In [1]:
# Load modules
import sys
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict

import helper_functions as hf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import time

from pqt import PQTDecomposition

from splice import splice_alg
from asplice import asplice_alg
from plg import plg_alg

In [2]:
def compute_avg_times(n_pairs_li, n_reps, gen_pd_edges, p_hat=0.01, verbose=False):
        n_pairs_li - a list of the number of pairs to generate
        n_reps - the number of repetitions of experiment with that number of pairs
        gen_pd_edges - function the generates n pairs
        include_pqt_time - whether or not the time to compute the pqt should be included
        verbose - whether or not to print the repetitions to stdout
    splice_avg_times = []
    plg_avg_times = []
    asplice_avg_times = []
    pqt_avg_times = []
    # Run experiment
    for n_pairs in n_pairs_li:
        splice_cum_runtime = 0.
        asplice_cum_runtime = 0.
        plg_cum_runtime = 0.
        pqt_cum_runtime = 0.
        for rep in xrange(n_reps):
            if verbose:
                print("Number of pairs: {} Rep: {} at ({})".format(n_pairs, 
                  rep, time.strftime("%H:%M %S", time.gmtime())))
            # Generate pairs
            pd_edges = gen_pd_edges(n_pairs)

            # Run SPLICE
            start_time = time.clock()
            _, cost = splice_alg(pd_edges)
            splice_runtime = time.clock() - start_time
            splice_cum_runtime += splice_runtime
            # Generate PQT
            start_time = time.clock()
            pqt = PQTDecomposition().from_points(pd_edges.keys(), p_hat=p_hat)
            pqt_time = time.clock() - start_time
            pqt_cum_runtime += pqt_time
            # Run ASPLICE
            start_time = time.clock()
            _, cost = asplice_alg(pd_edges, pqt=pqt)
            asplice_cum_runtime = time.clock() - start_time
            # Run PLG
            start_time = time.clock()
            _, cost = plg_alg(pd_edges, pqt=pqt)
            plg_cum_runtime = time.clock() - start_time
    return splice_avg_times, plg_avg_times, asplice_avg_times, pqt_avg_times

In [23]:
# Experiment parameters
n_pairs_li = list(xrange(10, 120, 4)) #+ list(xrange(100, 200, 20))
p_hat = 0.1

n_reps = 3
gen_pd_edges = hf.gen_pd_edges

[10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98, 102, 106, 110, 114, 118]

Run Average Time Experiment

In [24]:
splice_avg_times, plg_avg_times, asplice_avg_times, pqt_avg_times = \
compute_avg_times(n_pairs_li, n_reps, gen_pd_edges, p_hat, verbose=True)

Number of pairs: 10 Rep: 0 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 10 Rep: 1 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 10 Rep: 2 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 14 Rep: 0 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 14 Rep: 1 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 14 Rep: 2 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 18 Rep: 0 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 18 Rep: 1 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 18 Rep: 2 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 22 Rep: 0 at (07:46 02)
Number of pairs: 22 Rep: 1 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 22 Rep: 2 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 26 Rep: 0 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 26 Rep: 1 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 26 Rep: 2 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 30 Rep: 0 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 30 Rep: 1 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 30 Rep: 2 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 34 Rep: 0 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 34 Rep: 1 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 34 Rep: 2 at (07:46 03)
Number of pairs: 38 Rep: 0 at (07:46 04)
Number of pairs: 38 Rep: 1 at (07:46 04)
Number of pairs: 38 Rep: 2 at (07:46 04)
Number of pairs: 42 Rep: 0 at (07:46 04)
Number of pairs: 42 Rep: 1 at (07:46 04)
Number of pairs: 42 Rep: 2 at (07:46 04)
Number of pairs: 46 Rep: 0 at (07:46 05)
Number of pairs: 46 Rep: 1 at (07:46 05)
Number of pairs: 46 Rep: 2 at (07:46 05)
Number of pairs: 50 Rep: 0 at (07:46 05)
Number of pairs: 50 Rep: 1 at (07:46 06)
Number of pairs: 50 Rep: 2 at (07:46 06)
Number of pairs: 54 Rep: 0 at (07:46 06)
Number of pairs: 54 Rep: 1 at (07:46 07)
Number of pairs: 54 Rep: 2 at (07:46 07)
Number of pairs: 58 Rep: 0 at (07:46 08)
Number of pairs: 58 Rep: 1 at (07:46 08)
Number of pairs: 58 Rep: 2 at (07:46 09)
Number of pairs: 62 Rep: 0 at (07:46 10)
Number of pairs: 62 Rep: 1 at (07:46 10)
Number of pairs: 62 Rep: 2 at (07:46 11)
Number of pairs: 66 Rep: 0 at (07:46 11)
Number of pairs: 66 Rep: 1 at (07:46 12)
Number of pairs: 66 Rep: 2 at (07:46 13)
Number of pairs: 70 Rep: 0 at (07:46 14)
Number of pairs: 70 Rep: 1 at (07:46 15)
Number of pairs: 70 Rep: 2 at (07:46 16)
Number of pairs: 74 Rep: 0 at (07:46 17)
Number of pairs: 74 Rep: 1 at (07:46 18)
Number of pairs: 74 Rep: 2 at (07:46 19)
Number of pairs: 78 Rep: 0 at (07:46 21)
Number of pairs: 78 Rep: 1 at (07:46 22)
Number of pairs: 78 Rep: 2 at (07:46 23)
Number of pairs: 82 Rep: 0 at (07:46 25)
Number of pairs: 82 Rep: 1 at (07:46 26)
Number of pairs: 82 Rep: 2 at (07:46 28)
Number of pairs: 86 Rep: 0 at (07:46 31)
Number of pairs: 86 Rep: 1 at (07:46 33)
Number of pairs: 86 Rep: 2 at (07:46 35)
Number of pairs: 90 Rep: 0 at (07:46 38)
Number of pairs: 90 Rep: 1 at (07:46 40)
Number of pairs: 90 Rep: 2 at (07:46 42)
Number of pairs: 94 Rep: 0 at (07:46 45)
Number of pairs: 94 Rep: 1 at (07:46 48)
Number of pairs: 94 Rep: 2 at (07:46 51)
Number of pairs: 98 Rep: 0 at (07:46 54)
Number of pairs: 98 Rep: 1 at (07:46 57)
Number of pairs: 98 Rep: 2 at (07:47 02)
Number of pairs: 102 Rep: 0 at (07:47 07)
Number of pairs: 102 Rep: 1 at (07:47 10)
Number of pairs: 102 Rep: 2 at (07:47 14)
Number of pairs: 106 Rep: 0 at (07:47 19)
Number of pairs: 106 Rep: 1 at (07:47 23)
Number of pairs: 106 Rep: 2 at (07:47 28)
Number of pairs: 110 Rep: 0 at (07:47 32)
Number of pairs: 110 Rep: 1 at (07:47 38)
Number of pairs: 110 Rep: 2 at (07:47 44)
Number of pairs: 114 Rep: 0 at (07:47 48)
Number of pairs: 114 Rep: 1 at (07:47 55)
Number of pairs: 114 Rep: 2 at (07:48 01)
Number of pairs: 118 Rep: 0 at (07:48 07)
Number of pairs: 118 Rep: 1 at (07:48 13)
Number of pairs: 118 Rep: 2 at (07:48 20)

Average Time excluding PQT Time

This is equivalent to running the algorithms using a PQT generated on the current points.

In [28]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, splice_avg_times, color='b', linestyle='-',
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, plg_avg_times, color='g', linestyle='-.',
        label=r"PLG ($\,\hat{{p}}={}$)".format(p_hat))
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, asplice_avg_times, color='r', linestyle='--',
        label=r"ASPLICE ($\,\hat{{p}}={}$)".format(p_hat))

ax.set_xlabel("Number of pd Pairs", fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel("Runtime (s)", fontsize=15)
ax.set_title('Algorithm Runtime vs Number of Pairs (excluding PQT)')



Average Time including PQT Time

This is equivalent to running the algorithms using a previously generated PQT.

Due to the fact that the number of repetitions was identical for each experiment, we may calculate the average time including PQT by merely summing the averages

In [29]:
splice_avg_times_inc = np.array(splice_avg_times) + np.array(pqt_avg_times)
asplice_avg_times_inc = np.array(asplice_avg_times) + np.array(pqt_avg_times)
plg_avg_times_inc = np.array(plg_avg_times) + np.array(pqt_avg_times)

In [30]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, splice_avg_times, color='b', linestyle='-',
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, plg_avg_times, color='g', linestyle='-.',
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, asplice_avg_times, color='r', linestyle='--',
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, plg_avg_times_inc, color='g', linestyle='-.',
        label=r"PLG inc")
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, asplice_avg_times_inc, color='r', linestyle='--',
       label=r"ASPLICE inc")

ax.set_xlabel("Number of pd Pairs", fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel("Runtime (s)", fontsize=15)
ax.set_title(r"Algorithm Runtime vs Number of Pairs ($\,\hat{{p}}={}$)".format(p_hat))

ax.legend(loc=2, labelspacing=0)


In [ ]:

Average Cost

In [ ]:
def compute_avg_costs(n_pairs_li, n_reps, gen_pd_edges, p_hat=0.01, verbose=False):
        n_pairs_li - a list of the number of pairs to generate
        n_reps - the number of repetitions of experiment with that number of pairs
        gen_pd_edges - function the generates n pairs
        include_pqt_time - whether or not the time to compute the pqt should be included
        verbose - whether or not to print the repetitions to stdout
    splice_avg_costs = []
    plg_avg_costs = []
    asplice_avg_costs = []
    pqt_avg_costs = []
    # Run experiment
    for n_pairs in n_pairs_li:
        splice_cum_cost = 0.
        asplice_cum_cost = 0.
        plg_cum_cost = 0.
        for rep in xrange(n_reps):
            if verbose:
                print("Number of pairs: {} Rep: {} at ({})".format(n_pairs, 
                  rep, time.strftime("%H:%M %S", time.gmtime())))
            # Generate pairs
            pd_edges = gen_pd_edges(n_pairs)

            # Run SPLICE
            _, cost = splice_alg(pd_edges)
            splice_cum_cost += cost
            # Generate PQT
            pqt = PQTDecomposition().from_points(pd_edges.keys(), p_hat=p_hat)
            # Run ASPLICE
            _, cost = asplice_alg(pd_edges, pqt=pqt)
            asplice_cum_cost += cost
            # Run PLG
            _, cost = plg_alg(pd_edges, pqt=pqt)
            plg_cum_cost += cost
    return splice_avg_costs, plg_avg_costs, asplice_avg_costs

In [ ]:
splice_avg_costs, plg_avg_costs, asplice_avg_costs = \
compute_avg_costs(n_pairs_li, n_reps, gen_pd_edges, p_hat, verbose=True)

Average Cost

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, splice_avg_costs, color='b', linestyle='-',
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, plg_avg_costs, color='g', linestyle='-.',
ax.plot(n_pairs_li, asplice_avg_costs, color='r', linestyle='--',

ax.set_xlabel("Number of pd Pairs", fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel("Runtime (s)", fontsize=15)
ax.set_title(r"Algorithm Cost vs Number of Pairs ($\,\hat{{p}}={}$)".format(p_hat))

ax.legend(loc=2, labelspacing=0)


In [ ]: