Expansion Construction

chaospy relies on the package numpoly in the backend to represent all its polynomials. It is used for the creation of polynomial expansion. like chaospy.orth_ttr, and as the return object from the constructors like fit_regression and fit_quadrature.

For a more extensive overview over the polynomial class, see the numpoly documentation: https://numpoly.readthedocs.io

A simple polynomial can be created through variable constructor. For example to construct a simple bivariate polynomial:

In [1]:
import chaospy

q0, q1 = chaospy.variable(2)


A collection of polynomial can be manipulated using basic arithmetic operators and joined together into polynomial expansions:

In [2]:
polynomials = chaospy.polynomial([
    1, q0, 1-q0*q1, q0**2*q1, q0-q1**2])

polynomial([1, q0, -q0*q1+1, q0**2*q1, -q1**2+q0])

Note that constants and simple polynomials can be joined together into arrays without any problems.

In practice, having the ability to fine tune a polynomial exactly as one wants it can be useful, but it can also be cumbersome when dealing with larger arrays for application. To automate the construction of simple polynomials, there is the monomial constructor. In its simplest forms it creates an array of simple monomials:

In [3]:

polynomial([1, q0, q0**2, q0**3, q0**4])

It can be expanded to include number of dimensions and a lower bound for the polynomial order:

In [4]:
chaospy.monomial(start=1, stop=3, names=2)

polynomial([q0, q0**2, q1, q0*q1, q1**2])

And as likely familiar elsewhere, there are constructors for the orthogonal polynomials as well:

In [5]:
distribution = chaospy.Normal(0, 1)
chaospy.orth_ttr(3, distribution)

polynomial([1.0, q0, q0**2-1.0, q0**3-3.0*q0])

Join Expansions

Often one have access to multiple univariate expansions and one wants to join them into a single one. And preferably in a way where the user has a high level of control.

As an example, we start with two univeraite expansions that one wants to join:

In [6]:
expansions = [chaospy.monomial(4), chaospy.orth_ttr(3, distribution)]

[polynomial([1, q0, q0**2, q0**3]),
 polynomial([1.0, q0, q0**2-1.0, q0**3-3.0*q0])]

First step is to ensure that each dimension have their own asigned dimension. This can be done as follows:

In [7]:
variables = chaospy.variable(len(expansions))
expansions = [
    for expans, var in zip(expansions, variables)

[polynomial([1, q0, q0**2, q0**3]),
 polynomial([1.0, q1, q1**2-1.0, q1**3-3.0*q1])]

To join the expansions, we use the function chaospy.glexindex that creates indices following a polynomial truncation scheme. The function allowes for the creation of indices that allows for the join of the various expansions:

See Truncation Scheme for more details on the form of the truncation rules.

In [8]:
indices = chaospy.glexindex(start=0, stop=4, dimensions=2)

array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]])

Joining the expansions can then be created by extracting polynomials from the expansions and joining them by multiplying them together:

In [9]:
expansion = chaospy.prod(
     for expansion, idx in zip(expansions, indices.T)],

polynomial([1.0, q0, q0**2, q0**3, q1, q0*q1, q0**2*q1, q1**2-1.0,
            q0*q1**2-q0, q1**3-3.0*q1])