In [1]:
## import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#allows us to show plots in notebook
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
filename = 'Data/SHEEF2010.txt' #created a variable that it would be easy to call

sheef = pd.read_csv(filename, sep = '\s+', header=1, index_col='Date')
#made dataframe into variable sheef, deleted unnecessary header, changed the index

OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-c90ee10f6ea5> in <module>()
      1 filename = 'Data/SHEEF2010.txt' #created a variable that it would be easy to call
----> 3 sheef = pd.read_csv(filename, sep = '\s+', header=1, index_col='Date')
      4 #made dataframe into variable sheef, deleted unnecessary header, changed the index
      5 sheef

/Users/Jessi/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/io/ in parser_f(filepath_or_buffer, sep, dialect, compression, doublequote, escapechar, quotechar, quoting, skipinitialspace, lineterminator, header, index_col, names, prefix, skiprows, skipfooter, skip_footer, na_values, true_values, false_values, delimiter, converters, dtype, usecols, engine, delim_whitespace, as_recarray, na_filter, compact_ints, use_unsigned, low_memory, buffer_lines, warn_bad_lines, error_bad_lines, keep_default_na, thousands, comment, decimal, parse_dates, keep_date_col, dayfirst, date_parser, memory_map, float_precision, nrows, iterator, chunksize, verbose, encoding, squeeze, mangle_dupe_cols, tupleize_cols, infer_datetime_format, skip_blank_lines)
    489                     skip_blank_lines=skip_blank_lines)
--> 491         return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    493     parser_f.__name__ = name

/Users/Jessi/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    267     # Create the parser.
--> 268     parser = TextFileReader(filepath_or_buffer, **kwds)
    270     if (nrows is not None) and (chunksize is not None):

/Users/Jessi/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, f, engine, **kwds)
    581             self.options['has_index_names'] = kwds['has_index_names']
--> 583         self._make_engine(self.engine)
    585     def _get_options_with_defaults(self, engine):

/Users/Jessi/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _make_engine(self, engine)
    722     def _make_engine(self, engine='c'):
    723         if engine == 'c':
--> 724             self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options)
    725         else:
    726             if engine == 'python':

/Users/Jessi/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, src, **kwds)
   1091         kwds['allow_leading_cols'] = self.index_col is not False
-> 1093         self._reader = _parser.TextReader(src, **kwds)
   1095         # XXX

pandas/parser.pyx in pandas.parser.TextReader.__cinit__ (pandas/parser.c:3229)()

pandas/parser.pyx in pandas.parser.TextReader._setup_parser_source (pandas/parser.c:6042)()

OSError: File b'Data/SHEEF2010.txt' does not exist

Used the panda option read_csv because it can read txt files.

Used the \s+ because it registers white space as the delimiter and sep = None caused an error showing there was white space.

There was an extra header that had information on the dataframe, but was confusing the system about titles of the columns so I deleted that.

I wanted the dataframe to be sorted by time, so I changed the index.

In [ ]:

In [118]:
sheef_drop = sheef.drop(sheef.columns[5:], axis=1)
#dropped columns with unwanted data

MW Longitude Latitude Source Depth
162701010000 3.4 -70.800 42.600 NCE 0.00
163806111900 6.5 -71.800 44.400 Ebe 0.00
163807010000 2.4 -70.900 42.500 NCE 0.00
163901250000 2.4 -70.950 42.500 NCE 0.00
164303151200 2.9 -70.800 42.800 NCE 0.00
164306111800 2.9 -70.800 42.800 NCE 0.00
165311080000 2.4 -70.900 42.600 NCE 0.00
165804140000 3.1 -70.900 42.500 NCE 0.00
166102101200 5.3 -73.000 45.500 GSC 0.00
166302051730 7.0 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00
166302052300 4.0 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00
166302061500 4.6 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00
166302071400 3.3 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00
166311160000 3.3 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00
166400000000 3.3 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00
166502240000 5.1 -70.000 47.800 GSC 0.00
166510152150 3.3 -71.220 46.820 GSC 0.00
166804030900 2.9 -71.100 42.350 NCE 0.00
166804131300 4.6 -70.500 47.100 GSC 0.00
166812190000 3.1 -71.500 42.500 Ebe 0.00
167202000000 3.3 -69.700 48.150 GSC 0.00
167312080000 2.6 -69.700 48.150 GSC 0.00
167712130000 2.9 -73.500 41.100 NCE 0.00
168502182100 3.1 -70.800 42.800 Ebe 0.00
169702201115 2.6 -70.800 42.000 Ebe 0.00
169801010000 2.9 -73.470 41.380 NCE 0.00
170001270500 9.0 -125.000 48.500 GSC 9.00
170102100000 2.4 -70.950 42.600 NCE 0.00
170103080000 2.4 -70.950 42.600 NCE 0.00
170201010000 2.9 -73.500 41.400 NCE 0.00
... ... ... ... ... ...
201012231238 3.7 -130.268 50.437 PGC 10.00
201012231247 3.7 -130.236 50.467 PGC 10.00
201012232047 3.4 -130.135 50.434 PGC 10.00
201012240307 2.1 -109.200 75.530 GSC 18.00
201012241416 2.2 -67.615 49.307 GSC 1.00
201012260434 3.4 -108.880 76.272 GSC 18.00
201012261944 2.8 -94.326 74.006 GSC 18.00
201012270439 2.8 -96.447 67.083 GSC 18.00
201012270448 2.2 -108.956 76.216 GSC 18.00
201012271500 2.7 -137.874 58.346 PGC 21.01
201012271608 2.6 -75.311 45.745 GSC 15.29
201012271653 3.0 -137.482 58.588 PGC 24.09
201012271708 2.4 -71.100 70.810 GSC 18.00
201012281123 2.9 -130.145 50.280 PGC 10.00
201012281157 3.2 -130.426 50.311 PGC 10.00
201012281217 2.4 -57.508 42.180 GSC 18.00
201012281238 3.4 -130.489 50.661 PGC 10.00
201012281634 2.8 -88.016 64.924 GSC 18.00
201012281857 3.4 -70.859 73.283 GSC 18.00
201012282224 3.2 -133.513 65.229 PGC 1.00
201012290055 3.6 -130.197 50.538 PGC 10.00
201012291415 2.7 -114.560 79.362 GSC 18.00
201012300038 2.0 -72.724 49.482 GSC 18.00
201012300149 4.0 -133.442 65.218 PGC 5.00
201012300622 3.0 -130.282 50.599 PGC 10.00
201012301255 3.8 -85.890 40.430 PDE 4.00
201012301823 3.0 -134.842 54.928 PGC 20.00
201012301921 5.0 -156.149 56.748 PDE 54.00
201012310601 2.9 -53.568 69.760 GSC 18.00
201012310949 3.8 -130.755 50.952 PGC 10.00

41690 rows × 5 columns

In [100]:
#plotted MW column

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11a72ab38>

In [126]:
sheef_mag = sheef[sheef.MW >= 3.0]
#called only data that matched the restriction MW >= 3.0, which means I only want to see earthquakes that were greater
#than a 3.0 on the Richter Scale

MW Longitude Latitude Source Depth DF OM OMT MW2
162701010000 3.4 -70.800 42.600 NCE 0.00 3.8 MbLg 3.37 NaN
163806111900 6.5 -71.800 44.400 Ebe 0.00 6.5 MbLg 6.46 NaN
165804140000 3.1 -70.900 42.500 NCE 0.00 3.5 MbLg 3.08 NaN
166102101200 5.3 -73.000 45.500 GSC 0.00 5.7 ML 5.29 NaN
166302051730 7.0 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00 7.0 Mw 7.00 NaN
166302052300 4.0 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00 4.4 ML 3.99 NaN
166302061500 4.6 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00 5.0 ML 4.59 NaN
166302071400 3.3 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00 3.7 ML 3.29 NaN
166311160000 3.3 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00 3.7 ML 3.29 NaN
166400000000 3.3 -70.100 47.600 GSC 0.00 3.7 ML 3.29 NaN
166502240000 5.1 -70.000 47.800 GSC 0.00 5.5 ML 5.09 NaN
166510152150 3.3 -71.220 46.820 GSC 0.00 3.7 ML 3.29 NaN
166804131300 4.6 -70.500 47.100 GSC 0.00 5.0 ML 4.59 NaN
166812190000 3.1 -71.500 42.500 Ebe 0.00 3.5 MbLg 3.08 NaN
167202000000 3.3 -69.700 48.150 GSC 0.00 3.7 ML 3.29 NaN
168502182100 3.1 -70.800 42.800 Ebe 0.00 3.5 MbLg 3.08 NaN
170001270500 9.0 -125.000 48.500 GSC 9.00 OT 9.00 NaN NaN
172711100340 4.7 -70.600 42.800 NCE 0.00 5.1 MbLg 4.70 NaN
172711142200 3.1 -70.600 42.800 NCE 0.00 3.5 MbLg 3.08 NaN
172801050300 3.0 -70.600 42.800 NCE 0.00 3.4 MbLg 2.99 NaN
172802102030 3.2 -70.600 42.800 NCE 0.00 3.6 MbLg 3.18 NaN
172902101400 3.1 -70.600 42.800 NCE 0.00 3.5 MbLg 3.08 NaN
173209161600 6.3 -73.600 45.500 GSC 0.00 6.3 Mw 6.30 NaN
173712190345 4.8 -74.000 40.800 NCE 0.00 5.2 MbLg 4.81 NaN
174405270000 3.3 -71.200 46.800 GSC 0.00 3.7 ML 3.29 NaN
174406141515 4.2 -70.900 42.500 NCE 0.00 4.6 MbLg 4.17 NaN
175212172330 3.2 -76.300 40.000 SRA 0.00 3.6 MbLg 3.18 NaN
175511180912 5.5 -70.300 42.700 NCE 0.00 5.8 MbLg 5.53 NaN
175511181029 3.9 -70.300 42.700 NCE 0.00 4.3 MbLg 3.86 NaN
175511230127 3.0 -70.300 42.700 NCE 0.00 3.4 MbLg 2.99 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
201012150850 3.0 -130.338 50.342 PGC 10.00 F 3.0 ML 3.00
201012161725 3.2 -128.416 48.804 PGC 10.00 F 3.2 Mw 3.20
201012171201 4.3 -151.441 63.328 PDE 16.00 4.3 Mw 4.30 NaN
201012181910 3.1 -129.892 63.713 PGC 10.00 F 3.1 ML 3.10
201012190733 3.5 -130.351 50.619 PGC 10.00 F 3.5 Mw 3.50
201012192104 3.7 -133.462 64.750 PGC 1.00 F 3.7 Mw 3.70
201012192252 3.0 -125.442 49.358 PGC 44.64 3.0 ML 3.00 NaN
201012192302 3.1 -130.258 50.362 PGC 10.00 F 3.1 Mw 3.10
201012200335 3.1 -127.825 49.261 PGC 10.00 F 3.1 Mw 3.10
201012201618 3.1 -130.390 50.538 PGC 10.00 F 3.1 Mw 3.10
201012210445 3.2 -130.296 50.564 PGC 10.00 F 3.2 Mw 3.20
201012211421 3.2 -130.173 50.456 PGC 10.00 F 3.2 Mw 3.20
201012221746 3.6 -130.342 50.643 PGC 10.00 F 3.6 Mw 3.60
201012230917 3.0 -135.278 65.043 PGC 1.00 F 3.0 ML 3.00
201012231238 3.7 -130.268 50.437 PGC 10.00 F 3.7 Mw 3.70
201012231247 3.7 -130.236 50.467 PGC 10.00 F 3.7 Mw 3.70
201012232047 3.4 -130.135 50.434 PGC 10.00 F 3.4 Mw 3.40
201012260434 3.4 -108.880 76.272 GSC 18.00 F 3.9 MN 3.37
201012271653 3.0 -137.482 58.588 PGC 24.09 3.0 ML 3.00 NaN
201012281157 3.2 -130.426 50.311 PGC 10.00 F 3.2 Mw 3.20
201012281238 3.4 -130.489 50.661 PGC 10.00 F 3.4 Mw 3.40
201012281857 3.4 -70.859 73.283 GSC 18.00 F 3.9 ML 3.37
201012282224 3.2 -133.513 65.229 PGC 1.00 F 3.2 ML 3.20
201012290055 3.6 -130.197 50.538 PGC 10.00 F 3.6 Mw 3.60
201012300149 4.0 -133.442 65.218 PGC 5.00 F 4.0 Mw 4.00
201012300622 3.0 -130.282 50.599 PGC 10.00 F 3.0 Mw 3.00
201012301255 3.8 -85.890 40.430 PDE 4.00 3.8 Mw 3.80 NaN
201012301823 3.0 -134.842 54.928 PGC 20.00 F 3.0 ML 3.00
201012301921 5.0 -156.149 56.748 PDE 54.00 5.0 Mw 5.00 NaN
201012310949 3.8 -130.755 50.952 PGC 10.00 F 3.8 Mw 3.80

20809 rows × 9 columns

For my three operations, I chose to drop some columns, create a plot, and sort a dataframe.

1) By dropping the last three columns I got rid of unnecessary data, and streamlined the information we see.

2) By creating a plot I showed an interesting relationship. I needed to have my index as date (which I did when I first loaded the data) so that I could have the x axis as the date. I wanted to see the magnitude of earthquakes over time, which is why I did this. You can see that the amount and magnitude of earthquakes increases over time. Which is actually really interesting, because there could be several reasons for this but primarily it means that something is changing in the region!

3) I wanted to create a new dataframe that showed earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 3. I chose this magnitude because past 3 on the Richter scale is when the earthquake can be 'felt' by people.

In [ ]:

In [ ]: