This Jupyter notebook uses R
to create a plot that illustrates the idea of fraction of a mutation surviving selection as implemented in the fracsurvive
programs of dms_tools2.
Notebook created by Jesse Bloom.
In [1]:
require("pacman", quietly=TRUE)
pacman::p_load('ggseqlogo', 'ggplot2', 'cowplot', 'dplyr', 'reshape2',
'IRdisplay', 'stringr', 'Matrix', 'tidyr', 'scales')
Functions for saving / showing images and labeling axes:
In [2]:
saveShowPlot <- function(p, width, height) {
# save plot with filename of variable name with dots replaced by _, then show
pngfile <- file.path(sprintf("%s.png",
gsub("\\.", "_", deparse(substitute(p)))))
pdffile <- file.path(sprintf("%s.pdf",
gsub("\\.", "_", deparse(substitute(p)))))
ggsave(pngfile, plot=p, width=width, height=height, units="in")
ggsave(pdffile, plot=p, width=width, height=height, units="in")
display_png(file=pngfile, width=width * 90)
fancy_scientific <- function(x, parse.str=TRUE, digits=NULL) {
# scientific notation formatting, based loosely on
# if `parse.str` is TRUE, then we parse the string into an expression
# `digits` indicates how many digits to include
x %>% format(scientific=TRUE, digits=digits) %>% gsub("^0e\\+00","0", .) %>%
gsub("^1e\\+00", "1", .) %>% gsub("^(.*)e", "'\\1'e", .) %>%
gsub("e\\+","e", .) %>% gsub("e", "%*%10^", .) %>%
gsub("^\'1\'\\%\\*\\%", "", .) %>% {if (parse.str) parse(text=.) else .}
Set up the color-blind palette described here:
In [3]:
cbbPalette <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442",
"#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
In [4]:
#' Sigmoidal neutralization curve
#' Returns fraction infectivity remaining at concentration
#' @param c concentration of antibody
#' @param ic50 IC50 of antibody
#' @alpha the "slope" parameter of the sigmoid
neutcurve <- function(c, ic50, alpha=0.35, percent=TRUE) {
1 - exp((c - ic50) / alpha) / (1 + (exp((c - ic50) / alpha)))
Range of log concentrations over which we will plot:
In [5]:
logcmin <- -4
logcmax <- 1
logcdelta <- 0.01 # interval to calculate values
logc <- seq(from=logcmin, to=logcmax, by=logcdelta)
Now set up function that draws neutralization curves and associated logo plots:
In [6]:
#' plot neutralization curves and logo plots
#' Returns list containing neut curve, list of logo plots
#' @param variants vector of variant names
#' @param ic50s vector of IC50 values
#' @param seqs vector seqs for each variant, first one is wildtype
#' @param conc vector of concentrations at which to draw vertical lines
#' @param colscheme color scheme for logo plots
plotcurvesandlogo <- function(variants, ic50s, seqs, conc, colscheme) {
# dataframe giving fraction survive for each antibody at each concentration
wtseq <- seqs[[1]]
sites <- seq(1, nchar(wtseq))
neutdata <- data.frame(logc) %>%
merge(data.frame(variant=variants, ic50=ic50s, seq=seqs)) %>%
merge(data.frame(site=sites)) %>%
transform(variant=factor(variant, levels=variants)) %>%
mutate(fracsurvive=neutcurve(logc, ic50),
aa=str_sub(seq, site, site),
wt=str_sub(wtseq, site, site))
# neutralization curve plot
p.neut <- ggplot(neutdata, aes(x=c, y=fracsurvive, color=variant)) +
geom_line(size=0.7) +
scale_y_continuous('fraction infectivity', breaks=c(0, 0.5, 1)) +
scale_x_log10(expression(paste('antibody concentration (', mu, 'g/ml)')),
labels=fancy_scientific) +
scale_color_manual('', values=cbbPalette) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=conc), data=data.frame(conc), color=tail(cbbPalette, n=1),
linetype='dotted', size=1) +
theme(legend.position='top', axis.text.x=element_text(vjust=0.1),
axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=13),
plot.margin=unit(c(0, 0.6, 0, 0), 'in'))
# make sequence logo
# first make named list of matrices
mat.list <- lapply(conc,
function (concline) {
# create matrix with frac surviving data
mat <- neutdata %>%
filter(abs(c - concline) == min(abs(c - concline))) %>%
filter((wt != aa) | (seq == wtseq)) %>%
dcast(site ~ aa, value.var='fracsurvive', fill=0) %>%
as.matrix %>%
) %>%
setNames(c('low antibody\nconcentration', 'middle antibody\nconcentration',
'high antibody\nconcentration'))
# now make logo plot
p.logo <- ggseqlogo(mat.list, method='custom', col_scheme=colscheme) +
scale_y_continuous('fraction surviving', breaks=NULL) +
scale_x_continuous('site') +
theme(panel.spacing=unit(1.5, 'lines'),
plot.margin=unit(c(0.05, 0, 0.23, 0.1), 'in'))
return(list(p.neut, p.logo))
Merge together into the final plot:
In [7]:
variants <- c('wildtype (VLS)', 'V1K', 'L2C', 'S3A')
seqs <- c('VLS', 'KLS', 'VCS', 'VLA')
# color scheme for logo plots
colscheme <- make_col_scheme(
chars=c('V', 'L', 'S', 'K', 'C', 'A'),
cols=c(cbbPalette[[1]], cbbPalette[[1]], cbbPalette[[1]],
cbbPalette[[2]], cbbPalette[[3]], cbbPalette[[4]]))
# draw logo plots for these concentrations
conc <- c(4e-4, 4e-2, 3e-1)
# plots for easy to escape antibody
p.easy <- plotcurvesandlogo(
ic50s=c(-2, 0.5, -1.9, -1.8),
p.merge.easy <- plot_grid(p.easy[[1]], p.easy[[2]], ncol=2, rel_widths=c(1.7, 2),
scale=0.98, labels=c('A', 'B'), label_size=17, hjust=-0.1)
# plots for hard to escape antibody
p.hard <- plotcurvesandlogo(
ic50s=c(-2.1, -1.5, -2, -1.9),
p.merge.hard <- plot_grid(p.hard[[1]], p.hard[[2]], ncol=2, rel_widths=c(1.7, 2),
scale=0.98, labels=c('C', 'D'), label_size=17, hjust=-0.1)
# merge into a titled plot
title.easy <- ggdraw() + draw_label("hypothetical data where V1K is a strong antibody-escape mutation",
fontface='bold', size=14, vjust=1)
title.hard <- ggdraw() + draw_label("hypothetical data where V1K is only a weak antibody-escape mutation",
fontface='bold', size=14, vjust=1)
frac.survive.example.plot <- plot_grid(
title.easy, p.merge.easy, title.hard, p.merge.hard,
ncol=1, rel_heights=c(0.5, 3, 0.5, 3))
saveShowPlot(frac.survive.example.plot, 9, 7)
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