Performance Indicators

Set Up

In [1]:
import folium
import time
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from datetime import date

%matplotlib inline

matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15.0, 9.5)

In [2]:
%run src/data/

In [3]:
%run src/data/

In [4]:
%run src/data/

In [5]:
import pickle

readings = pickle.load(open("data/parsed/readings_weather_filled_dataset.p", "rb"))
stations = pickle.load(open('data/parsed/stations_dataset_final.p', 'rb'))

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-ff0445a25806> in <module>()
      1 import pickle
----> 3 readings = pickle.load(open("data/parsed/readings_weather_filled_dataset.p", "rb"))
      4 stations = pickle.load(open('data/parsed/stations_dataset_final.p', 'rb'))

/home/jfconavarrete/Documents/Work/Config/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in load(file)
   1383 def load(file):
-> 1384     return Unpickler(file).load()
   1386 def loads(str):

/home/jfconavarrete/Documents/Work/Config/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in load(self)
    862             while 1:
    863                 key = read(1)
--> 864                 dispatch[key](self)
    865         except _Stop, stopinst:
    866             return stopinst.value

/home/jfconavarrete/Documents/Work/Config/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in load_get(self)
   1156     def load_get(self):
-> 1157         self.append(self.memo[self.readline()[:-1]])
   1158     dispatch[GET] = load_get


In [ ]:
readings = readings[readings.Source == 'REAL']
readings.drop('Source', axis=1, inplace=True)

In [ ]:
stations.Priority = stations.Priority.fillna(3).astype('int8')


The readings are in the UTC timezone so we'll change them to the Europe/London timezone.

In [ ]:
from pytz import timezone

start_time = time.time()

readings['Timestamp'] = readings.Timestamp.dt.tz_convert(timezone('Europe/London'))
readings['Timestamp'] = readings.Timestamp.dt.tz_localize(None)

end_time = time.time()
print 'Modifying timestamp took %s' % (end_time - start_time)


The Service Level Agreement (SLA) signed by TfL and Serco outlines 34 performance indicators (PI) to measure the quality of the provided service. In this research we focused on the PIs that are related to bicycle distribution, PIs 24, 25, 26 and 27. These PIs take into account the following distinctions of time and stations:

  • Station Priority: Each docking station was classified as Priority 1 or Priority 2 based on it's importance for the overall operation of the London Cycle Hire Scheme. Highly used docking stations were given the Priority 1 classification, while the remaining stations were classified as Priority 2.
  • Peak Hours: The hours during which crowding on the public transportation system and the traffic on roads are the highest are called Peak Hours. The SLA defines them to be from 7:00 to 10:00 and 16:00 to 19:00, all the other times are considered non-peak hours.

The number of minutes for which each docking station is full or empty over a calendar day shall be accumulated, respectively. Then, these empty or full periods will be summed and grouped by priority and peak/non-peak hours to assess the goodness of the bicycle distribution according to the following criteria:

Classification Time Acceptable Service Level
Priority 1 Peak Hours Less than 1000 minutes for all stations per peak period
Priority 1 Non-Peak Hours Less than 3000 minutes for all stations
Priority 2 Peak Hours Less than 9000 minutes for all stations per peak period
Priority 2 Non-Peak Hours Less than 18000 minutes for all stations

Note: These acceptable service levels were taken from the original LONDON CYCLE HIRE SERVICE AGREEMENT published in 2009 when there were only 352 docking stations.

Other operational PIs measure the number of continuous minutes that a priority 1 station is full or empty during peak hours.

We will focus on these criteria to measure the performance of the bicycle hire system from 16/05/2016 to 26/06/2016.

Empty and Full Stations PIs

A docking docking station with no fully functional bicycles is considered to be empty. One or more biycles marked for repair can be present in an empty docking station.

