Write a naive fibinacci function recursively. It should look a lot like below, but you'll need to add some code: (Bonus for later: memoize this) Explain it to someone else.
In [1]:
def fib(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
In [2]:
[fib(x) for x in range(10)]
Warm up: using no loops (for, while, etc.), and no global variables, write a function that returns the sum of a list: Also, no cheating and calling methods that do significant work for you (i.e. sum(), reduce(), etc. are all off limits).
In [6]:
def sumlist(thelist, acc=0):
if thelist == []:
return acc
return sumlist(thelist[1:], acc + thelist[0])
In [7]:
Again, using no loops, no global variables, no calling len() and no helper functions write a function that returns the last index of a given input in a list. Negative one gets returned if the element doesn't occur in the list.
In [8]:
def lastIndexOf(n, thelist, acc=-1, counter=0):
if thelist == []:
return acc
return lastIndexOf(n, thelist[1:],
acc=counter if thelist[0]==n else acc,
counter=counter + 1)
In [9]:
lastIndexOf(5, [1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 2, 5, 7])
Try the same thing for a linked list:
In [10]:
def linkedLastIndexOf(n, thelist, acc=-1, counter=0):
if not thelist:
return acc
return linkedLastIndexOf(n, thelist[1],
counter if thelist[0]==n else acc,
counter + 1)
In [11]:
linkedLastIndexOf(5, [1,[2,[4,[6,[5,[2,[7,None]]]]]]])
In [12]:
lastIndexOf(5, [1, [2, [4, [6, [2, [7, None]]]]]])
Write a recursive function to compute the sum of a list of numbers.
In [13]:
def recursive_sum(thelist, acc=0):
if thelist == []:
return acc
return recursive_sum(thelist[1:], acc + thelist[0])
In [14]:
Generate all the reorderings of a set of letters.
In [15]:
def all_reorderings(letters):
import itertools
# Was this cheating?
if type(letters) is list:
letters = ''.join(letters)
return itertools.permutations(letters)
List all of the series' of letters (non-dictionary words, 'asd' and 'w' count) that can be formed with some scrabble tiles on a blank board. (In scrabble, you don't have to use all your tiles at once)
In [23]:
def all_reorderings(letters):
import itertools
# Cheating again
if type(letters) is list:
letters = ''.join(letters)
for r in range(1, len(letters) + 1):
for x in itertools.permutations(letters, r):
yield ''.join(x)
In [24]:
g = all_reorderings(['a', 'b', 'c'])
[g.next() for _ in range(15)]
List all of the valid words (give some dictionary) that can be formed with some scrabble tiles on a blank board
In [25]:
def all_reorderings(letters, dictionary=[]):
import itertools, collections
# Cheating...again
if type(letters) is list:
letters = ''.join(letters)
c = collections.Counter(letters)
for word in dictionary:
dictword = collections.Counter(word)
if all(dictword[x] <= c[x] for x in dictword.keys()):
yield word
In [28]:
[x for x in
all_reorderings('abccccjfffjelfjawefhogellwaeo', dictionary=['chello', 'hello', 'joe', 'jonathan'])]
A child is running up a staircase with n steps, and can hop either 1 step, 2 steps, or 3 steps at a time. Write a function that, given the length of the staircase, tells you how many ways there are to go up the steps.
In [31]:
def recursive_map(fn, thelist, acc=[]):
if not thelist:
return acc
return recursive_map(fn, thelist[1:], acc + [fn(thelist[0])])
In [32]:
recursive_map(lambda x: x + 1, [4,3,4,5])
Write a recursive implementation of the filter function.
In [37]:
def recursive_filter(fn, thelist, acc=[]):
if not thelist:
return acc
return recursive_filter(fn, thelist[1:], acc + ([thelist[0]] if fn(thelist[0]) else []))
In [38]:
recursive_filter(lambda x: x==4, [3,4,5,6,6,5,4])
Write a recursive function that inserts an element in the right place into a linked list. The function should return a new linked list rather than mutate the original list.
In [ ]:
g = [('a', 1), ('b', 3), ('d', -1), ('c', 2)]
def recursive_insert_linked_list(insert_item, insert_index, current_item, counter=0, acc=[], linked_list=g):
# list_init is a tuple of (item, next item location)
# for exercise purposes, linked list is an entire object within a python list, like 'g' above
if insert_index == counter: