Measure the radial velocity

This notebook uses the RVFitter class to do an MCMC fit. It looks up the spectral type on Simbad to estimate the temperature, and estimates the log(g) from the spectrum (you should have a Balmer line in there somewhere).

In [1]:
# Import a bunch of stuff
import StarData
import HelperFunctions
import Fitters
import Mamajek_Table
import SpectralTypeRelations
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging
import triangle
from import fits
import numpy as np
import sys
import os

#%matplotlib inline

logger = logging.getLogger()

# Get the HDF5 filename. Might want to change this eventually.
home = os.environ['HOME']
hdf5_filename = '/media/ExtraSpace/Kurucz_FullGrid/CHIRON_grid_air.hdf5'

Module 'anfft' (FFTW Python bindings) could not be imported.
To install it, try running 'easy_install anfft' from the terminal.
Falling back on the slower 'fftpack' module for ND Fourier transforms.
/Users/kgulliks/anaconda/envs/python2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/ ShimWarning: The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated. You should import from `notebook` instead. `IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.
  "`IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.", ShimWarning)

In [ ]:
# This function looks up the spectral type from simbad and uses the table from 
#  Pecaut & Mamajek to convert that into an effective temperature.

MT = Mamajek_Table.MamajekTable()
MS = SpectralTypeRelations.MainSequence()
sptnum2teff = MT.get_interpolator('SpTNum', 'Teff') 

def make_fitter(fname, Teff=None, logg=4.0, feh=0.0, first_order=3, last_order=19):
    orders = HelperFunctions.ReadExtensionFits(fname)
    if Teff is None:
        header = fits.getheader(fname)
        starname = header['OBJECT']
        SpT = StarData.GetData(starname).spectype
        Teff = sptnum2teff(MS.SpT_To_Number(SpT))

    # make sure Teff is in the grid
    hdf5_int = Fitters.StellarModel.HDF5Interface(hdf5_filename)
    grid_teffs = np.unique([d['temp'] for d in hdf5_int.list_grid_points])
    if Teff > max(grid_teffs):
        Teff = max(grid_teffs)
    #idx = np.argmin((grid_teffs - Teff)**2)
    #Teff = grid_teffs[idx]

    fitter = Fitters.RVFitter(orders[first_order:last_order+1], model_library=hdf5_filename, 
                              T=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, norm_model=False)
    return fitter

In [ ]:
# Use the fitter to flatten the spectrum
#fitter = make_fitter('Adam_Data/20140210/HIP_56561.fits', logg=4.0, first_order=3, last_order=19)
fitter = make_fitter('../20150113/HIP_24505.fits', logg=4.0, first_order=3, last_order=19)
pars = fitter.guess_fit_parameters(vsini_trials=20, refine=True, N=10)

In [ ]:
print(fitter._T, fitter._logg)
%matplotlib notebook
flattened_orders = fitter.flatten_spectrum(plot=True, pars=pars)

In [37]:
def remake_fitter(filename, model_library, teff, logg, feh=0.0, output_basename='../RVFitter_flattened'):
    print(filename, teff, logg)
    # Read in the (assumed flattened) spectra
    all_orders = HelperFunctions.ReadExtensionFits(filename)
    orders = [o.copy() for o in all_orders if o.x[0] < 475 or o.x[-1] > 495]
    #orders = all_orders
    # Set up the fitter
    fitter = Fitters.RVFitter(orders, model_library=model_library,
                              T=teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
    header = fits.getheader(filename)
    starname = header['OBJECT']
    date = header['DATE-OBS'].split('T')[0]
    stardata_str = '{}_{}-'.format(starname.replace(' ', ''), date.replace('-', ''))
    basename = os.path.join(output_basename, stardata_str)

    # Fit'multinest', n_live_points=1000, basename=basename, overwrite=False, init_MPI=False)
    return fitter

In [3]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../Flatten.log', header=None, names=['fname', 'star', 'date', 'teff', 'logg', 'rv_guess'])

fname star date teff logg rv_guess
0 20140514/HIP_85537.fits HIP 85537 2014-05-15 7364.229691 3.330221 46.462539
1 20140804/HIP_79007.fits HIP 79007 2014-08-04 7691.750679 3.766727 -26.690580
2 20140804/HIP_2381.fits HIP 2381 2014-08-05 8448.354758 3.393724 8.241084
3 20130206/HIP_41039.fits HIP 41039 2013-02-07 26000.000000 4.000000 100.000000
4 20150321/HIP_85922.fits HIP 85922 2015-03-22 7866.455266 4.476049 45.578677

In [13]:
df.loc[ == 'HIP 29735']

fname star date teff logg rv_guess
118 20130923/HIP_29735.fits HIP 29735 2013-09-24 10700 4 7.150323

In [38]:
idx = 155
print df.loc[idx, 'fname']
fname = '../{}'.format(df.loc[idx, 'fname'].replace('.fits', '_renormalized.fits'))
#fname = '../20130201/HIP_5348_renormalized2.fits'
teff = df.loc[idx, 'teff']
logg = df.loc[idx, 'logg']
hdf5_filename = '/Volumes/DATADRIVE/Kurucz_Grid/CHIRON_grid_air.hdf5'
fitter = remake_fitter(fname, hdf5_filename, teff, logg, output_basename='../RVFitter_flattened/')

('../20130711/HIP_105140_renormalized.fits', 9199.4041754699992, 3.6206912007199996)
Determine Chunk Log: Wl is 131072

In [18]:
%matplotlib inline

In [41]:
%matplotlib notebook
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,8))
fitter.samples.RV -= 0.53
fitter.plot(ax=ax, N=30)
#plt.ylim((-0.1, 1.5))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x121cfcf50>

In [39]:
import Correlate
import DataStructures

orders = [DataStructures.xypoint(x=x, y=y) for x, y in zip(fitter.x, fitter.y)]
ccf = Correlate.GetCCF(orders, fitter.model_spec, vsini=100, resolution=80000, addmode='ml')
corr = ccf['CCF']

%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(corr.x, corr.y)


In [40]:

RV epsilon lnprob vsini
count 4373.000000 4373.000000 4373.000000 4373.000000
mean -19.030972 0.721981 -129334.383813 99.133215
std 0.039926 0.012206 1.214255 0.187875
min -19.191501 0.692044 -129341.905365 98.733604
25% -19.057650 0.713192 -129334.989031 98.999642
50% -19.030987 0.720147 -129334.137599 99.101527
75% -19.003759 0.728254 -129333.452584 99.221212
max -18.905849 0.765483 -129332.765274 99.824551

In [35]:
19.03 - 18.48


In [ ]: