Using the time-tagged photon data from GALEX, available with gPhoton, lets make some light curves of "Tabby's Star"
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib
from gPhoton import gFind
from gPhoton import gAperture
from gPhoton import gMap
from gPhoton.gphoton_utils import read_lc
import datetime
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy import units as u
# from astropy.analytic_functions import blackbody_lambda #OLD!
from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_lambda
from gatspy.periodic import LombScargleFast
import extinction
In [2]:
ra = 301.5644
dec = 44.45684
In [3]:
exp_data = gFind(band='NUV', skypos=[ra, dec], exponly=True)
... and they seem to be spaced over about 2 months time.
Alas, not the multi-year coverage I'd hoped for to compare with the results from Montet & Simon (2016)
In [4]:
(exp_data['NUV']['t0'] - exp_data['NUV']['t0'][0]) / (60. * 60. * 24. * 365.)
Following examples in the repo...
In [5]:
# step_size = 20. # the time resolution in seconds
In [6]:
target = 'KIC8462852'
# phot_rad = 0.0045 # in deg
# ap_in = 0.0050 # in deg
# ap_out = 0.0060 # in deg
# print(
# for k in range(len(exp_data['NUV']['t0'])):
# photon_events = gAperture(band='NUV', skypos=[ra, dec], stepsz=step_size, radius=phot_rad,
# annulus=[ap_in, ap_out], verbose=3, csvfile=target+ '_' +str(k)+"_lc.csv",
# trange=[int(exp_data['NUV']['t0'][k]), int(exp_data['NUV']['t1'][k])+1],
# overwrite=True)
# print(, k)
In [ ]:
In [9]:
med_flux = np.array(np.zeros(4), dtype='float')
med_flux_err = np.array(np.zeros(4), dtype='float')
time_big = np.array([], dtype='float')
mag_big = np.array([], dtype='float')
flux_big = np.array([], dtype='float')
for k in range(4):
data = read_lc(target+ '_' +str(k)+"_lc.csv")
med_flux[k] = np.nanmedian(data['flux_bgsub'])
med_flux_err[k] = np.std(data['flux_bgsub'])
time_big = np.append(time_big, data['t_mean'])
flux_big = np.append(flux_big, data['flux_bgsub'])
mag_big = np.append(mag_big, data['mag'])
# t0k = Time(int(data['t_mean'][0]) + 315964800, format='unix').mjd
flg0 = np.where((data['flags'] == 0))[0]
# for Referee: convert GALEX time -> MJD
t_unix = Time(data['t_mean'] + 315964800, format='unix')
mjd_time = t_unix.mjd
t0k = (mjd_time[0])
plt.errorbar((mjd_time - t0k)*24.*60.*60., data['flux_bgsub']/(1e-15), yerr=data['flux_bgsub_err']/(1e-15),
marker='.', linestyle='none', c='k', alpha=0.75, lw=0.5, markersize=2)
plt.errorbar((mjd_time[flg0] - t0k)*24.*60.*60., data['flux_bgsub'][flg0]/(1e-15),
marker='.', linestyle='none')
# plt.xlabel('GALEX time (sec - '+str(t0k)+')')
plt.xlabel('MJD - '+ format(t0k, '9.3f') +' (seconds)')
plt.ylabel('NUV Flux \n'
r'(x10$^{-15}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ ${\rm\AA}^{-1}$)')
plt.savefig(target+ '_' +str(k)+"_lc.pdf", dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
flagcol = np.zeros_like(mjd_time)
flagcol[flg0] = 1
dfout = pd.DataFrame(data={'MJD':mjd_time,
dfout.to_csv(target+ '_' +str(k)+'data.csv', index=False, columns=('MJD', 'flux','fluxerr', 'flag'))
In [ ]:
Huh... that 3rd panel looks like a nice long visit. Let's take a slightly closer look!
In [41]:
# k=2
# data = read_lc(target+ '_' +str(k)+"_lc.csv")
# t0k = int(data['t_mean'][0])
# plt.figure(figsize=(14,5))
# plt.errorbar(data['t_mean'] - t0k, data['flux_bgsub'], yerr=data['flux_bgsub_err'], marker='.', linestyle='none')
# plt.xlabel('GALEX time (sec - '+str(t0k)+')')
# plt.ylabel('NUV Flux')
Any short timescale variability of note? Let's use a Lomb-Scargle to make a periodogram!
(limited to the 10sec windowing I imposed... NOTE: gPhoton could easily go shorter, but S/N looks dicey)
Answer: Some interesting structure around 70-80 sec, but nothing super strong
Update: David Wilson says that although there are significant pointing motions (which Scott Flemming says do occur), they don't align with the ~80sec signal here. Short timescale may be interesting! However, Keaton Bell says he saw no short timescale variations in optical last week...
Update 2: This ~80 sec structure seems to be present in the gPhoton data at all three of (9,10,11) second sampling, suggesting it is real.
In [42]:
# try cutting on flags=0
flg0 = np.where((data['flags'] == 0))[0]
plt.errorbar(data['t_mean'][flg0] - t0k, data['flux_bgsub'][flg0]/(1e-15), yerr=data['flux_bgsub_err'][flg0]/(1e-15),
marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.xlabel('GALEX time (sec - '+str(t0k)+')')
# plt.ylabel('NUV Flux')
plt.ylabel('NUV Flux \n'
r'(x10$^{-15}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ ${\rm\AA}^{-1}$)')
plt.title('Flags = 0')
In [ ]:
In [43]:
minper = 10 # my windowing
maxper = 200000
nper = 1000
pgram = LombScargleFast(fit_offset=False)
pgram = - min(time_big), flux_big - np.nanmedian(flux_big))
df = (1./minper - 1./maxper) / nper
f0 = 1./maxper
pwr = pgram.score_frequency_grid(f0, df, nper)
freq = f0 + df * np.arange(nper)
per = 1./freq
plt.plot(per, pwr, lw=0.75)
plt.xlabel('Period (seconds)')
plt.ylabel('L-S Power')
plt.savefig('periodogram.pdf', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
How about the long-term evolution?
Answer: looks flat!
In [64]:
t_unix = Time(exp_data['NUV']['t0'] + 315964800, format='unix')
mjd_time_med = t_unix.mjd
t0k = (mjd_time[0])
plt.errorbar(mjd_time_med - mjd_time_med[0], med_flux/1e-15, yerr=med_flux_err/1e-15,
linestyle='none', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('MJD - '+format(mjd_time[0], '9.3f')+' (days)')
# plt.ylabel('NUV Flux')
plt.ylabel('NUV Flux \n'
r'(x10$^{-15}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ ${\rm\AA}^{-1}$)')
# plt.title(target)
plt.savefig(target+'.pdf', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
In [45]:
# average time of the gPhoton data
t_unix = Time(np.mean(exp_data['NUV']['t0']) + 315964800, format='unix')
t_date = t_unix.yday
mjd_date = t_unix.mjd
The visits are centered in mid 2011 (Quarter 9 and 10, I believe)
Note: there was a special GALEX pointing at the Kepler field that overlapped with Quarter 14 - approximately 1 year later. This data is not available via gPhoton, but it may be able to be used! The gPhoton data shown here occurs right before the "knee" in Figure 3 of Montet & Simon (2016), and Quarter 14 is well after. Therefore a ~3% dip in the flux should be observed between this data and the Q14 visit
However: the per-vist errors shown here (std dev) are around 6-10% for this target. If we co-add it all, we may get enough precision. The Q14 data apparently has 15 total scans... so the measurment may be borderline possible!
I followed up on both the GALEX archival flux mearument, and the published scan-mode flux.
The GALEX source database from MAST (from which I believe gPhoton is derived) says m_NUV = 16.46 +/- 0.01
The "Deep GALEX NUV survey of the Kepler field" catalog by Olmedo (2015), aka GALEX CAUSE Kepler, says m_NUV = 16.499 +/- 0.006
Converting these magnitudes to a change in flux:
10^((16.46 - 16.499) / (-2.5)) = 1.03657
And if you trust all those catalog values as stated, here is a highly suggestive plot:
In [46]:
plt.errorbar([10, 14], [16.46, 16.499], yerr=[0.01, 0.006], linestyle='none', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('Quarter (approx)')
plt.ylabel(r'$m_{NUV}$ (mag)')
For time comparison, here is an example MJD from scan 15 of the GKM data.
(note: I grabbed a random time-like number from here. YMMV, but it's probably OK for comparing to the Kepler FFI results)
In [47]:
gck_time = Time(1029843320.995 + 315964800, format='unix')
In [48]:
# and to push the comparison to absurd places...
df = pd.read_table('reduced_lc.txt', delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=1,
names=('time','raw_flux', 'norm_flux', 'model_flux'))
# time = BJD-2454833
# *MJD = JD - 2400000.5
In [49]:
plt.plot(df['time'] + 2454833 - 2400000.5, df['model_flux'], c='grey', lw=0.2)
gtime = [mjd_date, gck_time.mjd]
gmag = np.array([16.46, 16.499])
gflux = np.array([1, 10**((gmag[1] - gmag[0]) / (-2.5))])
gerr = np.abs(np.array([0.01, 0.006]) * np.log(10) / (-2.5) * gflux)
plt.errorbar(gtime, gflux, yerr=gerr,
linestyle='none', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('MJD (days)')
plt.ylabel('Relative Flux')
# plt.savefig(target+'_compare.pdf', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
# add in WISE
plt.plot(df['time'] + 2454833 - 2400000.5, df['model_flux'], c='grey', lw=0.2)
plt.errorbar(gtime, gflux, yerr=gerr,
linestyle='none', marker='o')
# the WISE W1-band results from another notebook
wise_time = np.array([55330.86838, 55509.906929000004])
wise_flux = np.array([ 1.,0.98627949])
wise_err = np.array([ 0.02011393, 0.02000256])
plt.errorbar(wise_time, wise_flux, yerr=wise_err,
linestyle='none', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('MJD (days)')
plt.ylabel('Relative Flux')
# plt.savefig(target+'_compare2.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
In [80]:
ffi_file = '8462852.txt'
ffi = pd.read_table(ffi_file, delim_whitespace=True, names=('mjd', 'flux', 'err'))
# plt.plot(df['time'] + 2454833 - 2400000.5, df['model_flux'], c='grey', lw=0.2)
plt.errorbar(ffi['mjd'], ffi['flux'], yerr=ffi['err'], linestyle='none', marker='s', c='gray',
zorder=0, alpha=0.7)
gtime = [mjd_date, gck_time.mjd]
gmag = np.array([16.46, 16.499])
gflux = np.array([1, 10**((gmag[1] - gmag[0]) / (-2.5))])
gerr = np.abs(np.array([0.01, 0.006]) * np.log(10) / (-2.5) * gflux)
plt.errorbar(gtime, gflux, yerr=gerr,
linestyle='none', marker='o', zorder=1, markersize=10)
plt.xlabel('MJD (days)')
plt.ylabel('Relative Flux')
# plt.errorbar(mjd_time_med, med_flux/np.mean(med_flux), yerr=med_flux_err/np.mean(med_flux),
# linestyle='none', marker='o', markerfacecolor='none', linewidth=0.5)
# print(np.sqrt(np.sum((med_flux_err / np.mean(med_flux))**2) / len(med_flux)))
# plt.ylim(0.9,1.1)
plt.savefig(target+'_compare.pdf', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
print('gflux: ', gflux, gerr)
In [51]:
# considering extinction...
# w/ thanks to the Padova Isochrone page for easy shortcut to getting these extinction values:
A_NUV = 2.27499 # actually A_NUV / A_V, in magnitudes, for R_V = 3.1
A_Kep = 0.85946 # actually A_Kep / A_V, in magnitudes, for R_V = 3.1
A_W1 = 0.07134 # actually A_W1 / A_V, in magnitudes, for R_V = 3.1
wave_NUV = 2556.69 # A
wave_Kep = 6389.68 # A
wave_W1 = 33159.26 # A
## use the Long Cadence data.
frac_kep = (np.median(df['model_flux'][np.where((np.abs(df['time']+ 2454833 - 2400000.5 -gtime[0])) < 25)[0]]) -
np.median(df['model_flux'][np.where((np.abs(df['time']+ 2454833 - 2400000.5 -gtime[1])) < 25)[0]]))
## could use the FFI data, but it slightly changes the extinction coefficients and they a pain in the butt
## to adjust manually because I was an idiot how i wrote this
# frac_kep = (np.median(ffi['flux'][np.where((np.abs(ffi['mjd'] -gtime[0])) < 75)[0]]) -
# np.median(ffi['flux'][np.where((np.abs(ffi['mjd'] -gtime[1])) < 75)[0]]))
mag_kep = -2.5 * np.log10(1.-frac_kep)
mag_nuv = mag_kep / A_Kep * A_NUV
frac_nuv = 10**(mag_nuv / (-2.5))
frac_kep_w = (np.median(df['model_flux'][np.where((np.abs(df['time']+ 2454833 - 2400000.5 -wise_time[0])) < 25)[0]]) -
np.median(df['model_flux'][np.where((np.abs(df['time']+ 2454833 - 2400000.5 -wise_time[1])) < 25)[0]]))
mag_kep_w = -2.5 * np.log10(1.-frac_kep_w)
mag_w1 = mag_kep_w / A_Kep * A_W1
frac_w1 = 10**(mag_w1 / (-2.5))
In [52]:
plt.errorbar([wave_Kep, wave_NUV], [1-frac_kep, gflux[1]], yerr=[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2))],
label='Observed', marker='o')
plt.plot([wave_Kep, wave_NUV], [1-frac_kep, frac_nuv], '--o', label=r'$R_V$=3.1 Model')
plt.legend(fontsize=10, loc='lower right')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\rm\AA$)')
plt.ylabel('Relative Flux Decrease')
# plt.savefig(target+'_extinction_model_1.pdf', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
Same plot as above, but with WISE W1 band, and considering a different time window unfortunately
In [53]:
plt.errorbar([wave_Kep, wave_W1], [1-frac_kep_w, wise_flux[1]], yerr=[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(wise_err**2))],
label='Observed', marker='o', c='purple')
plt.plot([wave_Kep, wave_W1], [1-frac_kep_w, frac_w1], '--o', label='Extinction Model', c='green')
plt.legend(fontsize=10, loc='lower right')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\rm\AA$)')
plt.ylabel('Relative Flux')
# plt.savefig(target+'_extinction_model_2.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
Combining the fading and dust model for both the NUV and W1 data.
In the IR we can't say much... so maybe toss it out since it doesn't constrain dust model one way or another
In [54]:
plt.errorbar([wave_Kep, wave_NUV], [1-frac_kep, gflux[1]], yerr=[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2))],
label='Observed1', marker='o')
plt.plot([wave_Kep, wave_NUV], [1-frac_kep, frac_nuv], '--o', label='Extinction Model1')
plt.errorbar([wave_Kep, wave_W1], [1-frac_kep_w, wise_flux[1]], yerr=[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(wise_err**2))],
label='Observed2', marker='o', c='purple')
plt.plot([wave_Kep, wave_W1], [1-frac_kep_w, frac_w1], '--o', label='Extinction Model2')
plt.legend(fontsize=10, loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\rm\AA$)')
plt.ylabel('Relative Flux')
# plt.savefig(target+'_extinction_model_2.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
In [55]:
# the "STANDARD MODEL" for extinction
A_V = 0.0265407
R_V = 3.1
ext_out = extinction.ccm89(np.array([wave_Kep, wave_NUV]), A_V, R_V)
# (ext_out[1] - ext_out[0]) / ext_out[1]
print(10**(ext_out[0]/(-2.5)), (1-frac_kep)) # these need to match (within < 1%)
print(10**(ext_out[1]/(-2.5)), gflux[1]) # and then these won't, as per our previous plot
# print(10**((ext_out[1] - ext_out[0])/(-2.5)) / 10**(ext_out[0]/(-2.5)))
In [56]:
# now find an R_V (and A_V) that gives matching extinctions in both bands
# start by doing a grid over plasible A_V values at each R_V I care about... we doing this brute force!
di = 0.2
dj = 0.0003
ext_out_grid = np.zeros((2,ni,nj))
for i in range(ni):
R_V = 1.1 + i*di
for j in range(nj):
A_V = 0.02 + j*dj
ext_out_ij = extinction.ccm89(np.array([wave_Kep, wave_NUV]), A_V, R_V)
ext_out_grid[:,i,j] = 10**(ext_out_ij/(-2.5))
R_V_grid = 1.1 + np.arange(ni)*di
A_V_grid = 0.02 + np.arange(nj)*dj
In [57]:
# now plot where the Kepler extinction (A_Kep) matches the measured value, for each R_V
plt.contourf( A_V_grid, R_V_grid, ext_out_grid[0,:,:], origin='lower' )
cb = plt.colorbar()
cb.set_label('A_Kep (flux)')
A_V_match = np.zeros(ni)
ext_NUV = np.zeros(ni)
for i in range(ni):
xx = np.interp(1-frac_kep, ext_out_grid[0,i,:][::-1], A_V_grid[::-1])
plt.scatter(xx, R_V_grid[i], c='r', s=10)
A_V_match[i] = xx
ext_NUV[i] = 10**(extinction.ccm89(np.array([wave_NUV]),xx, R_V_grid[i]) / (-2.5))
plt.xlabel('A_V (mag)')
In [58]:
# Finally: at what R_V do we both match A_Kep (as above), and *now* A_NUV?
RV_final = np.interp(gflux[1], ext_NUV, R_V_grid)
# this is the hacky way to sorta do an error propogation....
RV_err = np.mean(np.interp([gflux[1] + np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2)),
gflux[1] - np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2))],
ext_NUV, R_V_grid)) - RV_final
AV_final = np.interp(gflux[1], ext_NUV, A_V_grid)
plt.plot(R_V_grid, ext_NUV)
plt.errorbar(RV_final, gflux[1], yerr=np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2)), xerr=RV_err, marker='o')
plt.ylabel('A_NUV (flux)')
gives us R_V = 5.02097489191 +/- 0.938304455977 satisfies both the Kepler and NUV fading we see.
Such a high value of R_V~5 is not unheard of, particulary in protostars, however Boyajian's Star does not show any other indications of being such a source.
If we re-run using extinction.fitzpatrick99
instead of extinction
we get R_v = 5.80047674637 +/- 1.57810616272
In [59]:
plt.errorbar([wave_Kep, wave_NUV], [1-frac_kep, gflux[1]], yerr=[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2))],
label='Observed', marker='o', linestyle='none', zorder=0, markersize=10)
plt.plot([wave_Kep, wave_NUV], [1-frac_kep, gflux[1]], label=r'$R_V$=5.0 Model', c='r', lw=3, alpha=0.7,zorder=1)
plt.plot([wave_Kep, wave_NUV], [1-frac_kep, frac_nuv], '--', label=r'$R_V$=3.1 Model',zorder=2)
plt.legend(fontsize=10, loc='lower right')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\rm\AA$)')
plt.ylabel('Relative Flux Decrease')
plt.savefig(target+'_extinction_model_2.pdf', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
In [85]:
# For referee: compute how many sigma away the Rv=3.1 model is from the Rv=5
print( (gflux[1] - frac_nuv) / np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2)), np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2)) )
print( (gflux[1] - frac_nuv) / 3., 3. * np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2)) )
In [60]:
# how much Hydrogen would you need to cause this fading?
# based on data from Rachford et al. (2002)
A_Ic = extinction.ccm89(np.array([8000.]), AV_final, RV_final)
N_H = A_Ic / ((2.96 - 3.55 * ((3.1 / RV_final)-1)) * 1e-22)
print(N_H[0] , 'cm^-2')
# see also for R_V=3.1 only
print(2.21e21 * AV_final, 'cm^-2')
In [61]:
We have 2 bands, thats enough to constrain how the temperature should have changed with a blackbody...
So the procedure is:
NOTE: a better model would be changing T_eff of Phoenix model grid to match, since star isn't a blackbody through the NUV-Optical (b/c opacities!)
In [62]:
# do simple thing first: a grid of temperatures starting at T_eff of the star (SpT = F3, T_eff = 6750)
temp0 = 6750 * u.K
wavelengths = [wave_Kep, wave_NUV] * u.AA
wavegrid = np.arange(wave_NUV, wave_Kep) * u.AA
flux_lam0 = blackbody_lambda(wavelengths, temp0)
flux_lamgrid = blackbody_lambda(wavegrid, temp0)
plt.plot(wavegrid, flux_lamgrid/1e6)
plt.scatter(wavelengths, flux_lam0/1e6)
In [63]:
Ntemps = 50
dT = 5 * u.K
flux_lam_out = np.zeros((2,Ntemps))
for k in range(Ntemps):
flux_new = blackbody_lambda(wavelengths, (temp0 - dT*k) )
flux_lam_out[:,k] = flux_new
# [1-frac_kep, gflux[1]]
yy = flux_lam_out[0,:] / flux_lam_out[0,0]
xx = temp0 - np.arange(Ntemps)*dT
temp_new = np.interp(1-frac_kep, yy[::-1], xx[::-1] )
# this is the hacky way to sorta do an error propogation....
err_kep = np.mean(ffi['err'][np.where((np.abs(ffi['mjd'] -gtime[0])) < 50)[0]])
temp_err = (np.interp([1-frac_kep - err_kep,
1-frac_kep + err_kep],
yy[::-1], xx[::-1]))
temp_err = (temp_err[1] - temp_err[0])/2.
print(temp_new, temp_err)
yy2 = flux_lam_out[1,:] / flux_lam_out[1,0]
NUV_new = np.interp(temp_new, xx[::-1], yy2[::-1])
print(gflux[1], np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2)))
plt.plot(temp0 - np.arange(Ntemps)*dT, flux_lam_out[0,:]/flux_lam_out[0,0], label='Blackbody model (Kep)')
plt.plot(temp0 - np.arange(Ntemps)*dT, flux_lam_out[1,:]/flux_lam_out[1,0],ls='--', label='Blackbody model (NUV)')
plt.errorbar(temp_new, gflux[1], yerr=np.sqrt(np.sum(gerr**2)), marker='o', label='Observed NUV' )
plt.scatter([temp_new], [1-frac_kep], s=60, marker='s')
plt.scatter([temp_new], [NUV_new], s=60, marker='s')
plt.legend(fontsize=10, loc='upper left')
plt.ylabel('Fractional flux')
# plt.title('Tuned to Kepler Dimming')
plt.savefig(target+'_blackbody.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25)
In [ ]: