In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
%cd -q ../scripts/
from default_param import *
In this script the CONDENSATION is done for rightward and leftward motion of a dot stimulus, at different levels of noise. also for flashing stimuli needed for simulation of flash initiated and flash_terminated FLEs. The aim is to generate generate (Berry et al 99)'s figure 2: shifting RF position in the direction of motion.
In [2]:
In [3]:
latency = 10
for method in ['PBP', 'MBP']:
for i, (stimulus_tag, cmap, color) in enumerate(zip(stim_labels, [,], ['g', 'r'])):
figname = os.path.join('../figures/', method + '_' + stimulus_tag)
particles = image[stimulus_tag]['result'][method][latency].copy()
mp.anim_save(z=None, filename=figname + '_spatial_readout', particles=particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=N_quant_Y, fps=10)
In [4]:
for method in ['PBP', 'MBP']:
figname = os.path.join('../figures/', method)
particles_full = np.zeros((5, 0, mp.N_frame))
for i, (stimulus_tag, cmap, color) in enumerate(zip(stim_labels, [,], ['g', 'r'])):
particles = image[stimulus_tag]['result'][method][latency].copy()
if stimulus_tag == 'flash':
particles[1, ...] = mp.torus(particles[1, ...] - .1, mp.width)
particles[1, ...] = mp.torus(particles[1, ...] + .1, mp.width)
particles_full = np.concatenate((particles_full, particles), axis=1)
particles_full = np.roll(particles_full, -latency, axis=-1)
mp.anim_save(z=None, filename=figname + '_spatial_readout', particles=particles_full, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=N_quant_Y, hue=False, fps=3)
In [5]:
!ffprobe -i ../figures/PBP_spatial_readout.mp4
!ffprobe -i ../figures/MBP_spatial_readout.mp4
In [6]:
latency = 10
time_ind_max_flash = 60
In [7]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(fig_width, fig_width))
v_hist = np.zeros((N_quant_X, N_quant_Y, 3))
spatial_offset = 0.4
#time_ind_max_flash = 60
particles_full = np.zeros((5, 0, mp.N_frame))
for i, (stimulus_tag, cmap, color) in enumerate(zip(stim_labels, [,], ['g', 'r'])):
particles = image[stimulus_tag]['result']['MBP'][latency].copy()
if stimulus_tag == 'flash':
particles[1, ...] = mp.torus(particles[1, ...] + spatial_offset/2, mp.width)
particles[1, ...] = mp.torus(particles[1, ...] - spatial_offset/2, mp.width)
v_hist[:, :, i], x_edges, y_edges = mp.spatial_readout(particles[:, :, time_ind_max_flash],
N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=N_quant_Y, display=False)
particles_full = np.concatenate((particles_full, particles), axis=1)
particles_full = np.roll(particles_full, -latency, axis=-1)
#v_hist_max[:, :, i] -= v_hist_max[:, :, i].min() # HACK
#a.pcolor(x_edges, y_edges, v_hist_max[:, :, 0], vmin=0., vmax=v_hist_max[:, :, 0].max(),, edgecolor='k', alpha=.3)
#c= axA.pcolormesh(x_edges, y_edges, v_hist)#, vmin=v_hist.min(), vmax=v_hist.max())#, edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 1.), alpha=.8)#*i)#(1-i))
#c._is_stroked = False
v_hist /= v_hist.max()
c= ax.imshow(np.swapaxes(v_hist, 0, 1))#, vmin=v_hist.min(), vmax=v_hist.max(), edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 1.), alpha=.8)#*i)#(1-i))
#for ext in FORMATS: fig.savefig(os.path.join('../figures/', 'FLE-A' + ext))
In [8]:
v_hist.max(), v_hist.min()
In [9]:
particles = image['dot']['result']['MBP'][latency].copy()
particles[1, ...] = mp.torus(particles[1, ...] - spatial_offset/2, mp.width)
particles = np.roll(particles, -latency, axis=-1)
In [11]:
color, start, stop = [], 22, 47
for gray in np.linspace(1, 0, stop-start):
color.append([1, gray, gray, 0.3])
fig, ax, q = mp.show_particles(image=v_hist/v_hist.max(), particles=particles[:, :, start:stop], vmin=-1, normalize= False, line_width=.15, scale=.04,
N_show=64, color_hue=False, color=color)
for ext in FORMATS: fig.savefig(os.path.join('../figures/', 'coverart_raw' + ext))
In [12]:
import tikzmagic
In [13]:
!ls -l ../figures/coverart*
In [15]:
\clip (0.2,-0.1) rectangle (1.2,1.2);
\draw (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1,1) -- cycle;
\draw (2,0) -- (3,0) -- (3,1) -- cycle;
In [14]:
%%tikz -e ../figures/coverart.pdf
\clip (.25\textwidth, 0.3\textwidth) rectangle (.7\textwidth, .75\textwidth);
\draw [anchor=south west] (0, 0) node {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../figures/coverart_raw.pdf}};
In [16]:
!convert -density 900 ../figures/coverart.pdf ../figures/coverart.jpg
!convert -density 900 ../figures/coverart.pdf ../figures/coverart.png
!convert -density 600 -resize 5400 -units pixelsperinch -flatten -compress lzw -depth 8 ../figures/coverart.pdf ../figures/coverart.tiff
from IPython.display import SVG, Image
In [17]:
!echo "width=" ; convert ../figures/coverart.tiff -format "%[fx:w]" info:
!echo ", \nheight=" ; convert ../figures/coverart.tiff -format "%[fx:h]" info:
!echo ", \nunit=" ; convert ../figures/coverart.tiff -format "%U" info:
In [18]:
!identify ../figures/coverart.tiff
In [19]:
!git pull
!git add ../figures/MBP_spatial_readout.mp4
#!git add ../figures/coverart* ../notebooks/figure_coverart.ipynb
!git status
In [20]:
!git commit -m' figure coverart : adding files ' ../khoei17fle.tex ../notebooks/figure_coverart.ipynb ../figures/coverart*
!#git push