In [5]:
import json
import urllib2
import matplotlib
s = json.load ( urllib2.urlopen(""))
figsize( 11, 9)
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
The aim of this document is to illustrate the usage of Gaussian Process (GPs) emulators to efficiently approximate a more costly function, as well as its partial derivatives. We illustrate this approach here using the PROSAIL radiative transfer model and CHRIS/PROBA atmospherically corrected surface reflectance.
The approach is as follows:
This is a first attempt at usage. We shall only use a very simple inversion set-up.
The first stage is to import a number of utility functions:
In [6]:
import numpy as np
from lut_tools import lut, limits, samples, brdfModel, transform, invtransform, pack, unpack
from multivariate_gp import MultivariateEmulator
from scipy.optimize import *
import scipy.spatial
import time
import scipy.stats
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
One can envisage the GP as a powerful look-up table (LUT), where pre-calculated outputs are stored and used in the inversion. We will create a database of model output (62 samples for CHRIS' 62 bands) as a function of parameters, for a single observation geometry (in this case, rather than use all of CHRIS' cameras, we will only use the nadir one). First, let's define the spectral and geometric aspects of the problem:
In [8]:
bands_txt = """410.501 405.633 415.244 9.61120
441.286 436.253 446.572 10.3190
451.155 446.572 455.890 9.31790
460.776 455.890 465.796 9.90570
470.956 465.796 476.259 10.4620
481.712 476.259 487.298 11.0390
491.899 487.298 496.596 9.29790
501.417 496.596 506.357 9.76010
511.431 506.357 516.657 10.3000
522.043 516.657 527.573 10.9150
531.848 527.573 536.238 8.66460
542.221 536.238 548.447 12.2090
553.251 548.447 558.182 9.73490
563.245 558.182 568.430 10.2470
573.769 568.430 579.258 10.8280
582.975 579.258 586.800 7.54180
592.636 586.800 598.645 11.8440
604.822 598.645 611.168 12.5230
615.512 611.168 619.917 8.74920
624.419 619.917 628.969 9.05170
633.636 628.969 638.395 9.42590
643.218 638.395 648.135 9.73960
653.172 648.135 658.276 10.1410
663.488 658.276 668.815 10.5380
674.242 668.815 679.748 10.9320
682.559 679.748 685.324 5.57530
688.174 685.324 691.070 5.74610
693.963 691.070 696.883 5.81340
699.860 696.883 702.841 5.95720
705.839 702.841 708.888 6.04680
711.954 708.888 715.058 6.17070
718.192 715.058 721.320 6.26160
724.529 721.320 727.724 6.40440
730.932 727.724 734.266 6.54210
737.563 734.266 740.901 6.63450
744.231 740.901 747.686 6.78460
751.100 747.686 754.582 6.89580
758.096 754.582 761.634 7.05270
765.172 761.634 768.737 7.10220
772.388 768.737 776.076 7.33970
779.735 776.076 783.491 7.41460
787.287 783.491 791.046 7.55520
794.949 791.046 798.750 7.70350
802.702 798.750 806.614 7.86430
810.582 806.614 814.631 8.01700
831.065 822.750 839.468 16.7170
843.759 839.468 848.038 8.57030
852.458 848.038 856.874 8.83580
861.241 856.874 865.688 8.81430
870.174 865.688 874.757 9.06900
879.316 874.757 883.899 9.14150
888.505 883.899 893.240 9.34100
898.019 893.240 902.751 9.51130
907.533 902.751 912.337 9.58560
917.255 912.337 922.147 9.81040
927.173 922.147 932.027 9.88020
942.121 932.027 952.277 20.2490
957.371 952.277 962.585 10.3070
967.744 962.585 972.983 10.3980
978.331 972.983 983.534 10.5500
988.911 983.534 994.152 10.6180
999.543 994.152 1004.96 10.8060"""
# Convert the band info to an array.
# Columns are centre, min, max and bandwidth
bands = np.fromstring ( bands_txt, sep="\n").reshape((62,4))
proba_min = bands[:, 1]
proba_max = bands[:, 2]
# Number of bands
n_bands = 62
# The bandpass functions are purely arrays
band_pass = np.zeros (( n_bands, 2101 ), dtype = np.bool )
bw = bands [ :, 3]
wv = np.arange ( 400, 2501 )
for i in xrange( n_bands ):
band_pass[i,:] = np.logical_and ( wv >= proba_min[i], \
wv <= proba_max[i] )
# Geometry for NADIR camera only
sza = 22.4
saa = 134.7
vza = 19.4
vaa = 102.4
raa = vaa - saa
In order to create the LUT, we need to specify the parameters that we shall be varying, as well as their bounds (you might want to actually include prior information on this, but we will just use some reasoably large parameter spread). We also need to set the number of samples to use for the emulator, and additionally, an inddependent validation dataset to see how well the emulator performs. Note that we will work in transformed units. These transformations result in a small linearisation of the model, which both benefits the emulator and the conditioning of the actual problem we want to solve. See Weiss et al 2001
In [9]:
# Number of training samples
n_train = 200
# Number of validation samples
n_validate = 5000
# Parameter names
param_names = ['bsoil', 'cbrown', 'hspot', 'n', \
'psoil', 'xala', 'xcab', 'xcar', \
'xcm', 'xcw', 'xlai']
#training parameter arrays
train_brf = np.zeros ( ( n_train, n_bands ) )
validate_brf = np.zeros ( ( n_train, n_bands ) )
train_params = {}
# Set limits (hardcoded function)
( pmin, pmax ) = limits()
# **Training** dataset using random sampling
strain = samples( n=n_train )
# **Validation** dataset using random sampling
svalidate = samples( n=n_validate )
# Output simulated reflectance arrays
rho_train = np.zeros (( n_train, n_bands ))
rho_validate = np.zeros (( n_validate, n_bands ))
# Do forward modelling of **training** dataset
a, trans_p, rho = brdfModel ( strain, vza, sza, raa )
# Apply bandpass functions
for j in xrange( n_bands ):
rho_train[:, j] = rho[:, band_pass[j,:]].sum(axis=1)/bw[j]
# Transform parameters to "real units"
tstrain = transform ( strain )
train_parameters, param_names = unpack ( tstrain)
# Do forward modelling of **training** dataset
a, trans_p, rho = brdfModel ( svalidate, vza, sza, raa )
# Apply bandpass functions
for j in xrange( n_bands ):
rho_validate[:, j] = rho[:, band_pass[j,:]].sum(axis=1)/bw[j]
# Transform parameters to "real units"
tsvalidate = transform ( svalidate )
validate_parameters, param_names = unpack ( tsvalidate )
# Create a bounds list-of-lists
bounds = []
# Change transformed LAI to be a bit smaller than 15
pmin['xlai'] = 0.018
for p in param_names:
bounds.append ( [pmin[p], pmax[p]])
At this stage, we have created a 200-sample LUT and a 5000-sample validation dataset. We are in a position to create and train a GP emulator. This is very easy to do with the MultivariateEmulator
class, as we shall see. Finally, we will also use the emulator to forward model the validation dataset, to check how well we are doing. Note that this stage can take quite some time!
In [12]:
emulator = MultivariateEmulator ( X=rho_train, y=train_parameters )
res = np.array ( [ (emulator.predict( validate_parameters[i, :])[0] - rho_validate[i, :]) \
for i in xrange(n_validate) ] )
Let's see how well the emulator works. Note that we are trying the emulator on a completely independent, much larger dataset. Let's plot the mean error as well as the $1\sigma$ error spread:
In [26]:
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], res.mean(axis=0))
plt.fill_between(bands[:,0], y1=res.mean(axis=0)-res.std(axis=0),
y2=res.mean(axis=0)+res.std(axis=0), color='0.8')
plt.ylabel("Simulated-Emulated [-]")
The above plot shows that the emulator is quite reasonable: the mean error is close to 0, and the spread is fairly small (between $\pm$ 0.01 and $\pm$ 0.025. We could use these figures to add this "model inadequacy error" to our analysis, or increase the number of training samples that went into the GP emulator to make the quality of the emulator higher (and hence the error negligible). Also note that the error is spread equally over all parameter space: shrinking this space by putting better limits or using a better space-filling algorithm could also improve on things. For this problem, we will assume that te quality of the emulator is good enough and can be ignored.
Now let's load the CHRIS data, and extract a couple of spectra. We shall choose a high vegetation and a low vegetation pixel:
In [49]:
def get_proba ( xx = [150, 250], yy=[350, 250]):
"""Gets PROBA data from UCL storage, and plots a RGB composite"""
import os
import gdal
proba_dir = "/data/netapp_4/ucfajlg/BARRAX/SPARC/" + \
g = gdal.Open ( os.path.join ( proba_dir, "refl_030712_3598.tif" ) )
R = g.GetRasterBand ( 18 ).ReadAsArray()/10000.
G = g.GetRasterBand ( 14 ).ReadAsArray()/10000.
B = g.GetRasterBand ( 5 ).ReadAsArray()/10000.
RGB = np.dstack ( (R, G, B ))
plt.imshow ( RGB, interpolation='nearest')
plt.plot ( xx[0], yy[0], 'rx', ms=20 )
plt.plot ( xx[1], yy[1], 'rx', ms=20 )
plt.grid ( False)
plt.xlim(0, 300)
plt.ylim ( 0, 400 )
ax = plt.gca()
return g
g = get_proba ()
We can now use the validation dataset as a LUT to get a first guess of what the inversion of each of these spectra could be:
In [50]:
rhop = []
buf = g.ReadRaster(151, 351, 1, 1)
rhop.append(np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.int16).T/10000.)
plt.plot ( bands[:,0],np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.int16).T/10000.)
rhof = []
buf = g.ReadRaster(250, 150, 1, 1)
rhof.append(np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.int16).T/10000.)
plt.plot ( bands[:,0],np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.int16).T/10000.)
iloc_rhof = np.sum(( rho_validate - rhof)**2,axis=1).argmin()
iloc_rhop = np.sum(( rho_validate - rhop)**2,axis=1).argmin()
xstart_rhof = unpack ( tsvalidate )[0][iloc_rhof,:]
xstart_rhop = unpack ( tsvalidate )[0][iloc_rhop,:]
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rho_validate[iloc_rhof,:], '--')
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rho_validate[iloc_rhop,:], '--')
We can see that the LUT inversion is still quite far from the real observed data, particularly for the low vegetation pixel. Let's use now minimise a cost function to improve on this!
In [55]:
def der_cost_obs ( x, rho, emulator ):
rho_sim, rho_der = emulator.predict ( x )
cost = 0.5*np.sum ( ( rho - rho_sim ) **2 )
der_cost = - ( rho - rho_sim )*rho_der
return cost, der_cost.sum(axis=1)
retvalf = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(der_cost_obs, xstart_rhof, fprime=None, args=(rhof, emulator ), \
bounds = bounds, iprint=0 )
x_sol_f = invtransform( pack(retvalf[0], param_names) )
retvalp = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(der_cost_obs, xstart_rhop, fprime=None, args=(rhop, emulator ), \
bounds=bounds, iprint=0 )
x_sol_p = invtransform( pack(retvalp[0], param_names) )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rhof[0], '-', lw=1.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rhop[0], '-', lw=1.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], emulator.predict ( retvalf[0] )[0], '--', lw=1.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], emulator.predict ( retvalp[0] )[0], '--', lw=1.5 )
print x_sol_f
print x_sol_p
So, a better fit, but still not great parameter values! We could improve on this providing better prior distributions (effectively, we've just bound the prior space usinb bounds
The previous example shows that retrieving so many parameters, even with an informative spectral configuration, is riddled with complexities. Many parameter combinations will result in a reasonable fit to the data, and note that in the previous example, we have not even added any uncertainty in the observations due to thermal, quantisation or noise arising from atmospheric correction.
One way to improve on this is to place prior distributions on the parameters. Priors encode our knowledge about the problem before we even look at the data. Many different kinds of prior knowledge are typically available, and the real difficulty is to phrase this knowledge in a consistent and quantitative way.
For the case above, we shall basically assume that the parameters are distributed a priori with a Gaussian distribution with a given mean value and a given standard deviation. We will assume no correlation between parameters. We will define the distribution in the transformed variables space. Clearly, the choice of priors is subjective, and the ones chosen here are just given as an example:
In [114]:
# Define Untransformed parameter names
parameter_names = ['bsoil', 'cbrown','hspot','n','psoil','ala','cab','car','cm','cw','lai']
# The prior mean, in transformed units
t_prior = {}
t_prior['bsoil'] = 1.0
t_prior['cbrown'] = 0.2
t_prior['hspot'] = 0.5
t_prior['n'] = 1.5
t_prior['psoil'] = 0.5
t_prior['xala'] = 0.5
t_prior['xcab'] = 0.6
t_prior['xcar'] = 0.95
t_prior['xcm'] = 0.5
t_prior['xcw'] = 0.4
t_prior['xlai'] = 0.2
# Define the variance, again, in transformed units
cov = np.array ( [2, 0.5, 0.005, 0.5, 0.2, 0.05, 0.2, 0.005, 0.5, 0.05, 0.95] )
# The **inverse** covariance matrix is diagonal, with elements equal to 1./sigma^2
inv_cov = np.diag(1./cov)
x_mean = np.zeros((11))
print "%-16s\t%12s\t%12s%12s" % ( "Parameter", "Mean", "Mean-sigma", "Mean+sigma")
for i,p in enumerate(param_names):
j = parameter_names[i]
x_mean[i] = t_prior[p]
u, v = invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i] + np.sqrt(cov[i])])))[j], \
invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i] - np.sqrt(cov[i])])))[j]
if u > v:
print "%-16s\t%12.2G\t%12.2G%12.2G" % ( j, invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i]])))[j], v, u)
print "%-16s\t%12.2G\t%12.2G\t%12.2G" % ( j, invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i]])))[j], u, v)
The above table shows the prior spread. We can see that the values are not very sensible (some parameters go negative), but remember that we also have set boundaries for the parameters, so hopefully, we will not get stupid results back. We will define a new cost function, that itself requires the fit to the observations we used above function, plus a prior one:
In [115]:
def der_cost_prior ( x, x_mean, cov ):
cost = 0.5* ( x-x_mean).dot ( \
cov ).dot ( x - x_mean )
der_cost = ( x-x_mean).dot ( \
cov )
return cost, der_cost
def der_cost_obs ( x, rho, emulator ):
rho_sim, rho_der = emulator.predict ( x )
cost = 0.5*np.sum ( ( rho - rho_sim ) **2 )
der_cost = - ( rho - rho_sim )*rho_der
return cost, der_cost.sum(axis=1)
def der_cost ( x, rho, x_mean, cov, emulator ):
cost1, dcost1 = der_cost_obs ( x, rho, emulator )
cost2, dcost2 = der_cost_prior ( x, x_mean, cov )
return cost1+cost2, dcost1+dcost2
In [118]:
retvalf = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(der_cost, xstart_rhof, fprime=None, args=(rhof, x_mean, inv_cov, emulator ), bounds = bounds, iprint=0 )
x_sol_f = invtransform( pack(retvalf[0], param_names) )
retvalp = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(der_cost, xstart_rhop, fprime=None, args=(rhop, x_mean, inv_cov, emulator ), bounds=bounds, iprint=0 )
x_sol_p = invtransform( pack(retvalp[0], param_names) )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rhof[0], '-', lw=1.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rhop[0], '-', lw=1.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], emulator.predict ( retvalf[0] )[0], '--', lw=2.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], emulator.predict ( retvalp[0] )[0], '--', lw=2.5 )
print "%-16s\t%12s\t%12s%12s" % ( "Parameter", "Prior Mean", "rhof", "rhop")
for i,p in enumerate(param_names):
j = parameter_names[i]
print "%-16s\t%12.2G\t%12.2G%12.2G" % ( j, invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i]])))[j], x_sol_f[j], x_sol_p[j])
We inmediately see that imposing priors results in a poorer fit to the observations: we are trading off our expectation of the parameter value with the fit to the observation. Interestingly, we can see how far the posterior estimate has shifted from the prior: it appears that not very much for many parameters (ala, cw, where we don't expect much information will be available from this type of observation are important). LAI is interesting: we have a fairly tight prior, so the bare soil pixel shows up with a large lai... What would happen if we loosen the priors on LAI and chlorophyll?
In [123]:
# The prior mean, in transformed units
t_prior = {}
t_prior['bsoil'] = 1.0
t_prior['cbrown'] = 0.2
t_prior['hspot'] = 0.5
t_prior['n'] = 1.5
t_prior['psoil'] = 0.5
t_prior['xala'] = 0.5
t_prior['xcab'] = 0.6
t_prior['xcar'] = 0.95
t_prior['xcm'] = 0.5
t_prior['xcw'] = 0.4
t_prior['xlai'] = 0.2
# Define the variance, again, in transformed units
cov = np.array ( [2, 0.5, 0.005, 0.5, 0.2, 0.05, 0.5, 0.005, 0.5, 0.05, 1.95] )
# The **inverse** covariance matrix is diagonal, with elements equal to 1./sigma^2
inv_cov = np.diag(1./cov)
x_mean = np.zeros((11))
print "%-16s\t%12s\t%12s%12s" % ( "Parameter", "Mean", "Mean-sigma", "Mean+sigma")
for i,p in enumerate(param_names):
j = parameter_names[i]
x_mean[i] = t_prior[p]
u, v = invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i] + np.sqrt(cov[i])])))[j], \
invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i] - np.sqrt(cov[i])])))[j]
if u > v:
print "%-16s\t%12.2G\t%12.2G%12.2G" % ( j, invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i]])))[j], v, u)
print "%-16s\t%12.2G\t%12.2G\t%12.2G" % ( j, invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i]])))[j], u, v)
In [124]:
retvalf = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(der_cost, xstart_rhof, fprime=None, args=(rhof, x_mean, inv_cov, emulator ), bounds = bounds, iprint=0 )
x_sol_f = invtransform( pack(retvalf[0], param_names) )
retvalp = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(der_cost, xstart_rhop, fprime=None, args=(rhop, x_mean, inv_cov, emulator ), bounds=bounds, iprint=0 )
x_sol_p = invtransform( pack(retvalp[0], param_names) )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rhof[0], '-', lw=1.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], rhop[0], '-', lw=1.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], emulator.predict ( retvalf[0] )[0], '--', lw=2.5 )
plt.plot ( bands[:,0], emulator.predict ( retvalp[0] )[0], '--', lw=2.5 )
print "%-16s\t%12s\t%12s%12s" % ( "Parameter", "Prior Mean", "rhof", "rhop")
for i,p in enumerate(param_names):
j = parameter_names[i]
print "%-16s\t%12.2G\t%12.2G%12.2G" % ( j, invtransform(dict(zip([p],[x_mean[i]])))[j], x_sol_f[j], x_sol_p[j])
What we see is that the values are more in line with what we expect, although the fit to the bare soil is still quite poor (this could be due to the spectrum used for soil in PROSAIl being quite different from the one in Barrax, and also due to missing BRDF effects on the soil).
We can now use the previous approach to invert individual pixels over a large chunk of the image, and see how things progress. This is just a loop, the only "clever" thing is that we select the starting point to be either the LUT response (efficiently implemented by a KD-Tree), or the value of the previous pixel, whichver has a lowest cost value. We assume that in a "piecwise continuous" landscape as this, this will be a beneficial approach and put the solver closer to the actual solution than starting somewhere randomly.
Note that this code snippet takes a whole to run
In [128]:
# Read a spatial chunk from the image
print time.asctime(), "Reading data...",
proba = g.ReadAsArray()[:,100:300, 100:200]/10000.
print " Read!"
# We create a KDtree for the LUT starting point
#tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(np.r_[rho_validate])
#A=tree.query ( proba.reshape((62,200*100)).T, k=1 )[1]
#proba_rho = proba.reshape((62,200*100))
big_X = np.empty((11, 200*100))
xstart = validate_parameters[A[0]]
#xprev = validate_parameters[A[0]]
for i in xrange(200*100):
rhog = proba_rho[:,i]
# s1 = der_cost ( xstart, rhog, x_mean, inv_cov, emulator )[0]
# s2 = der_cost ( xprev, rhog, x_mean, inv_cov, emulator )[0]
# if s1 < s2:
# x0 = xstart
# else:
# x0 = xprev
x0 = xstart
retvalp = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(der_cost, x0, fprime=None, \
args=(rhog, x_mean, inv_cov, emulator ), bounds=bounds, iprint=-1 )
xprev = retvalp[0]
x_sol_p = invtransform( pack(retvalp[0], param_names) )
if i % 1000 == 0:
print time.asctime(), i, A[i], x_sol_p['lai']
big_X[:, i] = np.array([ x_sol_p[k] for k in parameter_names ])
In [132]:
tabl = dict(zip ( ['bsoil', 'cbrown','hspot','n','psoil','ala','cab','car','cm','cw','lai','RGB'], [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]))
X = big_X.reshape((11, 200, 100))
fig = plt.figure ( 1, figsize=(11.69, 8.27))
grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, # similar to subplot(111)
nrows_ncols = (2, 6),
axes_pad = 0.5,
label_mode = "all",
share_all = True,
cmap =
cmap.set_under ( 'k' )
cmap.set_over ( 'k' )
P = ['bsoil', 'cbrown','hspot','n','psoil','ala','cab','car','cm','cw','lai','RGB']
major_formatter = plt.FormatStrFormatter('%6.4f')
for ax, ( i, p) in zip ( grid, enumerate(P)):
if p == "RGB":
R = g.GetRasterBand ( 18 ).ReadAsArray()[100:300, 100:200]/10000.
G = g.GetRasterBand ( 14 ).ReadAsArray()[100:300, 100:200]/10000.
B = g.GetRasterBand ( 5 ).ReadAsArray()[100:300, 100:200]/10000.
RGB = np.dstack ( (R, G, B ))
im = ax.imshow( RGB, interpolation="nearest")
ax.set_xticks ( [] )
ax.set_yticks ( [] )
vmin = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile( X[tabl[p],:,:].flatten(), 1)
vmax = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile( X[tabl[p],:,:].flatten(), 95)
smin = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile( X[tabl[p],:,:].flatten(), 5)
smax = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile( X[tabl[p],:,:].flatten(), 95)
im = ax.imshow( X[tabl[p], :, :], interpolation="nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
ax.set_xticks ( [] )
ax.set_yticks ( [] )
C=ax.cax.colorbar(im )
ax.cax.set_xticks ( [smin, smax])
ax.cax.xaxis.set_major_formatter ( major_formatter )
print p, vmin, vmax
The results need to be interpreted with relationship to the prior. As mentioned before, there are quite a few parameters that do not move significantly away from the prior due to the little sensitivity of the observations to the processes controlled by those parameters. It appears that only cab, LAI, bsoil and dry matter are significantly different from the prior.
In [ ]: