Masimo Analysis

For Pulse Ox. Analysis, make sure the data file is the right .csv format:

a) Headings on Row 1
b) Open the csv file through Notepad or TextEdit and delete extra 
row commas (non-printable characters)
c) There are always Dates in Column A and Time in Column B. 
d) There might be a row that says "Time Gap Present". Delete this row from Notepad 
or TextEdit

In [40]:
#the usual beginning
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pandas import concat

#define any string with 'C' as NaN
def readD(val):
    if 'C' in val:
        return np.nan
    return val

Import File into Python

Change File Name!

In [41]:
df = pd.read_csv('/Users/John/Dropbox/LLU/ROP/Pulse Ox/ROP006PO.csv',
            parse_dates={'timestamp': ['Date','Time']},
            usecols=['Date', 'Time', 'SpO2', 'PR', 'PI', 'Exceptions'],
            converters={'Exceptions':  readD}

#parse_dates tells the read_csv function to combine the date and time column 
#into one timestamp column and parse it as a timestamp.
#    pandas is smart enough to know how to parse a date in various formats

#index_col sets the timestamp column to be the index.

#usecols tells the read_csv function to select only the subset of the columns.
#na_values is used to turn 0 into NaN

#converters: readD is the dict that means any string with 'C' with be NaN (for PI)

In [42]:
#dfclean = df[27:33][df[27:33].loc[:, ['SpO2', 'PR', 'PI', 'Exceptions']].apply(pd.notnull).all(1)]
#clean the dataframe to get rid of rows that have NaN for PI purposes
df_clean = df[df.loc[:, ['PI', 'Exceptions']].apply(pd.notnull).all(1)]

In [43]:
"""Pulse ox date/time is 1 mins and 32 seconds faster than phone. Have to correct for it."""

TC = timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=32)

Set Date and Time of ROP Exam and Eye Drops

In [44]:
df_first = df.first_valid_index() #get the first number from index

Y = pd.to_datetime(df_first) #convert index to datetime
# Y = TIME DATA COLLECTION BEGAN / First data point on CSV

# datetime(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[,tzinfo]]]]])

W = datetime(2015, 6, 17, 7, 10)+TC
# W = first eye drop dtarts
X = datetime(2015, 6, 17, 8, 36)+TC
# X = ROP Exam Started

Z = datetime(2015, 6, 17, 8, 39)+TC
# Z = ROP Exam Ended

df_last = df.last_valid_index() #get the last number from index

Q = pd.to_datetime(df_last) 


Baseline Averages

In [45]:
avg0PI = df_clean.PI[Y:W].mean()
avg0O2 = df.SpO2[Y:W].mean()
avg0PR = df.PR[Y:W].mean()

print 'Baseline Averages\n', 'PI :\t',avg0PI, '\nSpO2 :\t',avg0O2,'\nPR :\t',avg0PR,
#df.std() for standard deviation

Baseline Averages
PI :	1.17932435662 
SpO2 :	90.479724866 
PR :	165.433083426

Average q 5 Min for 1 hour after 1st Eye Drops

In [46]:
# Every 5 min Average from start of eye drops to start of exam

def perdeltadrop(start, end, delta):
    rdrop = []
    curr = start
    while curr < end:
        curr += delta
    return rdrop
dfdropPI = df_clean.PI[W:W+timedelta(hours=1)]
dfdropO2 = df.SpO2[W:W+timedelta(hours=1)]
dfdropPR = df.PR[W:W+timedelta(hours=1)]
windrop = timedelta(minutes=5)#make the range
rdrop = perdeltadrop(W, W+timedelta(hours=1), windrop)

avgdropPI = Series(index = rdrop, name = 'PI DurEyeD')
avgdropO2 = Series(index = rdrop, name = 'SpO2 DurEyeD')
avgdropPR = Series(index = rdrop, name = 'PR DurEyeD')

for i in rdrop:
    avgdropPI[i] = dfdropPI[i:(i+windrop)].mean()
    avgdropO2[i] = dfdropO2[i:(i+windrop)].mean()
    avgdropPR[i] = dfdropPR[i:(i+windrop)].mean()
resultdrops = concat([avgdropPI, avgdropO2, avgdropPR], axis=1, join='inner')
print resultdrops

                     PI DurEyeD  SpO2 DurEyeD  PR DurEyeD
2015-06-17 07:08:28    0.992715     73.874172  166.139073
2015-06-17 07:13:28    1.196689     86.721854  176.251656
2015-06-17 07:18:28    2.448624     78.463636  156.247706
2015-06-17 07:23:28    1.404808     86.825243  172.893204
2015-06-17 07:28:28    1.689167     86.891667  174.406780
2015-06-17 07:33:28    1.254967     89.039735  171.139073
2015-06-17 07:38:28    2.321192     90.906040  176.205298
2015-06-17 07:43:28    0.854305     93.860927  163.629139
2015-06-17 07:48:28    1.396503     74.419580  174.608392
2015-06-17 07:53:28    0.850000     92.072464  168.496350
2015-06-17 07:58:28    0.793377     91.205298  161.569536
2015-06-17 08:03:28    0.747682     94.119205  157.754967

Average Every 10 Sec During ROP Exam for first 4 minutes

In [47]:
def perdelta1(start, end, delta):
    r1 = []
    curr = start
    while curr < end:
        curr += delta
    return r1

df1PI = df_clean.PI[X:X+timedelta(minutes=4)]
df1O2 = df.SpO2[X:X+timedelta(minutes=4)]
df1PR = df.PR[X:X+timedelta(minutes=4)]
win1 = timedelta(seconds=10) #any unit of time & make the range

r1 = perdelta1(X, X+timedelta(minutes=4), win1)

#make the series to store
avg1PI = Series(index = r1, name = 'PI DurEx')
avg1O2 = Series(index = r1, name = 'SpO2 DurEx')
avg1PR = Series(index = r1, name = 'PR DurEX')
for i1 in r1:
    avg1PI[i1] = df1PI[i1:(i1+win1)].mean()
    avg1O2[i1] = df1O2[i1:(i1+win1)].mean()
    avg1PR[i1] = df1PR[i1:(i1+win1)].mean()

result1 = concat([avg1PI, avg1O2, avg1PR], axis=1, join='inner')
print result1

                     PI DurEx  SpO2 DurEx    PR DurEX
2015-06-17 08:34:28  0.950000   91.333333  162.166667
2015-06-17 08:34:38  0.800000   93.000000  165.333333
2015-06-17 08:34:48  1.033333   90.500000  152.666667
2015-06-17 08:34:58  1.116667   87.833333  156.000000
2015-06-17 08:35:08  1.100000   87.833333  158.166667
2015-06-17 08:35:18  1.850000   88.000000  148.666667
2015-06-17 08:35:28  4.566667   88.000000  154.666667
2015-06-17 08:35:38  3.700000   88.000000  162.000000
2015-06-17 08:35:48       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:35:58       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:36:08  8.260000   65.200000   54.333333
2015-06-17 08:36:18  1.420000   69.800000  153.400000
2015-06-17 08:36:28       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:36:38       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:36:48  1.600000   71.500000  147.666667
2015-06-17 08:36:58  1.683333   73.166667  169.500000
2015-06-17 08:37:08  1.800000   90.333333  173.000000
2015-06-17 08:37:18  1.800000   99.000000  170.000000
2015-06-17 08:37:28       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:37:38       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:37:48       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:37:58       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:38:08       NaN         NaN         NaN
2015-06-17 08:38:18       NaN         NaN         NaN

Average Every 5 Mins Hour 1-2 After ROP Exam

In [48]:

def perdelta2(start, end, delta):
    r2 = []
    curr = start
    while curr < end:
        curr += delta
    return r2

# datetime(year, month, day, hour, etc.)

df2PI = df_clean.PI[Z:(Z+timedelta(hours=1))]
df2O2 = df.SpO2[Z:(Z+timedelta(hours=1))]
df2PR = df.PR[Z:(Z+timedelta(hours=1))]
win2 = timedelta(minutes=5) #any unit of time, make the range

r2 = perdelta2(Z, (Z+timedelta(hours=1)), win2) #define the average using function

#make the series to store
avg2PI = Series(index = r2, name = 'PI q5MinHr1')
avg2O2 = Series(index = r2, name = 'O2 q5MinHr1')
avg2PR = Series(index = r2, name = 'PR q5MinHr1')

for i2 in r2:
    avg2PI[i2] = df2PI[i2:(i2+win2)].mean()
    avg2O2[i2] = df2O2[i2:(i2+win2)].mean()
    avg2PR[i2] = df2PR[i2:(i2+win2)].mean()

result2 = concat([avg2PI, avg2O2, avg2PR], axis=1, join='inner')
print result2

                     PI q5MinHr1  O2 q5MinHr1  PR q5MinHr1
2015-06-17 08:37:28     2.273418    92.584416   168.440000
2015-06-17 08:42:28     1.955556    93.256637   167.405172
2015-06-17 08:47:28     2.200000    96.831579   146.557895
2015-06-17 08:52:28     3.793333    90.237037   152.526316
2015-06-17 08:57:28     1.367021    92.937500   157.247312
2015-06-17 09:02:28     1.320202    93.448980   156.163265
2015-06-17 09:07:28     2.185714    92.050420   163.886957
2015-06-17 09:12:28     4.846512    76.214286   117.119048
2015-06-17 09:17:28     1.022222    90.166667   158.169811
2015-06-17 09:22:28     1.195833    85.125000   164.916667
2015-06-17 09:27:28     1.060000    91.214286   153.214286
2015-06-17 09:32:28     1.689041    88.082192   166.219178

Average Every 15 Mins Hour 2-3 After ROP Exam

In [49]:

def perdelta3(start, end, delta):
    r3 = []
    curr = start
    while curr < end:
        curr += delta
    return r3

# datetime(year, month, day, hour, etc.)

df3PI = df_clean.PI[(Z+timedelta(hours=1)):(Z+timedelta(hours=2))]
df3O2 = df.SpO2[(Z+timedelta(hours=1)):(Z+timedelta(hours=2))]
df3PR = df.PR[(Z+timedelta(hours=1)):(Z+timedelta(hours=2))]
win3 = timedelta(minutes=15) #any unit of time, make the range

r3 = perdelta3((Z+timedelta(hours=1)), (Z+timedelta(hours=2)), win3)

#make the series to store
avg3PI = Series(index = r3, name = 'PI q15MinHr2')
avg3O2 = Series(index = r3, name = 'O2 q15MinHr2')
avg3PR = Series(index = r3, name = 'PR q15MinHr2')

for i3 in r3:
    avg3PI[i3] = df3PI[i3:(i3+win3)].mean()
    avg3O2[i3] = df3O2[i3:(i3+win3)].mean()
    avg3PR[i3] = df3PR[i3:(i3+win3)].mean()
result3 = concat([avg3PI, avg3O2, avg3PR], axis=1, join='inner')
print result3

                     PI q15MinHr2  O2 q15MinHr2  PR q15MinHr2
2015-06-17 09:37:28      1.202882     91.270510    162.656319
2015-06-17 09:52:28      1.462971     90.048780    162.853659
2015-06-17 10:07:28      1.727938     89.931264    168.840355
2015-06-17 10:22:28      1.395122     84.230599    170.616408

Average Every 30 Mins Hour 3-4 After ROP Exam

In [50]:

def perdelta4(start, end, delta):
    r4 = []
    curr = start
    while curr < end:
        curr += delta
    return r4

# datetime(year, month, day, hour, etc.)

df4PI = df_clean.PI[(Z+timedelta(hours=2)):(Z+timedelta(hours=3))]
df4O2 = df.SpO2[(Z+timedelta(hours=2)):(Z+timedelta(hours=3))]
df4PR = df.PR[(Z+timedelta(hours=2)):(Z+timedelta(hours=3))]
win4 = timedelta(minutes=30) #any unit of time, make the range

r4 = perdelta4((Z+timedelta(hours=2)), (Z+timedelta(hours=3)), win4)

#make the series to store
avg4PI = Series(index = r4, name = 'PI q30MinHr3')
avg4O2 = Series(index = r4, name = 'O2 q30MinHr3')
avg4PR = Series(index = r4, name = 'PR q30MinHr3')

for i4 in r4:
    avg4PI[i4] = df4PI[i4:(i4+win4)].mean()
    avg4O2[i4] = df4O2[i4:(i4+win4)].mean()
    avg4PR[i4] = df4PR[i4:(i4+win4)].mean()
result4 = concat([avg4PI, avg4O2, avg4PR], axis=1, join='inner')
print result4

                     PI q30MinHr3  O2 q30MinHr3  PR q30MinHr3
2015-06-17 10:37:28      1.022420     88.962264    159.853496
2015-06-17 11:07:28      2.266482     87.320148    171.618202

Average Every Hour 4-24 Hours Post ROP Exam

In [51]:

def perdelta5(start, end, delta):
    r5 = []
    curr = start
    while curr < end:
        curr += delta
    return r5

# datetime(year, month, day, hour, etc.)

df5PI = df_clean.PI[(Z+timedelta(hours=3)):(Z+timedelta(hours=24))]
df5O2 = df.SpO2[(Z+timedelta(hours=3)):(Z+timedelta(hours=24))]
df5PR = df.PR[(Z+timedelta(hours=3)):(Z+timedelta(hours=24))]
win5 = timedelta(minutes=60) #any unit of time, make the range

r5 = perdelta5((Z+timedelta(hours=3)), (Z+timedelta(hours=24)), win5)

#make the series to store
avg5PI = Series(index = r5, name = 'PI q60MinHr4+')
avg5O2 = Series(index = r5, name = 'O2 q60MinHr4+')
avg5PR = Series(index = r5, name = 'PR q60MinHr4+')

for i5 in r5:
    avg5PI[i5] = df5PI[i5:(i5+win5)].mean()
    avg5O2[i5] = df5O2[i5:(i5+win5)].mean()
    avg5PR[i5] = df5PR[i5:(i5+win5)].mean()

result5 = concat([avg5PI, avg5O2, avg5PR], axis=1, join='inner')
print result5

                     PI q60MinHr4+  O2 q60MinHr4+  PR q60MinHr4+
2015-06-17 11:37:28       2.059800      91.379150     176.498057
2015-06-17 12:37:28       1.424138      95.931034     168.931034
2015-06-17 13:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 14:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 15:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 16:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 17:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 18:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 19:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 20:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 21:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 22:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-17 23:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 00:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 01:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 02:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 03:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 04:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 05:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 06:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN
2015-06-18 07:37:28            NaN            NaN            NaN

Mild, Moderate, and Severe Desaturation Events

In [52]:
df_O2_pre = df[Y:W]

#Find count of these ranges
below = 0 # v <=80
middle = 0 #v >= 81 and v<=84
above = 0 #v >=85 and v<=89
ls = []

b_dict = {}
m_dict = {}
a_dict = {}

for i, v in df_O2_pre['SpO2'].iteritems():
    if v <= 80: #below block
        if not ls: 
            if ls[0] >= 81: #if the range before was not below 80

                if len(ls) >= 5: #if the range was greater than 10 seconds, set to 5 because data points are every 2

                    if ls[0] <= 84: #was it in the middle range?
                        m_dict[middle] = ls
                        middle += 1
                        ls = [v]
                    elif ls[0] >= 85 and ls[0] <=89: #was it in the above range?
                        a_dict[above] = ls
                        above += 1
                        ls = [v]

                else: #old list wasn't long enough to count
                    ls = [v]
            else: #if in the same range
    elif v >= 81 and v<= 84: #middle block
        if not ls:
            if ls[0] <= 80 or (ls[0]>=85 and ls[0]<= 89): #if not in the middle range
                if len(ls) >= 5: #if range was greater than 10 seconds

                    if ls[0] <= 80: #was it in the below range?
                        b_dict[below] = ls
                        below += 1
                        ls = [v]
                    elif ls[0] >= 85 and ls[0] <=89: #was it in the above range?
                        a_dict[above] = ls
                        above += 1
                        ls = [v]
                else: #old list wasn't long enough to count
                    ls = [v]

    elif v >= 85 and v <=89: #above block
        if not ls:
            if ls[0] <=84 : #if not in the above range

                if len(ls) >= 5: #if range was greater than 
                    if ls[0] <= 80: #was it in the below range?
                        b_dict[below] = ls
                        below += 1
                        ls = [v]
                    elif ls[0] >= 81 and ls[0] <=84: #was it in the middle range?
                        m_dict[middle] = ls
                        middle += 1
                        ls = [v]
                else: #old list wasn't long enough to count
                    ls = [v]
    else: #v>90 or something else weird. start the list over
        ls = []
#final list check
if len(ls) >= 5:
    if ls[0] <= 80: #was it in the below range?
        b_dict[below] = ls
        below += 1
        ls = [v]
    elif ls[0] >= 81 and ls[0] <=84: #was it in the middle range?
        m_dict[middle] = ls
        middle += 1
        ls = [v]
    elif ls[0] >= 85 and ls[0] <=89: #was it in the above range?
        a_dict[above] = ls
        above += 1
b_len = 0.0
for key, val in b_dict.iteritems():
    b_len += len(val)

m_len = 0.0
for key, val in m_dict.iteritems():
    m_len += len(val)
a_len = 0.0
for key, val in a_dict.iteritems():
    a_len += len(val)

In [53]:
#post exam duraiton length analysis
df_O2_post = df[Z:Q]

#Find count of these ranges
below2 = 0 # v <=80
middle2= 0 #v >= 81 and v<=84
above2 = 0 #v >=85 and v<=89
ls2 = []

b_dict2 = {}
m_dict2 = {}
a_dict2 = {}

for i2, v2 in df_O2_post['SpO2'].iteritems():
    if v2 <= 80: #below block
        if not ls2: 
            if ls2[0] >= 81: #if the range before was not below 80

                if len(ls2) >= 5: #if the range was greater than 10 seconds, set to 5 because data points are every 2

                    if ls2[0] <= 84: #was it in the middle range?
                        m_dict2[middle2] = ls2
                        middle2 += 1
                        ls2 = [v2]
                    elif ls2[0] >= 85 and ls2[0] <=89: #was it in the above range?
                        a_dict2[above2] = ls2
                        above2 += 1
                        ls2 = [v2]

                else: #old list wasn't long enough to count
                    ls2 = [v2]
            else: #if in the same range
    elif v2 >= 81 and v2<= 84: #middle block
        if not ls2:
            if ls2[0] <= 80 or (ls2[0]>=85 and ls2[0]<= 89): #if not in the middle range
                if len(ls2) >= 5: #if range was greater than 10 seconds

                    if ls2[0] <= 80: #was it in the below range?
                        b_dict2[below2] = ls2
                        below2 += 1
                        ls2 = [v2]
                    elif ls2[0] >= 85 and ls2[0] <=89: #was it in the above range?
                        a_dict2[above2] = ls2
                        above2 += 1
                        ls2 = [v2]
                else: #old list wasn't long enough to count
                    ls2 = [v2]

    elif v2 >= 85 and v2 <=89: #above block
        if not ls2:
            if ls2[0] <=84 : #if not in the above range

                if len(ls2) >= 5: #if range was greater than 
                    if ls2[0] <= 80: #was it in the below range?
                        b_dict2[below2] = ls2
                        below2 += 1
                        ls2 = [v2]
                    elif ls2[0] >= 81 and ls2[0] <=84: #was it in the middle range?
                        m_dict2[middle2] = ls2
                        middle2 += 1
                        ls2 = [v2]
                else: #old list wasn't long enough to count
                    ls2 = [v2]
    else: #v2>90 or something else weird. start the list over
        ls2 = []
#final list check
if len(ls2) >= 5:
    if ls2[0] <= 80: #was it in the below range?
        b_dict2[below2] = ls2
        below2 += 1
        ls2= [v2]
    elif ls2[0] >= 81 and ls2[0] <=84: #was it in the middle range?
        m_dict2[middle2] = ls2
        middle2 += 1
        ls2 = [v2]
    elif ls2[0] >= 85 and ls2[0] <=89: #was it in the above range?
        a_dict2[above2] = ls2
        above2 += 1
b_len2 = 0.0
for key, val2 in b_dict2.iteritems():
    b_len2 += len(val2)

m_len2 = 0.0
for key, val2 in m_dict2.iteritems():
    m_len2 += len(val2)
a_len2 = 0.0
for key, val2 in a_dict2.iteritems():
    a_len2 += len(val2)

In [54]:
#print results from count and min

print "Desat Counts for X mins\n"    
print "Pre Mild Desat (85-89) Count: %s\t" %above, "for %s min" %((a_len*2)/60.)
print "Pre Mod Desat (81-84) Count: %s\t" %middle, "for %s min" %((m_len*2)/60.) 
print "Pre Sev Desat (=< 80) Count: %s\t" %below, "for %s min\n" %((b_len*2)/60.)

print "Post Mild Desat (85-89) Count: %s\t" %above2, "for %s min" %((a_len2*2)/60.) 
print "Post Mod Desat (81-84) Count: %s\t" %middle2, "for %s min" %((m_len2*2)/60.) 
print "Post Sev Desat (=< 80) Count: %s\t" %below2, "for %s min\n" %((b_len2*2)/60.) 

print "Data Recording Time!"
print '*' * 10
print "Pre-Exam Data Recording Length\t", X - Y # start of exam - first data point
print "Post-Exam Data Recording Length\t", Q - Z #last data point - end of exam
print "Total Data Recording Length\t", Q - Y #last data point - first data point

Pre = ['Pre',(X-Y)]
Post = ['Post',(Q-Z)]
Total = ['Total',(Q-Y)]
RTL = [Pre, Post, Total]

PreMild = ['Pre Mild Desats \t',(above), 'for', (a_len*2)/60., 'mins']
PreMod = ['Pre Mod Desats \t',(middle), 'for', (m_len*2)/60., 'mins']
PreSev = ['Pre Sev Desats \t',(below), 'for', (b_len*2)/60., 'mins']
PreDesats = [PreMild, PreMod, PreSev]

PostMild = ['Post Mild Desats \t',(above2), 'for', (a_len2*2)/60., 'mins']
PostMod = ['Post Mod Desats \t',(middle2), 'for', (m_len2*2)/60., 'mins']
PostSev = ['Post Sev Desats \t',(below2), 'for', (b_len2*2)/60., 'mins']
PostDesats = [PostMild, PostMod, PostSev]

#creating a list for recording time length

Desat Counts for X mins

Pre Mild Desat (85-89) Count: 129	for 80.4 min
Pre Mod Desat (81-84) Count: 115	for 46.8333333333 min
Pre Sev Desat (=< 80) Count: 55	for 24.3333333333 min

Post Mild Desat (85-89) Count: 23	for 15.3 min
Post Mod Desat (81-84) Count: 27	for 9.56666666667 min
Post Sev Desat (=< 80) Count: 17	for 8.03333333333 min

Data Recording Time!
Pre-Exam Data Recording Length	0 days 16:20:21
Post-Exam Data Recording Length	0 days 04:00:56
Total Data Recording Length	0 days 20:24:17

In [55]:
#did it count check sort correctly? get rid of the ''' if you want to check your values
print "Mild check"
for key, val in b_dict.iteritems():
    print all(i <=80 for i in val)

print "Moderate check"
for key, val in m_dict.iteritems():
    print all(i >= 81 and i<=84 for i in val)
print "Severe check"
for key, val in a_dict.iteritems():
    print all(i >= 85 and i<=89 for i in val)

'\nprint "Mild check"\nfor key, val in b_dict.iteritems():\n    print all(i <=80 for i in val)\n\nprint "Moderate check"\nfor key, val in m_dict.iteritems():\n    print all(i >= 81 and i<=84 for i in val)\n    \nprint "Severe check"\nfor key, val in a_dict.iteritems():\n    print all(i >= 85 and i<=89 for i in val)\n'

Export to CSV

In [56]:
import csv
class excel_tab(csv.excel):
        delimiter = '\t'
csv.register_dialect("excel_tab", excel_tab)

with open('ROP006_PO.csv', 'w') as f:    #CHANGE CSV FILE NAME
    writer = csv.writer(f, dialect=excel_tab)
    for i in rdrop:
        writer.writerow([avgdropPI[i]]) #NEEDS BRACKETS TO MAKE IT SEQUENCE
    for i in r1:
    for i in r2:
    for i in r3:
    for i in r4:
    for i in r5:
    for i in rdrop:
    for i in r1:
    for i in r2:
    for i in r3:
    for i in r4:
    for i in r5:
    for i in rdrop:
    for i in r1:
    for i in r2:
    for i in r3:
    for i in r4:
    for i in r5:
    writer.writerow(['Data Recording Time Length'])
    writer.writerow(['Pre Desat Counts for X Minutes'])
    writer.writerow(['Post Dest Counts for X Minutes'])