Evaluation of translators to deterministic automata with additional optimizations

This notebook contains evaluation of ltl3tela -D1, ltl2tgba -DG, Delag and Rabinizer 4 where we applied the Spot postprocessing procedures (using the autfilt tool) to output of Delag and Rabinizer 4.

In [38]:
from ltlcross_runner import LtlcrossRunner
from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
import spot
import sys
import re
pd.options.display.float_format = '{: .0f}'.format
pd.options.display.latex.multicolumn_format = 'c'
from tables_utils import split_cols, high_min, high_max, highlight_by_level
from tables_utils import fix_latex, fix_type, fix_tool
from tables_utils import cummulative_to_latex

In [39]:
rerun = False

In [56]:
ltl3tela -v
ltl2tgba --version
delag --version
ltl2dgra --version # Rabinizer 4
autfilt --version

LTL3TELA 2.0.0 (using Spot 2.7.4)
ltl2tgba (spot) 2.7.4

Copyright (C) 2019  Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de l'Epita.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Name: owl
Version: 18.06
Name: owl
Version: 18.06
autfilt (spot) 2.7.4

Copyright (C) 2019  Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de l'Epita.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

In [41]:
def generate(n=1000,func=(lambda x: True),filename=None,priorities='',ap=['a','b','c','d','e']):
    if filename is None:
        file_h = sys.stdout
        file_h = open(filename,'w')
    f = spot.randltl(ap,
    i = 0
    printed = set()
    while(i < n):
        form = next(f)
        if form in printed:
        if func(form) and not form.is_tt() and not form.is_ff():
            i += 1

In [42]:
f_rand = 'formulae/atva19/rand.ltl'
f_patterns = 'formulae/atva19/patterns.ltl'
# generate(1000, filename = f_rand)

Deterministic automata

In [43]:
d_tools = {
    "ltl3tela-D1": "ltl3tela -D1 -f %f > %O",
    "ltl2tgba-DG": "ltl2tgba -DG %f > %O",
    "delag": "delag %f | autfilt -G --deterministic --high > %O",
    "rabinizer4": "ltl2dgra %f | autfilt -G --deterministic --high > %O"
d_order = ["ltl3tela-D1", "ltl2tgba-DG", "delag", "rabinizer4"]
d_cols = ["states", "edges", "acc"]

In [44]:
d_csv_rand = 'formulae/atva19/det.rand.autfilt.csv'
d_data_rand = LtlcrossRunner(d_tools, formula_files = [f_rand], res_filename = d_csv_rand, cols = d_cols)
if rerun:
    d_data_rand.run_ltlcross(automata = False, timeout = '60')

In [45]:
det_rand = d_data_rand.cummulative(col = d_cols).unstack(level = 0).loc[d_order, d_cols]

column states edges acc
ltl3tela-D1 5934 18520 1268
ltl2tgba-DG 6799 24131 1575
delag 6468 24168 2203
rabinizer4 6450 24454 1915

In [46]:
d_csv_patterns = 'formulae/atva19/det.patterns.autfilt.csv'
d_data_patterns = LtlcrossRunner(d_tools, formula_files = [f_patterns], res_filename = d_csv_patterns, cols = d_cols)
if rerun:
    d_data_patterns.run_ltlcross(automata = False, timeout = '60')

In [47]:
det_to = pd.DataFrame(d_data_patterns.get_error_count(),columns=['TO.literature'])
det_err = pd.DataFrame(d_data_patterns.get_error_count('parse error',False),columns=['PE.literature'])
det_lit = d_data_patterns.cummulative(col = d_cols).unstack(level = 0).loc[d_order, d_cols]
det_lit = pd.concat([det_lit,det_to,det_err],axis=1,join='inner',sort=False)

states edges acc TO.literature PE.literature
ltl3tela-D1 2536 10641 454 39 0
ltl2tgba-DG 3905 26643 652 20 0
delag 2732 18142 774 11 0
rabinizer4 2766 11091 749 12 0

In [48]:
to = d_data_rand.exit_status
to[to != "ok"].dropna(how='all')

tool delag ltl2tgba-DG ltl3tela-D1 rabinizer4
form_id formula

In [49]:
det_tmp = pd.merge(det_rand, det_lit, suffixes=('.random','.literature'),on='tool')

states.random edges.random acc.random states.literature edges.literature acc.literature TO.literature PE.literature
ltl3tela-D1 5934 18520 1268 2536 10641 454 39 0
ltl2tgba-DG 6799 24131 1575 3905 26643 652 20 0
delag 6468 24168 2203 2732 18142 774 11 0
rabinizer4 6450 24454 1915 2766 11091 749 12 0

In [50]:
det = split_cols(det_tmp,'.').swaplevel(axis=1)

random literature
states edges acc states edges acc TO PE
ltl3tela-D1 5934 18520 1268 2536 10641 454 39 0
ltl2tgba-DG 6799 24131 1575 3905 26643 652 20 0
delag 6468 24168 2203 2732 18142 774 11 0
rabinizer4 6450 24454 1915 2766 11091 749 12 0

In [51]:
rerun = False

Formulae excluded from the evaluation

In [52]:
d_fails = d_data_patterns.values[d_data_patterns.values.isnull().any(axis = 1)]['states']\
    .join(d_data_patterns.exit_status, lsuffix = '.states', rsuffix = '.response')
for tool in d_order:
    d_fails[tool] = d_fails[tool + '.states'].combine_first(d_fails[tool + '.response'])
d_fails_out = d_fails[d_order]

tool ltl3tela-D1 ltl2tgba-DG delag rabinizer4
form_id formula
103 GFz <-> (GFa1 & GFa2 & GFa3 & GFa4) 1 1 1 exit code
104 GFz <-> (GFa1 & GFa2 & GFa3 & GFa4 & GFa5) timeout 1 1 exit code
129 (FGp2 | GFp1) & (FGp3 | GFp2) & (FGp4 | GFp3) & (FGp5 | GFp4) & (GFp5 | FGp6) 1 1 1 exit code
181 G(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X(!p0 | X!p0))))))))))) timeout 12 12 12
193 c & X(a1 | b1 | d) & G(c -> !d) & G((a1 | b1) -> X(a2 | b2)) & G((a2 | b2) -> X(c & X(a1 | b1 | d | Gc))) & (!d U (d & X((a1 | b1) & XXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & (((a1 & F(d & Fa1)) | (b1 & F(d & Fb1)) | (a2 & F(d & Fa2)) | (b2 & F(d & Fb2))) U c))) & G((c | d) -> !(a1 | a2 | b1 | b2)) & G((a1 -> !b1) & (a2 -> !b2)) timeout timeout 82 82
194 c & X(a1 | b1 | d) & G(c -> !d) & G(((a1 | b1) -> X(a2 | b2)) & ((a2 | b2) -> X(a3 | b3))) & G((a3 | b3) -> X(c & X(a1 | b1 | d | Gc))) & (!d U (d & X((a1 | b1) & XXXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & (((a1 & F(d & Fa1)) | (b1 & F(d & Fb1)) | (a2 & F(d & Fa2)) | (b2 & F(d & Fb2)) | (a3 & F(d & Fa3)) | (b3 & F(d & Fb3))) U c))) & G((c | d) -> !(a1 | a2 | a3 | b1 | b2 | b3)) & G((a1 -> !b1) & (a2 -> !b2) & (a3 -> !b3)) timeout timeout 2240 timeout
195 c & X(a1 | b1 | d) & G(c -> !d) & G(((a1 | b1) -> X(a2 | b2)) & ((a2 | b2) -> X(a3 | b3)) & ((a3 | b3) -> X(a4 | b4))) & G((a4 | b4) -> X(c & X(a1 | b1 | d | Gc))) & (!d U (d & X((a1 | b1) & XXXXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & (((a1 & F(d & Fa1)) | (b1 & F(d & Fb1)) | (a2 & F(d & Fa2)) | (b2 & F(d & Fb2)) | (a3 & F(d & Fa3)) | (b3 & F(d & Fb3)) | (a4 & F(d & Fa4)) | (b4 & F(d & Fb4))) U c))) & G((c | d) -> !(a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | b1 | b2 | b3 | b4)) & G((a1 -> !b1) & (a2 -> !b2) & (a3 -> !b3) & (a4 -> !b4)) timeout timeout timeout timeout
196 c & X(a1 | b1 | d) & G(c -> !d) & G(((a1 | b1) -> X(a2 | b2)) & ((a2 | b2) -> X(a3 | b3)) & ((a3 | b3) -> X(a4 | b4)) & ((a4 | b4) -> X(a5 | b5))) & G((a5 | b5) -> X(c & X(a1 | b1 | d | Gc))) & (!d U (d & X((a1 | b1) & XXXXXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & (((a1 & F(d & Fa1)) | (b1 & F(d & Fb1)) | (a2 & F(d & Fa2)) | (b2 & F(d & Fb2)) | (a3 & F(d & Fa3)) | (b3 & F(d & Fb3)) | (a4 & F(d & Fa4)) | (b4 & F(d & Fb4)) | (a5 & F(d & Fa5)) | (b5 & F(d & Fb5))) U c))) & G((c | d) -> !(a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 | b5)) & G((a1 -> !b1) & (a2 -> !b2) & (a3 -> !b3) & (a4 -> !b4) & (a5 -> !b5)) timeout timeout timeout timeout
198 c & X(d | y) & G(y -> X((a | b) & Xz)) & G(z -> X((a | b) & X(c & X(d | y | Gc)))) & (!d U (d & X(y & XXXXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & (((y -> X((a & F(d & F(y & Xa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & Xb))))) & (z -> X((a & F(d & F(z & Xa))) | (b & F(d & F(z & Xb)))))) U c))) & G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(a & y) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(b & y) & !(c & d) & !(c & y) & !(d & y) & !(a & z) & !(b & z) & !(c & z) & !(d & z) & !(y & z)) timeout timeout 147 timeout
199 c & G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(a & y) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(b & y) & !(c & d) & !(c & y) & !(d & y) & !(a & z) & !(b & z) & !(c & z) & !(d & z) & !(y & z)) & X(d | (y & Xy)) & G(((y & Xy) -> XX((a | b) & X(z & Xy))) & ((z & Xy) -> XX((a | b) & X(y & Xz)))) & G((y & Xz) -> XX((a | b) & X(c & X(d | (y & Xy) | Gc)))) & (!d U (d & X(y & Xy & XXXXXXXXXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & ((((y & Xy) -> XX((a & F(d & F(y & Xy & XXa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & Xy & XXb))))) & ((z & Xy) -> XX((a & F(d & F(z & Xy & XXa))) | (b & F(d & F(z & Xy & XXb))))) & ((y & Xz) -> XX((a & F(d & F(y & Xz & XXa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & Xz & XXb)))))) U c))) timeout timeout timeout timeout
200 c & G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(a & y) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(b & y) & !(c & d) & !(c & y) & !(d & y) & !(a & z) & !(b & z) & !(c & z) & !(d & z) & !(y & z)) & X(d | (y & Xy)) & G(((y & Xy) -> XX((a | b) & X(z & Xy))) & ((z & Xy) -> XX((a | b) & X(y & Xz))) & ((y & Xz) -> XX((a | b) & X(z & Xz)))) & G((z & Xz) -> XX((a | b) & X(c & X(d | (y & Xy) | Gc)))) & (!d U (d & X(y & Xy & XXXXXXXXXXXXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & ((((y & Xy) -> XX((a & F(d & F(y & Xy & XXa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & Xy & XXb))))) & ((z & Xy) -> XX((a & F(d & F(z & Xy & XXa))) | (b & F(d & F(z & Xy & XXb))))) & ((y & Xz) -> XX((a & F(d & F(y & Xz & XXa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & Xz & XXb))))) & ((z & Xz) -> XX((a & F(d & F(z & Xz & XXa))) | (b & F(d & F(z & Xz & XXb)))))) U c))) timeout timeout timeout timeout
201 c & G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(a & y) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(b & y) & !(c & d) & !(c & y) & !(d & y) & !(a & z) & !(b & z) & !(c & z) & !(d & z) & !(y & z)) & X(d | (y & X(y & Xy))) & G(((y & X(y & Xy)) -> XXX((a | b) & X(z & X(y & Xy)))) & ((z & X(y & Xy)) -> XXX((a | b) & X(y & X(z & Xy)))) & ((y & X(z & Xy)) -> XXX((a | b) & X(z & X(z & Xy)))) & ((z & X(z & Xy)) -> XXX((a | b) & X(y & X(y & Xz))))) & G((y & X(y & Xz)) -> XXX((a | b) & X(c & X(d | (y & X(y & Xy)) | Gc)))) & (!d U (d & X(y & X(y & Xy) & XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGc))) & F(c & X(!c & ((((y & X(y & Xy)) -> XXX((a & F(d & F(y & X(y & Xy) & XXXa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & X(y & Xy) & XXXb))))) & ((z & X(y & Xy)) -> XXX((a & F(d & F(z & X(y & Xy) & XXXa))) | (b & F(d & F(z & X(y & Xy) & XXXb))))) & ((y & X(z & Xy)) -> XXX((a & F(d & F(y & X(z & Xy) & XXXa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & X(z & Xy) & XXXb))))) & ((z & X(z & Xy)) -> XXX((a & F(d & F(z & X(z & Xy) & XXXa))) | (b & F(d & F(z & X(z & Xy) & XXXb))))) & ((y & X(y & Xz)) -> XXX((a & F(d & F(y & X(y & Xz) & XXXa))) | (b & F(d & F(y & X(y & Xz) & XXXb)))))) U c))) timeout timeout timeout timeout
203 G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(c & d)) & (!d U (d & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & XGc)))) & F(c & ((Xa & G(d -> Xa)) | (Xb & G(d -> Xb))) & ((XXa & G(d -> XXa)) | (XXb & G(d -> XXb))) & XXXc) timeout 106 timeout 106
204 G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(c & d)) & (!d U (d & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & XGc))))) & F(c & ((Xa & G(d -> Xa)) | (Xb & G(d -> Xb))) & ((XXa & G(d -> XXa)) | (XXb & G(d -> XXb))) & ((XXXa & G(d -> XXXa)) | (XXXb & G(d -> XXXb))) & XXXXc) timeout 3057 timeout timeout
205 G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(c & d)) & (!d U (d & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & XGc)))))) & F(c & ((Xa & G(d -> Xa)) | (Xb & G(d -> Xb))) & ((XXa & G(d -> XXa)) | (XXb & G(d -> XXb))) & ((XXXa & G(d -> XXXa)) | (XXXb & G(d -> XXXb))) & ((XXXXa & G(d -> XXXXa)) | (XXXXb & G(d -> XXXXb))) & XXXXXc) timeout timeout timeout timeout
206 G(!(a & b) & !(a & c) & !(a & d) & !(b & c) & !(b & d) & !(c & d)) & (!d U (d & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & X((a | b) & XGc))))))) & F(c & ((Xa & G(d -> Xa)) | (Xb & G(d -> Xb))) & ((XXa & G(d -> XXa)) | (XXb & G(d -> XXb))) & ((XXXa & G(d -> XXXa)) | (XXXb & G(d -> XXXb))) & ((XXXXa & G(d -> XXXXa)) | (XXXXb & G(d -> XXXXb))) & ((XXXXXa & G(d -> XXXXXa)) | (XXXXXb & G(d -> XXXXXb))) & XXXXXXc) timeout timeout timeout timeout
236 FG(a | b) | FG(!a | Xb) | FG(a | XXb) | FG(!a | XXXb) | FG(a | XXXXb) | FG(!a | XXXXXb) timeout 32 32 420
240 (FGa4 & GFb4) | (((FGa2 & GFb2) | (FGa0 & GFb0 & (FGa1 | GFb1))) & (FGa3 | GFb3)) timeout 1 1 1
241 (FGa5 & GFb5) | (((FGa3 & GFb3) | (((FGa1 & GFb1) | FGa0 | GFb0) & (FGa2 | GFb2))) & (FGa4 | GFb4)) 1 1 1 timeout
245 ((FGa3 & GFb3) | (((FGa1 & GFb1) | FGa0 | GFb0) & (FGa2 | GFb2))) & (FGa4 | GFb4) timeout 1 1 exit code
246 ((FGa4 & GFb4) | (((FGa2 & GFb2) | (FGa0 & GFb0 & (FGa1 | GFb1))) & (FGa3 | GFb3))) & (FGa5 | GFb5) 1 1 1 timeout
296 !b & m & X!b & XX!b & XXX!b & XXXX!b & G(m -> (X!m & XX!m & XXX!m & XXXX!m & XXXXXm)) & G((!b & m) -> (!c & XXXXXb)) & G((b & m) -> (c & XXXXX!b)) & G((!c & X!m) -> (X!c & (Xb <-> XXXXXXb))) & G(c -> ((X!b -> (X!c & XXXXXXb)) & (Xb -> (Xc & XXXXXX!b)))) timeout 160 160 160
301 !b & m & G((!b & m) -> (!c & XXXXXb)) & G((b & m) -> (c & XXXXX!b)) & G(m -> X(!m & X(!m & X(!m & X(!m & Xm))))) & X(!b & X(!b & X(!b & X!b))) & G((!c & X!m) -> X(!c & (b <-> XXXXXb))) & G(c -> X((!b -> (!c & XXXXXb)) & (b -> (c & XXXXX!b)))) timeout 160 160 160
342 GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U Xb))) timeout 2781 3 3
343 GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXb))) timeout 2782 4 4
344 GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXb))) timeout 2783 5 5
345 GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXb))) timeout 2784 6 6
346 GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXXb))) timeout 2785 7 7
347 GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U Xb)))) timeout timeout exit code 3
348 GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXb)))) timeout timeout exit code 4
349 GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXb)))) timeout timeout exit code 5
350 GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXb)))) timeout timeout exit code 6
351 GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXXb)))) timeout timeout exit code 7
352 GFa5 U G(GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U Xb))))) timeout timeout exit code 3
353 GFa5 U G(GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXb))))) timeout timeout exit code 4
354 GFa5 U G(GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXb))))) timeout timeout exit code 5
355 GFa5 U G(GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXb))))) timeout timeout exit code 6
356 GFa5 U G(GFa4 U G(GFa3 U G(GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXXb))))) timeout timeout exit code 7
360 (GFa1 & GFa2 & GFa3 & GFa4) -> (GFb1 & GFb2 & GFb3 & GFb4) timeout 1 1 exit code
361 (GFa1 & GFa2 & GFa3 & GFa4 & GFa5) -> (GFb1 & GFb2 & GFb3 & GFb4 & GFb5) timeout 1 1 exit code
365 (GFa1 | FGb1) & (GFa2 | FGb2) & (GFa3 | FGb3) & (GFa4 | FGb4) timeout 1 1 exit code
366 (GFa1 | FGb1) & (GFa2 | FGb2) & (GFa3 | FGb3) & (GFa4 | FGb4) & (GFa5 | FGb5) timeout 1 1 exit code
388 G(p1 -> (p1 U (p2 & (p2 U (p3 & (p3 U (p4 & (p4 U p5)))))))) 28 51 timeout 22
389 G(p1 -> (p1 U (p2 & (p2 U (p3 & (p3 U (p4 & (p4 U (p5 & (p5 U p6)))))))))) timeout 298 timeout 58

In [53]:
def large_diff(res, tools, threshold):
    df = res.values.dropna()['states']
    df['diff'] = df.loc[:, tools].max(axis = 1) - df.loc[:, tools].min(axis = 1)
    return df[df['diff'] > threshold][tools]

In [54]:
large_diff(d_data_patterns, d_tools, 20)

tool ltl2tgba-DG ltl3tela-D1 delag rabinizer4
form_id formula
72 G(p0 -> (((p1 & X(!p2 U p3)) -> X(!p2 U (p3 & Fp4))) U (p2 | G((p1 & X(!p2 U p3)) -> X(!p2 U (p3 & Fp4)))))) 16 6 62 34
77 G(p0 -> ((p1 -> (!p2 U (!p2 & p3 & X(!p2 U p4)))) U (p2 | G(p1 -> (p3 & XFp4))))) 11 10 43 11
82 G(p0 -> ((p1 -> (!p2 U (!p2 & p3 & !p4 & X((!p2 & !p4) U p5)))) U (p2 | G(p1 -> (p3 & !p4 & X(!p4 U p5)))))) 11 11 82 11
108 GF(a <-> XXXXa) 16 16 16 65
109 GF(a <-> XXXXXa) 32 32 32 161
172 G((!(p1 <-> Xp1) | !(p0 <-> Xp0) | !(p2 <-> Xp2) | !(p3 <-> Xp3)) -> (X!p4 & X(!(!(p1 <-> Xp1) | !(p0 <-> Xp0) | !(p2 <-> Xp2) | !(p3 <-> Xp3)) U p4))) 81 34 33 33
235 FG(a | b) | FG(!a | Xb) | FG(a | XXb) | FG(!a | XXXb) | FG(a | XXXXb) 16 16 16 83
337 GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U Xb)) 257 11 3 3
338 GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXb)) 258 12 4 4
339 GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXb)) 259 13 5 5
340 GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXb)) 260 14 6 6
341 GFa2 U G(GFa1 U G(GFa0 U XXXXXb)) 261 15 7 7
387 G(p1 -> (p1 U (p2 & (p2 U (p3 & (p3 U p4)))))) 12 11 80 9

In [55]:
large_diff(d_data_rand, d_tools, 10)

tool ltl2tgba-DG ltl3tela-D1 delag rabinizer4
form_id formula
23 Fa U (F(!b | (c & XXb) | (!c & XX!b)) R d) 16 7 21 8
46 ((a M b) U Xc) W Gd 62 12 18 13
57 GF(a | (b R XFc)) 15 2 1 1
58 (a & G((XFb & (c U Xd)) | (XG!b & (!c R X!d)))) | (!a & F((XFb & (!c R X!d)) | ((c U Xd) & XG!b))) 20 17 28 21
84 G(G(a & (b | (c M Xd))) | (F!a & F(!b & (!c W X!d)))) 32 11 12 18
118 XF(((a M Gb) & ((XFc & (d | Fe)) | (!d & XG!c & G!e))) | ((!a W F!b) & ((!d & XFc & G!e) | ((d | Fe) & XG!c)))) 116 79 125 125
143 F((a & X((!b | XG!c) U !c)) | (!a & X((b & XFc) R c))) 13 6 21 8
195 (!a | GFb) U (Gb | (a W Gc)) 24 14 7 7
215 G(Ga | Xb | F(c & Gd)) 30 16 18 22
274 G(a M ((b & (!c | X(!c R XX!d))) | (!b & c & X(c U XXd)))) 27 27 17 58
291 G(Fa | ((F!b | Xc) & (((a & !d) | (!a & d)) R c)) | (Gb & X!c & (((a & d) | (!a & !d)) U !c))) 71 7 15 93
319 F((a & ((((b & Gc) | (!b & F!c)) & (c | X(c R b))) | (!c & ((b & F!c) | (!b & Gc)) & X(!c U !b)))) | (!a & (((c | X(c R b)) & ((b & F!c) | (!b & Gc))) | (!c & ((b & Gc) | (!b & F!c)) & X(!c U !b))))) 8 6 50 7
330 G(a | Gb) R ((c & X(a W (d & Gc))) | (!c & X(!a M (!d | F!c)))) 55 50 61 73
342 XG((a U !b) & (b U X((c & GF!d) | (!c & FGd)))) 29 18 7 9
344 G(a | (F!b & (Xc | F!d)) | (X!c & G(b & d))) 15 10 14 24
399 GF(((a W b) & ((!c & G!a) | (c & Fa))) | ((!a M !b) & ((c & G!a) | (!c & Fa)))) 6 5 7 173
414 G((a | (b W c)) M G(Fc U Xd)) 97 13 5 3
420 (a & GF((!b & G(!c | (!a U X!c))) | (b & F(c & (a R Xc))))) | (!a & FG((!b & F(c & (a R Xc))) | (b & G(!c | (!a U X!c))))) 71 27 13 21
424 GF((!a W ((b & G!a) | (!b & Fa))) W c) 15 2 1 1
451 F(((!a | b) & (c | (Fd & F!a) | G(a & !d))) | (a & !b & !c & ((Fd & Ga) | (F!a & G!d)))) 19 11 30 16
530 F(Xa & Fb & Fc) W (a R d) 47 16 55 18
590 X((a W !b) R (a M c)) W (Gd R b) 22 18 16 28
596 GF(Xa & G(Gb | F!a)) 19 5 1 1
613 ((a & F!b) | (!a & Gb)) W ((a U Xc) M d) 26 26 48 26
638 (!a W Xb) U G((Xa & (!c M !d)) | (X!a & (c W d))) 20 20 47 36
692 F((Ga & X(b & c) & ((a & Fb) R d)) | ((F!a | X(!b | !c)) & ((!a | G!b) U !d))) 12 12 22 9
703 (a & ((b & F!c) | (!b & Gc))) W ((d & ((e M c) M Fb)) | (!d & ((!e W !c) W G!b))) 65 61 162 115
805 F((a W (((!b & !c) | (b & c)) U ((d & X!d) | (!d & Xd)))) R (b W c)) 15 15 26 11
808 G((a & F!a) | (b & (((!c & X!b) | (c & Xb)) M Xc)) | (!b & (((c & X!b) | (!c & Xb)) W X!c))) 45 15 45 54
884 G((a | Fb) U Xa) 16 5 5 3
902 Xa M ((!b & Fc) | (b & G!c) | (d R (b | Fe))) 46 36 70 37
953 (Ga & ((Gb M Xa) | (Gc R !b))) | (F!a & (F!b W X!a) & (F!c U b)) 24 23 35 23