Create your own version of the Mayoral Excuse Machine in Python that takes in a name and location, selects an excuse at random and prints an excuse

For example, “Sorry, Richard, I was late to City Hall to meet you, I had a very rough night and woke up sluggish”

In [32]:
import csv
import random

In [69]:
# opens and reads excuse.csv
reader = csv.reader(open('excuse.csv','r'), delimiter=',')

# skips headers 

# makes empty list
data = []

# make tuples from csv file, append tuple to list
for rows in reader: 
    excuse = rows[0]
    hyperlink = rows[2]
    pair = excuse, hyperlink 

In [ ]:
# takes a name and location
name = input('Enter a name')
location = input('Enter a location')

# prints a random excuse and its source(hyperlink)
if name and location:
    random_pair = random.choice(data)
    print('Sorry',name,'that I was late to',location,'to meet you;',random_pair[0])
    print('This excuse can be found in this article:',random_pair[1])