1.) Import the modules we will need

In [1]:
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

2.) Preview the raw data

In [2]:
df = pd.read_excel('./input/complete_data.xls')

account number date discount ext price name quantity sku unit price total price month address city state abbrev status
0 383080 2014-02-01 09:04:59 0 235.83 Will LLC 7 B1-20000 33.69 235.83 2 ? ? ? NaN bronze
1 412290 2014-02-01 11:51:46 0 232.32 Jerde-Hilpert 11 S1-27722 21.12 232.32 2 302 Broadway Celebration Florda FL bronze
2 412290 2014-02-01 17:24:32 0 107.97 Jerde-Hilpert 3 B1-86481 35.99 107.97 2 302 Broadway Celebration Florda FL bronze
3 412290 2014-02-01 19:56:48 0 1814.70 Jerde-Hilpert 23 B1-20000 78.90 1814.70 2 302 Broadway Celebration Florda FL bronze
4 672390 2014-02-02 03:45:20 0 2679.36 Kuhn-Gusikowski 48 S1-06532 55.82 2679.36 2 185 South Park Huston Texes TX silver

3.) Now for the charts

There are several charting library in Python, and we will look at some of the most popular today. We will start with building some absolute basics, like bar and line charts, then move on to something a little more fun. All the charts charts below are feed our DataFrame object we created earlier.

3.1) MatPlotLib

The first is MatPlotLib, the grand-daddy of them all. Its powerful, flexable, and totally ubiquitous. Unfortunatly, with great power comes great complexity. Here is an example of how to draw a simple line chart using the matplotlib api only. Today MatPlotLib is usually used as a base libray that is further abstracted by higher level tools.


In [13]:
import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook

years = mdates.YearLocator()   # every year
months = mdates.MonthLocator()  # every month
yearsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y')

# load up some sample data to plot
datafile = cbook.get_sample_data('goog.npy')
r = np.load(datafile, encoding='bytes').view(np.recarray)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(r.date, r.adj_close)

# format the ticks

datemin = datetime.date(r.date.min().year, 1, 1)
datemax = datetime.date(r.date.max().year + 1, 1, 1)
ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax)

# format the coords message box
def price(x):
    return '$%1.2f' % x

ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
ax.format_ydata = price

# rotates and right aligns the x labels, and moves the bottom of the
# axes up to make room for them


3.2) Pandas

Pandas uses matplotlib internally as its low level graphing api, but presents us with an api that abstracts away the complexity. This leaves us with a simple api to produce charts and graphs, while still having the raw power to customize should we be so bold.


Line Chart

In [5]:
sales_by_month = df[['date', 'quantity']].set_index('date')
sales_by_month.resample('M', how=sum).plot(title="Total Sales by Month")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10ec52cd0>

Bar Chart

In [4]:
summary = df[['ext price', 'name']].groupby('name').sum()
summary.plot(kind='bar', title="Total Sales by Account")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e858e90>


In [6]:
purchase_patterns = df[['ext price','date']]
purchase_plot = purchase_patterns['ext price'].hist(bins=40)
purchase_plot.set_title("Purchase Patterns")
purchase_plot.set_xlabel("Order Amount($)")
purchase_plot.set_ylabel("Number of orders")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10ece1890>

Stacked Bar Chart

In [7]:
sales_by_sku=df[['name', 'sku', 'ext price']].groupby(['name', 'sku']).sum()

ext price
name sku
Barton LLC B1-04202 2433.20
B1-05914 324.72
B1-20000 12871.94
B1-33087 7423.72
B1-33364 4517.03

In [8]:

ext price
sku B1-04202 B1-05914 B1-20000 B1-33087 B1-33364 B1-38851 B1-50809 B1-53102 B1-53636 B1-65551 ... S2-00301 S2-10342 S2-11481 S2-16558 S2-23246 S2-34077 S2-77896 S2-78676 S2-82423 S2-83881
Barton LLC 2433.20 324.72 12871.94 7423.72 4517.03 8247.14 5244.24 499.33 3737.59 4703.54 ... NaN 16881.79 728.50 804.89 NaN 5726.16 6156.02 2616.60 3735.43 2679.90
Cronin, Oberbrunner and Spencer 5054.84 4188.04 3652.18 4188.22 867.79 5533.87 1731.18 1897.72 7474.24 NaN ... 1917.89 637.30 3584.41 3652.59 5725.80 5433.63 5344.63 2264.50 5527.16 2044.70
Frami, Hills and Schmidt 2696.74 1107.12 9820.16 8221.23 348.12 3119.49 5863.80 1625.49 1824.80 NaN ... 6850.51 7131.21 NaN 2749.18 4211.83 2884.08 1597.53 2887.47 4564.25 9006.80
Fritsch, Russel and Anderson 878.88 3828.28 7101.51 4488.53 3538.42 1594.40 4180.75 10056.40 10317.79 4459.28 ... 5061.30 603.90 3815.74 3121.96 4280.47 6388.34 5279.78 4809.97 12463.94 1995.60
Halvorson, Crona and Champlin 1156.16 2513.48 NaN 3876.77 2487.01 6499.80 232.37 6184.49 1667.40 4274.48 ... 1092.57 155.60 9186.50 182.26 NaN 1097.28 1492.93 4901.82 NaN 7577.06

5 rows × 30 columns

In [9]:
my_plot = sales_by_sku.unstack().plot(kind='bar',stacked=True, title="Total Sales by Customer and SKU", legend=None)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10fb57a90>

3.3) Bokeh

Bokeh is a Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation. Its goal is to provide elegant, concise construction of novel graphics in the style of D3.js, and to extend this capability with high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets.


In [10]:
from bokeh.charts import Bar, Histogram, show, output_notebook

Loading BokehJS ...

Interactive Bar Chart

In [11]:
b = Bar(summary, label='name', values='ext price', title="Total Sales by Account")


<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[11]>

Interactive Histogram

In [12]:
hist = Histogram(df, values='ext price', bins=40, legend=True)


<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[12]>