First scan all available ports.
In [5]:
import pypot.dynamixel
ports = pypot.dynamixel.get_available_ports()
if not ports:
raise IOError('no port found!')
print 'ports found', ports
From the available ports, select the port where the new motor is pluggued. If the new motor is a XL-320 (using another protocol), set the using_XL320 flag to True.
In [6]:
my_port = "/dev/ttyACM1" #Change this value to match your setup
using_XL320 = False #Change this value to True if you use XL-320 motors
Select the new ID and the new baudrate you wish for your motor.
In [7]:
old_id = 1 #Should be 1 if the motor has never been configured
new_id = 10 #Change this value
old_baudrate = 57600 #Should be 57600 for new MX-28 or MX-64, 1000000 for new AX612A or XL-320
new_baudrate = 1000000 #Should be 1000000
Change the ID, baudrate and set the return time to 0.
In [11]:
if using_XL320:
dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.Dxl320IO(my_port, baudrate=old_baudrate)
dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.DxlIO(my_port, baudrate=old_baudrate)
print "scanning"
found = dxl_io.scan(range(60))
print found
if old_id in found:
dxl_io.set_return_delay_time({old_id : 0})
dxl_io.change_id({old_id : new_id})
dxl_io.change_baudrate({new_id : new_baudrate})
print "no motor found with ID ",old_id," at baudrate ",old_baudrate, " on port ",my_port
Check that the new motor is detected with its new id and new baudrate.
In [10]:
dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.DxlIO(my_port, baudrate=new_baudrate)
print "scanning"
found = dxl_io.scan(range(60))
print found
In [ ]: