Phoenix BT-Settl Bolometric Corrections

Figuring out the best method of handling Phoenix bolometric correction files.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as scint

Change to directory containing bolometric correction files.

In [2]:
cd /Users/grefe950/Projects/starspot/starspot/color/tab/phx/


Load a bolometric correction table, say for the Cousins AB photometric system.

In [3]:
bc_table = np.genfromtxt('colmag.BT-Settl.server.JOHNSON.AB.bolcor', comments='!')

Now, the structure of the file is quite irregular. The grid is not rectangular, which is not an immediate problem. The table is strucutred such that column 0 contains Teff in increasing order, followed by logg in column 1 in increasing order. However, metallicities in column 2 appear to be in decreasing order, which may be a problem for simple interpolation routines. Alpha abundances follow and are in increasing order, but since this is a "standard" grid, whereby alpha enrichment is a function of metallicity, we can ignore it for the moment.

Let's take a first swing at the problem by using the LinearND Interpolator from SciPy.

In [4]:
test_surface = scint.LinearNDInterpolator(bc_table[:, :3], bc_table[:, 4:])

The surface compiled, but that is not a guarantee that the interpolation will work successfully. Some tests are required to confirm this is the case. Let's try a few Teffs at logg = 5 with solar metallicity.

In [5]:
test_surface(np.array([1500., 5.0, 0.0]))

array([[-20.192, -15.501, -17.069, -10.796,  -7.214,  -5.066,  -4.49 ,
         -3.41 ,  -3.274,  -2.241]])

This agrees with data in the bolometric correciton table.

 Teff      logg   [Fe/H]  [a/Fe]         B           V           R           I
1500.00    5.00    0.00    0.00       -15.557     -16.084     -11.560      -9.291

Now, let's raise the temperature.

In [6]:
test_surface(np.array([3000., 5.0, 0.0]))

array([[-8.288, -6.543, -5.633, -4.19 , -2.879, -2.032, -1.525, -1.225,
        -1.055, -0.895]])

Again, we have a good match to tabulated values,

 Teff      logg   [Fe/H]  [a/Fe]         B           V           R           I
3000.00    5.00    0.00    0.00        -6.603      -5.641      -4.566      -3.273

However, since we are using a tabulated metallicity, the interpolation may proceed without too much trouble. If we select a metallicity between grid points, how do we fare?

In [7]:
test_surface(np.array([3000., 5.0, 0.1]))

array([[-8.17633333, -6.53033333, -5.65533333, -4.21666667, -2.88966667,
        -2.02466667, -1.52166667, -1.22366667, -1.04933333, -0.89166667]])

This appears consistent. What about progressing to lower metallicity values?

In [8]:
test_surface(np.array([3000., 5.0, -0.2]))

array([[-8.2728, -6.513 , -5.5734, -4.1376, -2.8446, -2.0288, -1.5458,
        -1.2418, -1.0618, -0.9086]])

For reference, at [Fe/H] = $-0.5$ dex, we have

 Teff      logg   [Fe/H]  [a/Fe]         B           V           R           I
3000.00    5.00   -0.50    0.20        -6.533      -5.496      -4.424      -3.154

The interpolation routine has seemingly handled the non-monotonic nature of the metallicity column, as all interpolate values lie between values at the two respective nodes.

Now let's import an isochrone and calcuate colors for stellar models for comparison against MARCS bolometric corrections.

In [9]:
iso = np.genfromtxt('/Users/grefe950/evolve/dmestar/iso/dmestar_00120.0myr_z+0.00_a+0.00_marcs.iso')

Make sure there are magnitudes and colors associated with this isochrone.

In [10]:

(59, 11)

A standard isochrone would only have 6 columns, so 11 indicates this isochrone does have photometric magnitudes computed, likely BV(Ic) (JK)2MASS.

In [11]:
test_bcs = test_surface(10**iso[:,1], iso[:, 2], 0.0)

In [12]:

(59, 10)

For each Teff and logg combination we now have BCs for BV(RI)c from BT-Settl models. Now we need to convert the bolometric corrections to absolute magnitudes.

In [13]:
bol_mags = 4.74 - 2.5*iso[:, 3]
for i in range(test_bcs.shape[1]):
    bcs = -1.0*np.log10(10**iso[:, 1]/5777.) + test_bcs[:, i] - 5.0*iso[:, 4]
    if i == 0:
        test_mags = bol_mags - bcs
        test_mags = np.column_stack((test_mags, bol_mags - bcs))
iso[50, 0:4], iso[50, 6:], test_mags[50]

(array([ 1.25      ,  3.81037521,  4.40329409,  0.32647139]),
 array([ 4.38597631,  3.93303084,  3.40876961,  3.06119251,  2.81017828]),
 array([ 3.40771886,  3.58363331,  3.74523445,  3.84910017,  3.93369928,
         4.03720307,  4.15110173,  4.16752955,  4.15451344,  4.1877559 ]))

Let's try something different: using the color tables provided by the Phoenix group, from which the bolometric corrections are calculated.

In [14]:
col_table = np.genfromtxt('colmag.BT-Settl.server.COUSINS.AB', comments='!')

Create an interpolation surface from the magnitude table.

In [15]:
col_surface = scint.LinearNDInterpolator(col_table[:, :3], col_table[:, 4:8])

Compute magnitudes for a Dartmouth isochrone.

In [16]:
phx_mags = col_surface(10.0**iso[:, 1], iso[:, 2], 0.0)

Convert surface magnitudes to absolute magnitudes using the distance modulus and the radius of the star.

In [17]:
for i in range(phx_mags.shape[1]):
    phx_mags[:, i] = phx_mags[:, i] - 5.0*np.log10(10**iso[:, 4]*6.956e10/3.086e18) + 5.0

Now compare against MARCS values.

In [18]:
iso[40, :5], iso[40, 6:], phx_mags[40]

(array([ 0.89999998,  3.72441459,  4.59612942, -0.3528868 , -0.1020125 ]),
 array([ 6.58101368,  5.78752756,  4.95509005,  4.36883259,  3.88979053]),
 array([ 6.47722803,  5.79107822,  5.49384859,  5.35485952]))

Load an isochrone from the Lyon-Phoenix series.

In [19]:
phx_iso = np.genfromtxt('/Users/grefe950/Notebook/Projects/ngc2516_spots/data/phx_isochrone_120myr.txt')

In [20]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12., 8.), sharey=True)

ax[0].set_xlim(0.0, 2.0)
ax[1].set_xlim(0.0, 4.0)
ax[0].set_ylim(16, 2)

ax[0].plot(iso[:, 6] - iso[:, 7], iso[:, 7], lw=3, c="#b22222")
ax[0].plot(phx_mags[:, 0] - phx_mags[:, 1], phx_mags[:, 1], lw=3, c="#1e90ff")
ax[0].plot(phx_iso[:, 7] - phx_iso[:, 8], phx_iso[:, 8], dashes=(20., 5.), lw=3, c="#555555")

ax[1].plot(iso[:, 7] - iso[:, 8], iso[:, 7], lw=3, c="#b22222")
ax[1].plot(phx_mags[:, 1] - phx_mags[:, 3], phx_mags[:, 1], lw=3, c="#1e90ff")
ax[1].plot(phx_iso[:, 8] - phx_iso[:, 10], phx_iso[:, 8], dashes=(20., 5.), lw=3, c="#555555")

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x114af1210>]

Export a new isochrone with colors from AGSS09 (PHX)

In [21]:
new_isochrone = np.column_stack((iso[:, :6], phx_mags))
            new_isochrone, fmt='%16.8f')

Separate Test Case

These are clearly not correct and are between 1 and 2 magnitudes off from expected values. Need to reproduce the Phoenix group's results, first.

In [22]:
tmp = -10.*np.log10(3681./5777.) + test_surface(3681., 4.78, 0.0) #+ 5.0*np.log10(0.477)

array([-3.3501845, -2.0513845, -1.3280945, -0.5624445,  0.1168055,
        0.6088855,  1.0849855,  1.2521055,  1.3291755,  1.4216855])

In [23]:
4.74 - 2.5*(-1.44) - tmp

array([ 11.6901845,  10.3913845,   9.6680945,   8.9024445,   8.2231945,
         7.7311145,   7.2550145,   7.0878945,   7.0108245,   6.9183145])