In [ ]:
readings.sort_values(by=['Id', 'Timestamp'], inplace=True)

In [ ]:
empty_entries = find_zero_periods(readings, 'NbBikes')
empty_groups = get_ellapsed_time(empty_entries, by='GroupId').sort_values(by=['Ellapsed'], ascending=False)

In [ ]:
full_entries = find_zero_periods(readings, 'NbEmptyDocks')
full_groups = get_ellapsed_time(full_entries, by='GroupId').sort_values(by=['Ellapsed'], ascending=False)

The data was processed to compute the periods during which the stations were empty. The following dataframe shows this information.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

The data shows that several stations were empty or full during entire days. It is very unlikely that these stations did not have any hire activity during these time periods as the stations had fairly regular activity before and after. Therefore, we'll assume that these empty periods were caused by malfunctions in the stations or in the data collection process and should be discarded.

In order to remove this erroneous readings, we will delete any empty or full periods of more than or equal to 720 minutes (12 hours). This number is what we consider the worst case scenario for a naturally inactive station. It was computed by taking into account the 10 hours restriction placed by some boroughs that forbids the service provider to redistribute bicycles between 22:00 and 8:00 and the 2 hours that might be needed for the redistribution to take place.

In [ ]:
invalid_threshold = 720

invalid_group_ids = empty_groups[empty_groups.Ellapsed >= invalid_threshold].GroupId
empty_entries = empty_entries[~empty_entries.GroupId.isin(invalid_group_ids)]

invalid_group_ids = full_groups[full_groups.Ellapsed >= invalid_threshold].GroupId
full_entries = full_entries[~full_entries.GroupId.isin(invalid_group_ids)]

The periods were further divided by day, morning peak hours, evening, peak hours, and non-peak hours.

In [ ]:
empty_periods = get_ellapsed_time(empty_entries, by='PeriodId')
empty_periods = add_station_info(empty_periods, stations, ['Priority', 'Id'])
empty_periods['Day'] = empty_periods['Period'].apply(lambda x: get_period_day(x))
empty_periods['PeakHours'] = empty_periods['Period'].apply(lambda x: is_peaktime(x)[1])

full_periods = get_ellapsed_time(full_entries, by='PeriodId')
full_periods = add_station_info(full_periods, stations, ['Priority', 'Id'])
full_periods['Day'] = full_periods['Period'].apply(lambda x: get_period_day(x))
full_periods['PeakHours'] = full_periods['Period'].apply(lambda x: is_peaktime(x)[1])

Accumulated Empty Minutes per Station

In [ ]:
empty_stations = empty_periods.groupby(['Id', 'Priority']).sum().sort_values(by=['Ellapsed'], ascending=False)
empty_stations = add_station_info(empty_stations.reset_index(level=0), stations, cols=['Id', 'Name', 'Priority', 
                                                                                  'Latitude', 'Longitude'])

Here is the list of the top 20 stations that were the most empty.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
normalizer = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(empty_stations.Ellapsed) - 0.1,vmax=max(empty_stations.Ellapsed) + 0.1)
empty_stations['EllapsedN'] = empty_stations.Ellapsed.apply(normalizer)

The following map plots the 100 stations that accumulated the most empty minutes. Dark fill colors indicate more empty minutes.

In [ ]:
from palettable.colorbrewer.sequential import OrRd_9
from palettable.colorbrewer.diverging import RdYlBu_10_r

def accumulated_minutes_marker(station):
    line_color = map_priority_color(station['Priority'])[1]
    fill_color = cmap_to_hex(plt.get_cmap('seismic'), station.EllapsedN) 
    label = "%s - %s" % (station['Id'], station['Name'])
    return folium.CircleMarker(location=[station['Latitude'], station['Longitude']], radius=75,
                        popup=label, fill_color=fill_color, color=fill_color, fill_opacity=0.9)

In [116]:
empty_stations_map = draw_stations_map(empty_stations.sort_values(by=['Ellapsed']), accumulated_minutes_marker), 'reports/maps/empty_stations_map.html')


In [47]:
empty_entries_by_day = find_zero_periods(readings, 'NbBikes', split_by_day)
empty_groups_by_day = get_ellapsed_time(empty_entries_by_day, by='GroupId').sort_values(by=['Ellapsed'], ascending=False)

invalid_group_ids_by_day = empty_groups_by_day[empty_groups_by_day.Ellapsed >= invalid_threshold].GroupId
valid_empty_entries_by_day = empty_entries_by_day[~empty_entries_by_day.GroupId.isin(invalid_group_ids_by_day)]

In [48]:
plot_periods(valid_empty_entries_by_day, datetime(2016, 5, 16), datetime(2016, 5, 21, 23, 59, 59, 999999), empty_stations.Id[0:10])
plt.savefig('reports/images/empty_stations_periods.eps', format='eps', dpi=1000, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

Accumulated Full Minutes per Station

In [50]:
full_stations = full_periods.groupby(['Id', 'Priority']).sum().sort_values(by=['Ellapsed'], ascending=False)
full_stations = add_station_info(full_stations.reset_index(level=0), stations, cols=['Id', 'Name', 'Priority', 
                                                                                  'Latitude', 'Longitude'])

Here is the list of the top 10 stations that were the most full.

In [51]:

Id Ellapsed Name Latitude Longitude Priority
0 BikePoints_818 19942.0 One Tower Bridge, Southwark 51.503127 -0.078655 3
1 BikePoints_224 17260.0 Whiteleys, Bayswater 51.514769 -0.188129 2
2 BikePoints_185 14644.0 Alderney Street, Pimlico 51.488057 -0.140741 2
3 BikePoints_290 14303.0 Winsland Street, Paddington 51.516780 -0.175488 2
4 BikePoints_782 13528.0 Halford Road, West Kensington 51.483911 -0.197609 3
5 BikePoints_777 13361.0 Limburg Road, Clapham Junction 51.461923 -0.165297 2
6 BikePoints_255 13194.0 Clifton Road, Maida Vale 51.525575 -0.179592 2
7 BikePoints_302 12174.0 Putney Pier, Wandsworth 51.466907 -0.216573 2
8 BikePoints_527 12098.0 Hansard Mews, Holland Park 51.503802 -0.215808 2
9 BikePoints_451 11972.0 Hermitage Court, Wapping 51.504719 -0.063531 2
10 BikePoints_397 11437.0 Devonshire Terrace, Bayswater 51.513480 -0.179770 2
11 BikePoints_243 11363.0 Gloucester Street, Pimlico 51.490962 -0.139625 2
12 BikePoints_411 10802.0 Walworth Road, Elephant and Castle 51.493372 -0.099680 2
13 BikePoints_161 10634.0 Guildhouse Street, Victoria 51.492345 -0.141334 2
14 BikePoints_672 10573.0 Grant Road Central, Clapham Junction 51.464688 -0.173656 2
15 BikePoints_265 10294.0 Southwick Street, Paddington 51.515953 -0.169249 2
16 BikePoints_653 10082.0 Simpson Street, Clapham Junction 51.470847 -0.170703 2
17 BikePoints_46 10073.0 Nesham Street, Wapping 51.507131 -0.066910 2
18 BikePoints_404 10070.0 Palace Gate, Kensington Gardens 51.502042 -0.184400 1
19 BikePoints_710 10022.0 Albert Bridge Road, Battersea Park 51.474392 -0.163347 2

In [52]:
normalizer = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(full_stations.Ellapsed) - 0.1,vmax=max(full_stations.Ellapsed) + 0.1)
full_stations['EllapsedN'] = full_stations.Ellapsed.apply(normalizer)

In [117]:
full_stations_map = draw_stations_map(full_stations, accumulated_minutes_marker), 'reports/maps/full_stations_map.html')


In [63]:
full_entries_by_day = find_zero_periods(readings, 'NbEmptyDocks', split_by_day)
full_groups_by_day = get_ellapsed_time(full_entries_by_day, by='GroupId').sort_values(by=['Ellapsed'], ascending=False)

invalid_group_ids_by_day = full_groups_by_day[full_groups_by_day.Ellapsed >= invalid_threshold].GroupId
valid_full_entries_by_day = full_entries_by_day[~full_entries_by_day.GroupId.isin(invalid_group_ids_by_day)]

In [64]:
plot_periods(valid_full_entries_by_day, datetime(2016, 5, 16), datetime(2016, 5, 21, 23, 59, 59, 999999), full_stations.Id[0:20])
plt.savefig('reports/images/full_stations_periods.eps', format='eps', dpi=1000, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

PI 24 and 25 - Accumulated Empty or Full Time

In [76]:
empty_periods = empty_periods[empty_periods.Day != datetime(2016, 6, 27)]
full_periods = full_periods[full_periods.Day != datetime(2016, 6, 27)]

In [77]:
pi24_results = empty_periods.groupby(['Day', 'Priority', 'PeakHours']).sum().loc[:date(2016, 6, 26)]
pi25_results = full_periods.groupby(['Day', 'Priority', 'PeakHours']).sum().loc[:date(2016, 6, 26)]

Priority 1 and Priority 2 Stations Non-Peak Hours

In [78]:
p1_non_peak_threshold = 3000
p2_non_peak_threshold = 40000

In [79]:
empty_p1_non_peak = pi24_results.xs((1.0, 'NON_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))
empty_p2_non_peak = pi24_results.xs((2.0, 'NON_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))

full_p1_non_peak = pi25_results.xs((1.0, 'NON_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))
full_p2_non_peak = pi25_results.xs((2.0, 'NON_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))

In [80]:
non_peak = pd.concat([full_p1_non_peak, empty_p1_non_peak, full_p2_non_peak, empty_p2_non_peak], axis=1)
non_peak.columns = ['P1Full', 'P1Empty', 'P2Full', 'P2Empty']

In [81]:
split_idx = len(non_peak) / 2
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(15.0,12.5))  

ax = non_peak[:split_idx].plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[0])
ax.axhline(y=p1_non_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='y')
ax.axhline(y=p2_non_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='r')

ax = non_peak[split_idx:].plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[1])
ax.axhline(y=p1_non_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='y')
ax.axhline(y=p2_non_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='r')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0943a2b090>

Percentage of days failing to meet the acceptable service levels during non-peak times for priority 1 docking stations:

In [82]:
failure = pd.concat([full_p1_non_peak >= p1_non_peak_threshold, 
                      empty_p1_non_peak >= p1_non_peak_threshold, 
                      full_p2_non_peak >= p2_non_peak_threshold, 
                      empty_p2_non_peak >= p2_non_peak_threshold], axis=1)

failure.columns = ['P1Full', 'P1Empty', 'P2Full', 'P2Empty']

failure.stack().groupby(level=1).aggregate(lambda x: list(x)).apply(lambda x: (float(x.count(True)) / len(x)) * 100)

P1Empty    100.000000
P1Full      42.857143
P2Empty     85.714286
P2Full      30.952381
dtype: float64

The Figure illustrates the accumulated number of minutes during which the stations were empty or full during non-peak hours. It can be observed that keeping stations from becoming empty during non-peak hours is particularly problematic for the service operator, with the expected operational levels not being met 100 \% and 85.71 \% of the times for P1 and P2 stations, respectively.

Priority 1 Peak Hours

In [83]:
p1_peak_threshold = 1000

In [84]:
empty_p1_evening_peak = pi24_results.xs((1.0, 'EVENING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))
empty_p1_morning_peak = pi24_results.xs((1.0, 'MORNING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))

full_p1_evening_peak = pi25_results.xs((1.0, 'EVENING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))
full_p1_morning_peak = pi25_results.xs((1.0, 'MORNING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))

In [85]:
p1_peak = pd.concat([empty_p1_morning_peak, empty_p1_evening_peak, full_p1_morning_peak, full_p1_evening_peak], axis=1)
p1_peak.columns = ['EmptyMorningPeak', 'EmptyEveningPeak', 'FullMorningPeak', 'FullEveningPeak']

In [86]:
split_idx = len(p1_peak) / 2
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(15.0,12.5))  

ax = p1_peak[:split_idx].plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[0])
ax.axhline(y=p1_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='r')
yticks = ax.get_yticks()

ax = p1_peak[split_idx:].plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[1])
ax.axhline(y=p1_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='r')

[<matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f09436acc90>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f09436ac690>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f09432c0390>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f09432c08d0>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f09432c0ed0>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f0943275b50>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f09432eb390>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f094327ef10>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f09432856d0>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f0943285e50>]

Percentage of days failing to meet the acceptable service levels during peak times for priority 1 docking stations:

In [87]:
failure = pd.concat([empty_p1_morning_peak >= p1_peak_threshold, 
                      empty_p1_evening_peak >= p1_peak_threshold, 
                      full_p1_morning_peak >= p1_peak_threshold, 
                      full_p1_evening_peak >= p1_peak_threshold], axis=1)

failure.columns = ['EmptyMorningPeak', 'EmptyEveningPeak', 'FullMorningPeak', 'FullEveningPeak']

failure.stack().groupby(level=1).aggregate(lambda x: list(x)).apply(lambda x: (float(x.count(True)) / len(x)) * 100)

EmptyEveningPeak    50.000000
EmptyMorningPeak    76.190476
FullEveningPeak      0.000000
FullMorningPeak     14.285714
dtype: float64

From the plot we can notice that there is a notorious difference in the performance of priority 1 docking stations during morning and evening.

In the case of empty docking stations, the morning peak times has better performance than the evening. However, for the full docking stations, it is the other way around, having the acceptable service levels being met 100% of the time.

Priority 2 Peak Hours

In [88]:
p2_peak_threshold = 9000

In [89]:
empty_p2_evening_peak = pi24_results.xs((2.0, 'EVENING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))
empty_p2_morning_peak = pi24_results.xs((2.0, 'MORNING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))

full_p2_evening_peak = pi25_results.xs((2.0, 'EVENING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))
full_p2_morning_peak = pi25_results.xs((2.0, 'MORNING_PEAK'), level=('Priority', 'PeakHours'))

In [90]:
p2_peak = pd.concat([empty_p2_morning_peak, empty_p2_evening_peak, full_p2_morning_peak, full_p2_evening_peak], axis=1)
p2_peak.columns = ['EmptyMorningPeak', 'EmptyEveningPeak', 'FullMorningPeak', 'FullEveningPeak']

In [91]:
split_idx = len(p1_peak) / 2
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(15.0,12.5))  

ax = p2_peak[:split_idx].plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[0])
ax.axhline(y=p2_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='r')

ax = p2_peak[split_idx:].plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[1])
ax.axhline(y=p2_peak_threshold, linewidth=1, color='r')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0943152b90>

Percentage of days failing to meet the acceptable service levels during peak times for priority 2 docking stations:

In [92]:
failure = pd.concat([empty_p2_morning_peak >= p2_peak_threshold, 
                      empty_p2_evening_peak >= p2_peak_threshold, 
                      full_p2_morning_peak >= p2_peak_threshold, 
                      full_p2_evening_peak >= p2_peak_threshold], axis=1)

failure.columns = ['EmptyMorningPeak', 'EmptyEveningPeak', 'FullMorningPeak', 'FullEveningPeak']

failure.stack().groupby(level=1).aggregate(lambda x: list(x)).apply(lambda x: (float(x.count(True)) / len(x)) * 100)

EmptyEveningPeak     4.761905
EmptyMorningPeak    19.047619
FullEveningPeak      0.000000
FullMorningPeak      0.000000
dtype: float64

The difference in the stations' performance during morning peak hours and evening peak hours is present in priority 2 stations too. However, it is during morning peak hours when the acceptable service level is frequently not met, failing 35.71% of the days, in contrast, 14.28% of the days priority 2 stations did not meet the expected performance level during evening peak hours.

