mocsy examples using mocsy from IOOS channel

12/12 and 11/9/2015. Emilio Mayorga. Reproduce and extend Examples 1-3 from the mocys Python documentation page.

In [1]:
import mocsy

Example 1, Simple scalar variables

Functions return 1-dimensional numpy arrays. Scalar inputs return length-1 arrays.

For DATA input: DIC and ALk in mol/kg, in situ temperature, pressure.

In [2]:
pH,pco2,fco2,co2,hco3,co3,OmegaA,OmegaC,BetaD,DENis,p,Tis = \
    mocsy.mvars(temp=18, sal=35, alk=2300.e-6, dic=2000.e-6, sil=0, phos=0, 
                patm=1, depth=100, lat=0, 
                optcon='mol/kg', optt='Tinsitu', optp='db', 
                optb="u74", optk1k2='l', optkf="dg", optgas='Pinsitu')

(array([ 8.14892578], dtype=float32), array([ 312.28662109], dtype=float32), array([ 300.68057251], dtype=float32), array([  1.01729711e-05], dtype=float32), array([ 0.00177952], dtype=float32), array([ 0.00021031], dtype=float32), array([ 3.19940853], dtype=float32), array([ 4.94189167], dtype=float32), array([ 9.68977737], dtype=float32), array([ 1025.71105957], dtype=float32), array([ 100.], dtype=float32), array([ 18.], dtype=float32))

Compute the CONSTANTS with the same scalar input for S, T, and P (as above) but change to the newer options published since the best-practices guide: Lee et al. (2010) for total boron and Millero (2010) for K1 and K2:

In [3]:
Kh,K1,K2,Kb,Kw,Ks,Kf,Kspc,Kspa,K1p,K2p,K3p,Ksi,St,Ft,Bt = \
    mocsy.mconstants(temp=18, sal=35, patm=1, depth=0,lat=0, 
                     optt='Tinsitu', optp='m', 
                     optb="l10", optk1k2='m10', optkf="dg", optgas='Ppot')

(array([ 0.03428761]), array([  1.21367294e-06]), array([  8.28929483e-10]), array([  2.08897987e-09]), array([  3.16159683e-14]), array([ 0.13032609]), array([ 0.00327175]), array([  4.30745611e-07]), array([  6.66111159e-07]), array([ 0.02471062]), array([  9.60420732e-07]), array([  1.11966778e-09]), array([  3.10671746e-10]), array([ 0.02823543]), array([  6.83244011e-05]), array([ 0.0004326]))

For MODEL input: DIC and Alk in mol/m3, potential temperature, and depth. Also do NOT specify last 4 options, thus using defaults (optb='l10', optk1k2='l', optkf='pf', optgas='Pinsitu').

In [4]:
pH,pco2,fco2,co2,hco3,co3,OmegaA,OmegaC,BetaD,DENis,p,Tis = \
    mocsy.mvars(temp=18, sal=35, alk=2300*1028e-6, dic=2000*1028e-6, 
                sil=0, phos=0, patm=1, depth=100, lat=0, 
                optcon='mol/m3', optt='Tpot', optp='m')

(array([ 8.14304447], dtype=float32), array([ 317.7567749], dtype=float32), array([ 305.88537598], dtype=float32), array([ 0.01060902], dtype=float32), array([ 1.83167541], dtype=float32), array([ 0.21371585], dtype=float32), array([ 3.16961932], dtype=float32), array([ 4.89563847], dtype=float32), array([ 9.65654659], dtype=float32), array([ 1025.70947266], dtype=float32), array([ 100.61317444], dtype=float32), array([ 18.01725388], dtype=float32))

Example 2, Simple arrays (numpy)

Also demonstrate import into Pandas DataFrame and plotting.

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

In [6]:
# Make dummy array with 11 members
one = np.ones(11, dtype='float32')

sal   = 35*one
temp  = 2*one
patm  = 1*one
depth = np.arange(0, 11000, 1000, dtype='float32')  # units in 'm'

In [7]:
# Compute in situ density (3 steps using 2 mocsy routines):
# a) Specify latitude = 60°S for depth to pressure conversion formula
lat = -60*one
# b) Compute pressure (db) from depth (m) and latitude following Saunders (1981)
pfd = mocsy.mdepth2press(depth,lat)  # units in 'db' 
# c) Compute in situ density (kg/m3) from salinity (psu), in-situ temp (C), and pressure (db)
rhois = mocsy.mrhoinsitu(sal, temp, pfd)

In [8]:
# Specify surface concentrations typical of 60°S (from GLODAP and WOA2009)
alk   = 2295*one # umol/kg
dic   = 2154*one # umol/kg
sio2  = 50.*one  # umol/L
po4   = 1.8*one  # umol/L

In [9]:
# Convert nutrient units(mol/L) to model units (mol/m3)
sio2 = sio2 * 1.0e-3   
po4  = po4  * 1.0e-3 
# Convert Alk and DIC units (umol/kg) to model units (mol/m3)
dic = dic * rhois * 1e-6
alk = alk * rhois * 1e-6

In [10]:
# Compute carbonate system variables, using 'model' options.
# Note that original example code had an error: 
# patm argument was passed as scalar rather than array shaped like one
response_tup = mocsy.mvars(temp=temp, sal=sal, alk=alk, dic=dic, 
                           sil=sio2, phos=po4, patm=patm, depth=depth, lat=lat, 
                           optcon='mol/m3', optt='Tpot', optp='m')
pH,pco2,fco2,co2,hco3,co3,OmegaA,OmegaC,BetaD,DENis,p,Tis = response_tup

In [11]:
depth, pH, OmegaA

(array([     0.,   1000.,   2000.,   3000.,   4000.,   5000.,   6000.,
          7000.,   8000.,   9000.,  10000.], dtype=float32),
 array([ 8.05916595,  8.01757812,  7.97552681,  7.93305302,  7.89020014,
         7.84701252,  7.8035388 ,  7.75982523,  7.71591997,  7.67187119,
         7.62772655], dtype=float32),
 array([ 1.55457842,  1.25153887,  1.01237512,  0.82299215,  0.67249018,
         0.55242962,  0.45627609,  0.37894735,  0.31649008,  0.26582268,
         0.22453403], dtype=float32))

Import into Pandas DataFrame

In [12]:
data_for_pd = dict(depth=depth, 
                   temp=temp, sal=sal, alk=alk, dic=dic, sil=sio2, phos=po4,
                   pH=pH, pCO2=pco2, fCO2=fco2, CO3=co3, OmegaA=OmegaA, OmegaC=OmegaC

In [13]:
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data_for_pd, 
                       columns=['depth', 'temp', 'sal', 'alk', 'dic', 'sil', 'phos',
                                'pH', 'pCO2', 'fCO2', 'CO3', 'OmegaA', 'OmegaC']
data_df.set_index('depth', drop=False, inplace=True)

In [14]:

depth temp sal alk dic sil phos pH pCO2 fCO2 CO3 OmegaA OmegaC
0 0 2 35 2.359195 2.214251 0.05 0.0018 8.059166 374.904083 373.299835 0.106109 1.554578 2.469864
1000 1000 2 35 2.370013 2.224405 0.05 0.0018 8.017578 654.127747 424.527710 0.104399 1.251539 1.963817
2000 2000 2 35 2.380646 2.234384 0.05 0.0018 7.975527 1145.611328 484.104645 0.102729 1.012375 1.568793
3000 3000 2 35 2.391097 2.244193 0.05 0.0018 7.933053 2013.219604 553.512451 0.101103 0.822992 1.259388
4000 4000 2 35 2.401371 2.253836 0.05 0.0018 7.890200 3548.775635 634.504028 0.099525 0.672490 1.016160
5000 5000 2 35 2.411471 2.263315 0.05 0.0018 7.847013 6272.761230 729.158936 0.097998 0.552430 0.824211
6000 6000 2 35 2.421401 2.272635 0.05 0.0018 7.803539 11114.308594 839.931396 0.096524 0.456276 0.672123
7000 7000 2 35 2.431163 2.281797 0.05 0.0018 7.759825 19734.019531 969.738525 0.095106 0.378947 0.551105
8000 8000 2 35 2.440762 2.290807 0.05 0.0018 7.715920 35102.304688 1122.033813 0.093745 0.316490 0.454385
9000 9000 2 35 2.450201 2.299665 0.05 0.0018 7.671871 62533.589844 1300.905762 0.092441 0.265823 0.376739
10000 10000 2 35 2.459482 2.308377 0.05 0.0018 7.627727 111541.421875 1511.201416 0.091195 0.224534 0.314116

Create simple, easily generated figure using Pandas plot

In [15]:
data_df['OmegaA'].plot(title='Omega Aragonite (OmegaA) vs depth');

Create a customized property vs depth plot showing two variables using matplotlib

In [16]:
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,7))

ax1.plot(data_df['OmegaA'], data_df['depth'], lw=2, color="blue")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\Omega_A (fraction)$", fontsize=16, color="blue")
for label in ax1.get_xticklabels():
ax2 = ax1.twiny()
ax2.plot(data_df['pCO2'], data_df['depth'], lw=2, color="red")
ax2.set_xlabel(r"$pCO_2 (\mu atm)$", fontsize=16, color="red")
for label in ax2.get_xticklabels():

ax1.set_ylabel(r"$depth (m)$", fontsize=16);

Note that pCO2 here is calculated for "in-situ" conditions, a capability that apparently is fairly unique to mocsy. See
Orr, J. C. and Epitalon, J.-M.: Improved routines to model the ocean carbonate system: mocsy 2.0, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 485-499, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-485-2015, 2015

Example 3, Read input from a .csv (spreadsheet) file

Also demonstrate import into Pandas DataFrame and plotting.

In [17]:
# Extra Packages used.
# import numpy as np  # Already imported above
# import pandas as pd  # Already imported above
import urllib
import StringIO

In [18]:
# Read input .csv file from mocsy github repository
infileurl = ""
readfileurl = urllib.urlopen(infileurl).read()
infile = StringIO.StringIO(readfileurl)

In [19]:
# Read .csv input file with 7 columns: flag, Alk(mol/kg), DIC(mol/kg), salinity(psu), 
#   temp(C), press(db), PO43-(mol/kg), SiO2(mol/kg)
# infile = "DIC-Alk-P_vary_input.csv"
indata = np.loadtxt(infile, delimiter=',', dtype='float32', skiprows=1)

In [20]:
n = len(indata)
alk = indata[:,1]
dic = indata[:,2]
sal = indata[:,3]
temp  = indata[:,4]
depth = indata[:,5] * 10 #Convert from bars to decibars
phos  = indata[:,6]
sil   = indata[:,7]

# Specify that latitude = 45°N for all samples (for depth to pressure conversion)
# note: "lat" is required input for mocsy, but results are only weakly sensitive
lat = np.full_like(depth, 45)
# Specify the atmospheric pressure for all samples (1 atm)
patm = np.full_like(depth, 1)

In [21]:
# Recover computed carbonate system variables
response_tup = mocsy.mvars(temp=temp, sal=sal, alk=alk, dic=dic, 
                           sil=sil, phos=phos, patm=patm, depth=depth, lat=lat, 
                           optcon='mol/kg', optt='Tinsitu', optp='db', 
                           optb="u74", optk1k2='l', optkf="dg", optgas='Pzero')
pH, pco2, fco2, co2, hco3, co3, OmegaA, OmegaC, BetaD, rhoSW, p, tempis = response_tup

Notes for the above calculation:

  1. Original example code had an error: patm argument was missing
  2. Changed the original code to use optgas='Pzero', to expose the optgas option and match the pre-existing output on From the mvars module in the Fortran code, regarding Pzero: "'zero order' fCO2 and pCO2 (typical approach, which is flawed) considers in situ T & only atm pressure (hydrostatic=0)"

Import into Pandas DataFrame

In [22]:
data_for_pd = dict(depth=depth, 
                   temp=temp, sal=sal, alk=alk, dic=dic, sil=sil, phos=phos,
                   pH=pH, pCO2=pco2, fCO2=fco2, CO3=co3, OmegaA=OmegaA, OmegaC=OmegaC

data_df = pd.DataFrame(data_for_pd, 
                       columns=['depth', 'temp', 'sal', 'alk', 'dic', 'sil', 'phos',
                                'pH', 'pCO2', 'fCO2', 'CO3', 'OmegaA', 'OmegaC']
data_df.set_index('depth', drop=False, inplace=True)

depth temp sal alk dic sil phos pH pCO2 fCO2 CO3 OmegaA OmegaC
0 0 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 8.046600 400.043640 398.651978 0.000174 2.679832 4.144131
500 500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 8.028902 397.342682 395.960449 0.000172 2.470473 3.798344
1000 1000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 8.011263 394.668701 393.295746 0.000171 2.278607 3.483148
1500 1500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.993683 392.020966 390.657227 0.000170 2.102694 3.195707
2000 2000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.976164 389.398773 388.044159 0.000169 1.941335 2.933457
2500 2500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.958705 386.801453 385.455902 0.000168 1.793259 2.694080
3000 3000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.941308 384.228363 382.891754 0.000167 1.657311 2.475482
3500 3500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.923972 381.678864 380.351105 0.000166 1.532441 2.275768
4000 4000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.906698 379.152252 377.833313 0.000165 1.417695 2.093222
4500 4500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.889486 376.647980 375.337769 0.000164 1.312204 1.926292
5000 5000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.872337 374.165405 372.863800 0.000163 1.215178 1.773573
5500 5500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.855252 371.703888 370.410889 0.000162 1.125898 1.633791
6000 6000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.838229 369.262909 367.978394 0.000160 1.043707 1.505791
6500 6500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.821271 366.841858 365.565735 0.000159 0.968009 1.388525
7000 7000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.804377 364.440155 363.172394 0.000158 0.898260 1.281046
7500 7500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.787548 362.057281 360.797821 0.000157 0.833963 1.182490
8000 8000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.770784 359.692657 358.441437 0.000156 0.774664 1.092076
8500 8500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.754086 357.345795 356.102722 0.000155 0.719951 1.009092
9000 9000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.737453 355.016144 353.781189 0.000154 0.669447 0.932893
9500 9500 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.720887 352.703247 351.476318 0.000153 0.622805 0.862892
10000 10000 18 35 0.0023 0.002058 0 0 7.704388 350.406555 349.187653 0.000152 0.579712 0.798556

This output is a good match to the output csv file on the mocsy repository.

In [23]:
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,7))

ax1.plot(data_df['OmegaA'], data_df['depth'], lw=2, color="blue")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\Omega_A (fraction)$", fontsize=16, color="blue")
for label in ax1.get_xticklabels():
ax2 = ax1.twiny()
ax2.plot(data_df['pH'], data_df['depth'], lw=2, color="red")
ax2.set_xlabel(r"$pH (total scale)$", fontsize=16, color="red")
for label in ax2.get_xticklabels():

ax1.set_ylabel(r"$depth (m)$", fontsize=16);

In [ ]: