In [1]:
import seaborn
import pandas as pd
%pylab inline
In [494]:
def one_move(A,A2, fixed, use_for_loops=True):
most_wedges_order = argsort(A2.ravel())[::-1]
doorways = array(unravel_index(most_wedges_order, shape(A2)))
for doorway_index in range(doorways.shape[1]):
doorway = tuple(doorways[:,doorway_index])
if A[doorway]: #There's already an edge there
if doorway[0]==doorway[1]: #The proposed target is a self link
# print(doorway)
door = find_door(A, doorway, A2, fixed, use_for_loops)
if door:
hinge, target, latch = door
A, fixed = swing_door(A, hinge, target, latch, fixed)
return A, hinge, target, latch
return None
def find_door(A, sides_of_doorway, A2, fixed, use_for_loops=False):
wedges_across_doorway = A2[sides_of_doorway]
if not use_for_loops:
def find_door_helper(hinge, latch, A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_doorway):
latch_degree = A[latch].sum()
neighbors_of_hinge = A[hinge]
neighbors_degrees = A.sum(axis=1)
wedges_across_candidate_doors = A2[hinge]
candidate_doors_not_fixed = ~fixed[hinge]
candidate_doors = (neighbors_of_hinge *
(wedges_across_doorway > wedges_across_candidate_doors) *
(neighbors_degrees > latch_degree) *
if any(candidate_doors):
best_door_for_this_hinge = ma.masked_array(A2[hinge], mask=~candidate_doors.astype('bool')).argmin()
return best_door_for_this_hinge
return None
best_doors = [find_door_helper(sides_of_doorway[0], sides_of_doorway[1], A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_doorway),
find_door_helper(sides_of_doorway[1], sides_of_doorway[0], A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_doorway)]
if best_doors[0] is None and best_doors[1] is None:
return None
elif best_doors[0] is None:
best_door_index = 1
elif best_doors[1] is None:
best_door_index = 0
best_door_index = argmin(A2[sides_of_doorway, best_doors])
hinge = sides_of_doorway[best_door_index]
target_neighbor = best_doors[best_door_index]
latch = sides_of_doorway[not(best_door_index)]
return hinge, target_neighbor, latch
neighbors_wedges = A2[array(sides_of_doorway)]
neighbors_least_wedges_order = argsort(neighbors_wedges.ravel())
candidate_doors = array(unravel_index(neighbors_least_wedges_order, shape(neighbors_wedges)))
for candidate_door_index in range(candidate_doors.shape[1]):
side_of_door_with_hinge, target_neighbor = candidate_doors[:,candidate_door_index]
hinge = sides_of_doorway[side_of_door_with_hinge]
latch = sides_of_doorway[not side_of_door_with_hinge]
wedges_across_candidate_door_position = A2[hinge, target_neighbor]
#We want to complete more wedges than we open. So if the wedges across the doorway is less
#than those across the current door (all of which are currently triangles), then we don't
#want to make this move.
if wedges_across_doorway<=wedges_across_candidate_door_position:
return None
#Because the wedges_across_candidate_door_position is sorted from low to high, if
#we meet this condition once, then we know the rest of the candidate door positions will
#be even worse, so we should stop
if (A[hinge,target_neighbor] and
sum(A[target_neighbor]) > sum(A[latch]) and
not fixed[hinge,target_neighbor]):
return hinge, target_neighbor, latch
return None
def swing_door(A, hinge, target_neighbor, latch, fixed):
A[hinge, target_neighbor] = 0
A[target_neighbor, hinge] = 0
A[hinge, latch] = 1
A[latch, hinge] = 1
fixed[hinge, latch] = True
fixed[latch, hinge] = True
return A, fixed
import networkx as nx
def nt_np(G):
triangles=0 # 6 times number of triangles
contri=0 # 2 times number of connected triples
for v,d,t in nx.algorithms.cluster._triangles_and_degree_iter(G):
contri += d*(d-1)
triangles += t
if triangles==0: # we had no triangles or possible triangles
return 0.0, float(contri)
return triangles/6.0, float(contri)/2.0
In [495]:
n_nodes = 100
p = 1.5*log(n_nodes)/n_nodes
g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=n_nodes, p=p)
try_count = 1
max_tries = 1000
while not nx.is_connected(g):
g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=n_nodes, p=p)
try_count += 1
if try_count>max_tries:
print("Can't make a connected graph. Tried %i times."%max_tries)
original_graph = g.copy()
print("Average degree: %.2f"%mean(list(
In [503]:
g = original_graph.copy()
In [504]:
nt, np = nt_np(g)
A = nx.adjacency_matrix(g).todense()
A2 = A**2
change_percentage = 1
n_trials = floor(change_percentage*g.number_of_edges())
nts = [nt]
nps = [np]
Cs = [nt/np]
C_locals = [nx.average_clustering(g)]
mean_k = [mean(list(]
pl = [nx.average_shortest_path_length(g)]
initial_degrees =
In [506]:
fixed = zeros(shape(A), dtype=bool)
print("Attempting %i edge rewires, out of %i edges"%(n_trials, g.number_of_edges()))
for k in arange(n_trials):
if not k%10:
print("Rewiring %i out of %i"%(k,n_trials))
outputs = one_move(array(A), array(A2), fixed)
if not outputs:
print("Couldn't make a move!")
A_new, hinge, target, latch = outputs
g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A_new)
nt, np = nt_np(g)
if Cs[-1]<Cs[-2]:
print("Clustering went down! That shouldn't happen!")
print("Tried to move the link between %i to %i to %i and %i"%(hinge, target, hinge, latch))
A = A_new
A2 = matrix(A)**2
print("Rewired %.1f percent of edges"%(100*float(k)/n_trials))
# end_degrees =
# rewired_graph = g.copy()
In [507]:
Cs = array(Cs)
C_locals = array(C_locals)
plot(arange(k+1)/k,Cs/Cs[0], color='b', label="Total (Triange Density)")
plot(arange(k+1)/k, C_locals/C_locals[0], color='r', label="Avg. Local")
ylabel("Clustering Increase From Initial")
title("Clustering Goes Up, With Two Definitions")
xlabel("Percent of Rewirings")
lg = legend(loc=4)
ax = gca()