PI 26 Maximum Empty Period for a Priority 1 Station

Priority 1 stations should not be empty nor full for more than 30 minutes during peak hours.

In [93]:
max_empty_periods = max_ellapsed_filter(empty_periods)
pi26_results = max_empty_periods.groupby(['Day', 'PeakHours'])['PeriodId'].count()

The plot below shows the number of empty periods of more than 30 minutes during morning and evening peak hours in each day.

Empty Stations

In [94]:
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15.0, 7)

empty_max_peak = series_to_df(['MorningPeak', 'EveningPeak'],
                        [pi26_results.xs('MORNING_PEAK', level='PeakHours'), 
                         pi26_results.xs('EVENING_PEAK', level='PeakHours')])

ax = empty_max_peak.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title='Periods Exceeding the Allowed Maximum Limit for Empty Stations')
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Periods")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0942dbd590>

It can be observed that there are more empty periods of more than 30 minutes during the evening peak hours than during the morning peak hours.

In [95]:
max_empty_stations = max_empty_periods.groupby(['Id', 'PeakHours']).count()['PeriodId']
max_empty_evening_stations = max_empty_stations.xs('EVENING_PEAK', level='PeakHours').rename('EveningPeak')
max_empty_morning_stations = max_empty_stations.xs('MORNING_PEAK', level='PeakHours').rename('MorningPeak')

In [96]:
max_empty_stations = pd.concat([max_empty_morning_stations, max_empty_evening_stations], axis=1).reset_index(level=0).fillna(0)
max_empty_stations = max_empty_stations.sort_values(by=['MorningPeak'], ascending=False).rename(columns={'index': 'Id'})
max_empty_stations = add_station_info(max_empty_stations, stations, cols=['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Id', 'ShortName', 'Name'])

In [97]:
ax = max_empty_stations[['MorningPeak', 'EveningPeak', 'Name']].plot(kind='bar', x='Name', stacked=True,
                                                                   title='Maximum Empty Period Violations per Station')
ax.set(xlabel="Station Name", ylabel="Violations Count")

[<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0942908510>,
 <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0942bcab50>]

The plot shows the stations that failed to meet the maximum acceptable empty times for priority 1 stations along with their number of failures. It can be noticed that the stations that fail the PI during the morning peak hours are different than the stations that fail during the evening peak hours.

In [98]:
max_empty_stations['TotalPeak'] = max_empty_stations.MorningPeak + max_empty_stations.EveningPeak

In [99]:

count    76.000000
mean     12.342105
std       9.798711
min       1.000000
25%       5.000000
50%      11.000000
75%      17.250000
max      46.000000
Name: TotalPeak, dtype: float64

The quartiles show that almost 50% of the acceptable level failures were caused by 25% of the stations. This means that focusing the distribution efforts on these relatively low number of stations could cause up to a 50% increase in the system's performance in PI 26. Further performance increase could be achieved also by focusing on the evening peak time periods.

In [100]:
peak_diff = max_empty_stations.MorningPeak - max_empty_stations.EveningPeak
normalizer = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(peak_diff) - 0.1,vmax=max(peak_diff) + 0.1)
max_empty_stations['TotalPeakN'] = peak_diff.apply(normalizer)

The map below shows stations that were more mostly empty during morning and evening peak hours in red and blue, respectively. It can be observed that most of the stations that were empty during morning peak hours are in the edge of the city center, while empty stations during evening peak hours are mostly located in the city center. This shows a clear commute usage pattern in the city.

