Let's start with our crazy stock list of imports and setup our environment

In [ ]:
# See requirements.txt to set up your dev environment.
import os
import sys
import utm
import json
import scipy
import overpy
import urllib
import datetime 
import urllib3
import rasterio
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from osgeo import gdal
from planet import api
from planet.api import filters
from traitlets import link
import rasterio.tools.mask as rio_mask
from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape
from IPython.display import display, Image, HTML
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
#from scipy import ndimage
import warnings
from osgeo import gdal

from osmapi import OsmApi
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim

from ipyleaflet import (
    TileLayer, ImageOverlay,
    Polyline, Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, CircleMarker,

%matplotlib inline
# will pick up api_key via environment variable PL_API_KEY
# but can be specified using `api_key` named argument
api_keys = json.load(open("apikeys.json",'r'))
client = api.ClientV1(api_key=api_keys["PLANET_API_KEY"])
api = overpy.Overpass()

Let's bring up our slippy map once again.

In [ ]:
# Basemap Mosaic (v1 API)
mosaicsSeries = 'global_quarterly_2017q1_mosaic'
# Planet tile server base URL (Planet Explorer Mosaics Tiles)
mosaicsTilesURL_base = 'https://tiles0.planet.com/experimental/mosaics/planet-tiles/' + mosaicsSeries + '/gmap/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
# Planet tile server url
mosaicsTilesURL = mosaicsTilesURL_base + '?api_key=' + api_keys["PLANET_API_KEY"]
# Map Settings 
# Define colors
colors = {'blue': "#009da5"}
# Define initial map center lat/long
center = [45.5231, -122.6765]
# Define initial map zoom level
zoom = 13
# Set Map Tiles URL
planetMapTiles = TileLayer(url= mosaicsTilesURL)
# Create the map
m = Map(
    default_tiles = planetMapTiles # Uncomment to use Planet.com basemap
# Define the draw tool type options
polygon = {'shapeOptions': {'color': colors['blue']}}
rectangle = {'shapeOptions': {'color': colors['blue']}} 

# Create the draw controls
# @see https://github.com/ellisonbg/ipyleaflet/blob/master/ipyleaflet/leaflet.py#L293
dc = DrawControl(
    polygon = polygon,
    rectangle = rectangle
# Initialize an action counter variable
actionCount = 0
AOIs = {}

# Register the draw controls handler
def handle_draw(self, action, geo_json):
    # Increment the action counter
    global actionCount
    actionCount += 1
    # Remove the `style` property from the GeoJSON
    geo_json['properties'] = {}
    # Convert geo_json output to a string and prettify (indent & replace ' with ")
    geojsonStr = json.dumps(geo_json, indent=2).replace("'", '"')
    AOIs[actionCount] = json.loads(geojsonStr)
# Attach the draw handler to the draw controls `on_draw` event

Let's review from last time.

  • We'll query the Planet API and get a list of scenes.
  • We'll then use pandas and shapely to clean up and filter the results
  • We'll then render the footprints of the good scenes over our AOI

In [ ]:
print AOIs[1]
myAOI = AOIs[1]["geometry"]

# build a query using the AOI and
# a cloud_cover filter that excludes 'cloud free' scenes

old = datetime.datetime(year=2017,month=1,day=1)

query = filters.and_filter(
    filters.range_filter('cloud_cover', lt=5),
    filters.date_range('acquired', gt=old)

# build a request for only PlanetScope imagery
request = filters.build_search_request(
    query, item_types=['PSScene3Band']

# if you don't have an API key configured, this will raise an exception
result = client.quick_search(request)
scenes = []
planet_map = {}
for item in result.items_iter(limit=500):
    props = item['properties']
    props["id"] = item['id']
    props["geometry"] = item["geometry"]
    props["thumbnail"] = item["_links"]["thumbnail"]
scenes = pd.DataFrame(data=scenes)
# now let's clean up the datetime stuff
# make a shapely shape from our aoi
portland = shape(myAOI)
footprints = []
overlaps = []
# go through the geometry from our api call, convert to a shape and calculate overlap area.
# also save the shape for safe keeping
for footprint in scenes["geometry"].tolist():
    s = shape(footprint)
    overlap = 100.0*(portland.intersection(s).area / portland.area)
# take our lists and add them back to our dataframe
scenes['overlap'] = pd.Series(overlaps, index=scenes.index)
scenes['footprint'] = pd.Series(footprints, index=scenes.index)
# now make sure pandas knows about our date/time columns.
scenes["acquired"] = pd.to_datetime(scenes["acquired"])
scenes["published"] = pd.to_datetime(scenes["published"])
scenes["updated"] = pd.to_datetime(scenes["updated"])

scenes = scenes[scenes['overlap']>0.9]

print len(scenes)
# now let's clean up the datetime stuff
# make a shapely shape from our aoi
portland = shape(myAOI)
footprints = []
overlaps = []
# go through the geometry from our api call, convert to a shape and calculate overlap area.
# also save the shape for safe keeping
for footprint in scenes["geometry"].tolist():
    s = shape(footprint)
    overlap = 100.0*(portland.intersection(s).area / portland.area)
# take our lists and add them back to our dataframe
scenes['overlap'] = pd.Series(overlaps, index=scenes.index)
scenes['footprint'] = pd.Series(footprints, index=scenes.index)
# now make sure pandas knows about our date/time columns.
scenes["acquired"] = pd.to_datetime(scenes["acquired"])
scenes["published"] = pd.to_datetime(scenes["published"])
scenes["updated"] = pd.to_datetime(scenes["updated"])

# first create a list of colors
colors = ["#ff0000","#00ff00","#0000ff","#ffff00","#ff00ff","#00ffff"]
# grab our scenes from the geometry/footprint geojson
footprints = scenes["geometry"].tolist()
# for each footprint/color combo

for footprint,color in zip(footprints,colors):
    # create the leaflet object
    feat = {'geometry':footprint,"properties":{
            'style':{'color': color,'fillColor': color,'fillOpacity': 0.1,'weight': 1}},
    # convert to geojson
    gjson = GeoJSON(data=feat)
    # add it our map
# now we will draw our original AOI on top 
feat = {'geometry':myAOI,"properties":{
            'style':{'color': "#FFFFFF",'fillColor': "#FFFFFF",'fillOpacity': 0.1,'weight': 2}},
gjson = GeoJSON(data=feat)

Now we'll add in our boiler plate activation code for reference.

In [ ]:
def get_products(client, scene_id, asset_type='PSScene3Band'):    
    Ask the client to return the available products for a 
    given scene and asset type. Returns a list of product 
    out = client.get_assets_by_id(asset_type,scene_id)
    temp = out.get()
    return temp.keys()

def activate_product(client, scene_id, asset_type="PSScene3Band",product="analytic"):
    Activate a product given a scene, an asset type, and a product.
    On success return the return value of the API call and an activation object
    temp = client.get_assets_by_id(asset_type,scene_id)  
    products = temp.get()
    if( product in products.keys() ):
        return client.activate(products[product]),products[product]
        return None 

def download_and_save(client,product):
    Given a client and a product activation object download the asset. 
    This will save the tiff file in the local directory and return its 
    file name. 
    out = client.download(product)
    fp = out.get_body()
    return fp.name

def scenes_are_active(scene_list):
    Check if all of the resources in a given list of
    scene activation objects is read for downloading.
    retVal = True
    for scene in scene_list:
        if scene["status"] != "active":
            print "{} is not ready.".format(scene)
            return False
    return True

Now we'll activate our scenes

In [ ]:
to_get = scenes["id"][0:7].tolist()
activated = []
# for each scene to get
for scene in to_get:
    # get the product 
    product_types = get_products(client,scene)
    for p in product_types:
        # if there is a visual product
        if p == "visual": # p == "basic_analytic_dn"
            print "Activating {0} for scene {1}".format(p,scene)
            # activate the product
            _,product = activate_product(client,scene,product=p)

And then download them.

In [ ]:
tiff_files = []
asset_type = "_3B_Visual"
# check if our scenes have been activated
if True:#scenes_are_active(activated):
    for to_download,name in zip(activated,to_get):
        # create the product name
        name = name + asset_type + ".tif"
        # if the product exists locally
        if( os.path.isfile(name) ):
            # do nothing 
            print "We have scene {0} already, skipping...".format(name)
        elif to_download["status"] == "active":
            # otherwise download the product
            print "Downloading {0}....".format(name)
            fname = download_and_save(client,to_download)
            print "Download done."
            print "Could not download, still activating"
    print "Scenes aren't ready yet"

print tiff_files

Let's get going with Open Street Maps.

  • Open Street Maps is a huge and open collection of data about the Earth.
  • OSM is free to query. The interfaces are powerful, but hella cryptic.
  • Let's say we had a pixel in an image and we wanted to know what in the world was at that pixel.
  • We can use the Open Street Maps Nominatim function to look up what is there, like Google maps.
  • We can also use the OSM interface to find the 'nodes' near our pixel.
  • OSM Nominatim works through Lat Long values. To get these lat long values we are going to through UTM coordinates.
  • To get correct the UTM values we'll need to ask GDAL what our UDM zone is.

In [ ]:
infile = tiff_files[0]
# Open the file
gtif = gdal.Open(infile)
# Get the project reference object this knows the UTM zone
reff = gtif.GetProjectionRef()
# arr is the actual image data.
arr = gtif.ReadAsArray()
# Trans is our geo transfrom array. 
trans = gtif.GetGeoTransform()
# print the ref object
print reff
# find our UTM zone
i = reff.find("UTM")
print reff[i:i+12]

Now we are going to write a function to convert pixels to UTM

  • Also a quick function to plot a point

In [ ]:
def pixel2utm(ds, x, y):
    Returns utm coordinates from pixel x, y coords
    xoff, a, b, yoff, d, e = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    xp = a * x + b * y + xoff
    yp = d * x + e * y + yoff
    return(xp, yp)

def draw_point(x,y,img):
    t = 20
    # a cloud_cover filter that ex
    img[y-t:y+t,x-t:x+t,:] = [255,0,0]

Now let's query a point on our scene and see what OSM tells us.

  • First we'll define a pixel position
  • We'll use GDAL to open the scene and then map a pixel to UTM
  • We'll then convert the UTM value to Lat / Lon using the UTM region we found before.
  • Then we'll instantiate a Nominatim object and perform a revers lookup and print the results.
  • We'll then use the OSM Api to get node at this place.

In [ ]:
pos = [3000,1400] # this is the pixel we want info abou
ds = gdal.Open(infile)
# take the GDAL info and make it into UTM
my_utm = pixel2utm(ds,pos[0],pos[1])
# convert UTM into Lat Long
# need to figure out how to get zone info
my_lla = utm.to_latlon(my_utm[0],my_utm[1],10,"N")
# do the lat long look up from OSM
geolocator = Nominatim()
# reverse look up the are based on lat lon
location = geolocator.reverse("{0},{1}".format(my_lla[0],my_lla[1]))
# print location info
print location.address
print location.raw
# get the OSM ID info
osm_id = int(location.raw["place_id"])
print osm_id
# create an interface to the OSM API
MyApi = OsmApi()
# Look up our position 
print MyApi.NodeGet(osm_id)

Now for completeness we'll plot our scene and add the annotation about the spot we found.

In [ ]:
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)

# create our plot
plt.imshow(arr[:3,:,:].transpose((1, 2, 0)))#, extent=extent)
fig = plt.gcf()
# add our annotation
plt.annotate(location.address, xy=pos, xycoords='data',
             xytext=(0.25, 0.5), textcoords='figure fraction',color="red",
# Set a point
circ = Circle((pos[0],pos[1]),60,color="red")
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)

Now, well, OSM is hard.

  • This is I wanted to show where to programaticaly query OSM for all sorts of data.
  • Turns out that it is a lot harder than it should be, especially if you want to work with GeoJson.
  • Out of scope for this talk, but let's punt.
  • OSM has a feature called Overpass. It is like the most convoluted Google maps ever using a very complex query language that I still don't grok.
  • We're going to use it to get all of the parks in Portland as GeoJSON using the web interface called Overpass Turbo.
  • Let's take a look at that.
  • Here's the query to run. Then export as GeoJSON
    out geom;

Let's load up our park data

  • Load the file using GeoPandas (some syntactic sugar on Pandas).
  • Also load the raw json, and chunk out each park.
  • Update the area value because there is no value, not really useful except as a proxy measurement.
  • Update and sort our data frame.

In [ ]:
import geopandas as gpd
fname = "./portland_parks_small.geojson"
park_df = gpd.read_file(fname)
portland_parks = json.load(open(fname,'r'))
# raw geojson works better with GDAL
geojson = [p for p in portland_parks["features"]]
# no area out of the box
p = [p.area for p in park_df["geometry"].tolist()]
park_df["area"] = pd.Series(p)
park_df["geojson"] = pd.Series(geojson)
park_df.sort_values(['area',], ascending=[1])
#print park_df["wikipedia"].dropna()

Now we'll update our slippy map.

  • Just toss the aois in, just like our scene footprints.

In [ ]:
for p in portland_parks["features"]:
    feat = {'geometry':p["geometry"],"properties":{
            'style':{'color': "#00FF00",'fillColor': "#00FF00",'fillOpacity': 0.0,'weight': 1}},
    # convert to geojson
    gjson = GeoJSON(data=feat)
    # add it our map

Now let's find the big parks.

  • The pandas dataframe can have multiple enteries per park.
  • We can use the group by command to sum up these disparate areas.
  • Finally we'll output the results

In [ ]:
park_sz = park_df.groupby("name").sum() 
park_sz = park_sz.sort_values(by='area',ascending=[0])

Now to the meat of the problem.

  • Our goal is to get each park as a small image so we can analyze it.
  • We'll write a function to create a geojson file from our big geojson file
  • We'll also write a function that takes in our scene list, an input geojson file, and calls gdal warp to generate our small park image.

In [ ]:
def write_geojson_by_name(df,name,outfile):
    Take in a dataframe, a park name, and an output file name 
    Save the park's geojson to the specified file.
    temp = df[df["name"]==name]
    to_write = {"type": "FeatureCollection",
                "features": temp["geojson"].tolist()}
    with open(outfile,'w') as fp:
def crop_scenes_to_geojson(geojson,scenes,out_name):
    Take in a geojson file, a list of scenes, and an output name
    Call gdal and warp the scenes to match the geojson file and save the results to outname.
    commands = ["gdalwarp", # t
            "-tr", "3", "3"
    for tiff in scenes:
    print " ".join(commands)

Let's put it all together

  • We're going to use the scenes we downloaded earlier as our input and build a little image for every park in Portland!
  • We just have to make a few file names and call the functions above.
  • If we really wanted to get fancy we could do this for every image that has our park and make a sick movie or lots of different types of a analysis.

In [ ]:
geo_json_files = []
tif_file_names = []
unique_park_names = list(set(park_df["name"].tolist()))
for name in list(unique_park_names):
    # Generate our file names 
    geojson_name = "./parks/"+name.replace(" ","_")+".geojson"
    tif_name = "./parks/"+name.replace(" ","_")+".tif"
    # write geojson
    # write to park file
    # Save the results to lists

Let's take a look at the first few parks!

  • matplotlib and tifs can be a bit heavy handed.
  • imma teach you a protip use image magick and the built in image display.
  • Use subprocess to tell imagemagick to convert tifs to jpg.
  • Then load and display the images.
  • WARNING: do not use imagemagick to modify geotiffs!

In [ ]:
magic = ["mogrify","-format", "jpg", "./parks/*.tif"]
for p in tif_file_names[0:20]:
    print p

Not let's do some quick analytics -- your code goes here.

  • For completeness let's do some basic image processing.
  • For each of parks we are going to calculate the average "greeness" per pixel over the other two channels.
  • We do this as it controls for white pixels, like clouds.
  • Since there are black pixels we'll have to controll for that by only using only the non-black pixels.
  • We'll use numpy here, but scikit image and OpenCV have many more features.
  • It is also worth noting that the visual product is probably only useful for calculating areas. If you want to do real science use the Analytics products.
  • The real way to do this is to calculate a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using the analytic product.
  • Here is an example of NDVI calculations.

In [ ]:
def load_image3(filename):
    """Return a 3D (r, g, b) numpy array with the data in the specified TIFF filename."""
    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('./', filename))
    if os.path.exists(path):
        with rasterio.open(path) as src:
            b,g,r,mask = src.read()
            return np.dstack([b, g, r])

def get_avg_greeness(filename):
    retVal = -1.0
        # load the image
        img = load_image3(filename)
        if img is not None:
            # add all the channels together, black pixels will still be zero
            # this isn't a perfect method but there are very few truly black spots 
            # on eart
            black_like_my_soul = np.add(np.add(img[:,:,0],img[:,:,1]),img[:,:,2])
            # sum up the not black pixels
            not_black = np.count_nonzero(black_like_my_soul)
            # sum up all the green
            img = np.array(img,dtype='int16')
            total_green = np.sum(img[:,:,1]-((np.add(img[:,:,0],img[:,:,2])/2)))
            # calculate our metric
            if total_green != 0 and not_black > 0:
                retVal = total_green / float(not_black)
        return retVal
    except Exception as e:
        print e
        return -1.0

In [ ]:
greens = [get_avg_greeness(f) for f in tif_file_names]
print greens

In [ ]:
paired = zip(tif_file_names,greens)
paired.sort(key=(lambda tup: tup[1]))
labels = [p[0][8:-4].replace("_"," ") for p in paired]
data = [p[1] for p in paired]
xlocations = np.array(range(len(paired)))+0.5
width = 1
plt.bar(xlocations, data, width=width)
plt.xticks(xlocations+ width/2, labels)
plt.xlim(0, xlocations[-1]+width*2)
plt.title("Greeness over Average Red and Blue Per Park")
xa = plt.gca()
xa.set_xticklabels(xa.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90)

Let's take a look at what this looks like in terms of images.

In [ ]:
imgs = [p[0] for p in paired]
for p in imgs[0:35]:
    print p[8:-4].replace("_"," ")

Now let's plot over our slippy map.

  • We'll calculate a non-linear opacity per park and then use that for plotting.

In [ ]:
opacity_map = {}
gmax = np.max(greens)
gmin = np.min(greens)
# this is a nonlinear mapping
opacity = [np.clip((float(g**2)-gmin)/float(gmax-gmin),0,1) for g in greens]
for op,name in zip(opacity,imgs):

m = Map(
    default_tiles = planetMapTiles # Uncomment to use Planet.com basemap
dc = DrawControl(
    polygon = polygon,
    rectangle = rectangle
# Initialize an action counter variable
actionCount = 0
AOIs = {}

# Register the draw controls handler
def handle_draw(self, action, geo_json):
    # Increment the action counter
    global actionCount
    actionCount += 1
    # Remove the `style` property from the GeoJSON
    geo_json['properties'] = {}
    # Convert geo_json output to a string and prettify (indent & replace ' with ")
    geojsonStr = json.dumps(geo_json, indent=2).replace("'", '"')
    AOIs[actionCount] = json.loads(geojsonStr)
# Attach the draw handler to the draw controls `on_draw` event

for p in portland_parks["features"]:
    t = "./parks/"+p["properties"]["name"].replace(" ","_") + ".tif"
    feat = {'geometry':p["geometry"],"properties":{
            'style':{'color': "#00FF00",'fillColor': "#00FF00",'fillOpacity': opacity_map[t],'weight': 1}},
    # convert to geojson
    gjson = GeoJSON(data=feat)
    # add it our map

In [ ]: