Comparing Phoenix Spectra

Plot Phoenix aces and Phoenix BT-Settl for same parameters

Also AMES Dusty Cond.


You can find the pre-computed grids, also accessible via links on the bottom part of the simulator presentation page, or using this link:

The file names contain the main parameters of the models: lte{Teff/10}-{Logg}{[M/H]}a[alpha/H].GRIDNAME.7.spec.gz/bz2/xz is the synthetic spectrum for the requested effective temperature (Teff),surface gravity (Logg), metallicity by log10 number density with respect to solar values ([M/H]), and alpha element enhencement relative
to solar values [alpha/H]. The model grid is also mentioned in the name.

Spectra are provided in an ascii format (*.7.gz):

column1: wavelength in Angstroem column2: 10**(F_lam + DF) to convert to Ergs/sec/cm**2/A column3: 10**(B_lam + DF) i.e. the blackbody fluxes of same Teff in same units.

Additional columns, obtained systematically when computing spectra using the Phoenix simulator, give the information to identify atomic and molecular lines. This information is used by the idl scripts and which are provided in the user result package.

With the stacked ascii format (*.spec.gz files ) we have rather:

line1: Teff logg [M/H] of the model line2: number of wavelengths line3: F_lam(n) X 10**DF , n=1,number of wavelengths lineX: B_lam(n) X 10**DF , n=1,number of wavelengths

In [15]:
from mingle.utilities.phoenix_utils import load_starfish_spectrum

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [20]:
def comparison_plot(name, teff, logg, feh):
    pars = teff, logg, feh

In [26]:
Artucus = [4300, 1.50, -0.5]
HD30501 = [5200, 4.5, 0.0]
ACES_bottom = [2300, 4.5, 0.0]
Sun = [5800, 4.5, 0.0]

In [27]:
comparison_plot("Sun", *Sun)

In [28]:
comparison_plot("ACES_bottom", *ACES_bottom)

In [29]:
comparison_plot("Artucus", *Artucus)

In [25]:
comparison_plot("HD30501", *HD30501)

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