In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%cd -q ../scripts/
from default_param import *
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import MotionParticlesFLE as mp
gen_dot = mp.generate_dot
import numpy as np
import os
from default_param import *
image = {}
experiment = 'MotionReversal'
stimulus_tag = 'dot'
im_arg = stim_args[0]
# generating the movie
image[stimulus_tag] = {}
image[stimulus_tag]['args'] = im_arg
image[stimulus_tag]['im'] = gen_dot(N_X=N_X, N_Y=N_Y, N_frame=N_frame, **image[stimulus_tag]['args'])
# the rest is similar
mp.anim_save(image[stimulus_tag]['im'], os.path.join(mp.figpath, experiment + '-anim-' + stimulus_tag))
image[stimulus_tag]['result'] = {}
# running PX and MBP with 2 different latencies
for D_x, D_V, v_prior, label in zip([mp.D_x, PBP_D_x], [mp.D_V, PBP_D_V], [mp.v_prior, PBP_prior], ['MBP', 'PBP']):
figname = os.path.join(mp.figpath, experiment + '-' + stimulus_tag + '-' + label)
image[stimulus_tag]['result'][label] = {}
image[stimulus_tag]['args'].update(D_V=D_V, D_x=D_x, v_prior=v_prior)
_ = mp.figure_image_variable(
N_X, N_Y, N_frame, gen_dot, do_figure=True, do_video=False, order=None, N_quant_X=N_quant_X, N_quant_Y=N_quant_Y,
fixed_args=image[stimulus_tag]['args'], latency=latencies)
for latency in latencies:
matname = mp.make_figname(figname, {'latency': latency}).replace(mp.figpath, mp.matpath) + '.npy'
image[stimulus_tag]['result'][label][latency] = np.load(matname)
print('no result yet for ', matname)
In [3]:
In [4]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(fig_width, fig_width/phi))
__temp = np.zeros((N_X, N_frame, 3))
__temp[:, :, 0] = image[stimulus_tag]['im'][:, N_Y//2, :]
ax.imshow(.5*__temp+.5, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', vmin=-1., vmax=1.)
In [5]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(fig_width, fig_width/phi))
__temp = np.zeros((N_X, N_frame, 3))
white = mp.whitening(image[stimulus_tag]['im'])
white /= np.abs(white).max()
__temp[:, :, 0] = white[:, N_Y//2, :]
ax.imshow(.5*__temp+.5, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', vmin=-1., vmax=1.)
First showing the histogram of detected positions for both stimuli:
In [6]:
particles = image[stimulus_tag]['result']['MBP'][10].copy()
v_hist, x_edges, y_edges = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1, display=False)
v_hist /= np.sum(v_hist, axis=0)
x_middle = .5*(x_edges[1:] + x_edges[:-1])
In [7]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(2*fig_width, fig_width /2))
fig, axs = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1, fig=fig, a=axs)
time = np.linspace(0, 1, N_frame)
average_pos = np.sum(v_hist*x_middle[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)
axs[0].plot(time, average_pos, lw=4, ls='--')
Now showing the spatial histogram for both stimuli at this moment:
In [8]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(fig_width, fig_width/1.618))
for ax in axs.ravel():
ax.axis(c='b', lw=2, axisbg='w')
stimulus_tag == 'flash'
stimulus_tag = 'dot'
v_hist = {}
for i, (latency, dlabel, length) in enumerate(zip(latencies, ['source layer', 'target layer'], [.6, .6])):
particles = image[stimulus_tag]['result']['MBP'][latency].copy()
if latency is 0:
particles = np.roll(particles, 10, axis=-1)
v_hist[latency], x_edges, y_edges = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1, display=False)
v_hist[latency] /= np.sum(v_hist[latency])
v_hist[latency] /= v_hist[latency].max(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
#v_hist[latency] /= np.sum(v_hist[latency])
Time, X = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, N_frame), x_edges)
axs[1][i].pcolormesh(Time[:, 10:], X[:, 10:], v_hist[latency][:, 10:],, vmin=0., vmax=v_hist[latency].max())#, edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 1.))
v_hist_u = np.zeros((N_quant_X, N_frame))
u_edges = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, N_quant_X+1)
for t in range(N_frame) :
u = particles[2, :, t]
weights = particles[4, :, t]
v_hist_u[:, t], u_edges_ = np.histogram(u, u_edges, normed=False, weights=weights)
v_hist_u /= v_hist_u.max(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
Time, U = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, N_frame), u_edges_)
axs[0][i].pcolormesh(Time[:, 10:], U[:, 10:], v_hist_u[:, 10:],, vmin=0., vmax=v_hist_u.max())#, edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 1.))
axs[1][i].plot([.2, .5], [-.6, .0], 'k:', lw=3)
if i==0: axs[1][i].plot([.3, .6], [-.6, .0], 'g:', lw=3)
axs[1][i].plot([.5, .8], [0., -.6], 'k:', lw=3)
if i==0: axs[1][i].plot([.6, .9], [0., -.6], 'g:', lw=3)
axs[1][i].plot([.2, length+.3], [-.6, -.6], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[1][i].plot([.2, length+.3], [.6, .6], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[0][i].plot([.2, length+.3], [0., 0.], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[0][i].plot([.2, length], [1., 1.], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[0][i].plot([.5, length+.3], [-1., -1.], 'r--', lw=2)
for k, vmin, vmax in zip(range(2), [-1., -.6], [1., .6]):
for c, xs in zip(['k', 'g'], [[.2, .5, .8], [.3, .6, .9]]):
for x in xs:
#if i==0 or c=='k':
axs[k][i].plot([x, x], [vmin, vmax], ls='--', lw=2, c=c)
for j in [0, 1]:
axs[j][i].locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 6)
axs[j][i].locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 3-2*(j-1)) # HACK
plt.setp(axs[0][i], xticks=[])
plt.setp(axs[0][1], yticks=[])
plt.setp(axs[1][1], yticks=[])
axs[1][0].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
axs[0][0].set_ylabel('Velocity (a.u.)')
axs[1][0].set_ylabel('Space (a.u.)')
axs[1][1].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
for ext in FORMATS: fig.savefig(os.path.join('../figures/', 'FLE_MotionReversal_MBP' + ext))
In [9]:
!convert -density 400 ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal_MBP.pdf ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal_MBP.jpg
!convert -density 600 -units pixelsperinch -flatten -compress lzw -depth 8 ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal_MBP.pdf ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal_MBP.tiff
from IPython.display import Image
In [10]:
particles = image['dot']['result']['MBP'][10].copy()
fig, axs = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1)#, fig=fig, a=axs[i])
In [11]:
particles = image['dot']['result']['MBP'][10].copy()
#particles[2:4, :, :] = np.roll(particles[2:4, :, :], -10, axis=2)
fig, axs = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1)#, fig=fig, a=axs[i])
In [12]:
particles = image['dot']['result']['MBP'][10].copy()
subjective_latency = 10
particles[0:2, :, :] = np.roll(particles[0:2, :, :], -subjective_latency, axis=2)
particles[2:4, :, :] = -np.roll(particles[2:4, :, :], -subjective_latency, axis=2)
particles= mp.prediction(particles, N_frame/subjective_latency, D_V=mp.D_V, D_x=mp.D_x, width=mp.width, v_prior=mp.v_prior)
fig, axs = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1)
In [13]:
particles = image['dot']['result']['MBP'][10].copy()
subjective_latency = 10
particles[2:4, :, :] = -particles[2:4, :, :]
particles= mp.prediction(particles, N_frame/subjective_latency, D_V=mp.D_V, D_x=mp.D_x, width=mp.width, v_prior=mp.v_prior)
particles = np.roll(particles, -subjective_latency, axis=2)
fig, axs = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1)
In [14]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(fig_width, fig_width/1.618))
for ax in axs.ravel():
ax.axis(c='b', lw=2, axisbg='w')
stimulus_tag = 'dot'
v_hist = {}
latencies = [10, -10]
subjective_latency = 10
for i, (latency, dlabel, length) in enumerate(zip(latencies, ['target layer', 'smoothed layer'], [.6, .5])):
particles = image[stimulus_tag]['result']['MBP'][abs(latency)].copy()
if latency == -10:
particles[2:4, :, :] = -particles[2:4, :, :]
particles = mp.prediction(particles, N_frame/subjective_latency, D_V=mp.D_V, D_x=mp.D_x, width=mp.width, v_prior=mp.v_prior)
particles = np.roll(particles, -subjective_latency, axis=2)
particles[2:4, :, :] = -particles[2:4, :, :]
v_hist[latency], x_edges, y_edges = mp.spatial_readout(particles, N_quant_X=N_quant_Y, N_quant_Y=1, display=False)
v_hist[latency] /= np.sum(v_hist[latency])
v_hist[latency] /= v_hist[latency].max(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
Time, X = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, N_frame), x_edges)
axs[1][i].pcolormesh(Time[:, 10:], X[:, 10:], v_hist[latency][:, 10:],, vmin=0., vmax=v_hist[latency].max())#, edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 1.))
v_hist_u = np.zeros((N_quant_X, N_frame))
u_edges = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, N_quant_X+1)
for t in range(N_frame) :
u = particles[2, :, t]
weights = particles[4, :, t]
v_hist_u[:, t], u_edges_ = np.histogram(u, u_edges, normed=False, weights=weights)
v_hist_u /= v_hist_u.max(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
Time, U = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, N_frame), u_edges_)
axs[0][i].pcolormesh(Time[:, 10:], U[:, 10:], v_hist_u[:, 10:],, vmin=0., vmax=v_hist_u.max())#, edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 1.))
axs[1][i].plot([.2, .5], [-.6, .0], 'k:', lw=3)
if i==0: axs[1][i].plot([.3, .6], [-.6, .0], 'g:', lw=3)
axs[1][i].plot([.5, .8], [0., -.6], 'k:', lw=3)
if i==0: axs[1][i].plot([.6, .9], [0., -.6], 'g:', lw=3)
axs[1][i].plot([.2, length+.3], [-.6, -.6], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[1][i].plot([.2, length+.3], [.6, .6], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[0][i].plot([.2, length+.3], [0., 0.], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[0][i].plot([.2, length], [1., 1.], 'r--', lw=2)
axs[0][i].plot([.5, length+.3], [-1., -1.], 'r--', lw=2)
for k, vmin, vmax in zip(range(2), [-1., -.6], [1., .6]):
for c, xs in zip(['k', 'g'], [[.2, .5, .8], [.3, .6, .9]]):
for x in xs:
if i==0 or c=='k': axs[k][i].plot([x, x], [vmin, vmax], ls='--', lw=2, c=c)
for j in [0, 1]:
axs[j][i].locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 6)
axs[j][i].locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 3-2*(j-1)) # HACK
plt.setp(axs[0][i], xticks=[])
plt.setp(axs[0][1], yticks=[])
plt.setp(axs[1][1], yticks=[])
axs[1][0].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
axs[0][0].set_ylabel('Velocity (a.u.)')
axs[1][0].set_ylabel('Space (a.u.)')
axs[1][1].set_xlabel('Subjective time (s)')
for ext in FORMATS: fig.savefig(os.path.join('../figures/', 'FLE_MotionReversal' + ext))
In [15]:
!convert -density 400 ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal.pdf ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal.jpg
!convert -density 600 -units pixelsperinch -flatten -compress lzw -depth 8 ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal.pdf ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal.tiff
from IPython.display import Image
In [16]:
!identify ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal.tiff
In [17]:
#!git add figure_6_MotionReversal.ipynb ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal*
!git status
In [18]:
!git commit -m' figure FLE : experiment_MotionReversal ' ../notebooks/figure_6_MotionReversal.ipynb ../figures/FLE_MotionReversal* ../khoei17fle.tex
!#git push