In this notebook, we are going to implement k-means++ algorithm with multiple initial sets. The original k-means++ algorithm will just sample one set of initial centroid points and iterate until the result converges. The only difference in this implementation is that we will sample RUNS
sets of initial centroid points and update them in parallel. The procedure will finish when all centroid sets are converged.
In [1]:
### Definition of some global parameters.
K = 5 # Number of centroids
RUNS = 25 # Number of K-means runs that are executed in parallel. Equivalently, number of sets of initial points
RANDOM_SEED = 60295531
converge_dist = 0.1 # The K-means algorithm is terminated when the change in the location
# of the centroids is smaller than 0.1
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pickle
import sys
from numpy.linalg import norm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def print_log(s):
sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")
def parse_data(row):
Parse each pandas row into a tuple of (station_name, feature_vec),`l
where feature_vec is the concatenation of the projection vectors
return (row[0],
np.concatenate([row[1], row[2], row[3]]))
def compute_entropy(d):
Compute the entropy given the frequency vector `d`
d = np.array(d)
d = 1.0 * d / d.sum()
return -np.sum(d * np.log2(d))
def choice(p):
Generates a random sample from [0, len(p)),
where p[i] is the probability associated with i.
random = np.random.random()
r = 0.0
for idx in range(len(p)):
r = r + p[idx]
if r > random:
return idx
def kmeans_init(rdd, K, RUNS, seed):
Select `RUNS` sets of initial points for `K`-means++
# the `centers` variable is what we want to return
n_data = rdd.count()
shape = rdd.take(1)[0][1].shape[0]
centers = np.zeros((RUNS, K, shape))
def update_dist(vec, dist, k):
new_dist = norm(vec - centers[:, k], axis=1)**2
return np.min([dist, new_dist], axis=0)
# The second element `dist` in the tuple below is the closest distance from
# each data point to the selected points in the initial set, where `dist[i]`
# is the closest distance to the points in the i-th initial set.
data = p: (p, [np.inf] * RUNS)) \
# Collect the feature vectors of all data points beforehand, might be
# useful in the following for-loop
local_data = (name, vec): vec).collect()
# Randomly select the first point for every run of k-means++,
# i.e. randomly select `RUNS` points and add it to the `centers` variable
sample = [local_data[k] for k in np.random.randint(0, len(local_data), RUNS)]
centers[:, 0] = sample
for idx in range(K - 1):
# Insert your code here:
# In each iteration, you need to select one point for each set
# of initial points (so select `RUNS` points in total).
# For each data point x, let D_i(x) be the distance between x and
# the nearest center that has already been added to the i-th set.
# Choose a new data point for i-th set using a weighted probability
# where point x is chosen with probability proportional to D_i(x)^2
#Repeat each data point by 25 times (for each RUN) to get 12140x25
#Update distance
data = ((name,vec),dist): ((name,vec),update_dist(vec,dist,idx))).cache()
#Calculate sum of D_i(x)^2
d1 = ((name,vec),dist): (1,dist))
d2 = d1.reduceByKey(lambda x,y: np.sum([x,y], axis=0))
total = d2.collect()[0][1]
#Normalize each distance to get the probabilities and reshapte to 12140x25
prob = ((name,vec),dist): np.divide(dist,total)).collect()
prob = np.reshape(prob,(len(local_data), RUNS))
#K'th centroid for each run
data_id = [choice(prob[:,i]) for i in xrange(RUNS)]
sample = [local_data[i] for i in data_id]
centers[:, idx+1] = sample
return centers
def get_closest(p, centers):
Return the indices the nearest centroids of `p`.
`centers` contains sets of centroids, where `centers[i]` is
the i-th set of centroids.
best = [0] * len(centers)
closest = [np.inf] * len(centers)
for idx in range(len(centers)):
for j in range(len(centers[0])):
temp_dist = norm(p - centers[idx][j])
if temp_dist < closest[idx]:
closest[idx] = temp_dist
best[idx] = j
return best
def kmeans(rdd, K, RUNS, converge_dist, seed):
Run K-means++ algorithm on `rdd`, where `RUNS` is the number of
initial sets to use.
k_points = kmeans_init(rdd, K, RUNS, seed)
temp_dist = 1.0
iters = 0
st = time.time()
while temp_dist > converge_dist:
# Update all `RUNS` sets of centroids using standard k-means algorithm
# Outline:
# - For each point x, select its nearest centroid in i-th centroids set
# - Average all points that are assigned to the same centroid
# - Update the centroid with the average of all points that are assigned to it
# Insert your code here
#For each point x, select its nearest centroid in i-th centroids set
#Format: ((RUN, nearest_centroid), point_coord)
cen_rdd1 = rdd.flatMap(lambda p:
[((indx,j),p[1]) for (indx,j) in enumerate(get_closest(p[1], k_points))])
#Introduce 1 for count
#Format: ((RUN, nearest_centroid), point, 1)
cen_rdd2 = ((run, k), pt):
((run, k), np.array([pt, 1])))
#Add all the distance and add 1's (count)
#Format: ((RUN, nearest_centroid), sum_points, count)
cen_rdd3 = cen_rdd2.reduceByKey(lambda x,y: np.sum([x,y], axis=0))
#Calculate mean distance for each run
#Format: ((RUN, nearest_centroid), mean_distance)
cen_rdd4 = ((run, k), p):
((run, k), p[0]/p[1]))
#Get dictionary of new_points
new_points = cen_rdd4.collectAsMap()
# You can modify this statement as long as `temp_dist` equals to
# max( sum( l2_norm of the movement of j-th centroid in each centroids set ))
# temp_dist = np.max([
# np.sum([norm(k_points[idx][j] - new_points[(idx, j)]) for j in range(K)])
# for idx in range(RUNS)])
temp_dist = np.max([
np.sum([norm(k_points[idx][j] - new_points[(idx, j)]) for idx,j in new_points.keys()])
iters = iters + 1
if iters % 5 == 0:
print_log("Iteration %d max shift: %.2f (time: %.2f)" %
(iters, temp_dist, time.time() - st))
st = time.time()
# update old centroids
# You modify this for-loop to meet your need
for ((idx, j), p) in new_points.items():
k_points[idx][j] = p
return k_points
In [3]:
## Read data
data = pickle.load(open("/home/sadat/Desktop/UCSD_BigData_2016/Data/Weather/stations_projections.pickle", "rb"))
rdd = sc.parallelize([parse_data(row[1]) for row in data.iterrows()])
In [4]:
# main code
import time
st = time.time()
centroids = kmeans(rdd, K, RUNS, converge_dist, np.random.randint(1000))
group = rdd.mapValues(lambda p: get_closest(p, centroids)) \
print "Time takes to converge:", time.time() - st
In [5]:
def get_cost(rdd, centers):
Compute the square of l2 norm from each data point in `rdd`
to the centroids in `centers`
def _get_cost(p, centers):
best = [0] * len(centers)
closest = [np.inf] * len(centers)
for idx in range(len(centers)):
for j in range(len(centers[0])):
temp_dist = norm(p - centers[idx][j])
if temp_dist < closest[idx]:
closest[idx] = temp_dist
best[idx] = j
return np.array(closest)**2
cost = (name, v): _get_cost(v, centroids)).collect()
return np.array(cost).sum(axis=0)
cost = get_cost(rdd, centroids)
In [6]:
log2 = np.log2
print log2(np.max(cost)), log2(np.min(cost)), log2(np.mean(cost))
In [7]:
entropy = []
for i in range(RUNS):
count = {}
for g, sig in group:
_s = ','.join(map(str, sig[:(i + 1)]))
count[_s] = count.get(_s, 0) + 1
Note: Remove this cell before submitting to PyBolt (PyBolt does not fully support matplotlib)
In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(range(1, RUNS + 1), entropy)
In [9]:
print 'entropy=',entropy
best = np.argmin(cost)
print 'best_centers=',list(centroids[best])
In [ ]: