This script is made to run using the yml file and output of fit-grains
. The script uses soon-to-be-deprecated detector parameters exported by the GUI and generates a new and complete instrument calibration file.
In practise, you will probably run this script through several times, using the previous result to converge on a solution. The script will overwrite the detector parameter files to allow this (both old and new, but the old file spec lacks the chi-tilt optimization.)
In [45]:
# hexrd yaml config file
cfg_filename = 'multiruby1.yml'
block_id = 0 # only change this if you know what you are doing!
# select which orientaion to use (in case of more than one...)
grain_id = 0
override_grain_params = False
# for saturation
int_cutoff = 1.6e4
# load previously saved exclusions
use_saved_exclusions = False
excl_filename = 'exclusion_index_%05d.npy' %grain_id
Ok, that was easy, from here on you shouldn't need to modify anything.
In [46]:
import copy, sys, os
import cPickle
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chisquare
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
import yaml
from scipy.linalg.matfuncs import logm
import scipy.optimize as opt
from hexrd import matrixutil as mutil
from hexrd import config
from hexrd.constants import sqrt_epsf, keVToAngstrom
from hexrd import instrument
# FIXME: distortion kludging
from hexrd.xrd.distortion import GE_41RT # AHHHH!!!!!!
from hexrd.xrd import fitting
from hexrd.xrd import transforms as xf
from hexrd.xrd.transforms import bVec_ref, eta_ref, vInv_ref
from hexrd.xrd import transforms_CAPI as xfcapi
# This line configures matplotlib to show figures embedded in the notebook,
# instead of opening a new window for each figure. More about that later.
# If you are using an old version of IPython, try using '%pylab inline' instead.
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Choose a bunch of new matplotlib parameter values
newparams = {'savefig.dpi': 150, 'axes.labelsize': 12,
'xtick.labelsize': 6, 'ytick.labelsize': 6}
# Update the global rcParams dictionary with the new parameter choices
# for convenience...
d2r = np.radians(1)
r2d = np.degrees(1)
In [47]:
# selector for type of obj function return value
return_value_flag = None
# convergence tolerances for the least-squares fit
xtol = 1e-8
ftol = 1e-8
# reference pFlag for one panel.. FIX THIS?
pFlag_ref = np.array(
1., 0., 0., 0.,
1., 1., 1.,
1., 0., 1.,
1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., 1.,
], dtype=bool
def geomParamsToInput(wavelength,
chi, tVec_s, expMap_c, tVec_c,
tiltAngles, tVec_d,
Convenience routine for zipping parameters into single vector
in proper order
Note that tiltAngle and tVec_d must be LISTS with the same length
dParams is a shitshow... just flattened for all panels for now.
num_panels = len(tiltAngles)
assert len(tVec_d) == num_panels, "tilts and tvecs must have same length"
p = np.zeros(11 + 6*num_panels)
p[0] = wavelength
p[1] = chi
p[2] = tVec_s[0]
p[3] = tVec_s[1]
p[4] = tVec_s[2]
p[5] = expMap_c[0]
p[6] = expMap_c[1]
p[7] = expMap_c[2]
p[8] = tVec_c[0]
p[9] = tVec_c[1]
p[10] = tVec_c[2]
ii = 11
for ip in range(num_panels):
p[ii:ii+6] = np.hstack([
ii += 6
retval = p
for ip in range(num_panels):
if dParams[ip] is not None:
retval = np.hstack([retval, dParams[ip]])
return retval
def paramsToResults(params, num_panels, distortion=None):
results = {}
results['instrument'] = {}
results['detectors'] = []
results['instrument']['wavelength'] = params[0] # reassign wlen in this namespace
results['instrument']['chi'] = params[1]
results['instrument']['tVec_s'] = params[2:5]
results['instrument']['expMap_c'] = params[5:8]
results['instrument']['tVec_c'] = params[8:11]
ii = 11
for ip in range(num_panels):
if distortion is not None:
assert len(distortion) == num_panels
for ip in range(num_panels):
if distortion[ip][0] is not None:
ndp = len(distortion[ip][1])
results['detectors'][ip]['dParams'] = params[ii:ii+ndp]
ii += ndp
results['detectors'][ip]['dParams'] = None
return results
def calibrateDetectorFromSX(
xyo_det, hkls_idx, bMat, wavelength,
chi, expMap_c,
tVec_s, tVec_c,
tiltAngles, tVec_d,
beamVec=bVec_ref, etaVec=eta_ref,
xtol=sqrt_epsf, ftol=sqrt_epsf,
arguments xyo_det, tiltAngles, and tVec_d are LISTS over number of panels
distortion is still hosed... FIX THIS
p = np.zeros(11 + 6*num_panels)
p[0] = wavelength
p[1] = chi
p[2] = tVec_s[0]
p[3] = tVec_s[1]
p[4] = tVec_s[2]
p[5] = expMap_c[0]
p[6] = expMap_c[1]
p[7] = expMap_c[2]
p[8] = tVec_c[0]
p[9] = tVec_c[1]
p[10] = tVec_c[2]
p[11] = tiltAngles[0]
p[12] = tiltAngles[1]
p[13] = tiltAngles[2]
p[14] = tVec_d[0]
p[15] = tVec_d[1]
p[16] = tVec_d[2]
npanels = len(xyo_det)
assert len(pFlag) == 11 + 6*npanels
if omePeriod is not None:
for ip in range(npanels):
xyo_det[ip][:, 2] = xf.mapAngle(xyo_det[ip][:, 2], omePeriod)
# distortion is [dFuncs, dParams, dFlags]
dFuncs = []
dParams = []
dFlags = []
for ip in range(npanels):
if distortion[ip] is not None:
pFull = geomParamsToInput(
wavelength, chi, tVec_s, expMap_c, tVec_c,
tiltAngles, tVec_d,
refineFlag = np.array(np.hstack([pFlag, np.hstack(dFlags)]), dtype=bool)
pFit = pFull[refineFlag]
fitArgs = (pFull, pFlag, dFuncs, dFlags, xyo_det, hkls_idx,
bMat, vInv, beamVec, etaVec, omePeriod)
results = opt.leastsq(
objFuncSX, pFit, args=fitArgs,
factor=factor, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol
pFit_opt = results[0]
retval = pFull
retval[refineFlag] = pFit_opt
return retval
def objFuncSX(pFit, pFull, pFlag,
dFuncs, dFlags,
xyo_det, hkls_idx, bMat, vInv,
bVec, eVec, omePeriod,
simOnly=False, return_value_flag=return_value_flag):
npanels = len(xyo_det)
npts = [len(xyo_det[i]) for i in range(npanels)]
npts_tot = sum(npts)
dFlag = np.hstack(dFlags)
refineFlag = np.array(np.hstack([pFlag, dFlag]), dtype=bool)
# fill out full parameter list; no scaling for now
pFull[refineFlag] = pFit
# instrument quantities
wavelength = pFull[0]
chi = pFull[1]
tVec_s = pFull[2:5].reshape(3, 1)
# crystal quantities
rMat_c = xf.makeRotMatOfExpMap(pFull[5:8])
tVec_c = pFull[8:11].reshape(3, 1)
# right now just stuck on the end and assumed
# to all be the same length... FIX THIS
dParams_all = pFull[-len(dFlag):]
dParams = []
ii = 0
for ip in range(npanels):
len_these_dps = len(dFlags[ip])
ii += len_these_dps
ii = 11 # offset to start of panels...
xy_unwarped = []
meas_omes = []
calc_omes = []
calc_xy = []
for ip in range(npanels):
if dFuncs[ip] is not None:
dFuncs[ip](xyo_det[ip][:, :2], dParams[ip])
xy_unwarped.append(xyo_det[ip][:, :2])
meas_omes.append(xyo_det[ip][:, 2])
# get these params for convenience
gparams = pFull[ii:ii+6]
rMat_d = xf.makeDetectorRotMat(gparams[:3])
tVec_d = gparams[3:].reshape(3, 1)
gVec_c =, hkls_idx[ip])
vMat_s = mutil.vecMVToSymm(vInv) # stretch tensor comp matrix from MV notation in SAMPLE frame
gVec_s =,, gVec_c)) # reciprocal lattice vectors in SAMPLE frame
gHat_s = mutil.unitVector(gVec_s) # unit reciprocal lattice vectors in SAMPLE frame
gHat_c =, gHat_s) # unit reciprocal lattice vectors in CRYSTAL frame
match_omes, calc_omes_tmp = fitting.matchOmegas(
xyo_det[ip], hkls_idx[ip],
chi, rMat_c, bMat, wavelength,
beamVec=bVec, etaVec=eVec,
rMat_s_arr = xfcapi.makeOscillRotMatArray(
chi, np.ascontiguousarray(calc_omes_tmp)
calc_xy_tmp = xfcapi.gvecToDetectorXYArray(
gHat_c.T, rMat_d, rMat_s_arr, rMat_c,
tVec_d, tVec_s, tVec_c,
if np.any(np.isnan(calc_xy_tmp)):
print "infeasible pFull: may want to scale back finite difference step size"
ii += 6
# return values
if simOnly:
retval = [np.hstack([calc_xy[i], calc_omes[i].reshape(npts[i], 1)]) for i in range(npanels)]
xy_unwarped = np.vstack(xy_unwarped)
meas_omes = np.hstack(meas_omes)
calc_omes = np.hstack(calc_omes)
calc_xy = np.vstack(calc_xy)
diff_vecs_xy = calc_xy - xy_unwarped[:, :2]
diff_ome = xf.angularDifference( calc_omes, meas_omes )
retval = np.hstack([
diff_ome.reshape(npts_tot, 1)
if return_value_flag == 1:
retval = sum( abs(retval) )
elif return_value_flag == 2:
denom = npts_tot - len(pFit) - 1.
if denom != 0:
nu_fac = 1. / denom
nu_fac = 1.
nu_fac = 1 / (npts_tot - len(pFit) - 1.)
retval = nu_fac * sum(retval**2 / abs(np.hstack([calc_xy, calc_omes.reshape(npts_tot, 1)]).flatten()))
return retval
In [48]:
# read config
cfg =[block_id]
# output for eta-ome maps as pickles
working_dir = cfg.working_dir
analysis_name = cfg.analysis_name
analysis_dir = cfg.analysis_dir
analysis_id = "%s_%s" %(analysis_name,
# This should use the yaml detector spec, but it appears to include crystal parameters as well:
parfilename = cfg.instrument.parameters
instr_cfg = yaml.load(open(parfilename, 'r'))
instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(instr_cfg)
num_panels = instr.num_panels
print "INFO: found %d panels in %s" %(num_panels, parfilename)
# orientations
quats_filename = os.path.join(working_dir, 'accepted_orientations_%s.dat' %analysis_id)
spots_filenames = []
for det_id in instr.detectors:
analysis_dir, os.path.join(
det_id, 'spots_%05d.out' % grain_id
# material
matl_list = cPickle.load(open(cfg.material.definitions, 'r'))
matl_names = [matl_list[i].name for i in range(len(matl_list))]
matl_dict = dict(zip(matl_names, matl_list))
matl = matl_dict[]
# strip plane data
pd = matl.planeData
bMat = np.ascontiguousarray(pd.latVecOps['B']) # hexrd convention; necessary to re-cast (?)
wlen = pd.wavelength * 1.0 # Angstroms
# omega period
omePeriod = d2r*np.array(, dtype=float)
# panel
max_pixel_dim = []
panel_dims = []
for det_id, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
panel.col_dim*np.r_[-1, 1],
panel.row_dim*np.r_[-1, 1],
In [49]:
# Default detector refinement flags
# - kludge to not overwrite pFlag_DFLT if already defined/modified
test = pFlag_DFLT
except NameError:
pFlag_DFLT = np.hstack(
False, False, False,
True, True, True,
True, False, True,
np.ones(6*num_panels, dtype=bool)
# Set them
pFlag = pFlag_DFLT
# FIXME: distortion kludge
# Hardwired distortion... FIX THIS
dFuncs = []
dParams = []
for det_id, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
if panel.distortion is not None:
# Default distortion refinement flags
# - kludge to not overwrite pFlag_DFLT if already defined/modified
test = dFlags_DFLT
except NameError:
dFlags_DFLT = []
for det_id, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
if panel.distortion is not None:
dFlags_DFLT.append(np.zeros(6, dtype=bool))
# Set them
dFlags = dFlags_DFLT
## catch bad logic... HARDWIRED FOR 4 panels! FIX THIS
#if np.any(pFlag[[5, 11, 17, 23] and pFlag[-2]:
# raise RuntimeError, "You've specified refinement of both the Y translation " \
# "of the detector and crystal, which are correlated"
#dFlag_DFLT = dFlag
#pFlag_DFLT = pFlag
refineFlag = np.array(np.r_[pFlag, np.hstack(dFlags)], dtype=bool)
wavelength (X-ray wavelength in Angstrom)
chi (canting angle of rotation axis about lab X)
tVec_s[0] (rotation axis x-translation; typically 0)
tVec_s[1] (rotation axis y-translation; typically 0)
tVec_s[2] (rotation axis z-translation; typically 0)
expMap_c[0] (crystal orientation phi*n[0])
expMap_c[1] (crystal orientation phi*n[1])
expMap_c[2] (crystal orientation phi*n[2])
tVec_c[0] (crystal centroid x-translation)
tVec_c[1] (crystal centroid y-translation)
tVec_c[2] (crystal centroid z-translation)
tiltAngles[0] (tilt about lab X)
tiltAngles[1] (tilt about lab Y)
tiltAngles[2] (tilt about lab Z -- also panel normal)
tVec_d[0] (x-translation; 0 means centered on beam horizontally)
tVec_d[1] (y-translation; 0 means centered on beam vertically)
tVec_d[2] (z-translation; working distance; values < 0 are downstream)
In [50]:
# set parameters for post-fit crystal parameter check...
# - this mainly makes sense in terms of a calibration standard, since we cant
# simultaneously fit strain and detector parameters (e.g. distance)
test = gFlag_DFLT
except NameError:
gFlag_DFLT = np.array([1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=bool)
# grain parameter scalings
gScl = np.array([1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., 1., 0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
expMap_c[0] (crystal orientation phi*n[0])
expMap_c[1] (crystal orientation phi*n[1])
expMap_c[2] (crystal orientation phi*n[2])
tVec_c[0] (crystal centroid x-translation)
tVec_c[1] (crystal centroid y-translation)
tVec_c[2] (crystal centroid z-translation)
vInv_s[0] (inv(V)[0, 0])
vInv_s[1] (inv(V)[1, 1])
vInv_s[2] (inv(V)[2, 2])
vInv_s[3] (inv(V)[1, 2] * sqrt(2))
vInv_s[4] (inv(V)[0, 2] * sqrt(2))
vInv_s[5] (inv(V)[0, 1] * sqrt(2))
In [51]:
# assign gFlag from checkbox states... MANUAL FOR NOW; FIX THIS
gFlag = gFlag_DFLT
In [52]:
if override_grain_params:
grain_params = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(analysis_dir, 'grains.out'), ndmin=2)[grain_id, :]
expMap_c = grain_params[3:6]
tVec_c = grain_params[6:9]
vInv_s = grain_params[9:15]
if instr_cfg['calibration_crystal'].get('grain_id', -1) != grain_id:
# the cached grain id is not the current grain id
# start over from default values
raise RuntimeError
expMap_c = np.array(instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']['orientation'])
tVec_c = np.array(instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']['position'])
vInv_s = np.array(instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']['inv_stretch'])
chi = instr_cfg['oscillation_stage']['chi']
tVec_s = np.array(instr_cfg['oscillation_stage']['t_vec_s'])
tiltAngles = []
tVec_d = []
for det_id in instr_cfg['detectors']:
this_detector = instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]
In [53]:
#List of parameter names for convenience and printing output
pnames = [
' wavelength',
' chi',
' tVec_s[0]',
' tVec_s[1]',
' tVec_s[2]',
' expMap_c[0]',
' expMap_c[1]',
' expMap_c[2]',
' tVec_c[0]',
' tVec_c[1]',
' tVec_c[2]']
p_initial = np.hstack(
chi, tVec_s.flatten(),
expMap_c.flatten(), tVec_c.flatten(),
g_initial = np.hstack(
# load spots tables
hkls = []
xyo_det = []
idx_0 = []
nrefls = []
nrefl = 0
for ip, spots_filename in enumerate(spots_filenames):
gtable = np.loadtxt(spots_filename) # load pull_spots output table
valid_reflections = gtable[:, 0] >= 0
not_saturated = gtable[:, 6] < int_cutoff
print "INFO: panel %d" %ip
print "INFO: %d of %d reflections are valid" %(sum(valid_reflections), len(gtable))
print "INFO: %d of %d valid reflections be are below saturation threshold of %d" \
%(sum(not_saturated), sum(valid_reflections), int_cutoff)
idx = np.logical_and(valid_reflections, not_saturated) # select valid reflections
idx_0.append(idx) # will need this later
hkls.append(gtable[idx, 2:5].T) # must be column vectors
xyo_det.append(gtable[idx, -3:][:, [1, 2, 0]]) # these are the cartesian centroids + ome
xyo_det[ip][:, 2] = xf.mapAngle(xyo_det[ip][:, 2], omePeriod)
pnames += [
'tiltAngles_%d[0]' %ip,
'tiltAngles_%d[1]' %ip,
'tiltAngles_%d[2]' %ip,
' tVec_d_%d[0]' %ip,
' tVec_d_%d[1]' %ip,
' tVec_d_%d[2]' %ip,
p_initial = np.hstack(
nrefl = sum(nrefls)
for dp in dParams:
if dp is not None:
p_initial = np.hstack([p_initial, np.hstack(dParams)])
for i in range(len(dParams)):
if dParams[i] is not None:
for j in range(len(dParams[i])):
pnames.append(' dParams_%d[%d]' %(i, j))
print "Setup to refine:\n"
for i in np.where(refineFlag)[0]:
print "\t%s = %1.7e" %(pnames[i], p_initial[i])
print "\nThere are %d total reflections on %d panels\n" %(nrefl, num_panels)
print "\nCalibration Crystal's Hencky Strain Tensor (sample frame):\n"
print logm(np.linalg.inv(mutil.vecMVToSymm(vInv_s)))
In [54]:
# check out initial residual
xyo_i = objFuncSX(
p_initial[refineFlag], p_initial, pFlag, dFuncs, dFlags,
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, vInv_s,
bVec_ref, eta_ref, omePeriod, simOnly=True
resd_i = objFuncSX(
p_initial[refineFlag], p_initial, pFlag, dFuncs, dFlags,
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, vInv_s,
bVec_ref, eta_ref, omePeriod, simOnly=False
nu_fac = 1/(nrefl - sum(refineFlag) - 1.)
chi2_i = nu_fac*sum(resd_i**2/abs(np.vstack(xyo_i).flatten()))
print "Initial goodness of fit:\t%1.4e" %chi2_i
for ip in range(num_panels):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(8, 4))
ax[0].plot(xyo_det[ip][:, 0], xyo_det[ip][:, 1], 'rx')
ax[0].plot(xyo_i[ip][:, 0], xyo_i[ip][:, 1], 'k.')
ax[0].set_xlim(panel_dims[ip][0, 0], panel_dims[ip][1, 0])
ax[0].set_ylim(panel_dims[ip][0, 1], panel_dims[ip][1, 1])
ax[0].set_xlabel('detector X [mm]')
ax[0].set_ylabel('detector Y [mm]')
ax[1].plot(xyo_det[ip][:, 0], r2d*xyo_det[ip][:, 2], 'rx')
ax[1].plot(xyo_i[ip][:, 0], r2d*xyo_i[ip][:, 2], 'k.')
ax[1].set_xlim(panel_dims[ip][0, 0], panel_dims[ip][1, 0])
ax[1].set_ylim(r2d*omePeriod[0], r2d*omePeriod[1])
ax[1].set_xlabel('detector X [mm]')
ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\omega$ [deg]')
In [55]:
# fitting
p_refined = calibrateDetectorFromSX(
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, wlen,
chi, expMap_c,
tVec_s, tVec_c,
tiltAngles, tVec_d,
vInv=vInv_s, beamVec=bVec_ref, etaVec=eta_ref,
pFlag=pFlag, distortion=zip(dFuncs, dParams, dFlags),
factor=1.0, xtol=xtol, ftol=xtol, omePeriod=omePeriod
pref0 = copy.deepcopy(p_refined)
# grab results for convenience
results = paramsToResults(p_refined, num_panels, distortion=zip(dFuncs, dParams, dFlags))
wlen = results['instrument']['wavelength']
tiltAngles = [results['detectors'][i]['tiltAngles'] for i in range(num_panels)]
tVec_d = [results['detectors'][i]['tVec_d'] for i in range(num_panels)]
dParams = [results['detectors'][0]['dParams'] for i in range(num_panels)]
resd_f = objFuncSX(
p_refined[refineFlag], p_refined, pFlag,
dFuncs, dFlags,
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, vInv_s,
bVec_ref, eta_ref, omePeriod, simOnly=False
xyo_f = objFuncSX(
p_refined[refineFlag], p_refined, pFlag,
dFuncs, dFlags,
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, vInv_s,
bVec_ref, eta_ref, omePeriod, simOnly=True
In [56]:
# new style method 2; use an axes array
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=False, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle("Residuals", fontsize=14, y=1.0)
titles = [r'$\Delta$X [mm]', r'$\Delta$Y [mm]', r'$\Delta\omega$']
for i in range(2):
ax[i].hist(resd_f.reshape(sum(np.hstack(idx_0)), 3)[:, i], color='b')
ax[i].set_title(titles[i], fontsize=12)
#ax[i].set_xlim(-1.1*max_pixel_dim, 1.1*max_pixel_dim)
ax[2].hist(np.degrees(resd_f.reshape(sum(np.hstack(idx_0)), 3)[:, 2]), color='b')
ax[2].set_title(titles[2], fontsize=12)
chi2_f = nu_fac*sum(resd_f**2/abs(np.vstack(xyo_f).flatten()))
print "Initial chi2:\t%1.2e\nFinal chi2:\t%1.2e\nRefined parameters:" \
%(chi2_i, chi2_f)
print "\tName\t\tInitial\t\tFinal"
print "\t----\t\t-------\t\t-----"
for i in np.where(refineFlag)[0]:
print "\t%s\t%1.7e\t%1.7e" %(pnames[i], p_initial[i], p_refined[i])
print "\n"
In [57]:
n_pixels_tol = 1.0
n_frames_tol = 1.0
# define difference vectors for spot fits
for ip in range(num_panels):
x_diff = abs(xyo_det[ip][:, 0] - xyo_f[ip][:, 0])
y_diff = abs(xyo_det[ip][:, 1] - xyo_f[ip][:, 1])
ome_diff = r2d*xf.angularDifference(xyo_det[ip][:, 2], xyo_f[ip][:, 2])
# filter out reflections with centroids more than
# a pixel and delta omega away from predicted value
idx_1 = np.logical_and(
x_diff <= n_pixels_tol*instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]['pixels']['size'][1],
y_diff <= n_pixels_tol*instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]['pixels']['size'][0],
ome_diff <= n_frames_tol*
print "INFO: Will keep %d of %d input reflections on panel %d for re-fit" %(sum(idx_1), sum(idx_0[ip]), ip)
idx_new = np.zeros_like(idx_0[ip], dtype=bool)
idx_new[np.where(idx_0[ip])[0][idx_1]] = True
idx_0[ip] = idx_new
np.savez(excl_filename, idx_0) # output in case you want 'em
In [58]:
# trim grain table
hkls = []
xyo_det = []
for ip, spots_filename in enumerate(spots_filenames):
gtable = np.loadtxt(spots_filename) # load pull_spots output table
hkls.append(gtable[idx_0[ip], 2:5].T) # must be column vectors
xyo_det.append(gtable[idx_0[ip], -3:][:, [1, 2, 0]]) # these are the cartesian centroids + ome
xyo_det[ip][:, 2] = xf.mapAngle(xyo_det[ip][:, 2], omePeriod)
p_refined = calibrateDetectorFromSX(
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, wlen,
results['instrument']['chi'], results['instrument']['expMap_c'],
results['instrument']['tVec_s'], results['instrument']['tVec_c'],
tiltAngles, tVec_d,
vInv=vInv_s, beamVec=bVec_ref, etaVec=eta_ref,
pFlag=pFlag, distortion=zip(dFuncs, dParams, dFlags),
factor=1.0, xtol=xtol, ftol=xtol, omePeriod=omePeriod
# grab results for convenience
results = paramsToResults(p_refined, num_panels, distortion=zip(dFuncs, dParams, dFlags))
wlen = results['instrument']['wavelength']
tiltAngles = [results['detectors'][i]['tiltAngles'] for i in range(num_panels)]
tVec_d = [results['detectors'][i]['tVec_d'] for i in range(num_panels)]
dParams = [results['detectors'][0]['dParams'] for i in range(num_panels)]
resd_f = objFuncSX(
p_refined[refineFlag], p_refined, pFlag,
dFuncs, dFlags,
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, vInv_s,
bVec_ref, eta_ref, omePeriod, simOnly=False
xyo_f = objFuncSX(
p_refined[refineFlag], p_refined, pFlag,
dFuncs, dFlags,
xyo_det, hkls, bMat, vInv_s,
bVec_ref, eta_ref, omePeriod, simOnly=True
nrefl = len(resd_f) / 3 # updated
nu_fac = 1/(nrefl - sum(refineFlag) - 1.)
chi2_f = nu_fac*sum(resd_f**2/abs(np.vstack(xyo_f).flatten()))
print "Initial chi2:\t%1.2e\nFinal chi2:\t%1.2e\nRefined parameters:" \
%(chi2_i, chi2_f)
print "\tName\t\tInitial\t\tFirst\t\tFinal"
print "\t----\t\t-------\t\t-----\t\t-----"
for i in np.where(refineFlag)[0]:
print "\t%s\t%1.7e\t%1.7e\t%1.7e" %(pnames[i], p_initial[i], pref0[i], p_refined[i])
print "\n"
# new style method 2; use an axes array
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=False, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle("Residuals", fontsize=14, y=1.0)
titles = [r'$\Delta$X [mm]', r'$\Delta$Y [mm]', r'$\Delta\omega$']
for i in range(2):
ax[i].hist(resd_f.reshape(sum(np.hstack(idx_0)), 3)[:, i], color='b')
ax[i].set_title(titles[i], fontsize=12)
#ax[i].set_xlim(-1.1*max_pixel_dim, 1.1*max_pixel_dim)
ax[2].hist(np.degrees(resd_f.reshape(sum(np.hstack(idx_0)), 3)[:, 2]), color='b')
ax[2].set_title(titles[2], fontsize=12)
In [59]:
if refineFlag[0]:
mat_list = cPickle.load(
cfg.material.definitions, 'r'
mat_names = [mat_list[i].name for i in range(len(mat_list))]
mat_dict = dict(zip(mat_names, mat_list))
active_matl = mat_dict[]
active_matl.planeData.wavelength = constants.keVToAngstrom(wlen)
cfg.material.definitions, 'w'
In [60]:
instr_cfg['beam']['energy'] = keVToAngstrom(results['instrument']['wavelength'])
instr_cfg['oscillation_stage']['chi'] = float(results['instrument']['chi'])
instr_cfg['oscillation_stage']['t_vec_s'] = results['instrument']['tVec_s'].flatten().tolist()
instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']['grain_id'] = grain_id
instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']['orientation'] = results['instrument']['expMap_c'].tolist()
instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']['position'] = results['instrument']['tVec_c'].tolist()
instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']['inv_stretch'] = vInv_s.tolist()
for ip, det_id in enumerate(instr_cfg['detectors']):
instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]['transform']['tilt_angles'] = \
instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]['transform']['t_vec_d'] = \
if 'distortion' in instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]:
instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]['distortion']['function_name'] = 'GE_41RT' # only choice besides None for now
instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]['distortion']['parameters'] = results['detectors'][ip]['dParams'].tolist()
with open(parfilename, 'w') as fid:
In [61]:
for ip, det_id in enumerate(instr_cfg['detectors']):
this_panel = instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]
# single panels
sp_name = det_id.lower()
with open(sp_name + '.yml', 'w') as fid:
new_par = {
'pixels':{'rows':2048, 'columns':2048, 'size':[0.2, 0.2]},
'transform':{'tilt_angles':np.zeros(3), 't_vec_d':np.zeros(3)},
'distortion':{'function_name':None, 'parameters':None},
'inv_stretch':np.hstack([np.ones(3), np.zeros(3)]).tolist()
new_par['oscillation_stage']['chi'] = float(results['instrument']['chi'])
new_par['oscillation_stage']['t_vec_s'] = results['instrument']['tVec_s'].flatten().tolist()
# ...chicken and egg problem here, until this format is standard
new_par['detector']['pixels']['rows'] = this_panel['pixels']['rows']
new_par['detector']['pixels']['columns'] = this_panel['pixels']['columns']
new_par['detector']['pixels']['size'] = this_panel['pixels']['size']
new_par['detector']['transform']['tilt_angles'] = np.array(results['detectors'][ip]['tiltAngles']).tolist()
new_par['detector']['transform']['t_vec_d'] = results['detectors'][ip]['tVec_d'].flatten().tolist()
if 'distortion' in instr_cfg['detectors'][det_id]:
new_par['detector']['distortion']['function_name'] = 'GE_41RT' # only choice besides None for now
new_par['detector']['distortion']['parameters'] = results['detectors'][ip]['dParams'].tolist()
In [ ]: