Mutational antigenic profiling of WSN HA


Doud, Hensley, and Bloom (2017) performed mutational antigenic profiling of the hemagglutinin (HA) from A/WSN/1933 (H1N1) influenza virus using several strain-specific monoclonal antibodies. They analyzed the data to determine the differential selection on each mutation from each antibody.

In that original paper, the data was analyzed using the older dms_tools software package. Here we re-analyze the data using the newer dms_tools2 software. Because of the use of the newer software, the results will not be numerically identical to those in the original analysis by Doud, Hensley, and Bloom (2017), although they will be very close.

Experimental summary

The goal of the experiment was to completely map the amino-acid mutations that enabled HA to escape from four different monoclonal antibodies plus a control condition:

  • H17-L19 (tested at 3 concentrations). These concentrations are c1 = 0.5 $\mu$g/ml, c2 = 1.0 $\mu$g/ml, and c3 = 10.0 $\mu$g/ml

  • H17-L10

  • H17-L7

  • H18-S415

  • mock (no antibody)

  • error control: sequencing of wildtype virus to estimate error rates.

To do this, Doud, Hensley, and Bloom (2017) used three independent mutant-virus libraries carrying nearly all codon mutations of HA compatible with viral replication. The libraries were selected in the presence and absence of the monoclonal antibodies. They were then deep sequenced using barcoded-subamplicon sequencing to obtain high accuracy. This notebook analyzes the data to determine the "differential selection" from each antibody on each mutation in HA.

Import modules and define general variables

Import Python modules, print version of dms_tools2, define some general variables used throughout the notebook.

Some key variables defined below impact how the entire notebook runs:

  • ncpus is the number of CPUs to use. It should not exceed the number that you specify if you are submitting your job via a queue-ing system such as slurm / sbatch. A value of -1 means use all available CPUs.

  • use_existing specifies whether we use existing results if they exist, or generate everything new. Note that dms_tools2 programs just check for existing output but do not do true dependency tracking -- so if you have changed the inputs, then change this option from yes to no to re-run everything fresh.

In [1]:
import os
import pandas
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import dms_tools2
import dms_tools2.plot
import dms_tools2.sra
from dms_tools2.ipython_utils import showPDF

print("Using dms_tools2 version {0}".format(dms_tools2.__version__))

# results will go in this directory
resultsdir = './results/' 
if not os.path.isdir(resultsdir):
# CPUs to use, should not exceed the number you request with slurm
ncpus = -1 

# do we use existing results or generate everything new?
use_existing = 'yes'

/usr/lib/python3.4/importlib/ FutureWarning: The pandas.core.datetools module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the pandas.tseries module instead.
  return f(*args, **kwds)
Using dms_tools2 version 2.0a0

Define the samples

We first define basic information about the samples needed for processing the barcoded-subamplicon deep sequencing data. Specifically, we create a pandas DataFrame that gives the:

  1. The name of each sample.
  2. The SRA (Sequence Read Archive) run accession for the deep sequencing data for that sample.

The naming scheme is <antibody>-<library>-c<concentration>. So for instance, H17L19-1r1-c1 is mutant-virus library 1 technical replicate 1 selected with antibody H17L19 at the first antibody concentration. Technical replicates were only performed for library 1 using antibody H17L19 and the mock selection, so for all other libraries / antibodies, the names are just of the form H17L19-2-c1. Different concentrations were only used for antibody H17L19, so for all other antibodies the names are just of the form H17L10-1.

In [2]:
samples = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(
        [('H17L10-1', 'SRR4841597'), 
         ('H17L10-2', 'SRR4841598'), 
         ('H17L10-3', 'SRR4841599'), 
         ('H17L19-1r1-c1', 'SRR4841569'), 
         ('H17L19-1r1-c2', 'SRR4841570'), 
         ('H17L19-1r1-c3', 'SRR4841567'), 
         ('H17L19-1r2-c1', 'SRR4841568'), 
         ('H17L19-1r2-c2', 'SRR4841573'), 
         ('H17L19-1r2-c3', 'SRR4841574'), 
         ('H17L19-2-c1', 'SRR4841571'), 
         ('H17L19-2-c2', 'SRR4841572'), 
         ('H17L19-2-c3', 'SRR4841575'), 
         ('H17L19-3-c1', 'SRR4841576'), 
         ('H17L19-3-c2', 'SRR4841595'), 
         ('H17L19-3-c3', 'SRR4841596'), 
         ('H17L7-1', 'SRR4841600'), 
         ('H17L7-2', 'SRR4841601'), 
         ('H17L7-3', 'SRR4841602'), 
         ('H18S415-1', 'SRR4841603'), 
         ('H18S415-2', 'SRR4841604'), 
         ('H18S415-3', 'SRR4841579'), 
         ('mock-1r1', 'SRR4841578'), 
         ('mock-1r2', 'SRR4841581'), 
         ('mock-2', 'SRR4841580'), 
         ('mock-3', 'SRR4841582'),
         ('err-ctrl', 'SRR3113659')],       
        columns=['name', 'run']

Download the FASTQ files from the SRA

The deep sequencing data are on the Sequence Read Archive; here we download them for analysis.

We download these files using the fastqFromSRA function from the dms_tools2 Python API. Note that the call to this function below uses two external programs that are not part of dms_tools2, and which you therefore must install externally on the computer that you are using:

  1. The fastq-dump program from the SRA Toolkit. If you do not already have this toolkit installed, you will need to install it by following these instructions. You need a relatively recent version.
  2. The Aspera Connect program for rapid downloads. You need both the executable ascp and an Aspera Key file. Installing Aspera Connect and a key can be somewhat complex, so if you do not want to do this then just set aspera=None in the command below and fastq-dump will do the downloads (albeit more slowly).

In [3]:
fastqdir = os.path.join(resultsdir, './FASTQ_files/')
print("Downloading FASTQ files from the SRA...")
        fastq_dump='fastq-dump', # valid path to this program on the Hutch server
            '/app/aspera-connect/3.5.1/bin/ascp', # valid path to ascp on Hutch server
            '/app/aspera-connect/3.5.1/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh' # Aspera key on Hutch server
print("Here are the names of the downloaded files now found in {0}".format(fastqdir))

Downloading FASTQ files from the SRA...
Here are the names of the downloaded files now found in ./results/./FASTQ_files/
name run R1 R2
H17L10-1 SRR4841597 H17L10-1_R1.fastq.gz H17L10-1_R2.fastq.gz
H17L10-2 SRR4841598 H17L10-2_R1.fastq.gz H17L10-2_R2.fastq.gz
H17L10-3 SRR4841599 H17L10-3_R1.fastq.gz H17L10-3_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r1-c1 SRR4841569 H17L19-1r1-c1_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-1r1-c1_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r1-c2 SRR4841570 H17L19-1r1-c2_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-1r1-c2_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r1-c3 SRR4841567 H17L19-1r1-c3_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-1r1-c3_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r2-c1 SRR4841568 H17L19-1r2-c1_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-1r2-c1_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r2-c2 SRR4841573 H17L19-1r2-c2_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-1r2-c2_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r2-c3 SRR4841574 H17L19-1r2-c3_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-1r2-c3_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-2-c1 SRR4841571 H17L19-2-c1_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-2-c1_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-2-c2 SRR4841572 H17L19-2-c2_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-2-c2_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-2-c3 SRR4841575 H17L19-2-c3_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-2-c3_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-3-c1 SRR4841576 H17L19-3-c1_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-3-c1_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-3-c2 SRR4841595 H17L19-3-c2_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-3-c2_R2.fastq.gz
H17L19-3-c3 SRR4841596 H17L19-3-c3_R1.fastq.gz H17L19-3-c3_R2.fastq.gz
H17L7-1 SRR4841600 H17L7-1_R1.fastq.gz H17L7-1_R2.fastq.gz
H17L7-2 SRR4841601 H17L7-2_R1.fastq.gz H17L7-2_R2.fastq.gz
H17L7-3 SRR4841602 H17L7-3_R1.fastq.gz H17L7-3_R2.fastq.gz
H18S415-1 SRR4841603 H18S415-1_R1.fastq.gz H18S415-1_R2.fastq.gz
H18S415-2 SRR4841604 H18S415-2_R1.fastq.gz H18S415-2_R2.fastq.gz
H18S415-3 SRR4841579 H18S415-3_R1.fastq.gz H18S415-3_R2.fastq.gz
mock-1r1 SRR4841578 mock-1r1_R1.fastq.gz mock-1r1_R2.fastq.gz
mock-1r2 SRR4841581 mock-1r2_R1.fastq.gz mock-1r2_R2.fastq.gz
mock-2 SRR4841580 mock-2_R1.fastq.gz mock-2_R2.fastq.gz
mock-3 SRR4841582 mock-3_R1.fastq.gz mock-3_R2.fastq.gz
err-ctrl SRR3113659 err-ctrl_R1.fastq.gz err-ctrl_R2.fastq.gz

Align the deep sequencing data and count mutations

Doud, Hensley, and Bloom (2017) used barcoded-subamplicon sequencing to obtain high accuracy during the Illumina deep sequencing.

We therefore use the dms2_batch_bcsubamp program to analyze these data.

Running that program requires specifying a --batchfile that lists the samples, a wildtype --refseq to which we make alignments, and --alignspecs that tell us where the subamplicons should align. The batch file that we specify is printed by the cell below. The alignments are made to the wildtype WSN HA coding sequence, which is available at ./data/WSN-HA.fasta. The alignment specs are specified based on the exact primers used for the barcoded-subamplicon sequencing by Doud, Hensley, and Bloom (2017). The alignment specs need to be exactly correct for the subamplicons to align.

We also do some trimming of the reads using the --R1trim and --R2trim parameters. Such trimming can be crucial for getting good results, since the read quality often drops off at the end of reads. In the example below, we have trimmed all subamplicons equally, but in some cases you might want to trim each one differently by specifying a list of values for each subamplicon.

In [4]:
# file containing wildtype WSN HA sequence
refseq = './data/WSN-HA.fasta'

# define subamplicon alignment specifications
alignspecs = ' '.join(['1,285,36,37', 

# counts and alignments placed in this directory
countsdir = os.path.join(resultsdir, 'codoncounts')
if not os.path.isdir(countsdir):
# write sample information to a batch file for dms2_batch_bcsubamplicons
countsbatchfile = os.path.join(countsdir, 'batch.csv')
print("Here is the batch file that we write to CSV format to use as input:")
display(HTML(samples[['name', 'R1']].to_html(index=False)))
samples[['name', 'R1']].to_csv(countsbatchfile, index=False)

print('\nNow running dms2_batch_bcsubamp...')
log = !dms2_batch_bcsubamp \
        --batchfile {countsbatchfile} \
        --refseq {refseq} \
        --alignspecs {alignspecs} \
        --outdir {countsdir} \
        --summaryprefix summary \
        --R1trim 200 \
        --R2trim 170 \
        --fastqdir {fastqdir} \
        --ncpus {ncpus} \
        --use_existing {use_existing} 

print("Completed dms2_batch_bcsubamp.")

Here is the batch file that we write to CSV format to use as input:
name R1
H17L10-1 H17L10-1_R1.fastq.gz
H17L10-2 H17L10-2_R1.fastq.gz
H17L10-3 H17L10-3_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r1-c1 H17L19-1r1-c1_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r1-c2 H17L19-1r1-c2_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r1-c3 H17L19-1r1-c3_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r2-c1 H17L19-1r2-c1_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r2-c2 H17L19-1r2-c2_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-1r2-c3 H17L19-1r2-c3_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-2-c1 H17L19-2-c1_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-2-c2 H17L19-2-c2_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-2-c3 H17L19-2-c3_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-3-c1 H17L19-3-c1_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-3-c2 H17L19-3-c2_R1.fastq.gz
H17L19-3-c3 H17L19-3-c3_R1.fastq.gz
H17L7-1 H17L7-1_R1.fastq.gz
H17L7-2 H17L7-2_R1.fastq.gz
H17L7-3 H17L7-3_R1.fastq.gz
H18S415-1 H18S415-1_R1.fastq.gz
H18S415-2 H18S415-2_R1.fastq.gz
H18S415-3 H18S415-3_R1.fastq.gz
mock-1r1 mock-1r1_R1.fastq.gz
mock-1r2 mock-1r2_R1.fastq.gz
mock-2 mock-2_R1.fastq.gz
mock-3 mock-3_R1.fastq.gz
err-ctrl err-ctrl_R1.fastq.gz
Now running dms2_batch_bcsubamp...
Completed dms2_batch_bcsubamp.

Now we look at the summary plots created by dms2_batch_bcsubamp. All of these files are found in the directory specified by --outdir, and with the prefix specified by summaryprefix. So we define them using this plot prefix plus the suffix for each plot.

In [5]:
countsplotprefix = os.path.join(countsdir, 'summary')

The *_readstats.pdf plot below shows the statistics on the reads. This plot shows that most of the reads were retained, and a small fraction discarded because of low-quality barcodes. None failed the Illumina filter as those were already filtered out those when we downloaded from the SRA using fastq-dump.

In [6]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_readstats.pdf')

The *_readsperbc.pdf plot below shows how many times different barcodes were observed for each sample. Barcodes need to be observed multiple times to be useful for barcoded-subamplicon sequencing error correction.

For many samples (such as mock-2 or H17-L19-1r1-c3), most barcodes are observed multiple times except for a small peak at one that likely is due in substantial part of one-off barcodes generated by sequencing errors. Such samples are clearly sequenced to (more-than) adequate depth. But for other samples (such as mock-1r1) it's clear from the distribution that many barcodes were observed only once (or possibly not at all), and so more seuqencing depth might give greater coverage of called mutations.

In [7]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_readsperbc.pdf')

The *_bcstats.pdf plot below shows statistics on the barcodes. Some of the barcodes had to be discarded because they had too few reads (these are the single-read barcodes in the plot above), a small fraction with adequate reads were not alignable, and the rest aligned to the HA gene properly.

In [8]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_bcstats.pdf')

The *_depth.pdf plot below shows the depth (number of called codons) at each site in the gene. For most of the samples, the depth across the gene is fairly uniform, indicating that the subamplicons were pooled fairly evenly. Note that some samples (in particular the mock samples) were intentionally sequenced to higher depth than the antibody-selected samples, as we expect to see more diversity in the mock samples.

In [9]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_depth.pdf')

The *_mutfreq.pdf plot below shows the per-codon frequency of mutations at each site. For each antibody-selected sample, we see a few sites of clear peaks in mutation frequency. These peaks tend to occur at the same sites in different replicates for the same antibody, and so presumably represent the sites where antibody-escape mutations are selected. For H17L19, you can see that the height of the peaks go up at higher antibody concentration (going from c1 to c3). There are no such peaks for the mock sample since there is no antibody selection to favor specific mutations.

In [10]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_mutfreq.pdf')

The *_codonmuttypes.pdf plot below shows the per-codon frequency of nonsynonymous, synonymous, and stop codon mutations across the entire gene. For some of the strongly antibody selected samples, we see an overall increase in the per-codon mutation frequency due to very strong selection for variants with escape mutations.

In [11]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_codonmuttypes.pdf')

The *_codonntchanges.pdf plot below shows same data as above but categorizes codon mutations by the number of nucleotides that are changed (e.g., ATG to AAG changes 1 nucleotide, ATG to AAC changes 2 nucleotides, and ATG to CAC changes 3 nucleotides).

In [12]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_codonntchanges.pdf')

The *_singlentchanges.pdf plot below shows the frequency of each type of nucleotide change among only codon mutations with one nucleotide change. This plot is mostly useful to check if there is a large bias in which mutations appear. In particular, if you are getting oxidative damage (which causes G to T mutations) during the library preparation process, you will see a large excess of C to A or G to T mutations (or both). For instance, in the case of influenza, when we get bad oxidative damage, then we see an excess of C to A mutations in the final cDNA since the damage is occurring to a ssRNA genome. If you are sequencing something without polarity, you might see both types of mutations.

There is not much oxidative damage in the samples plotted below, which mostly have a fairly even distribution of nucleotide changes.

We do see that transitions (G <-> A and C <-> T) are a bit more common than most of the other types of mutations (all of which are transversions). This is expected, since PCR based sources of mutations are expected to preferentially introduce transitions.

In [13]:
showPDF(countsplotprefix + '_singlentchanges.pdf')

Analyze differential selection

We first create a batch file to use with dms2_batch_diffsel. Note that we make the group arguments the antibody, the name argument the replicate, and assign the sel, mock, and err arguments based on the names used for the batch file when generating the counts files above with dms2_batch_bcsubamp.

By grouping replicates for the same antibody in the batch file, we tell dms2_batch_diffsel to analyze these together and take their mean and median.

For the concentrations of H17L19, we convert from $\mu$g/ml to nM assuming an IgG molecular weight of 150 kDa, and using this calculator. The reason that we indicate the concentration in nM rather than $\mu$g/ml is something that it doesn't require us to use special characters (such as /) that are not allowed in the group argument.

In [14]:
# put diffsel values here
diffseldir = os.path.join(resultsdir, 'diffsel')
if not os.path.isdir(diffseldir):
diffselbatchfile = os.path.join(diffseldir, 'batch.csv')

diffselbatch = pandas.DataFrame.from_records([
         # H17L19 at 0.5 ug/ml, or 3.3 nM
         ('H17L19-3-nM', 'replicate-1a', 'H17L19-1r1-c1', 'mock-1r1'), 
         ('H17L19-3-nM', 'replicate-1b', 'H17L19-1r2-c1', 'mock-1r2'),
         ('H17L19-3-nM', 'replicate-2', 'H17L19-2-c1', 'mock-2'),
         ('H17L19-3-nM', 'replicate-3', 'H17L19-3-c1', 'mock-3'),
         # H17L19 and 1 ug/ml, or 6.7 nM
         ('H17L19-7-nM', 'replicate-1a', 'H17L19-1r1-c2', 'mock-1r1'),
         ('H17L19-7-nM', 'replicate-1b', 'H17L19-1r2-c2', 'mock-1r2'),
         ('H17L19-7-nM', 'replicate-2', 'H17L19-2-c2', 'mock-2'),
         ('H17L19-7-nM', 'replicate-3', 'H17L19-3-c2', 'mock-3'),
         # H179L19 at 10 ug/ml, or 67 nM
         ('H17L19-67-nM', 'replicate-1a', 'H17L19-1r1-c3', 'mock-1r1'),  
         ('H17L19-67-nM', 'replicate-1b', 'H17L19-1r2-c3', 'mock-1r2'),        
         ('H17L19-67-nM', 'replicate-2', 'H17L19-2-c3', 'mock-2'), 
         ('H17L19-67-nM', 'replicate-3', 'H17L19-3-c3', 'mock-3'),  
         # H17L10 at 3 ug/ml
         ('H17L10', 'replicate-1', 'H17L10-1', 'mock-1r1'), 
         ('H17L10', 'replicate-2', 'H17L10-2', 'mock-2'), 
         ('H17L10', 'replicate-3', 'H17L10-3', 'mock-3'), 
         # H17L7 at 15 ug/ml
         ('H17L7', 'replicate-1', 'H17L7-1', 'mock-1r1'), 
         ('H17L7', 'replicate-2', 'H17L7-2', 'mock-2'), 
         ('H17L7', 'replicate-3', 'H17L7-3', 'mock-3'), 
         # H18S415 at 3 ug/ml
         ('H18S415', 'replicate-1', 'H18S415-1', 'mock-1r1'), 
         ('H18S415', 'replicate-2', 'H18S415-2', 'mock-2'), 
         ('H18S415', 'replicate-3', 'H18S415-3', 'mock-3'), 
        columns=['group', 'name', 'sel', 'mock']
diffselbatch['err'] = 'err-ctrl' # all samples have the same error control

print("Here is the batch file that we write to CSV format to use as input:")

diffselbatch.to_csv(diffselbatchfile, index=False)

Here is the batch file that we write to CSV format to use as input:
group name sel mock err
H17L19-3-nM replicate-1a H17L19-1r1-c1 mock-1r1 err-ctrl
H17L19-3-nM replicate-1b H17L19-1r2-c1 mock-1r2 err-ctrl
H17L19-3-nM replicate-2 H17L19-2-c1 mock-2 err-ctrl
H17L19-3-nM replicate-3 H17L19-3-c1 mock-3 err-ctrl
H17L19-7-nM replicate-1a H17L19-1r1-c2 mock-1r1 err-ctrl
H17L19-7-nM replicate-1b H17L19-1r2-c2 mock-1r2 err-ctrl
H17L19-7-nM replicate-2 H17L19-2-c2 mock-2 err-ctrl
H17L19-7-nM replicate-3 H17L19-3-c2 mock-3 err-ctrl
H17L19-67-nM replicate-1a H17L19-1r1-c3 mock-1r1 err-ctrl
H17L19-67-nM replicate-1b H17L19-1r2-c3 mock-1r2 err-ctrl
H17L19-67-nM replicate-2 H17L19-2-c3 mock-2 err-ctrl
H17L19-67-nM replicate-3 H17L19-3-c3 mock-3 err-ctrl
H17L10 replicate-1 H17L10-1 mock-1r1 err-ctrl
H17L10 replicate-2 H17L10-2 mock-2 err-ctrl
H17L10 replicate-3 H17L10-3 mock-3 err-ctrl
H17L7 replicate-1 H17L7-1 mock-1r1 err-ctrl
H17L7 replicate-2 H17L7-2 mock-2 err-ctrl
H17L7 replicate-3 H17L7-3 mock-3 err-ctrl
H18S415 replicate-1 H18S415-1 mock-1r1 err-ctrl
H18S415 replicate-2 H18S415-2 mock-2 err-ctrl
H18S415 replicate-3 H18S415-3 mock-3 err-ctrl

Now we simply run dms2_batch_diffsel, getting the input counts from the directory (--indir) that we placed the counts when we ran dms2_batch_bcsubamp.

In [15]:
log = !dms2_batch_diffsel \
        --summaryprefix summary \
        --batchfile {diffselbatchfile} \
        --outdir {diffseldir} \
        --indir {countsdir} \
        --use_existing {use_existing}

Running this command creates a large number of output files giving the mutation and site differential selection values in the formats of the mutdiffsel.csv and sitediffsel.csv files created by dms2_diffsel.

Specifically, there is a file for each individual sample, with a file name that gives the group and name specified for this sample in --batchfile. For instance, here are the files for the individual samples in group H17-L10:

In [16]:
!ls {diffseldir}/H17L10*.csv


There are also files giving the mean and median differential selection for all samples in each group. These files are prefixed with the name given by --summaryprefix (in this case, summary), and also indicate the group. For instance, here are the files for the group H17-L10:

In [17]:
!ls {diffseldir}/summary*H17L10*.csv


Now we are going to look at the correlation of samples within a given group. We have six groups, so there are six sets of correlations.

Running dms2_batch_diffsel creates correlation plots for the mutation differential selection, positive site differential selection, absolute site differential selection, and maximum mutation differential selection for a site. These files have names like summary_H17L10-mutdiffselcorr.pdf. Below we show the plots for mutdiffsel and positivesitediffsel (ones are also made for absolutesitediffsel and maxsitediffsel, but are not shown below as they are less informative for this experiment). Note that the plots show the correlations between all pairs, and also on the diagonal show the density of the different selection values for each replicates (most of them are close to zero).

In [18]:
diffselprefix = os.path.join(diffseldir, 'summary_')
groups = diffselbatch['group'].unique()

for seltype in ['mutdiffsel', 'positivesitediffsel']:
    print("\n{0} correlations:".format(seltype))
    plots = []
    for g in groups:
        plot = diffselprefix + g + '-' + seltype + 'corr.pdf'
    showPDF(plots[ : 3]) # show first 3 plots
    showPDF(plots[3 : ], width=800) # show remaining plots

mutdiffsel correlations:
positivesitediffsel correlations:

We can also look at the mean correlation for H17L19 at the different concentrations. dms2_batch_diffsel does not make this plot automatically, but we can make it using the dms_tools2.plot.plotCorrMatrix function from the dms_tools2 Python API. Here we make this plot for the positive site differential selection:

In [19]:
concs = ['3-nM', '7-nM', '67-nM']
plotfile = diffselprefix + 'conc_corr_H17L19.pdf'
        [c.replace('-', ' ') for c in concs],
        [diffselprefix + 'H17L19-{0}-meansitediffsel.csv'.format(c) 
                for c in concs],
        plotfile, 'positive_diffsel', title='H17L19')
showPDF(plotfile, width=300)

/home/jbloom/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: tight_layout : falling back to Agg renderer
  warnings.warn("tight_layout : falling back to Agg renderer")
/home/jbloom/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UserWarning: No labelled objects found. Use label='...' kwarg on individual plots.
  warnings.warn("No labelled objects found. "

Now we look at the differential selection along the primary sequence. Several plots showing this kind of selection are made by dms2_batch_diffsel. These plots show either the mean or the median differential selection among all samples in each group (CSV files have been created containing this differential selection as described above).

These files all have the prefix indicated by --summaryprefix, and show the positive differential selection, total site differential selection (both positive and negative), the maximum differential selection, and the minimum and maximum differential selection. Here are all the files created by this analysis:

In [20]:
!ls {diffseldir}/*diffsel.pdf


For this particular experiment, the median and mean values look very similar, but for some experiments one might look a lot better than another if there are clear outlier measurements in some samples. For instance, below are the mean and median side-by-side for the total site differential selection (note how this plot shows both the positive and negative values, with the mean values at left and the median values at right:

In [21]:
showPDF([diffselprefix + 'meantotaldiffsel.pdf', diffselprefix + 'mediantotaldiffsel.pdf'])

Probably the most informative plot is simply the mean positive site differential selection -- this is what Doud, Hensley, and Bloom (2017) show in their paper. This plot shows the total positive selection for all mutations combined at a given site, and is shown below:

In [22]:
showPDF(diffselprefix + 'meanpositivediffsel.pdf', width=800)

Another plot that can sometimes be useful is the maximum mutation differential selection at each site. This measurement is more noisy, but it tells us how strong is the selection for the most favorable mutation at that site, so better detects sites where only one mutation might be substantially favored. Below we show that, using the median which is typically slightly less noisy for mutation-level measurements:

In [23]:
showPDF(diffselprefix + 'medianmaxdiffsel.pdf', width=800)

Make logo plots visualizing the differential selection

The plots above summarize the site or maximum mutation differential selection using line plots. But the most comprehensive way to show this selection is in the form of logo plots that can be created with dms2_logoplot.

We make those logo plots using the median mutation differential selection values returned by dms2_batch_diffsel. The reason that we plot the median rather than the mean is that we have noticed that it is often cleaner when there are > 2 replicates.

We also add underlays of the wildtype sequence and of sites of known escape-mutants. These known escape-mutant sites are from classical experiments from Caton, Yewdell, and Gerhard and are listed in ./data/known_escape.csv. To add the wildtype sequence, we can simply specify any file with the columns wildtype and site -- any of our mutdiffsel files suffice. Note that we add these using the -overlay1 and --overlay2 options, and then convert them to underlays with --underlay yes since underlays look better than overlays here.

In [24]:
known = pandas.read_csv('./data/known_escape.csv', index_col='site')

for antibody in ['H17L10', 'H17L19-67-nM', 'H17L7', 'H18S415']:
    # mutdiffsel in this file
    mutdiffsel = diffselprefix + antibody + '-medianmutdiffsel.csv'
    # create known sites overlay file to pass to dms2_logoplot
    sites = pandas.read_csv(mutdiffsel)['site'].unique()
    antibodyname = antibody.split('-')[0]
    knownsites = diffselprefix + '{0}_known_escape.csv'.format(antibodyname)
    (known.query('antibody == @antibodyname')
          .reindex(sites) # add entry for sites NOT known to mediate escape
          .fillna('not tested')
          .to_csv(knownsites, index=False)
    # now create the logo plot with the overlay
    logoplot = os.path.join(diffseldir, '{0}_diffsel.pdf'.format(antibody))
    print("\nCreating logo plot for {0} from {1} with overlay from {2}".format(
            antibody, mutdiffsel, knownsites))
    log = !dms2_logoplot \
            --diffsel {mutdiffsel} \
            --name {antibody} \
            --outdir {diffseldir} \
            --restrictdiffsel positive \
            --sepline no \
            --nperline 113 \
            --overlay1 {mutdiffsel} wildtype wildtype \
            --overlay2 {knownsites} esc "site of known escape mutation" \
            --underlay yes \
            --use_existing {use_existing}

Creating logo plot for H17L10 from ./results/diffsel/summary_H17L10-medianmutdiffsel.csv with overlay from ./results/diffsel/summary_H17L10_known_escape.csv
Creating logo plot for H17L19-67-nM from ./results/diffsel/summary_H17L19-67-nM-medianmutdiffsel.csv with overlay from ./results/diffsel/summary_H17L19_known_escape.csv
Creating logo plot for H17L7 from ./results/diffsel/summary_H17L7-medianmutdiffsel.csv with overlay from ./results/diffsel/summary_H17L7_known_escape.csv
Creating logo plot for H18S415 from ./results/diffsel/summary_H18S415-medianmutdiffsel.csv with overlay from ./results/diffsel/summary_H18S415_known_escape.csv

In [25]: