Matrix and Covariance

The module contains matrix class, which is the backbone of pyemu. The matrix class overloads all common mathematical operators and also uses an "auto-align" functionality to line up matrix objects for multiplication, addition, etc.

In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
from pyemu import Matrix, Cov

Here is the most basic instantiation of the matrix class:

In [ ]:
m = Matrix()

Here we will generate a matrix object with a random ndarray

In [ ]:
a = np.random.random((5, 5))
row_names = []
[row_names.append("row_{0:02d}".format(i)) for i in range(5)]
col_names = []
[col_names.append("col_{0:02d}".format(i)) for i in range(5)]
m = Matrix(x=a, row_names=row_names, col_names=col_names)

File I/O with matrix

matrix supports several PEST-compatible I/O routines as well as some others:

In [ ]:
ascii_name = "mat_test.mat"
m2 = Matrix.from_ascii(ascii_name)

In [ ]:
bin_name = "mat_test.bin"
m3 = Matrix.from_binary(bin_name)

Matrix also implements a to_dataframe() and a to_sparse, which return pandas dataframe and a scipy.sparse (compressed sparse row) objects, respectively:

In [ ]:
m.to_dataframe() #looks really nice in the notebook!

Convience methods of Matrix

several cool things are implemented in Matrix and accessed through @property decorated methods. For example, the SVD components of a Matrix object are simply accessed by name. The SVD routine is called on demand and the components are cast to Matrix objects, all opaque to the user:

In [ ]:
print(m.s) #the singular values of m cast into a matrix object.  the SVD() is called on demand
m.s.to_ascii("test_sv.mat") #save the singular values to a PEST-compatible ASCII file

In [ ]:
m.v.to_ascii("test_v.mat") #the right singular vectors of m.
m.u.to_dataframe()# a data frame of the left singular vectors of m

The Matrix inverse operation is accessed the same way, but requires a square matrix:

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Manipulating Matrix shape

Matrix has lots of functionality to support getting submatrices by row and col names:

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extract() calls get() then drop():

In [ ]:
from copy import deepcopy
m_copy = deepcopy(m)
sub_m = m_copy.extract(row_names="row_00",col_names=["col_01","col_03"])

Operator overloading

The operator overloading uses the auto-align functionality as well as the isdiagonal flag for super easy linear algebra. The "inner join" of the two objects is found and the rows and cols are aligned appropriately:

In [ ]:
#a new matrix object that is not "aligned" with m
row_names = ["row_03","row_02","row_00"]
col_names = ["col_01","col_10","col_100"]
m_mix = Matrix(x=np.random.random((3,3)),row_names=row_names,col_names=col_names)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
prod = m * m_mix.T

In [ ]:
prod2 = m_mix.T * m

In [ ]:
(m_mix + m).to_dataframe()

The Cov derived type

The Cov type is designed specifically to handle covariance matrices. It makes some assumptions, such as the symmetry (and accordingly that row_names == col_names).

In [ ]:
c = Cov(m.newx,m.row_names)

The Cov class supports several additional I/O routines, including the PEST uncertainty file (.unc):

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In [ ]:
c1 = Cov.from_uncfile("test.unc")

We can also build cov objects implied by pest control file parameter bounds or observation weights:

In [ ]:
parcov = Cov.from_parbounds(os.path.join("henry","pest.pst"))
obscov = Cov.from_obsweights(os.path.join("henry","pest.pst"))

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#to_dataframe for diagonal types builds a full matrix dataframe - can be costly

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# notice the zero-weight obs have been assigned a really large uncertainty

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