.scatter(radius_largegals, ba_largegals, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax3.scatter(rmag, radius, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax3.scatter(rmag_largegals, radius_largegals, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax4.scatter(rmag, sb, s=3, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax4.scatter(rmag_largegals, sb_largegals, s=15, label=objtype, alpha=0.5)
ax1.set_xlabel('r (AB mag)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Minor-to-Major Axis Ratio)')
ax2.set_xlabel('Half-light Radius (arcsec)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Minor-to-Major Axis Ratio)')
ax3.set_xlabel('r (AB mag)')
ax3.set_ylabel('Half-light Radius (arcsec)')
ax4.set_xlabel('r (AB mag)')
ax4.set_ylabel(r'$\mu$ (mag / arcsec$^{2}$)')
ax1.set_xlim(14, 26)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 1)
ax2.set_xlim(0, 155)
ax2.set_ylim(0, 1)
ax3.set_xlim(14, 26)
ax3.set_ylim(0, 155)
ax4.set_xlim(14, 26)
ax4.set_ylim(35, 15)
fig.suptitle('{}: Type = {}'.format(dr, objtype), fontsize=16)
In [24]:
def get_largegals(cat, objtype='EXP', dr='DR7', radius_cut=60, radius_max=150):
if objtype == 'EXP':
these = (cat['type'] == 'EXP ') * (cat['flux_r'] > 0)
if dr == 'DR7':
these = these * (cat['brightstarinblob'] == 0)
elif objtype == 'DEV':
these = (cat['type'] == 'DEV ') * (cat['flux_r'] > 0)
if dr == 'DR7':
these = these * (cat['brightstarinblob'] == 0)
raise NotImplementedError
ba, radius, rmag, sb = get_ba_radius_rmag(cat[these], objtype=objtype)
indx = np.where( (radius > radius_cut) * (radius < radius_max) )[0]
largegals = cat[these][indx]
print('Found {} {} large galaxies in {} with radius>{:d} arcsec.'.format(
len(largegals), objtype, dr, radius_cut))
qa_largegals(cat[these], largegals, objtype=objtype, dr=dr)
return largegals, radius[indx], rmag[indx], sb[indx]
In [25]:
dev_largegals, dev_largegals_radius, dev_largegals_rmag, dev_largegals_sb = get_largegals(
dr7, objtype='DEV', dr='DR7')
In [27]:
srt = np.argsort(dev_largegals_radius)[::-1]
In [29]:
get_cutouts(dev_largegals[srt[:25]], dr='DR7', zoom='14')
In [ ]: