How to set priors on stellar parameters.
The strategy here is to define a lnprior and add it to the lnprob.
We have to find the right destination in the code.
Throughout the code
denotes the natural log of the posterior probability density distribution. This practice is completely accurate, since the priors are (tacitly) flat. However now I am trying to add in explicit prior functionality. So I am faced with the challenge of renaminglnprob
everywhere tolnlike
, or just reassigning in place:lnprob
. I will do the latter. But note that it could be confusing whether you're looking at alnprob
value that includes the (new, explicit) prior or not.
At first I thought the right place to make this change is in the script:
's lnprob()
# These functions store the variables pconns, cconns, ps.
def lnprob(p):
pars = ThetaParam(grid=p[0:3], vz=p[3], vsini=p[4], logOmega=p[5])
#Distribute the calculation to each process
for ((spectrum_id, order_id), pconn) in pconns.items():
pconn.send(("LNPROB", pars))
#Collect the answer from each process
lnps = np.empty((len(["orders"]),))
for i, pconn in enumerate(pconns.values()):
lnps[i] = pconn.recv()
>>> result = np.sum(lnps) # + lnprior???
print("proposed:", p, result)
return result
is not the right place to put the prior*.*I think. I'm not 100% certain because this part of the code is meta.
does not have access to the p.grid
attribute, so it can't compute a prior.
Otherwise we'd be ln(likelihood) with ln(prob). We can't do it this way.
def query_lnprob():
for ((spectrum_id, order_id), pconn) in pconns.items():
pconn.send(("GET_LNPROB", None))
#Collect the answer from each process
lnps = np.empty((len(["orders"]),))
for i, pconn in enumerate(pconns.values()):
lnps[i] = pconn.recv()
>>> result = np.sum(lnps) # Can't put prior here. Don't know p!
print("queried:", result)
return result
This is what I'm doing right now and it seems to work.
def lnprob_Theta(self, p):
Update the model to the Theta parameters and then evaluate the lnprob.
Intended to be called from the master process via the command "LNPROB".
NOTE that setting the prior this way means:
The prior will only be effective when called from `update_Theta`
This could cause some unanticipated behavior...
lnlike = self.evaluate() # Also sets self.lnprob to new value
>>> lnp = lnlike + self.lnprior_fn(p) # Here is the prior!!
self.lnprob = lnp
return lnp
except C.ModelError:
self.logger.debug("ModelError in stellar parameters, sending back -np.inf {}".format(p))
return -np.inf
This seems to work fine, but the problem is that lnlike
is defined in 3 or 4 different places. (double check this)
So the fix above is only affecting one of those. The better solution would be to put the prior directly in evaluate
, which is shared among the above 4. But I'd have to use self.p, which I'm not certain is actually defined. It's also hard to debug the
, especially since it is wrapped in an argparser.
Anyways, here is the lnprior_fn, which is very stupidly hardcoded at the moment.
def lnprior_fn(self, p):
Return the lnprior for input stellar parameters.
Intended to be called from lnprob_Theta
#For now just hardcode the location and scale parameters.
# log-g
loc = 3.7
scl = 0.02
lnprior_logg = norm.logpdf(p.grid[1], loc=loc, scale=scl)
#Everything else will have a flat prior over the grid.
lnprior_allelse = 0.0
lnprior_out = lnprior_logg + lnprior_allelse
return lnprior_out
The leads me to the other big question:
How to actually get the prior parameters into the right place?
The config.yaml
probably, but the details need to be worked out.
In [38]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
In [39]:
% config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
We want a a continuous prior:
In [51]:
from scipy import stats
In [52]:
x = np.linspace(3.5, 4.0, 100)
loc = 3.7
scl = 0.02
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scl)
yalt = stats.norm.logpdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scl)
In [53]:
np.trapz(y, x)
The normalization doesn't matter, but it's nice to know that it's close to normalized.
In [55]:
plt.plot(x, np.log(y))
In [47]:
def lnprior_fn(self, p):
#For now just hardcode the location and scale parameters.
# log-g
loc = 3.7
scl = 0.1
lnprior_logg = stats.norm.logpdf(p.grid[1], loc=loc, scale=scl)
#Everything else will have a flat prior over the grid.
lnprior_allelse = 0.0
lnprior_out = lnprior_logg + lnprior_allelse
return lnprior_out
In [23]:
import h5py
In [24]:
!cp /Users/gully/GitHub/welter/sf/m086/output/LkCa4_sm086/run03/mc.hdf5 .
In [27]:
f = h5py.File('mc.hdf5', mode='r')
In [28]:
In [29]:
d = f['samples']
In [31]:
In [32]:
Too small! Here's why: Our starting guess for log-g was 3.6. But the prior was a narrow Gaussian at 3.7.
But it still should have done better than 0.002. Whatever.
I am pretty sure we should include the prior directly in the evaluate step.
Otherwise initial conditions could cause strange lnprob values. (It's hard to tell which call to lnprob is initialized first-- with or without lnprior).
In [33]:
The second chain from the top is the $\log{g}$ chain. Here we see that setting the prior scale tighter made the range of variation much less. Not that we had different initial starting values. The value $3.7\pm0.1$ comes from literature values so we will use that.
Well, I have to think some more about how to best implement this system.