Webscraping Craigslist for Housing Listings in the East Bay

Jennifer Jones

In [1]:
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Craigslist houses for sale

Look on the Craigslist website, select relevant search criteria, and then take a look at the web address:

Houses for sale in the East Bay:

Houses for sale in selected neighborhoods in the East Bay:

General Procedure

# Get the data using the requests module 
url = 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?housing_type=6'
resp = requests.get(url) 

# BeautifulSoup can quickly parse the text, specify text is html
txt = bs4(resp.text, 'html.parser')

House entries

Looked through output via print(txt.prettify()) to display the html in a more readable way, to note the structure of housing listings

Saw housing entries contained in <p class="row">

houses = txt.find_all('p', attrs={'class': 'row'})

In [3]:
# Get the data using the requests module 
npgs = np.arange(0,10,1)
npg = 100

base_url = 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?'
urls = [base_url + 'housing_type=6']

for pg in range(len(npgs)):
    url = base_url + 's=' + str(npg) + '&housing_type=6'
    npg += 100

more_reqs = []
for p in range(len(npgs)+1):
    more_req = requests.get(urls[p]) 

In [6]:

['http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=100&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=200&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=300&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=400&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=500&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=600&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=700&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=800&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=900&housing_type=6', 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?s=1000&housing_type=6']

In [7]:
# USe BeautifulSoup to parse the text
more_txts = []
for p in range(len(npgs)+1):
    more_txt = bs4(more_reqs[p].text, 'html.parser')

# Save the housing entries to a list
more_houses = [more_txts[h].findAll(attrs={'class': "row"}) for h in range(len(more_txts))] 


In [8]:
# Make a list of housing entries from all of the pages of data
npg = len(more_houses)

houses_all = [] 
for n in range(npg):


Extract and clean data to put in a database

In [9]:
# Define 4 functions for the price, neighborhood, sq footage & # bedrooms, and time
# that can deal with missing values (to prevent errors from showing up when running the code)

# Prices
def find_prices(results):
    prices = []
    for rw in results:
        price = rw.find('span', {'class': 'price'})
        if price is not None:
            price = float(price.text.strip('$'))
            price = np.nan
    return prices

# Define a function for neighborhood in case a field is missing in 'class': 'pnr'
def find_neighborhood(results):
    neighborhoods = []
    for rw in results:
        split = rw.find('span', {'class': 'pnr'}).text.strip(' (').split(')')
        #split = rw.find(attrs={'class': 'pnr'}).text.strip(' (').split(')')
        if len(split) == 2:
            neighborhood = split[0]
        elif 'pic map' or 'pic' or 'map' in split[0]:
            neighborhood = np.nan
    return neighborhoods

# Make a function to deal with size in case #br or ft2 is missing
def find_size_and_brs(results):
    sqft = []
    bedrooms = []
    for rw in results:
        split = rw.find('span', attrs={'class': 'housing'})
        # If the field doesn't exist altogether in a housing entry
        if split is not None:
        #if rw.find('span', {'class': 'housing'}) is not None:
            # Removes leading and trailing spaces and dashes, splits br & ft
            #split = rw.find('span', attrs={'class': 'housing'}).text.strip('/- ').split(' - ')
            split = split.text.strip('/- ').split(' - ')
            if len(split) == 2:
                n_brs = split[0].replace('br', '')
                size = split[1].replace('ft2', '')
            elif 'br' in split[0]: # in case 'size' field is missing
                n_brs = split[0].replace('br', '')
                size = np.nan
            elif 'ft2' in split[0]: # in case 'br' field is missing
                size = split[0].replace('ft2', '')
                n_brs = np.nan
            size = np.nan
            n_brs = np.nan
    return sqft, bedrooms

# Time posted
def find_times(results):
    times = []
    for rw in results:
        time = rw.findAll(attrs={'class': 'pl'})[0].time['datetime']
        if time is not None:
            time# = time
            time = np.nan
    return pd.to_datetime(times)

In [10]:
# Apply functions to data to extract useful information
prices_all = find_prices(houses_all)
neighborhoods_all = find_neighborhood(houses_all) 
sqft_all, bedrooms_all = find_size_and_brs(houses_all)
times_all = find_times(houses_all)

# Check


Add data to pandas database

In [47]:
# Make a dataframe to export cleaned data
data = np.array([sqft_all, bedrooms_all, prices_all]).T

(1100, 3)

In [48]:
alldata = pd.DataFrame(data = data, columns = ['SqFeet', 'nBedrooms', 'Price'])

SqFeet nBedrooms Price
0 1890 4 539999
1 NaN 4 499950
2 3288 5 609000
3 1200 3 635000

In [49]:
alldata['DatePosted'] = times_all
alldata['Neighborhood'] = neighborhoods_all

In [50]:

SqFeet nBedrooms Price DatePosted Neighborhood
0 1890 4 539999 2016-04-08 10:02:00 hayward / castro valley
1 NaN 4 499950 2016-04-08 10:02:00 hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob
2 3288 5 609000 2016-04-08 10:00:00 brentwood / oakley
3 1200 3 635000 2016-04-08 10:00:00 walnut creek

In [52]:
# Check data types

SqFeet                 float64
nBedrooms              float64
Price                  float64
DatePosted      datetime64[ns]
Neighborhood            object
dtype: object
<class 'pandas.tslib.Timestamp'>
<class 'numpy.float64'>
<class 'numpy.float64'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'numpy.float64'>

In [17]:
# To change index to/from time field
# alldata.set_index('DatePosted', inplace = True)
# alldata.reset_index(inplace=True)

Download data to csv file

In [50]:
alldata.to_csv('./webscraping_craigslist.csv', sep=',', na_rep=np.nan, header=True, index=False)

Data for Berkeley

In [51]:
# Get houses listed in Berkeley
print(len(alldata[alldata['Neighborhood'] == 'berkeley']))
alldata[alldata['Neighborhood'] == 'berkeley']

Price SqFeet nBedrooms DatePosted Neighborhood
113 849000 1438 3 2016-04-07 09:44:00 berkeley
292 1175000 2192 4 2016-04-06 13:53:00 berkeley
392 1358888 3921 5 2016-04-06 07:18:00 berkeley
415 1565000 3507 5 2016-04-06 06:49:00 berkeley
597 600000 NaN NaN 2016-04-04 19:56:00 berkeley
655 725000 NaN 2 2016-04-04 12:51:00 berkeley
704 780000 4200 4 2016-04-04 08:12:00 berkeley
824 929000 NaN 3 2016-04-02 09:36:00 berkeley
883 545000 NaN 2 2016-04-01 16:59:00 berkeley
887 1325000 NaN 3 2016-04-01 16:47:00 berkeley
1012 449000 1360 3 2016-04-01 07:58:00 berkeley

In [52]:
# Home prices in Berkeley (or the baseline)

# Choose a baseline, based on proximity to current location
# 'berkeley', 'berkeley north / hills', 'albany / el cerrito'
neighborhood_name = 'berkeley'

print('The average home price in %s is: $' %neighborhood_name, '{0:8,.0f}'.format(alldata.groupby('Neighborhood').mean().Price.ix[neighborhood_name]), '\n')
print('The most expensive home price in %s is:  $' %neighborhood_name, '{0:8,.0f}'.format(alldata.groupby('Neighborhood').max().Price.ix[neighborhood_name]), '\n')
print('The least expensive home price in %s is: $' %neighborhood_name, '{0:9,.0f}'.format(alldata.groupby('Neighborhood').min().Price.ix[neighborhood_name]), '\n')

The average home price in berkeley is: $  936,444 

The most expensive home price in berkeley is:  $ 1,565,000 

The least expensive home price in berkeley is: $   449,000 

Scatter plots

In [20]:
# Plot house prices in the East Bay

def scatterplot(X, Y, labels, xmax): # =X.max()): # labels=[]
    # Set up the figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,8)) # width, height

    matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize = lablsz); matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize = lablsz)

    # Plot a scatter plot
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # row column position 

    # Grid
    ax.grid(b = True, which='major', axis='y') # which='major','both'; options/kwargs: color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)

    # Format x axis
    ax.set_xlabel(labels[0], fontsize = titlefntsz)
    #ax.set_xticklabels(X.index, rotation='vertical') # 90, 45, 'vertical'

    # Format y axis
    #minor_yticks  = np.arange(0, 1600000, 100000)
    #ax.set_yticks(minor_yticks, minor = True) 
    ax.set_ylabel(labels[1], fontsize = titlefntsz)
    # Set Title
    ax.set_title('$\mathrm{Average \; Home \; Prices \; in \; the \; East \; Bay \; (Source: Craigslist)}$', fontsize = titlefntsz)
    #fig.suptitle('Home Prices in the East Bay (Source: Craigslist)')
    # Save figure

    # Return plot object
    return fig, ax

In [22]:
X = alldata.SqFeet
Y = alldata.Price/1000 # in 1000's of Dollars
labels = ['$\mathrm{Square \; Feet}$', '$\mathrm{Price \; (in \; 1000\'s \; of \; Dollars)}$']
ax = scatterplot(X,Y,labels,20000)

In [24]:
X = alldata.nBedrooms
Y = alldata.Price/1000 # in 1000's of Dollars
labels = ['$\mathrm{Number \; of \; Bedrooms}$', '$\mathrm{Price \; (in \; 1000\'s \; of \; Dollars)}$']
ax = scatterplot(X,Y,labels,X.max())


In [54]:
# How many houses for sale are under $700k?
price_baseline = 700000
print(alldata[(alldata.Price < price_baseline)].count())

# Return entries for houses under $700k
# alldata[(alldata.Price < price_baseline)]
# In which neighborhoods are these houses located?
set(alldata[(alldata.Price < price_baseline)].Neighborhood)

SqFeet          367
nBedrooms       421
Price           439
DatePosted      439
Neighborhood    432
dtype: int64
{'El Dorado Hills',
 'richmond / point / annex',
 'Glorieta, NM',
 'hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob',
 'Discovery Bay',
 'Lower Laurel District',
 '2664 Tronero Way Rancho Cordova CA',
 'albany / el cerrito',
 'oakland downtown',
 'san leandro',
 'Hesperian Gardens',
 'pittsburg / antioch',
 'Manteca, CA',
 'fremont / union city / newark',
 'walnut creek',
 '5448 Bloom Dr. Marysville CA',
 'brentwood / oakley',
 'oakland west',
 'vallejo / benicia',
 'berkeley north / hills',
 'oakland north / temescal',
 'oakland hills / mills',
 'Elk Grove',
 'oakland lake merritt / grand',
 '8954 N. Camden Dr. Elk Grove CA',
 'San Pedro, Belize',
 'South Lake Tahoe',
 'concord / pleasant hill / martinez',
 'Soda Springs, CA',
 'Somerset, CA',
 'dublin / pleasanton / livermore',
 'Rio Vista',
 'Vallejo Hercules Oakland',
 'hayward / castro valley',
 'Mi Wuk Vlg Ca',
 'Tracy, CA',
 '3873 Linden Ln.',
 'Oakland Berkeley San Francisco',
 'danville / san ramon',
 'Lake Wildwood',
 'oakland rockridge / claremont',
 'Twain Harte, CA',
 'oakland east',
 'fairfield / vacaville',
 'Pinole, Hercules, Richmond, San Francisc'}

In [72]:
# Would automate this later, just do "quick and dirty" solution for now, to take a fast look
# Neighborhoods to plot
neighborhoodsplt = ['El Dorado Hills',
 'richmond / point / annex',
 'hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob',
 'albany / el cerrito',
 'oakland downtown',
 'san leandro',
 'pittsburg / antioch',
 'fremont / union city / newark',
 'walnut creek',
 'brentwood / oakley',
 'oakland west',
 'vallejo / benicia',
 'berkeley north / hills',
 'oakland north / temescal',
 'oakland hills / mills',
 'oakland lake merritt / grand',
 'concord / pleasant hill / martinez',
 'dublin / pleasanton / livermore',
 'hayward / castro valley',
 'Tracy, CA',
 'Oakland Berkeley San Francisco',
 'danville / san ramon',
 'oakland rockridge / claremont',
 'Twain Harte, CA',
 'oakland east',
 'fairfield / vacaville',
 'Pinole, Hercules, Richmond, San Francisc']

In [74]:
#neighborhoodsplt = set(alldata[(alldata.Price < price_baseline)].Neighborhood.sort_values(ascending=True, inplace=True))

Group results by neighborhood and plot

In [59]:
by_neighborhood = alldata.groupby('Neighborhood').Price.mean()

In [78]:

In [79]:
# Home prices in the East Bay

# Group the results by neighborhood, and then take the average home price in each neighborhood
by_neighborhood = alldata.groupby('Neighborhood').Price.mean().ix[neighborhoodsplt]
by_neighborhood_sort_price = by_neighborhood.sort_values(ascending = True) # uncomment
by_neighborhood_sort_price.index # a list of the neighborhoods sorted by price

# Plot average home price for each neighborhood in the East Bay
fig = plt.figure()


matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize = lablsz); matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize = lablsz)

ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # row column position 

# Plot a bar chart
ax.bar(range(len(by_neighborhood_sort_price.index)), by_neighborhood_sort_price, align='center')

# Add a horizontal line for Berkeley's average home price, corresponds with Berkeley bar
ax.axhline(y=by_neighborhood.ix['berkeley'], linestyle='--')

# Add a grid
ax.grid(b = True, which='major', axis='y') # which='major','both'; options/kwargs: color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)

# Format x axis
ax.set_xticklabels(by_neighborhood_sort_price.index, rotation='vertical') # 90, 45, 'vertical'
ax.set_xlim(-1, len(by_neighborhood_sort_price.index))

# Format y axis
ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{Price \; (Dollars)}$', fontsize = titlefntsz) # in Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars

# Set figure title
ax.set_title('$\mathrm{Average \; Home \; Prices \; in \; the \; East \; Bay \; (Source: Craigslist)}$', fontsize = titlefntsz)

# Save figure

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f5765fb8c50>

In [ ]:

In [ ]: