
In [1]:
import seaborn
import pandas as pd
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Define the algorithm

In [2]:
def one_move_find_best(A, A2, fixed):
    most_wedges_order = argsort(A2.ravel())[::-1]
    doorways = array(unravel_index(most_wedges_order, shape(A2)))
    for doorway_index in range(doorways.shape[1]):
        doorway = tuple(doorways[:,doorway_index])
        if A[doorway]: #There's already an edge there
        if doorway[0]==doorway[1]: #The proposed target is a self link
#         print(doorway)
        door = find_door(A, doorway, A2, fixed)
        if door:
            hinge, target, latch = door
            A, fixed = swing_door(A, hinge, target, latch, fixed)
            return A, hinge, target, latch
    return None
def find_door(A, sides_of_doorway, A2, fixed):
    wedges_across_doorway = A2[sides_of_doorway]    
    def find_door_helper(hinge, latch, A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_doorway):
        latch_degree = A[latch].sum()
        neighbors_of_hinge = A[hinge].astype('bool')
        neighbors_degrees = A.sum(axis=1)
        wedges_across_candidate_doors = A2[hinge]        
        candidate_doors_not_fixed = ~fixed[hinge]
        candidate_doors = (neighbors_of_hinge * 
                           (wedges_across_doorway > wedges_across_candidate_doors) *
                           (neighbors_degrees > latch_degree) * 
        if any(candidate_doors):
            best_door_for_this_hinge = ma.masked_array(A2[hinge], mask=~candidate_doors.astype('bool')).argmin()
            return best_door_for_this_hinge
            return None

    best_doors = [find_door_helper(sides_of_doorway[0], sides_of_doorway[1], A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_doorway),
                  find_door_helper(sides_of_doorway[1], sides_of_doorway[0], A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_doorway)]
    if best_doors[0] is None and best_doors[1] is None:
        return None
    elif best_doors[0] is None:
        best_door_index = 1
    elif best_doors[1] is None:
        best_door_index = 0
        best_door_index = argmin(A2[sides_of_doorway, best_doors])

    hinge = sides_of_doorway[best_door_index]
    target_neighbor = best_doors[best_door_index]
    latch = sides_of_doorway[not(best_door_index)]

    return hinge, target_neighbor, latch            

def swing_door(A, hinge, target_neighbor, latch, fixed):
    A[hinge, target_neighbor] = 0
    A[target_neighbor, hinge] = 0
    A[hinge, latch] = 1
    A[latch, hinge] = 1

    fixed[hinge, latch] = True
    fixed[latch, hinge] = True

    return A, fixed

def one_move_improve_worst(A, A2, fixed):
    most_wedges_order = argsort(A2.ravel()) ##Sorted from least to most
    doors = array(unravel_index(most_wedges_order, shape(A2)))
    for door_index in range(doors.shape[1]):
        door = tuple(doors[:,door_index])
        if not A[door]: #There's not an edge there
        if fixed[door]: #If the edge there has already been moved
        if door[0]==door[1]: #The proposed target is a self link
#         print(door)

        doorway = find_doorway(A, door, A2, fixed)
        if doorway:
            hinge, door_stop, latch = doorway
            A, fixed = swing_door(A, hinge, door_stop, latch, fixed)
            return A, hinge, door_stop, latch
    return None

def find_doorway(A, sides_of_door, A2, fixed):
    wedges_across_door = A2[sides_of_door]    
    def find_doorway_helper(hinge, edge_of_door, A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_door):
        edge_of_door_degree = A[edge_of_door].sum()
        neighbors_of_hinge = A[hinge].astype('bool')
        neighbors_degrees = A.sum(axis=1)
        wedges_across_candidate_doorways = A2[hinge]        
        candidate_doorways = (~neighbors_of_hinge * 
                           (wedges_across_door < wedges_across_candidate_doorways) *
                           (neighbors_degrees < edge_of_door_degree)
        candidate_doorways[hinge] = False #Can't connect to itself!
        if any(candidate_doorways):
            best_doorway_for_this_hinge = ma.masked_array(A2[hinge], mask=~candidate_doorways.astype('bool')).argmax()
            return best_doorway_for_this_hinge
            return None

    best_doorways = [find_doorway_helper(sides_of_door[0], sides_of_door[1], A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_door),
                  find_doorway_helper(sides_of_door[1], sides_of_door[0], A, A2, fixed, wedges_across_door)]
#     print(best_doorways)
#     print(sides_of_door)
    if best_doorways[0] is None and best_doorways[1] is None:
        return None
    elif best_doorways[0] is None:
        best_doorway_index = 1
    elif best_doorways[1] is None:
        best_doorway_index = 0
        best_doorway_index = argmin(A2[sides_of_door, best_doorways])

    hinge = sides_of_door[best_doorway_index]
    latch = best_doorways[best_doorway_index]
    door_stop = sides_of_door[not(best_doorway_index)]

    return hinge, door_stop, latch

In [3]:
import networkx as nx
def nt_np(G):
    triangles=0 # 6 times number of triangles
    contri=0  # 2 times number of connected triples
    for v,d,t in nx.algorithms.cluster._triangles_and_degree_iter(G):
        contri += d*(d-1)
        triangles += t
    if triangles==0: # we had no triangles or possible triangles
        return 0.0, float(contri)
        return triangles/6.0, float(contri)/2.0

Create the initial graph

In [26]:
n_nodes = 100
p = 1.5*log(n_nodes)/n_nodes
g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=n_nodes, p=p)

try_count = 1
max_tries = 1000
while not nx.is_connected(g):
    g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=n_nodes, p=p)
    try_count += 1
    if try_count>max_tries:
        print("Can't make a connected graph. Tried %i times."%max_tries)

original_graph = g.copy()

print("Average degree: %.2f"%mean(list(

Average degree: 6.14

Calculate with Find_Best

Find the optimal doorway for a link to move into, and find an adjacent door to rotate into it.

In [27]:
### Get initial measurements of the original graph

g = original_graph.copy()

nt, np = nt_np(g)

A = nx.adjacency_matrix(g).todense()
A2 = A**2

change_percentage = 1
n_trials = floor(change_percentage*g.number_of_edges())
nts = [nt]
nps = [np]
Cs = [nt/np]
C_locals = [nx.average_clustering(g)]
mean_k = [mean(list(]
pl = [nx.average_shortest_path_length(g)]

initial_degrees =

### Rewire graph
fixed = zeros(shape(A), dtype=bool)
print("Attempting %i edge rewires, out of %i edges"%(n_trials, g.number_of_edges()))
for k in arange(n_trials):
    if not k%10:
        print("Rewiring %i out of %i"%(k,n_trials))

    outputs = one_move_find_best(array(A), array(A2), fixed)
    if not outputs:
        print("Couldn't make a move!")
        A_new, hinge, door_stop, latch = outputs
    g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A_new)
    nt, np = nt_np(g)
    if Cs[-1]<Cs[-2]:
        print("Clustering went down! That shouldn't happen!")
        print("Tried to move the link between %i to %i to %i and %i"%(hinge, door_stop, hinge, latch))
    A = A_new
    A2 = matrix(A)**2 

print("Rewired %.1f percent of edges"%(100*float(k)/n_trials))
# end_degrees =

# rewired_graph = g.copy()

Attempting 307 edge rewires, out of 307 edges
Rewiring 0 out of 307
Rewiring 10 out of 307
Rewiring 20 out of 307
Rewiring 30 out of 307
Rewiring 40 out of 307
Rewiring 50 out of 307
Rewiring 60 out of 307
Rewiring 70 out of 307
Rewiring 80 out of 307
Rewiring 90 out of 307
Rewiring 100 out of 307
Rewiring 110 out of 307
Rewiring 120 out of 307
Rewiring 130 out of 307
Rewiring 140 out of 307
Rewiring 150 out of 307
Rewiring 160 out of 307
Rewiring 170 out of 307
Rewiring 180 out of 307
Rewiring 190 out of 307
Rewiring 200 out of 307
Rewiring 210 out of 307
Couldn't make a move!
Rewired 69.7 percent of edges

In [28]:
find_best_Cs = array(Cs)
find_best_pls = array(pl)

Calculate with Improve_Worst

Find the worst door, a link that spans very few wedges. Find the best doorway next to it that the door can rotate into.

In [29]:
### Get initial measurements of the original graph

g = original_graph.copy()

nt, np = nt_np(g)

A = nx.adjacency_matrix(g).todense()
A2 = A**2

change_percentage = 1
n_trials = floor(change_percentage*g.number_of_edges())
nts = [nt]
nps = [np]
Cs = [nt/np]
C_locals = [nx.average_clustering(g)]
mean_k = [mean(list(]
pl = [nx.average_shortest_path_length(g)]

initial_degrees =

### Rewire graph
fixed = zeros(shape(A), dtype=bool)
print("Attempting %i edge rewires, out of %i edges"%(n_trials, g.number_of_edges()))
for k in arange(n_trials):
    if not k%10:
        print("Rewiring %i out of %i"%(k,n_trials))

    outputs = one_move_improve_worst(array(A), array(A2), fixed)
    if not outputs:
        print("Couldn't make a move!")
        A_new, hinge, door_stop, latch = outputs
    g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A_new)
    nt, np = nt_np(g)
    if Cs[-1]<Cs[-2]:
        print("Clustering went down! That shouldn't happen!")
        print("Tried to move the link between %i to %i to %i and %i"%(hinge, door_stop, hinge, latch))
    A = A_new
    A2 = matrix(A)**2 

print("Rewired %.1f percent of edges"%(100*float(k)/n_trials))
# end_degrees =

# rewired_graph = g.copy()

Attempting 307 edge rewires, out of 307 edges
Rewiring 0 out of 307
Rewiring 10 out of 307
Rewiring 20 out of 307
Rewiring 30 out of 307
Rewiring 40 out of 307
Rewiring 50 out of 307
Rewiring 60 out of 307
Rewiring 70 out of 307
Rewiring 80 out of 307
Rewiring 90 out of 307
Rewiring 100 out of 307
Rewiring 110 out of 307
Rewiring 120 out of 307
Rewiring 130 out of 307
Rewiring 140 out of 307
Rewiring 150 out of 307
Rewiring 160 out of 307
Rewiring 170 out of 307
Rewiring 180 out of 307
Rewiring 190 out of 307
Rewiring 200 out of 307
Rewiring 210 out of 307
Rewiring 220 out of 307
Couldn't make a move!
Rewired 73.3 percent of edges

In [30]:
improve_worst_Cs = array(Cs)
improve_worst_pls = array(pl)

Measure the graph's properties during rewiring

In [31]:
plot(improve_worst_Cs/improve_worst_Cs[0], color='b', label="Improve Worst")
plot(find_best_Cs/find_best_Cs[0], color='r', label="Find Best")
ylabel("Clustering Increase From Initial")
title("Clustering Goes Up with Both Algorithms")
xlabel("Number of Rewires")


<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10adcab00>

In [32]:
plot(improve_worst_pls/improve_worst_pls[0], color='b', label="Improve Worst")
plot(find_best_pls/find_best_pls[0], color='r', label="Find Best")
ylabel("Path Length Increase From Initial")
title("Path Length Goes Up with Both Algorithms")
xlabel("Number of Rewires")


<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10ad4b2b0>

In [33]:
improve_worst_swis = (improve_worst_Cs/improve_worst_Cs[0]) / (improve_worst_pls/improve_worst_pls[0])

find_best_swis = (find_best_Cs/find_best_Cs[0]) / (find_best_pls/find_best_pls[0])

plot(improve_worst_swis, color='b', label="Improve Worst")
plot(find_best_swis, color='r', label="Find Best")

ylabel("Small World Index")
xlabel("Number of Rewires")
title("Small World Index Grows with Rewiring, then Plateaus")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10f677898>