Calibration of non-isoplanatic low frequency data using arlexecute workflows.

This uses an implementation of the SageCAL algorithm to calibrate a simulated SKA1LOW observation in which sources inside the primary beam have one set of calibration errors and sources outside have different errors.

In this example, the peeler sources are held fixed in strength and location and only the gains solved. The other sources, inside the primary beam, are partitioned into weak (<5Jy) and strong (>5Jy). The weak sources are processed collectively as an image. The bright sources are processed individually.

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

from data_models.parameters import arl_path

results_dir = arl_path('test_results')

import numpy

from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.wcs.utils import pixel_to_skycoord

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from data_models.memory_data_models import SkyModel
from data_models.polarisation import PolarisationFrame

from wrappers.arlexecute.execution_support.arlexecute import arlexecute

from wrappers.serial.skycomponent.operations import find_skycomponents
from wrappers.serial.visibility.base import create_blockvisibility
from wrappers.serial.image.operations import show_image
from wrappers.serial.simulation.testing_support import create_named_configuration, \
from wrappers.serial.imaging.primary_beams import create_low_test_beam
from wrappers.serial.skycomponent.operations import apply_beam_to_skycomponent
from wrappers.serial.imaging.base import create_image_from_visibility, advise_wide_field

from wrappers.arlexecute.visibility.coalesce import convert_blockvisibility_to_visibility

from workflows.serial.imaging.imaging_serial import invert_list_serial_workflow

import logging
log = logging.getLogger()

In [ ]:
nfreqwin = 1
ntimes = 1
rmax = 300
frequency = numpy.linspace(0.8e8, 1.2e8, nfreqwin)
if nfreqwin > 1:
    channel_bandwidth = numpy.array(nfreqwin * [frequency[1] - frequency[0]])
    channel_bandwidth = [0.4e8]
times = numpy.linspace(-numpy.pi / 4.0, numpy.pi / 4.0, ntimes)

phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+0.0 * u.deg, dec=-26.7 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2', rmax=rmax)

block_vis = create_blockvisibility(lowcore, times, frequency=frequency,
                                   channel_bandwidth=channel_bandwidth, weight=1.0, phasecentre=phasecentre,
                                   polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame("stokesI"), zerow=True)

Find the station locations in geocentric coordinates

In [ ]:
station_locations =

In [ ]:
from processing_library.util.coordinate_support import xyz_to_uvw, skycoord_to_lmn

local_locations = xyz_to_uvw(station_locations, 0.0, -26.7 * u.deg)

ionosphere_height = 3e5
plt.plot(local_locations[:, 0], local_locations[:, 1], '.')
plt.title('Station locations')

def find_pp(local_locations, ha, dec):
    source_direction = SkyCoord(ra=ha, dec=dec, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
    local_locations = xyz_to_uvw(station_locations, ha, dec)
    lmn = numpy.array(skycoord_to_lmn(source_direction, phasecentre))
    lmn[2] += 1.0
    pierce_points = local_locations + ionosphere_height * numpy.array(lmn)
    return pierce_points


for ha in numpy.linspace(-numpy.pi / 4.0, +numpy.pi / 4.0, 5):
    pp = find_pp(local_locations, ha * u.rad, -45 * u.deg)
    plt.plot(pp[:, 0], pp[:, 1], '.')

plt.title('Pierce points for single source')

In [ ]:
vis = convert_blockvisibility_to_visibility(block_vis)
advice=advise_wide_field(vis, guard_band_image=5.0, delA=0.02, 

vis_slices = advice['vis_slices']

Generate the model from the GLEAM catalog, including application of the primary beam.

In [ ]:
beam = create_image_from_visibility(block_vis, npixel=npixel, frequency=frequency,
                                    nchan=nfreqwin, cellsize=cellsize, phasecentre=phasecentre)

original_gleam_components = create_low_test_skycomponents_from_gleam(flux_limit=0.1,
                                                                     phasecentre=phasecentre, frequency=frequency,

beam = create_low_test_beam(beam)
pb_gleam_components = apply_beam_to_skycomponent(original_gleam_components, beam)
from processing_components.skycomponent.operations import filter_skycomponents_by_flux

pb_gleam_components = filter_skycomponents_by_flux(pb_gleam_components, flux_min=0.1)
from matplotlib import pylab

pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12.0, 12.0)
pylab.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'rainbow'

show_image(beam, components=pb_gleam_components, cm='Greys', title='Primary beam plus GLEAM components')
print("Number of components %d" % len(pb_gleam_components))

In [ ]:
for ha in numpy.linspace(-numpy.pi / 4.0, +numpy.pi / 4.0, 5):
    for comp in pb_gleam_components:
        pp = find_pp(local_locations, (comp.direction.ra.rad + ha) * u.rad, comp.direction.dec)
        plt.plot(pp[:, 0], pp[:, 1])

plt.xlim([-2.5e5, 2.5e5])
plt.ylim([-2.5e5, 2.5e5])