In [118]:
import folium

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import cmap_to_hex, draw_stations_map

def create_max_empty_marker(station):
    fill_color = cmap_to_hex(plt.get_cmap('seismic'), station.TotalPeakN)
    label = "%s - %s" % (station['Id'], station['Name'])
    return folium.CircleMarker(location=[station['Latitude'], station['Longitude']], radius=100,
                        popup=label, fill_color=fill_color, color=fill_color)

maxemptythreshold_stations_map = draw_stations_map(max_empty_stations, create_max_empty_marker), 'reports/maps/maxemptythreshold_stations_map.html')


PI 27 Maximum Full Period for a Priority 1 Station

In [103]:
max_full_periods = max_ellapsed_filter(full_periods)
pi27_results = max_full_periods.groupby(['Day', 'PeakHours'])['PeriodId'].count()

In [104]:
full_max_peak = series_to_df(['MorningPeak', 'EveningPeak'],
                        [pi27_results.xs('MORNING_PEAK', level='PeakHours'), 
                         pi27_results.xs('EVENING_PEAK', level='PeakHours')])
ax = full_max_peak.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title='Periods Exceeding the Allowed Maximum Limit for Full Stations per Day')
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Periods")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0941cfe6d0>

It can be observed that there are more full periods of more than 30 minutes during the morning peak hours than during the evening peak hours.

In [105]:
max_full_stations = max_full_periods.groupby(['Id', 'PeakHours']).count()['PeriodId']
max_full_evening_stations = max_full_stations.xs('EVENING_PEAK', level='PeakHours').rename('EveningPeak')
max_full_morning_stations = max_full_stations.xs('MORNING_PEAK', level='PeakHours').rename('MorningPeak')

In [106]:
max_full_stations = pd.concat([max_full_morning_stations, max_full_evening_stations], axis=1).reset_index(level=0).fillna(0)
max_full_stations = max_full_stations.sort_values(by=['MorningPeak'], ascending=False).rename(columns={'index': 'Id'})
max_full_stations = add_station_info(max_full_stations, stations, cols=['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Id', 'ShortName', 'Name'])

In [107]:
ax = max_full_stations[['MorningPeak', 'EveningPeak', 'Name']].plot(kind='bar', x='Name', stacked=True,
                                                                   title='Maximum Full Period Violations per Station')
ax.set(xlabel="Station Name", ylabel="Violations Count")

[<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0941b856d0>,
 <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0941b24350>]

In [108]:
max_full_stations['TotalPeak'] = max_full_stations.MorningPeak + max_full_stations.EveningPeak

In [109]:

count    64.000000
mean      7.250000
std       7.195678
min       1.000000
25%       2.750000
50%       5.000000
75%      10.000000
max      45.000000
Name: TotalPeak, dtype: float64

In [112]:
peak_diff = max_full_stations.MorningPeak - max_full_stations.EveningPeak
normalizer = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(peak_diff) - 0.1,vmax=max(peak_diff) + 0.1)
max_full_stations['TotalPeakN'] = peak_diff.apply(normalizer)

In [119]:
maxfullthreshold_stations_map = draw_stations_map(max_full_stations, create_max_empty_marker), 'reports/maps/maxfullthreshold_stations_map.html')


Box Plots

In [187]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(8.0,6.5))

ax = sns.boxplot(data=max_full_stations.TotalPeak, whis=10, orient='h', ax=axes[0])
ax.set_title('Total Full Maximum Period Violations per Station')

ax = sns.boxplot(data=max_empty_stations.TotalPeak, whis=10, orient='h', ax=axes[1])
ax.set_title('Total Empty Maximum Period Violations per Station')

[<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7fa2a7b04550>,
 <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7fa2a7b04f90>,
 <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7fa2a7b7a710>,
 <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7fa2a7a8be10>,
 <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7fa2a7a965d0>,
 <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7fa2a7a96d50>]