
Kālī is a software package written to model and study determinstic and stochastic astronomical light curves, i.e. ordered lists of flux as a function of time. Kālī provides two models for astronomical light curves:

  1. Continuous-time Autoregressive Moving Average (C-ARMA) processes (stochastic).
  2. Massive Black Hole Binaries (MBHBs) with relativistic doppler beaming (deterministic).
  3. Massive Black hole Binaries (MBHBs) with relativistic doppler beaming (stochastic, CARMA process).


CARMA processes are defined as solutions to the differential equation $$\mathrm{d}^{p}x + \alpha_{1} \mathrm{d}^{p-1}x + \ldots + \alpha_{p-1} \mathrm{d}x + \alpha_{p}x = \beta_{0} (\mathrm{d}W) + \ldots + \beta_{q} \mathrm{d}^{q}(\mathrm{d}W).$$ Realize that this differential equation is just a vanilla linear differential equation that happens to be driven by a noise process. For example, for a CARMA(2,1) process, the defining differential equation is $$\mathrm{d}^{2}x + \alpha_{1} \mathrm{d}x + \alpha_{2}x = \beta_{0} (\mathrm{d}W) + \beta_{1} \mathrm{d}^{1}(\mathrm{d}W),$$ which we can cast into slightly friendlier form by re-defining the coefficients on the LHS as $$\mathrm{d}^{2}x + 2 \zeta \omega \mathrm{d}x + \omega^{2} x = \beta_{0} (\mathrm{d}W) + \beta_{1} \mathrm{d}^{1}(\mathrm{d}W).$$ Astute readers will notice that the LHS is just a damped harmonic oscillator making the whole equation that of a forced damped harmonic oscillator! The forcing term is a 'blue'-noise process.

Kālī consists of multiple Python sub-modules that call underlying c++ libraries using Cython. All the sub-modules are structured around two concepts: lc objects that represent light curves and task objects that take lc objects as inputs and perform useful work such as fitting light curves to various models, both stochastic and non-stochastic. The lc aobjects are abstract objects that must be inherited from to make concrete instantiable sub-classes such as the mockLC, externalLC, sdssLC, k2LC and the crtsLC objects. The abstract lc and the concrete mockLC & externalLC classes are defined in the lc.py file. The concrete sdssLC, k2LC, and crtsLC objects are all defined in thier respective s82.py, k2.py, and crts.py files.

The two concrete classes mockLC and externalLC are designed for slightly different purposes. mockLCs are to be used for simulated data generated by various task objects while externalLCs are to be used when performing one-off analysis of a real light curve. Typically, if multiple real light curves are to be studied with Kālī, it is better to define custom lc classes such as the sdssLC defined in s82.py and the k2LC defined in the k2.py files. A quick look at these files shows how the two classes deal in very different ways with getting SDSS and K2 light curves. The SDSS lightcurves are hosted on multiple author-run servers and the class uses zeromq to talk to these servers and fetch the required light curves from them. The K2 data are fetched from the NASA MAST servers where they are hosted on-demand. The idea is to let data-set specific sub-classes of lc specialize for the data-set being used and make the remaining package agnostic to the source of the data. Later on in this document, we will provide guidelines for creating inherited sub-classes of lc.

We shall begin by introducing the reader to the CARMATask object.

CARMATasks and mockLCs

The CARMATask object allows us to perform C-ARMA analysis on light curves. In order to use a CARMATask, it is necessary to import the carma module. After this, we can create a new basic task object called firstNewTask to study the C-ARMA(2,1) model as follows:

In [1]:
import kali.carma
firstNewTask = kali.carma.CARMATask(2,1)

All task objects contain one or more models i.e. each task object is capable of being used to study multiple models simultaneously. The only restriction is that the models held by each task object have to have the order i.e. in the case of CARMATasks that are designed for C-ARMA models, all the C-ARMA models held by a single CARMATask have to have the the same p & q order. Of course, this does not prevent us from having multiple task objects declared at once. By default, the task object initializer will query your system to determine how many hardware threads (including Intel Hyperthreading) your CPU supports and will hold that number of models. However, this behavior can be changed by explicitly instructing the task constructor to create a specific number of models in the task as follows:

In [2]:
anotherNewTask = kali.carma.CARMATask(3, 1, nthreads = 2)

anotherNewTask is a CARMATask that holds two C-ARMA(3,1) models for use. In the case of CARMATasks, we can specify how models will burn in light curves when generating simulated light curves by initializing the yetAnotherNewTask object as follows:

In [3]:
yetAnotherNewTask = kali.carma.CARMATask(4, 2, nthreads = 1, nburn = 100000)

Here yetAnotherNewTask is a CARMATask that holds a single C-ARMA(4,2) model. Any simulated light curves generated by yetAnotherNewTask will automatically be burnt in for 100,000 steps. Other parameters that can be passed to the CARMATask constructor include nwalkers, nsteps etc... Please refer to the code documentation for the exact list of parameters accepted by the constructor. For the rest of this section, we will make a new CARMATask object newTask and set the number of steps taken by the MCMC walkers to 500 to properly sample our posterior space.

In [4]:
newTask = kali.carma.CARMATask(2, 1, nsteps = 500)

At this point, our CARMATask objects are hollow objects that lack numerical meaning. We must specify C-ARMA model parameters to be able to do useful things with our tasks. Two model parameters are required - a double precision value for the time-step dt to be used for simulations and a numpy ndarray of doubles Theta for the C-ARMA model coefficients. Mathematically, an individual C-ARMA model can be specified using either the co-efficients representation or the roots representation. The roots representation is much more convenient to use when providing model parametrs because it is trivial to pick valid values. However, Kālī requires that the C-ARMA model be specified purely in terms of the C-ARMA model coefficients and provides helper functions to convert the roots representation to the coeffiecients represenation. Let us set the first C-ARMA model in the newTask object to have an autocorrelation function that decays with two timescales - 107.8 d and 43.2 d. We shall set the MA timescale to be 5.5 d and set the amplitude of the light curve (i.e. the square root of the asymptotic autocorrelation function) to be 1.0

In [5]:
r_1 = (1.0/107.8) + 0j
r_2 = (-1.0/33.2) + 0j
m_1 = (-1.0/5.5) + 0j
amp = 1.0

Note that we have purposely made the first root positive i.e. the C-ARMA model corresponding to this set of roots will be unstable. We can use the helper function kali.carma.coeffs(p, q, Rho) to compute the polynomial coefficients representation corresponding to this roots representation as follows:

In [6]:
import numpy as np
Rho = np.array([r_1, r_2, m_1, amp])
Theta = kali.carma.coeffs(2, 1, Rho)
print Theta

[  2.08440441e-02  -2.79410779e-04   1.81818182e-01   1.00000000e+00]

We can check the returned Theta for validity using the check(Theta) method of the CARMATask object newTask as follows:

In [7]:
print newTask.check(Theta)


After fixing the bad root, we can rerun the check as follows

In [8]:
r_1 = (-1.0/107.8) + 0j
Rho = np.require(np.array([r_1, r_2, m_1, amp]), requirements=['F', 'A', 'W', 'O', 'E'])
Theta = kali.carma.coeffs(2, 1, Rho)
print Theta
print newTask.check(Theta)

[ 0.03939692  0.00027941  0.0046724   0.0256982 ]

Note that we wrapped the definition of Rho in a np.require call that ensures that the underlying data in Rho is contiguous in memory and can thus be accesses by simple pointer arithmetic in the underlying c++ library. Although it is not necesary to wrap such small arrays in the np.require call, it is good practice and can help avoid mysterious memeory related errors as well as silent garbage output caused by an incorrect interpretation of a pointer as data.

After having established that we have a good C-ARMA model coefficients vector, let us set the first C-ARMA model in newTask to use this vector. We also pick the time increment dt between points in the light curve to be dt = 0.1 d. We can set the first C-ARMA model held by newTask to the specified dt and Theta as follows:

In [9]:
dt = 0.1
newTask.set(dt, Theta, tnum = 0)


The return value of 0 indicates that the method call completed without error. We can check to see which of the C-ARMA models held by newTask has been set as follows:

In [10]:

array([ True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False], dtype=bool)

As can be seen above, only the first model has been set with values so far. We can see the resulting values of the C-ARMA model matrices as follows:

In [11]:

As can be seen by the way we issued the two previous commands, we do not have to specify tnum = 0 because the default for tnum is 0 i.e. the first C-ARMA model held by the task. tnum was not required for the call to set(dt, Theta) either. Having set the model, we can also obtain the asymptotic standard deviation of light curves made with this model, i.e. the variability of the light curve, as follows:

In [12]:
import math


It turns out that the variability amplitude is 1.0 flux units which should come as no surprise given that we picked amp in the roots representation Rho to be 1.0 to begin with. We can plot the power spectral density of the C-ARMA as follows:

In [13]:
newTask.plotpsd(doShow = False)


The black line above is the final PSD. It is the sum of the red (log PSD numerator) and blue (-log PSD denominator) lines. They in turn are generated by evaluating the respective numerator and denominator polynomial functions of frequency at each frequency. Consider the numerator polynomial (blue) first. At low frequencies, i.e. on long timescales, it is completely dominated by the freq^0 term. At a frequency of about 1/day, the freq^2 term begins to dominate. The same way, in the case of the denominator, the chosen coefficients lead to the freq^0 term dominating on long timescales. On shorter timescales, the freq^2 term would have begun to dominate, except that the freq^4 term becomes important just a little later. So the PSD is dominated by the freq^2 denominator term over a very small range of timescales and we should expect to find that model parameter recovery will be hard (i.e. we won't do a good job unless our light curve is very long). The overall PSD does show a flattening of the slope at high frequencies, but this is driven purtely by the numerator freq^2 term. At this point, we are ready to simulate a light curve using this C-ARMA model. The simulate(T) method of CARMATask requires the duration of the desired light curve and returns a mockLC object. We can create a new light curve of length 1000 d as follows:

In [14]:
newLC = newTask.simulate(duration=1000.0)

This creates a new lightcurve object of class mockLC that has been regularly sampled with sampling interval dt and of duration 1000 d. Alternatively, we could have obtained a mockLC with irregular sampling by passing in a numpy array or python list tIn of timestamps. Obviously, we cannot pas in both duration and tIn at the same time. Having made a mock light curve, we can view the simulated light curve newLC using the plot() method that all lc objects support as follows:

In [15]:

/home/vish/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:519: UserWarning: No labelled objects found. Use label='...' kwarg on individual plots.
  warnings.warn("No labelled objects found. "

This light curve has no noise. We can simulate noise by fixing two parameters - the fractional level of variability (fracIntrinsicVar = 0.15 by default) and the fractional level of the noise to the signal (fracNoiseToSignal = 0.001 by default). Once we have fixed these two parameters, we can simulate noise as follows:

In [16]:

Once again, we can plot the resulting light curve using the plot() method of all lc objects as follows:

In [17]:


Lets change the noise-to-signal ratio and re-observe the light curve.

In [19]:
newLC.fracNoiseToSignal = 1.0


Before proceeding further, let's drop the noise to signal back down to a realistic level (~ 0.1% photometry).

In [21]:
newLC.fracNoiseToSignal = 0.001


Lets look at the periodogram of this mock light curve.

In [22]:

/home/vish/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/scale.py:93: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  mask = a <= 0.0

How well does thsi match up with the psd of the task object that we used to create the light curve in the first place?

In [23]:


As can be seen above, pretty well! The two match at low frequencies (note that we re-normalize the periodogram of the light curve in the process of generating this plot). At high frequencies, the two diverge some because of the observation noise, with the observed light curve periodogram flattening at the observation noise level.

Consider the effect of the noise. A high order C-ARMA(p,q) model with large p but small q tends to be fairly smooth. Gaussian white noise can potentially make the light curve look less smooth than it actually is! We can compute the log likelihood of this light curve under the same C-ARMA model that it was computed using as follows:

In [24]:
print newTask.logLikelihood(newLC)


In a Bayesian context, we can assign a prior to the C-ARMA parameter values based on factors such as the length of the light curve and the median/mean seperation between observations etc... For example, C-ARMA model parameters with inbuilt timescales that are of significantly longer duration than the length of the observed light curve must be treated with suspicion. Note that we have to be very careful here with how we think about this. It is entirely possible to observe a light curve for too short a duration - that is a failing of the observations. In such cases, it is impossible for us to get an accurate estimate of the true timescale from such observations. But if the algorithm suggests that the actual timescale is many times longer than the duration of our observations, we must treat the result with suspicion. We can compute the log pior probability of a model given a light curve as follows:

In [25]:
print newTask.logPrior(newLC)


Since this light curve is a litte over twice as long as the longest in-built timescale (about 65 days), and since the predicted variance of the light curve matches well with the variance of the light curve, etc..., the log prior is 0.0 indicating that the model is acceptable. Given the likelihood and the prior, we can compute the posterior probability using simple addition:

In [26]:
print newTask.logPosterior(newLC)


How do we control the prior? The lightcurve object has three variables that are CRITICAL! - the maxSigma, the minTimescale, and the maxTimescale. The default values are conservative - maxSigma = 2.0, minTimescale = 2.0 and maxTimescale = 0.5. How are these values used? If the sqrt(Sigma[0,0]) i.e. the theoretical asymptotic variance of the light curve is greater than maxSigma time the standard devaition of the observed light curve, we set the prior to 0 i.e the logPrior to -infinity. If any timescale corresponding to the AR coefficients is greater than maxTimescale times the duration of the observed light curve or if it is shorter than minTimescale time the smallest timestep, we set the prior to 0. This way, we can insist on the code returning sane results. If the light curve is very short, it may be helpful to turn maxSigma and maxTimescale up a bit. If the light curve is very poorly sampled, it may help to turn minTimescale down. However, loosening the priors too much can result in spurious peaks of the likelihood space being returned as optimal. Generally speaking, it is better to err on the tighter side until we have more experience with C-ARMA modelling. That being said, it is time to try fitting this light curve with a model. Fitting the lightcurve to a CARMA model can be done via the fit method of any of our basicTask objects. We shall use the newTask object that we had created earlier.

In [27]:


This computes a set of MCMC chains for the model parameter that are stored in the Chain attribute of the newTask object. The Chain attribute is just a numpy ndarray structured to be of the fornat Chain[dimNum, walkerNum, stepNum] and can be accessed accordingly. The log posterior for each walker and step is stored in another numpy ndarray attribute LnPosterior which is structered as LnPosterior[walkerNum, stepNum]. We can check how accurately we've recovered our original model by comparing the median of the Chain for a given dimension against the original value.

In [28]:
print 'Median of Chain: %+e; Original Theta: %+e'%(np.median(newTask.Chain[0,:,250:]), Theta[0])

Median of Chain: +5.233777e-02; Original Theta: +3.939692e-02

Of course, it far more intuitive to compare the input timescales directly. These are computed at first access in the basicTask attribute timescaleChain which is laid out exactly the same as the Chain attribute i.e. timescaleChain[dimNum, walkerNum, stepNum].

In [29]:
print 'Median of timescaleChain[1]: %+e; Original -1.0/Rho[0]: %+e'%(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[1,:,250:]), -1.0/Rho[0])
print 'Median of timescaleChain[0]: %+e; Original -1.0/Rho[1]: %+e'%(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[0,:,250:]), -1.0/Rho[1])
print 'Median of timescaleChain[2]: %+e; Original -1.0/Rho[2]: %+e'%(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[2,:,250:]), -1.0/Rho[2])
print 'Median of timescaleChain[3]: %+e; Original Rho[3]: %+e'%(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[3,:,250:]), Rho[3])

Median of timescaleChain[1]: +1.379722e+02; Original -1.0/Rho[0]: +1.078000e+02
Median of timescaleChain[0]: +2.322138e+01; Original -1.0/Rho[1]: +3.320000e+01
Median of timescaleChain[2]: +5.187771e+00; Original -1.0/Rho[2]: +5.500000e+00
Median of timescaleChain[3]: +7.984311e-01; Original Rho[3]: +1.000000e+00
/home/vish/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:1: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
  if __name__ == '__main__':
/home/vish/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:2: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app
/home/vish/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:3: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
/home/vish/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:4: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part

Notice how we have to compare timescaleChain[1,:,:] against -1.0/Rho[0] and timescaleChain[0,:,:] against -1.0/Rho[1]. This is because the contents of timescaleChain are always ordered in ascending order within the C-AR and C-MA timescale groups. We could have ordered the original timescales the same way but chose to order them differently to illustrate how the output timescaleChain timescales get ordered. Incidentally, if our model had complex roots, the timescaleChain array would contain an entry each for the timescales corresponsding to the real and compplex parts of the roots i.e. there would be minimal duplication. The basicTask object is also able to compute the attribute rootChain which holds the actual complex valued roots of the C-AR and C-MA polynomials and is laid out just like the Chain and timescaleChain attributes. We can visualize the walkers as shown below. Notice how the walkers converge after ~ the first 100 steps or so. Such plots can be very useful diagnostics of how well burnt in the MCMC chains are.

In [31]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in xrange(200):
    plt.plot(newTask.timescaleChain[0,i,:], c = '#000000', alpha = 0.25)
plt.plot(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[0,:,],axis = 0), c = '#00ffff')
for i in xrange(200):
    plt.plot(newTask.timescaleChain[1,i,:], c = '#000000', alpha = 0.25)
plt.plot(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[1,:,],axis = 0), c = '#00ffff')
for i in xrange(200):
    plt.plot(newTask.timescaleChain[2,i,:], c = '#000000', alpha = 0.25)
plt.plot(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[2,:,],axis = 0), c = '#00ffff')
for i in xrange(200):
    plt.plot(newTask.timescaleChain[3,i,:], c = '#000000', alpha = 0.25)
plt.plot(np.median(newTask.timescaleChain[3,:,],axis = 0), c = '#00ffff')

We can also easily grab the best fit C-ARMA(2,1) model parameters (and compare to the original input values) as follows

In [35]:
print newTask.bestTheta
print Theta

print newTask.bestRho
print Rho

print newTask.bestTau
print np.array([-1.0/Rho[1], -1.0/Rho[0], -1.0/Rho[2], Rho[3]])

[ 0.04641509  0.00036357  0.00466881  0.02586641]
[ 0.03939692  0.00027941  0.0046724   0.0256982 ]
[-0.03643720+0.j -0.00997789+0.j -0.18049702+0.j  0.80812698+0.j]
[-0.00927644+0.j -0.03012048+0.j -0.18181818+0.j  1.00000000+0.j]
[  27.44447632  100.22161169    5.54025767    0.80812698]
[  33.2-0.j  107.8-0.j    5.5-0.j    1.0+0.j]

Let's set our task object to the best fit model parameters

In [37]:
newTask.set(dt, newTask.bestTheta)


We can plot the psd of the best-fit model (i.e. the analytic form) and the periodogram computed from the mock light curve as follows:

In [38]:
newTask.plotpsd(LC=newLC, doShow=False)


We can also plot the structure function of the best-fit model (i.e. the analytic form) and the structure function computed from the mock light curve as follows:

In [39]:
newTask.plotsf(LC = newLC, doShow = False)


Finally, we can smooth this light curve using the smooth function in newTask.

In [40]:


We will illustrate the whole process for the sdssLC light curves below...

# sdssLCs, k2LCs, and crtsLCs

Kālī ships with three survey specific lc sub-classes for users to play with. Recall the point of custom light curve classes: different surveys make light curve data available in different ways and sometimes the data may need further pre-processing before it is suitable for scientific usage. Having custom lc sub-classes abstracts the process of getting a light curve for the user. For example, SDSS Stripe 82 light curves are available from a SQL database. The problem is that getting this data requires one to learn the SDSS SkyServer schema and perhaps learn a little SQL. Writing a query to grab the photometry of a single object across multiple SDSS runs is not hard but is non-trivial. More importantly, Ivezić et al. 2007 (Astronomical Journal, 134, 973) provide an enhanced calibration of the Stripe 82 data. The sdssLC class is designed to make SDSS Stripe 82 quasar light curves re-calibrated using the Ivezić method easy to get ands use. Note that while only quasar light curvers are available at the moment, in principle there is no reason why light curves for any other class of objects (or even all objects in Stripe 82) can't be made avaialble via this class. Interested parties should contact either Vishal (vishal.kasliwal@gmail.com), or Jack (jobrien585@gmail.com).

How do these classes work? All light curve classes inherit from the base abstract lc class. The class constructor for lc does two things - uses the derived-class's read method to perform custom functionality, and then does some standard boilerplate work to finish constructing the lc object. When the constructor calls the read method of the derived class, it expects this read method to set self.numCadences (int), self.t (numpy array with dtype=float64 wrapped in np.require(self.t, requirements=['F', 'A', 'W', 'O', 'E']), self.x (also a numpy array dtype=float64 wrapped in the np.require above), self.y (also a numpy array dtype=float64 wrapped in the np.require above), self.yerr (also a numpy array dtype=float64 wrapped in the np.require above), & self.mask (also a numpy array dtype=float64 wrapped in the np.require above), self.name (string), self.band (string), self.path (string that must point at a path reachable on the user's system), self.xunit (string with appropriate usage of latex), and self.yunit (string with appropriate usage of latex). Once these attributes have been set, the derived-class read method returns control to the abstract base lc class' constructor which finishes constructing the ligfht curve object by performing some boiler-plate operations. Users who wish to write their own survey-specific lc classes should look at the existing k2,py, s82.py, & crts.py files for sample implentations. The survey.py template can be used to start writing a survey specific class. Users implementing a custom lc class are encoraged to make their work public by adding to the existing package (contact either Vishal Kasliwal or Jack O'Brien for details) and will be acknowledged as contributors. Survey specific classes can re-define functions inherited from the base lc class such as the plot functions (look at s82.py for examples).

How does one use the existing lc classes. Here are some examples. More examples can be found in the examples and tests folders. To see the K2 light curve of OJ 287 (observed over K2 Campaign 5), set the environment variable K2DATADIR to point somewhere convenient and then do

In [42]:
import kali.k2
OJ287 = kali.k2.k2LC(name = '211991001', band = 'Kep', campaign = 'c05', processing = 'vj', z = 0.3056)

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/k2.py:64: UserWarning: Could not fetch http://archive.stsci.edu/missions/hlsp/k2varcat/c05/211900000/91000/hlsp_k2varcat_k2_lightcurve_211991001-c05_kepler_v2_llc.fits
  warnings.warn('Could not fetch %s'%(fullURL), UserWarning)

The SDSS Stripe 82 sdssLC class on the other hand uses ZeroMQ to query one of 2 servers that has the Stripe 82 quasars stored in a database. This approach is chosen instead accessing the data directly from CASJOBS because we calibrate the data further using S82 standard stars as described in Ivezić et al. 2007 (Astronomical Journal, 134, 973)' (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?arXiv:astro-ph/0703157). First, lets pull up a random SDSS light curve. After setting the environment variable S82DATADIR to point somewhere convenient, we can pull a random light curve from the remote server as follows

In [45]:
import kali.s82
Jrandom = kali.s82.sdssLC(name = 'rand', band = 'r' )

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-45-88620a67fb8a> in <module>()
      1 import kali.s82
----> 2 Jrandom = kali.s82.sdssLC(name = 'rand', band = 'r' )
      3 Jrandom.plot()

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/lc.pyc in __init__(self, name, band, path, **kwargs)
    191                                         determined by the subclass.
    192         """
--> 193         self.read(name=name, band=band, path=path, **kwargs)
    194         self._simulatedCadenceNum = -1      # How many cadences have already been simulated.
    195         self._observedCadenceNum = -1   # How many cadences have already been observed.

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/s82.pyc in read(self, name, band, path, **kwargs)
    396         self.OutlierDetectionYERRVal = kwargs.get('outlierDetectionYERRVal', 5.0)
    397         if name.lower() in ['random', 'rand', 'r', 'rnd', 'any', 'none', '']:
--> 398             self._name, self.z, data = self._getRandLC()
    399         else:
    400             self._name, self.z, data = self._getLC(name)

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/s82.pyc in _getRandLC(self)
     67     def _getRandLC(self):
---> 68         return cc.getRandLC()
     70     def _getLC(self, ID):

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/clientBase.pyc in initialFunc(*args)
    211     def initialFunc(*args):
--> 212         initalFunc = _createFunction(server_func, docstr)
    213         return initalFunc(*args)
    214     return initialFunc

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/clientBase.pyc in _createFunction(server_func, docstr)
    190 def _createFunction(server_func, docstr=None):
    191     # Create a function object that acts on a server side func with name 'server_func'
--> 192     if isValid(server_func):
    193         nargs = commandArgCount(server_func) - 1
    194     else:

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/clientBase.pyc in isValid(server_func)
    178     cmd = createCommand('isValid', server_func)
--> 179     result = getCommandResult(cmd)
    180     return result

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/clientBase.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    133     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    134         try:
--> 135             socket = getSocket()
    136             return func(socket, *args, **kwargs)
    137         except zmq.ZMQError as e:

/home/vish/code/kali/python/kali/clientBase.pyc in getSocket()
    125     socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
    126     socket.LINGER = False
--> 127     socket.connect(servers.best)
    128     return socket

zmq/backend/cython/socket.pyx in zmq.backend.cython.socket.Socket.connect (zmq/backend/cython/socket.c:5582)()

TypeError: expected str, got: None

Notice that the name attribute of this object is simply the SDSS ID without the J.

In [31]:


Now lets pull up a specific SDSS light curve. Lets pull up the r-band SDSS Stripe 82 light curve of of the quasar J230617.29+005814.1. The name of this object is just 033806.19-001004.3. We can get the light curve of thios object by doing the following

In [32]:
J03380619_0010043 = kali.s82.sdssLC(name = '033806.19-001004.3', band = 'r' )

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x2b69c106e8d0>

Now lets fit this light curve with a second order CARMA model. First lets create a fresh task object

In [33]:
import kali.carma
sdssAnalysisTask = kali.carma.CARMATask(2, 1)
result = sdssAnalysisTask.fit(J03380619_0010043)

Now that we have fit the light curve to a second order CARMA model, we can print out the best fit model parameters & look at a triangle plot of the CARMA parameters (in timescales) as follows

In [34]:
print sdssAnalysisTask.bestTheta
print sdssAnalysisTask.bestTau
tauTriangle = sdssAnalysisTask.plottriangle()

[  1.00197537e+00   2.65014706e-03   3.06978588e-07   3.32682647e-06]
[  1.00067703e+00   3.77082255e+02   1.08373242e+01   4.82361781e-06]

Looking at the best fit tau and the triangle plot, we see that the maximum likelihood estimate of tau suggests that this light curve has a built in 377.0 C-AR day timescale while the median timescale is closer to 239.6 day. We can smooth the light curve using the best-fit CARMA model as follows

In [38]:
res = sdssAnalysisTask.set(J03380619_0010043.dt, sdssAnalysisTask.bestTheta)
res = sdssAnalysisTask.smooth(J03380619_0010043)

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x2b69c0f44b10>

How does our fit look as far as the structure function goes?

In [39]:
