Webscraping Craigslist for House Prices in the East Bay

Jennifer Jones, PhD


In [1]:
# Python 3.4
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Craigslist houses for sale

Look on the Craigslist website, select relevant search criteria, and then take a look at the web address:

Houses for sale in the East Bay:

Houses for sale in selected neighborhoods in the East Bay:

In [2]:
# Get the data: Houses posted for sale on Craigslist in the Eastbay
url_base = 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/eby/rea?housing_type=6' 
data = requests.get(url_base)


In [3]:
# BeautifulSoup can quickly parse the text, need to tell bs4 that the text is html
html = bs4(data.text, 'html.parser')

In [9]:
# Display the html in a somewhat readable way, to note the structure of housing listings
# then comment it out because it prints out a large amount to the screen
# print(html.prettify())

House entries

In [4]:
# Looked through above output and saw housing entries contained in <p class="row">

# Get a list of housing data and store the results
houses = html.find_all('p', attrs={'class': 'row'}) # html.findAll(attrs={'class': "row"})


In [7]:
# List neighborhoods of the houses in the list
neighborhoods = pd.DataFrame(data = ones(len(houses)), columns = {'Neighborhoods'})
n = 0
for row in range(len(houses)-1):
    one_neighborhood = houses[n].findAll(attrs={'class': 'pnr'})[0].text
    neighborhoods.iloc[n] = one_neighborhood
    n += 1

Look at a single entry - for one house

To explore the data before working with the whole dataset.

In [11]:
# There's a consistent structure to each housing listing:
# There is a 'time', 
# a <span class="price">, 
# a 'housing', 
# a <span class="pnr"> neighborhood field

# Look at info for a single house
one_house = houses[11] # 11, 19, 28 is the selected row number for a housing listing

# Print out and view a single house entry, use prettify to make more legible

<p class="row" data-pid="5435512814">
 <a class="i" data-ids="0:00i0i_5wOYOWgpigj,0:01313_kVRkR5KuWKy,0:00V0V_itCBgm2OaMO,0:00404_kLqJxhlIffA,0:00r0r_eJPbw1PURsK,0:00D0D_toh93xIhAv,0:00o0o_hZrlOFHmOtq,0:00A0A_1rbMRl7UegY,0:00R0R_gEG5hSz70ay,0:00E0E_4qXeNIMmPXZ,0:01717_jkC1pF5Ng8T,0:00q0q_keqedGCLN3Y,0:01313_3n33XE8aWCo" href="/eby/reb/5435512814.html">
 <span class="txt">
  <span class="star">
  <span class="pl">
   <time datetime="2016-02-05 16:26" title="Fri 05 Feb 04:26:09 PM">
    Feb 5
   <a class="hdrlnk" data-id="5435512814" href="/eby/reb/5435512814.html">
    RICHMOND ANNEX - Adorable Updated Bungalow. OPEN SUN 1-3
  <span class="l2">
   <span class="price">
   <span class="housing">
    / 2br - 817ft
   <span class="pnr">
     (richmond / point / annex)
    <span class="px">
     <span class="p">
      <span class="maptag" data-pid="5435512814">
  <span class="js-only banish-unbanish">
   <span class="banish" title="hide">
    <span class="trash">
   <span class="unbanish" title="restore">
    <span class="trash red">

A single housing entry looks like this:

OPEN House Sunday 2-4pm, For SALE Spacious 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Home $440000 / 2br - 1156ft 2 - (Oakland) pic map

OPEN HOUSE SAT 1-4 Sunny Richmond Home 3br - 1330ft 2 - (richmond / point / annex) pic map

Millsmont House For Sale $579950 / 3br - 1912ft 2 - (oakland hills / mills) pic map

Excellent Home in Berkeley $450000 (berkeley) pic

Conveniently located in Albany $600000 (albany / el cerrito) pic

In [14]:
# For one housing entry look at fields of interest: Price, Neighborhood, Size, Date Posted 
# Clean up values manually, to figure out how to automate

# Listing
allspecs = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'l2'})[0].text # `findAll` returns a list, and there's only one entry in this html
print('Listing: \n', allspecs, '\n')

# Price

price = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'price'})[0].text

price = float(one_house.find('span', {'class': 'price'}).text.strip('$'))
print(price, '\t', type(price), '\n')

# Neighborhood

neighborhood = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'pnr'})[0].text

# Keep the neighborhood, remove leading spaces and parentheses. 
# Then split at the closing parentheses and only take the neighborhood part
# example: '   (vallejo / benicia)   pic map  '
neighborhood = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'pnr'})[0].text.strip(' (').split(')')[0]
print(neighborhood, '\t', type(neighborhood), '\n')

#print(len([rw.findAll(attrs={'class': 'pnr'})[0].text.strip(' (').split(')')[0] for rw in houses]))

# Size
print('Size: bedrooms and sq ft: ')

size = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'housing'})[0].text

# Strip text of leading and trailing characters: /, dashes, and spaces
# Split number of bedrooms and square footage into 2 fields in list
size = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'housing'})[0].text.strip('/- ').split(' - ')

# Delete suffixes and just keep the numbers 
size[0] = float(size[0].replace('br', '')) # number of bedrooms
size[1] = float(size[1].replace('ft2', '')) # square footage

print(size, '\t', type(size[0]), '\n') 

# Address/Posting Title
address = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'hdrlnk'})[0].text
print(address,  '\n')
#link = 'http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search' + one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'hdrlnk'})[0]['href']
#print(link, '\n')

# Date posted
dateposted = one_house.findAll(attrs={'class': 'pl'})[0].time['datetime']
print(dateposted, '\t', type(dateposted))

# Convert to datetime type so can extract date
date = pd.to_datetime(one_house.find('time')['datetime']).date()
print(date, '\t', type(date))

  $469000 / 2br - 817ft2 -    (richmond / point / annex)   pic map   

469000.0 	 <class 'float'> 

  (richmond / point / annex)   pic map 
richmond / point / annex 	 <class 'str'> 

Size: bedrooms and sq ft: 
/ 2br - 817ft2 - 
['2br', '817ft2']
[2.0, 817.0] 	 <class 'float'> 

RICHMOND ANNEX - Adorable Updated Bungalow. OPEN SUN 1-3 

2016-02-05 16:26 	 <class 'str'>
2016-02-05 	 <class 'datetime.date'>

All rows, all housing entries

Now that I've figured out how to extract data for 1 house, do for the list of houses

In [15]:
# Define 4 functions for the price, neighborhood, sq footage & # bedrooms, and time
# that can deal with missing values (to prevent errors from showing up when running the code)

# Prices
def find_prices(results):
    prices = []
    for rw in results:
        price = rw.find('span', {'class': 'price'})
        if price is not None:
            price = float(price.text.strip('$'))
            price = np.nan
    return prices

# Neighborhoods
# Example: '  (oakland hills / mills)   pic map  '
# Define a function for neighborhood in case a field is missing in 'class': 'pnr'
def find_neighborhood(results):
    neighborhoods = []
    for rw in results:
        split = rw.find('span', {'class': 'pnr'}).text.strip(' (').split(')')
        #split = rw.find(attrs={'class': 'pnr'}).text.strip(' (').split(')')
        if len(split) == 2:
            neighborhood = split[0]
        elif 'pic map' or 'pic' or 'map' in split[0]:
            neighborhood = np.nan
    return neighborhoods

# Size
# Make a function to deal with size in case #br or ft2 is missing
def find_size_and_brs(results):
    sqft = []
    bedrooms = []
    for rw in results:
        split = rw.find('span', attrs={'class': 'housing'})
        # If the field doesn't exist altogether in a housing entry
        if split is not None:
        #if rw.find('span', {'class': 'housing'}) is not None:
            # Removes leading and trailing spaces and dashes, splits br & ft
            #split = rw.find('span', attrs={'class': 'housing'}).text.strip('/- ').split(' - ')
            split = split.text.strip('/- ').split(' - ')
            if len(split) == 2:
                n_brs = split[0].replace('br', '')
                size = split[1].replace('ft2', '')
            elif 'br' in split[0]: # in case 'size' field is missing
                n_brs = split[0].replace('br', '')
                size = np.nan
            elif 'ft2' in split[0]: # in case 'br' field is missing
                size = split[0].replace('ft2', '')
                n_brs = np.nan
            size = np.nan
            n_brs = np.nan
    return sqft, bedrooms

# Time posted
def find_times(results):
    times = []
    for rw in results:
        time = rw.findAll(attrs={'class': 'pl'})[0].time['datetime']
        if time is not None:
            time# = time
            time = np.nan
    return pd.to_datetime(times)

In [16]:
prices = find_prices(houses)
neighborhoods = find_neighborhood(houses) 
sqft, bedrooms = find_size_and_brs(houses)
times = find_times(houses)

# Check


In [18]:
# Add the data to a dataframe so I can work with it

housesdata = np.array([prices, sqft, bedrooms]).T

# Add the array to the dataframe, then the dates column and the neighborhoods column
housesdf = pd.DataFrame(data = housesdata, columns = ['Price', 'SqFeet', 'nBedrooms'])
housesdf['DatePosted'] = times
housesdf['Neighborhood'] = neighborhoods


      Price  SqFeet  nBedrooms          DatePosted  \
95   280000    1379          3 2016-02-05 10:32:00   
96   650000    1320          3 2016-02-05 10:27:00   
97  3699000    6641          5 2016-02-05 10:25:00   
98   660000    1300          3 2016-02-05 10:25:00   
99   625000    1350          3 2016-02-05 10:24:00   

95              pittsburg / antioch  
96             danville / san ramon  
97             danville / san ramon  
98  dublin / pleasanton / livermore  
99  dublin / pleasanton / livermore  

In [19]:

Price                  float64
SqFeet                 float64
nBedrooms              float64
DatePosted      datetime64[ns]
Neighborhood            object
dtype: object

In [22]:
# Quick plot to look at the data

fig = plt.figure() 

ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # row column position 
ax.plot(housesdf.SqFeet, housesdf.Price, 'bo')
ax.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{Square \; feet}$',fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{Price \; (in \; \$)}$',fontsize=18)



In [23]:
# Quick plot to look at the data

fig = plt.figure() 

ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # row column position 
ax.plot(housesdf.nBedrooms, housesdf.Price, 'bo')
ax.set_xlim(1.5, 5.5)
ax.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{Number \; of \; Bedrooms}$',fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{Price \; (in \; \$)}$',fontsize=18)



In [29]:
# Get houses listed in Berkeley
#housesdf[housesdf['Neighborhood'] == 'berkeley']
housesdf[housesdf['Neighborhood'] == 'berkeley north / hills']
#housesdf[housesdf['Neighborhood'] == 'oakland rockridge / claremont']
#housesdf[housesdf['Neighborhood'] == 'albany / el cerrito']
#housesdf[housesdf['Neighborhood'] == 'richmond / point / annex']

Price SqFeet nBedrooms DatePosted Neighborhood
28 795000 NaN 2 2016-02-05 15:20:00 berkeley north / hills
30 879000 NaN 5 2016-02-05 15:11:00 berkeley north / hills

In [46]:
# How many houses for sale are under $700k?
print(housesdf[(housesdf.Price < 700000)].count(), '\n') # nulls aren't counted in count

# In which neighborhoods are these houses located?
print(set(housesdf[(housesdf.Price < 700000)].Neighborhood))

# Return entries for houses under $700k, sorted by price from least expensive to most
housesdf[(housesdf.Price < 700000)].sort_values(['Price'], ascending = [True])

Price           53
SqFeet          43
nBedrooms       51
DatePosted      53
Neighborhood    52
dtype: int64 

{nan, 'brentwood / oakley', 'vallejo / benicia', 'oakland west', 'hayward / castro valley', 'dublin / pleasanton / livermore', 'concord / pleasant hill / martinez', 'Oakland', 'Tracy', 'walnut creek', 'oakland hills / mills', 'oakland east', 'pittsburg / antioch', 'richmond / point / annex', 'hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob', 'fairfield / vacaville', 'san leandro', 'danville / san ramon', 'fremont / union city / newark', 'CONCORD', 'albany / el cerrito', 'Fair Oaks'}
Price SqFeet nBedrooms DatePosted Neighborhood
45 1300 3950 4 2016-02-05 14:22:00 hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob
24 20000 1900 4 2016-02-05 15:38:00 vallejo / benicia
39 145000 1872 NaN 2016-02-05 14:45:00 dublin / pleasanton / livermore
46 270000 1511 3 2016-02-05 14:20:00 pittsburg / antioch
95 280000 1379 3 2016-02-05 10:32:00 pittsburg / antioch
92 319000 NaN 2 2016-02-05 10:41:00 Oakland
31 329000 NaN 3 2016-02-05 15:07:00 brentwood / oakley
60 350000 1176 3 2016-02-05 13:06:00 CONCORD
55 360000 1905 4 2016-02-05 13:52:00 fairfield / vacaville
86 373000 1552 3 2016-02-05 10:59:00 fairfield / vacaville
87 379000 NaN 2 2016-02-05 10:57:00 oakland hills / mills
69 399000 1377 4 2016-02-05 12:09:00 oakland east
1 410000 1144 2 2016-02-05 17:31:00 oakland east
80 418000 11500 3 2016-02-05 11:13:00 concord / pleasant hill / martinez
82 435000 2506 4 2016-02-05 11:03:00 pittsburg / antioch
37 439000 2260 3 2016-02-05 14:57:00 pittsburg / antioch
48 442500 2255 4 2016-02-05 14:17:00 vallejo / benicia
53 444000 2020 4 2016-02-05 14:03:00 vallejo / benicia
83 450000 920 2 2016-02-05 11:01:00 walnut creek
11 469000 817 2 2016-02-05 16:26:00 richmond / point / annex
66 479900 2293 5 2016-02-05 12:40:00 Fair Oaks
36 480000 2580 3 2016-02-05 14:59:00 vallejo / benicia
56 485000 NaN 2 2016-02-05 13:47:00 fremont / union city / newark
54 489000 1945 4 2016-02-05 13:52:00 fairfield / vacaville
34 489000 2752 5 2016-02-05 15:05:00 pittsburg / antioch
27 489900 2451 4 2016-02-05 15:23:00 dublin / pleasanton / livermore
72 490000 1952 4 2016-02-05 11:47:00 brentwood / oakley
26 499000 1473 3 2016-02-05 15:24:00 san leandro
25 499888 1119 3 2016-02-05 15:36:00 hayward / castro valley
52 499888 1119 3 2016-02-05 14:07:00 hayward / castro valley
77 529000 NaN 4 2016-02-05 11:31:00 concord / pleasant hill / martinez
9 535000 3635 7 2016-02-05 16:32:00 Tracy
14 535000 3635 7 2016-02-05 16:23:00 Tracy
15 535000 3635 7 2016-02-05 16:22:00 Tracy
23 539000 3394 5 2016-02-05 15:40:00 NaN
67 548000 1244 3 2016-02-05 12:26:00 richmond / point / annex
19 549000 NaN 2 2016-02-05 16:04:00 albany / el cerrito
43 550000 NaN NaN 2016-02-05 14:24:00 fremont / union city / newark
32 550000 1474 4 2016-02-05 15:06:00 oakland west
42 564900 1741 4 2016-02-05 14:25:00 vallejo / benicia
81 569000 NaN 2 2016-02-05 11:11:00 richmond / point / annex
38 585000 1750 3 2016-02-05 14:48:00 vallejo / benicia
94 585000 1350 3 2016-02-05 10:33:00 hayward / castro valley
99 625000 1350 3 2016-02-05 10:24:00 dublin / pleasanton / livermore
73 625000 1668 3 2016-02-05 11:39:00 brentwood / oakley
76 629000 NaN 5 2016-02-05 11:35:00 fairfield / vacaville
75 629000 4085 5 2016-02-05 11:36:00 fairfield / vacaville
4 639000 NaN 3 2016-02-05 17:21:00 fremont / union city / newark
78 649900 2903 4 2016-02-05 11:14:00 brentwood / oakley
90 650000 1623 4 2016-02-05 10:51:00 dublin / pleasanton / livermore
96 650000 1320 3 2016-02-05 10:27:00 danville / san ramon
79 650000 2091 4 2016-02-05 11:13:00 concord / pleasant hill / martinez
98 660000 1300 3 2016-02-05 10:25:00 dublin / pleasanton / livermore

Group results by neighborhood and plot

In [47]:
by_neighborhood = housesdf.groupby('Neighborhood')
print(by_neighborhood.count())#.head()) # NOT NULL records within each column

#print(by_neighborhood.size())#.head()) # total records for each neighborhood

                                     Price  SqFeet  nBedrooms  DatePosted
CONCORD                                  1       1          1           1
El Sobrante 7.5 miles from Orinda        0       1          1           1
Fair Oaks                                1       1          1           1
HAYWARD                                  0       0          0           1
Oakland                                  1       0          1           1
PLEASANTON-DUBLIN-LIVERMORE              0       0          0           1
San Diego                                0       2          0           2
Tracy                                    3       3          3           3
albany / el cerrito                      3       0          3           3
berkeley north / hills                   2       0          2           2
brentwood / oakley                       5       4          5           6
concord / pleasant hill / martinez       4       3          4           4
danville / san ramon                     3       3          3           3
dublin / pleasanton / livermore         10      10          9          11
fairfield / vacaville                    6       5          7           7
fremont / union city / newark           10       7         10          11
hayward / castro valley                  3       3          3           3
hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob      1       1          1           1
oakland east                             2       2          2           2
oakland hills / mills                    1       0          1           1
oakland rockridge / claremont            1       0          1           1
oakland west                             1       1          1           1
pittsburg / antioch                      5       6          6           6
richmond / point / annex                 3       2          3           3
san leandro                              2       2          2           2
vallejo / benicia                        8       8          8           8
walnut creek                             1       1          2           3

In [48]:
print(len(housesdf.index)) # total #rows
print(len(set(housesdf.Neighborhood))) # #unique neighborhoods
set(housesdf.Neighborhood) # list the #unique neighborhoods

{'brentwood / oakley',
 'vallejo / benicia',
 'oakland west',
 'hayward / castro valley',
 'dublin / pleasanton / livermore',
 'concord / pleasant hill / martinez',
 'walnut creek',
 'oakland hills / mills',
 'oakland east',
 'berkeley north / hills',
 'pittsburg / antioch',
 'San Diego',
 'richmond / point / annex',
 'hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob',
 'El Sobrante 7.5 miles from Orinda',
 'fairfield / vacaville',
 'san leandro',
 'danville / san ramon',
 'fremont / union city / newark',
 'albany / el cerrito',
 'oakland rockridge / claremont',
 'Fair Oaks'}

In [50]:
# Group the results by neighborhood, and then take the average home price in each neighborhood
by_neighborhood = housesdf.groupby('Neighborhood').mean().Price # by_neighborhood_mean_price
print(by_neighborhood.head(5), '\n')
print(by_neighborhood['berkeley north / hills'], '\n') 
#print(by_neighborhood.index, '\n') 

by_neighborhood_sort_price = by_neighborhood.sort_values(ascending = True)
#print(by_neighborhood_sort_price.index) # a list of the neighborhoods sorted by price

CONCORD                              350000
El Sobrante 7.5 miles from Orinda       NaN
Fair Oaks                            479900
HAYWARD                                 NaN
Oakland                              319000
Name: Price, dtype: float64 


hercules, pinole, san pablo, el sob       1300.000000
Oakland                                 319000.000000
CONCORD                                 350000.000000
oakland hills / mills                   379000.000000
pittsburg / antioch                     382600.000000
oakland east                            404500.000000
walnut creek                            450000.000000
Fair Oaks                               479900.000000
hayward / castro valley                 528258.666667
richmond / point / annex                528666.666667
Tracy                                   535000.000000
oakland west                            550000.000000
concord / pleasant hill / martinez      578000.000000
brentwood / oakley                      595180.000000
vallejo / benicia                       662925.000000
albany / el cerrito                     675666.666667
san leandro                             687000.000000
fairfield / vacaville                   746666.666667
dublin / pleasanton / livermore         785278.800000
fremont / union city / newark           792772.400000
berkeley north / hills                  837000.000000
oakland rockridge / claremont          1200000.000000
danville / san ramon                   1814666.666667
El Sobrante 7.5 miles from Orinda                 NaN
HAYWARD                                           NaN
San Diego                                         NaN
Name: Price, dtype: float64

In [56]:
# Plot average home price for each neighborhood in the East Bay
# dropna()

fig = plt.figure() # or fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,8)) # width, height
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # row column position 


matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize = lablsz); matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize = lablsz)

# Choose a baseline, based on proximity to current location
# 'berkeley', 'berkeley north / hills', 'albany / el cerrito'
neighborhood_name = 'berkeley north / hills'

# Plot a bar chart
ax.bar(range(len(by_neighborhood_sort_price.dropna())), by_neighborhood_sort_price.dropna(), align='center')

# Add a horizontal line for Berkeley's (or the baseline's) average home price, corresponds with Berkeley bar
ax.axhline(y=housesdf.groupby('Neighborhood').mean().Price.ix[neighborhood_name], linestyle='--')

# Add a grid
ax.grid(b = True, which='major', axis='y') # which='major','both'; options/kwargs: color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)

# Format x axis
ax.set_xticks(range(1,len(housesdf.groupby('Neighborhood').mean().Price.dropna()))); # 0 if first row is at least 100,000
ax.set_xticklabels(by_neighborhood_sort_price.dropna().index[1:], rotation='vertical', fontsize=fntsz) # remove [1:], 90, 45, 'vertical'
ax.set_xlim(0, len(by_neighborhood_sort_price.dropna().index)) # -1 if first row is at least 100,000

# Format y axis
minor_yticks  = np.arange(0, 2000000, 100000)
ax.set_yticks(minor_yticks, minor = True) 
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fntsz)
ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{Price \; (Dollars)}$', fontsize = titlefntsz)

# Set figure title
ax.set_title('$\mathrm{Average \; Home \; Prices \; in \; the \; East \; Bay \; (Source: Craigslist)}$', fontsize = titlefntsz)

# Save figure
#plt.savefig("home_prices.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

# Home prices in Berkeley (or the baseline)
print('The average home price in %s is: $' %neighborhood_name, '{0:8,.0f}'.format(housesdf.groupby('Neighborhood').mean().Price.ix[neighborhood_name]), '\n')
print('The most expensive home price in %s is:  $' %neighborhood_name, '{0:8,.0f}'.format(housesdf.groupby('Neighborhood').max().Price.ix[neighborhood_name]), '\n')
print('The least expensive home price in %s is: $' %neighborhood_name, '{0:9,.0f}'.format(housesdf.groupby('Neighborhood').min().Price.ix[neighborhood_name]), '\n')

The average home price in berkeley north / hills is: $  837,000 

The most expensive home price in berkeley north / hills is:  $  879,000 

The least expensive home price in berkeley north / hills is: $   795,000 

In [ ]:

Copyright Jennifer L. Jones, 2015, 2016