An example of how a Kalman Filter can predict and adjust to a sequence (even with a given period or window).
@author Josep Ll. Berral (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
In [142]:
kalman.filter <- function (series, period = 1, qpar=0.00001, rpar = 0.1)
if (period > 1)
Faux <- diag(1,nrow=(period-1));
Faux <- cbind(0,Faux);
Faux <- rbind(0,Faux);
Faux[period,1] <- 1;
F <- Faux;
} else {
F <- diag(1,nrow=1);
Q <- diag(qpar,nrow=period);
R <- diag(rpar,nrow=period);
P <- diag(1,nrow=period);
S <- diag(1,nrow=period);
H <- diag(1,nrow=period);
I <- diag(1,nrow=period);
V <- as.matrix(rep(1,period))
v <- as.matrix(rep(0,period));
s2 <- as.matrix(rep(0,period));
x <- as.matrix(series[1:period]);
alfa.v <- 0.1;
# alfa.q <- 0.1;
h <- function(value)
value[is.nan(value) | value < 0] <- 0;
retval <- matrix(0,4);
for (i in 1:(length(series)/period))
# Make Prediction
x.p <- F %*% x;
P.p <- ((F %*% P) %*% t(F)) + Q;
# Introducing Real Value of Y
y <- as.matrix(series[((i-1)*period+1):(i*period)]);
y.p <- H %*% x.p;
e.p <- y - y.p;
#y.p[1,1] <- y[1,1];
retval <- cbind(retval,t(cbind(cbind(cbind(y,y.p),s2),e.p)));
v <- (alfa.v * v) + ((1 - alfa.v) * h(e.p^2 - (((t(H) %*% P) %*% H) %*% V)));
s2 <- (((t(H) %*% P) %*% H) %*% V) + v;
# Update Values
S <- (((H %*% P.p) %*% t(H)) + R);
K <- (P.p %*% t(H)) / S; K[is.nan(K)] <- 0;
x <- x.p + (K %*% e.p);
P <- (I - K %*% H) %*% P.p;
# Q <- (alfa.q * Q) + ((1 - alfa.q) * h((e.p^2 - (((((t(H) %*% F) %*% P) %*% t(F)) %*% H) + R)^2)/(H %*% t(H))));
In [143]:
ctflag <- function (retval, threshold = 20, sigmas = 3)
flags <- rep(0,ncol(retval));
for (i in 1:ncol(retval))
observed <- retval[1,i];
predicted <- retval[2,i];
deviation <- sigmas * sqrt(retval[3,i]);
error <- retval[4,i];
if ((observed > predicted + deviation) || (observed < predicted - deviation))
flags[i] <- 2;
if (error < threshold) flags[i] <- 1;
} else {
if (error > threshold) flags[i] <- 1;
In [144]:
generate_series <- function(size = 10)
transition.matrix <- array(c(0.99,0.01,
series <- NULL;
last.state <- 1;
for (i in 1:size)
jump.prob <- transition.matrix[last.state + 1,];
new.state <- sample(c(0,1), 1, prob = jump.prob);
series <- c(series, new.state);
last.state <- new.state;
series <- generate_series(1000);
In [159]:
window <- 50;
plot.real <- series[1:(window - 1)];
plot.pred <- rep(0,(window - 1));
plot.flags <- rep(0,(window - 1));
for (i in window:length(series))
aux <- kalman.filter(series[(i - window + 1):i], period = 5);
rval <- aux[1,ncol(aux)];
pval <- aux[2,ncol(aux)];
flags <- ctflag(aux, threshold = 0.2, sigmas = 1);
plot.real <- c(plot.real, rval);
plot.pred <- c(plot.pred, pval);
plot.flags <- c(plot.flags, flags[length(flags)]);
code.flag <- rep("Normal",length(plot.flags));
code.flag[plot.flags == 1] <- "Warning";
code.flag[plot.flags == 2] <- "Error";
Also we plot the results
In [304]:
In [312]:
p1 <- ggplot(data = data.frame(plot.real, plot.pred, index=1:length(plot.real)), aes(index)) +
geom_line(aes(y = plot.real), color = "#000000") +
geom_line(aes(y = plot.pred), color = "#0000FF") +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, title = "Series and Predictions") +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white'),legend.position = "none")
p2 <- ggplot(data = data.frame(plot.flags, 1:length(plot.flags))) +
geom_tile(aes(y = 1, x = seq(1:length(plot.flags)), fill = code.flag, height = 0.05)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#FF0000","#00FF00","#FFFF00")) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, title = NULL) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white'),legend.position = "none")
options(repr.plot.width=8, repr.plot.height=3);
options(repr.plot.width=8, repr.plot.height=0.5);